paob rotm OAILY EAST OREQONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON TUESDAY, OCTOBER idid. Twelve i-aoeS uMlah.a Datlr and R-m! -Weekly, at I endleton, Orttffon, by tit AST OHUUON1AN I I 1 .1 . 1 Mil . NO CO. Watered at tha awtofflc at Pendle ton. Oregon, u aacond-claM mall setter. ON 8AI.B IN OTHER CITIES. Imperial Hi t. 1 Newe Stand. Portland ON ril.B AT nilcaa-o Bureau. 0 Secur'tr Bulld- kf Wasti'rirtnr. P O- Bureau 101 Four ier nth St r ft. N. W. 7 ivf : AN !NDEI'ENDENT NBWBPAPKR. C BSC R 1 PT 1 ON TtAT (IN AUVANlU) Dally, on year, by mart. I'nily. els month by mall months by mall. St. 00 1.M . . . 7.00 .76 Dailv, three Dally, one month by mall.. ually, one year by carrier ... Daily, alx month by carrier. Dr.lly, three month by carrier 1.S5 Daily, one month, by carrier .OS 8eml-tVeekl. one year, by mall 1.60 Semi-Weekly, alx montha, by mall .7( Seml-Weekl r, four month by mall ,M other equally low purposes are characteristic of the border Mexicans. The United States has tolerated far too much such treatment from the people of the south. Another expedition into Mexico with "Blackjack" . Pershing at the head might put a stop to the depredations of these irresponsible marauders. Telephone Tin: PILGRIM i.r. .1 to all the vaatitude of rid is but a lull 1' And dark or Bunny weather folk hnv sot to live our days together. Wc cannot speed afar And sit upon some star. And hold ourselves) aloof i her- mtta are, Hut through our lives must trip 4 In an unending comrade- ship Wherefore, I say, Ivels' all be nay, And each one do his level best To make things pleasant for the rest ; So that when we have crossed the finish line I'll paM the gates divine We'll look back upon our jour- ney here As Just a Joyous pilKrlmaso of cheer, has not foutrht the right kind 1 of a losing game, because he chose the wrong game alto , gether. Johnson has few ad mirers today, even in his native state of California. Admitted-' ly a brilliant man, Johnson has ; made the mistake of believing; that his radiance would carry 1 over a policy foreign to the wishes of the people. One may fool part of the people part of the time, but they know the league of nations just a bit too well to stand for adultera tion ot the Kind Johnson pro posed. MEXICO NEEDS ATTENTION .... II. nient of ransom to Mexi- Poindexter, Washington sen ator, is starting his presidential boom early. Reminds of these 3 to 5 teas. Those who come early seldom stay late. ABOUT THE STARS TOO Kurtli As ritiiMM. In ancient times it wits both sacrell Kioua and unlawful tu consider the earth as a plenet, of one of the heav- H'AXTKD To buy a few hoprs weigh ing about 120 lbs. Phone A. r. j Knight. KOn BAUD lttS model Ford. Ex cellent running condition. Chejip for cash. Inquire Koom 4S, Oolden Rata Hotel. enly bodies. Those who persisted In 1 I of iiuprisonmeiit, by being beheaded in- burneil at Iho stake for herioy. Ptolemy of Alexandria IL'7 It. t. ami one of the wisest men of his time, made many valuable discoveries but fell down in reKard to the movements . of th heavenly bodies. His theory be ing that the earth was the center of i I the universe and stood still with all Mother bodies revolving uround it: thus ; he accounted for night and day. He was aware that the phenomenon could 'also bo accounted for on the theory j that the earth rotated upon its axis .once in twenty-four hours. He reject ed this theory, however, on the ground hat such a rapid whirling motion would have the effect which would sweep everything from the face of the earth. He failed to recognize that the j atmosphere was n part of the earth and revolved with It. His theory, e roneous though it was In this respect, was adopted as true ly church and state and was so taught and religious ly adhered to for fourteen hundred years. Catarrh .innot Be Cured by LOCAL. Al'l'lJCATloNS. as they cannoi reat-n inc seat or tne disease. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly Influ enced by constitutional conditions. HAL.1 1 CATARRH MKD1C1NK will cure catarrl It is taken internally and acts throuefc the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of tha System. HALL'S CATARRH MKDICINE is composed of sora of the best tonics known, eotnotnod with some of the best blood puririerg. The perfect combination of the ingredients in HALL'S CATARRH Mfc.Linbi is what produces siren won- aenui i , suns in ratal tii-ii conoinon. Druggists TBc. Testimonials flee . J. Cheney at Co., Pious., Toledo, O. JOHNSON STILL AT IT ENATOR HIRAM JOHN 7 SON is licked and doesn't know it. Repudiated by the majority of those who elected him, shunned by city of ficials up and down the coast, regardless of politics, Johnson has kept up his fight on the treaty until every measure he has backed has been defeated. His amendment to equalize the voting power in the league of nations went down to defeat yesterday but still he holds out hope of carrying his point in a ! new amendment. The man who fights a losing game oftentimes is commend ed for his pluck. With John son the case is different. He can cutthroats for the re lease of Americans taken pris oner causes every red-blooded American to boil with rage. Time after time in recent months greaser bandits have held Americans on some pre text, demanding a large sum for their release. The latest victim is Consular Agent Jen kins at Puebla. Not long ago two American aviators, lost on a flight from Texas, were forced down in Mexican territory- It took 815,000 to obtain their release.: Stfmeone paid 8150,000 to free Jenkins. This side of tha ques tion is but one angle of the Mexican situation. Occasional raids for horse thieving, atacks on women and Have you seen them? The new efmerica's F.. st Car touring cars finished in Haynes classic Blue. Now ready for delivery. W r-;. "-X2'; Umatilla Auto Co. 809 Garden Street Phone 417 -T . w wva- XSKSf ValUr' eJffiMMl - wmmMfn ttOla W JtHth. Wffif jmS.W iffitK 1 w w mm raim i nr. m iifnmmi tm inn w i a m An Appetizing CcmLination HF'I V Wi Ccconute and Milk ffflfeSr AS The sweet, delicate Troco flavor and perfected texture "Jfe. f rW ,i. ,,v, n-vu:l..l! c LomHimtlon cf the moat valued , inaeann . ' v . i ) Jf I food product of Tropic sod Temperate clime. B. aW'i'liv f Jj The dainty nut fat eztracied fiom ihe white meat of HgeMMja vSk lf( coconuts Is churned with, pasteurized milk. A perfected EiMBBeffl; nasaaa. II r '.' Btam!. .rm-.'.y you kn..- every carton Wfch-Z?mmW-Wm. 5a II A of Troco will be the of Inviting ttesbnc. memmmy VimgL ZZML ' We churn ar.d ship Tro. i daily, on ice, to Insure fresh- jefe flll",1! ; .jaHB nes. If jrour dealer will oi.'.cr li.-.p.eti-.:r ru.d kcer ".'!. o X"- 'Hf"(C1 always in hu i. e t :t w.l t , h n ...,.: i ; jffgil tion. In case of disratisl'actlAn, send Iris name to Uie gj-V ' '' - - '-4 j Troco Nut Buttei Conil , C! Egn- W I -'B I MI I!- A HI Kit BP.ilC jrT'- ''' t"'.-,1 , !l-t I'Utt VCjOltlaLlU flit mid nluTiftl milk. This butter is on sale at the following stores in Umatilla county: EOPLiES WAREHOUSE l.i:x Ml .!!-. si ltl l TZ. WK MUM . I'l Mll irltlN l lt ll(. CO.. i:ii Hi atXRCANTIXE CO., lM.AMi li:it A.MK.i; CO HW ; Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee Chronic and Nervous Disease anS Diseases of Women. X-Ray Xleo- tro Therapeutic. Temple Bid., Room 13, Phone 411 DR. H. M. HANAVAN DENTISTRY Room 7, Temple Bldg. I'lKHie T72 Illout-M: 9 il. in. to 1?; 1 to 5 p. ni. Phone E07 DR. THOMAS C. 0MART DENTIST 743 Main Street, Over the Hub Pendleton, Oregon KEEP IT SWEET Keep your stomach sweet today and ward of! the indi gestion oi tomorrow try KmioidS the mew aid to digestion. As pleasant and as safe to take as candy. MADE BY SCOTT BOWNE makers or acorrs imulsioh I I ii ..... - - i I, I v. a L 1 1 v - .mmmmmmmmmm ALT A THEATRE Tues.-Wed.-Thurs. BABIES IN ARMS AND CHILDREN UNDER (i YRS, NOT ADMITTED. CHILDREN 25c; ADULTSSOc. -lilllllllllllllMllilllllllllliliillilll Tt3 Out from the far places he comes, bringing with him the matchless treas ure of his long labor. Up from the South with "THE BIRTH OF A NATION," the most popular dramatic entertainment ever created. Then from Babylon and glorified Palestine with "INTOLERANCE," the mightiest spectacle man ever has conceived. Last from the Fields of Flanders with "HEARTS OF THE WORLD," the epic of the war made for the French and British Governments. And now, from London and China, DAVID WARK GRIFFITH brings for its snowing to the world. As startling an advancement in the cinema art as were the other triumphs of this world genius. A drama of profound emotion, of exquisite delicacy, of terrific strength. It is a worthy expression of Mr. Griffith's great talents in their rich ma turity. D. W. GRIFFITH'S "BROKEN BLOSSOMS 99 A worth-while achievement in this day of the commonplace. The great creation which the world expected and for which the world has been watching. ONLY TWO SHOWS DAILY AFTERNOONS 2:45; EVENINGS 8:00 P. M. OUT OF RESPECT TO OUR PATRONS NO ONE ADMITTED TO THEATRE AFTER CURTAIN RAISES. 1