PAOP. f OUR DMW EAST OHMOmAS, MHTDtETdtf, GREGo, tttAf, OCTOBER 31, ldl9. TWELVE PAGES AN INDEPENDENT NlWSPirca rublUha Dallr and P-nil-W. fklr, I endleton. Oreron, by ma AT OKBOONIAN PUBLISHING CO at; subscription mth (IN ADVANt'B) Dally, not rear, by mari II. C ok. Or.a-oa. aa a.cood-claae mall J thrM ,not b m" matter Dally, ona month by mall ' Daily, ona yaar by carrier T.Sa ONt BALE IN OTHER CITIM. Dally, alz montha by carrier imn,ri.i Mot.! c-. Hi.nrt Portland iT-ny. tnree montna Djr carrier 1 11 ON PI LB AT Dally, one montb. by carrier.. ' Semi-Weekly, one year, by mall.- .ft 1 50 Pbleaa-o Bureau, vol Security Build-, alx montha. by mall .76 hi-, four montha by mall M Waab!nartor. D. C, 101 Four teenth Street. N. W. Telephone A HIT il CHEER. Think pleasant things! If yoi are Mue and sad You radiate an influence to; 111; Anutlier life hich not over Klad. chill By touch from you. fair to throw One feathers weight against tide of Joy; Too many struggle now with un- dertow, Which you increase by moods that oft annoy. Grace E. Hall. pie a third party to the contro- versy. If they are to suffer from a fuel shortage, from a stoppage of traffic and a pa- ralysis of industry, all of which . ....... .. ...... ..',. ii iiit. words, half-enunciated words for phrases and slangy, ill-constructed phrases for sentences. It is a part of that hurry which characterizes Americans. There is no purer or finer tongue than the Anglo-Saxon when properly spoken. It was made to be spoken more slowly than the Latin languages and sounds sweetest when the voice is modulated and the lips are used to enunciate properly. It1 is commendable that the chil-j dren are to be taught anew how I to speak. Every grown-up, no matter how well educated, might take stock of his speech, too, anr profit by a little care. It is not May ie subjected to a Minting mines, then they have a right to be heard. It is for them that President Wilson is speaking Mid for them he purposes to act if necessary. However important the mi ners may conceive the granting of their demands, however im portant the operators may con ceive an absolute refusal of of these demands, it is far more important that the rights of the general public be recognized and be given first consideration. THE PEOPLE COME FIRST. 'WHITMAN COLLEGE HAS ROOSEVELT ASSOCIATION WALLA WALLA. Oct. 31. The Roosevelt Memorial association hs been organized in Whitman col lege, with Hobert B. PorterflUl. -20 Spokane, chairman. At a commem orative service held October 27, Pro fessor W. R. Davis rave the address. Every man and woman connected with the institution contributed to the national memorial. ? a weapon for use in win ning fights, the strike has come to be regarded bv labor as the most effec tive at hand. Rut like all wea pons its efficacy lies in the judgment and skill e-f the wielder. Sometimes it happens that a weapon is handled care- BETTER ENGLISH. -fO MAK III terpla civilize O MAKE the world a bet- lace to live in, the ized nations met the lessly with the result that it is war of the German and made the innocent bystander who is war upon him. To make Eng injured more than the object of lish a better language to listen the attack and so it also some- to, local schools will launch times happens that the unof- war against the barbarian man fending public suffers more ner in which the mother tongue from a strike than do the insti- is often used. Better English tutions at which it is aimed. week is due next Monday. There can be no question ' In our present day burst of but that the threatened strike speed we are prone to swallow in the coal mines of the coun-' our food whole, do things on try would have its most serious the run and seek shortcuts even effect upon the millions of peo- in our speech. The conversa ple who have no direct interest tion between modern youths in the controversy between the ; would be as foreign today to coal miners and operators and our grandfathers as Lithuanian that very fact makes these peo- to a Zulu. Grunts suffice for MRS. WILSON AND QUEEN MOTOR THROUGH PARKS WASHINGTON, Oct. 31. Mrs. Wil son was .an unexpected caller on Queen Kllzal.eth Wednesday. A few minutes later the queen and the pres ident a wife left for a. motor i ide i through the arks. ( I real Religious Sunday, November 2 to 16 Speaker: Singer: S. T. REID, D. D. J.W.TROY J of Belfast, Ireland of Chicago LARGE CHORUS CHOIR I Baptist Church , I Every night 8 P. M. Foreign Symphony Orchestras AS WELL AS AMERICAN Some of the best records are those of the fumous American and foreign Symphony Orchestras. They are recorded on different makes of records. On The Brunswick you can hear them all without restriction and hear them at their best. This is possible with the Ultona, a new all-record re producer, and the Brunswick Tone Amplifier. The Ultona presents to each type of record the proper diaphragm and needle its corroct position on the record and the degree of pressure necessary to play it at its best. The Brunswick Amplifier banishes metallic sounds, for it la built entirely of mounded wood like a violin. We shall be glad to play this super Brunswick for you, and to explain the new Brunswick Method of Reproduc tion. Drop in when shopping, EASES A COLD "Pape's Cold Compound" then breaks up a cold in a few hours Relief comes instantly. A dose ta ken every two hours until three doses are taken usually breaks up a severe cold and ends all the Krippe misery. The very first dose opens your clos-ged-up nostrils and the air passages in the head, stops nose running, re lieves the headache, dullness, fever ness. sneezing, screness and stiffness. Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit blowing and nuffling! Clear your congested head! Nothing else in the world gives such prompt relief as "Pape's Cold Compound," which costs only a few cents at any drug store. It acts without assistance, tastes nice, con tains no quinine Insist upon Pape's. Ford Delivery with body entirely enclosed At a Bargain 809 Garden Street Phone 417 Tlio BnuMwtck rvi n lrt, no ''lllslVO artlata 1'lays till inuki- of llrrortls ut iliclr Price $35.00 to $350 MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS Umatilla Auto Co. Economy Drug Co. Hotel St. George BIdg. Phone 711 PHONE 600 Thats the phone number you want to call when ordering your meat it's an easy one to remember, isn't it? If that line is busy, call 125 we have installed an extra line for your convenience. IS UNCLE SAM'S STAMP OF APPROVAL ON EVERY PIECE OF MEAT YOU BUY? Downey's Market There may be times when you can get meat a wee bit cheaper but is it GOOD meat? Uncle Sam is particular what kind of meat he O. K.'s you should be just as par ticular about the meat you eat the meat you feed the children. Where price, quality and good service all blend into your complete satisfaction. I