East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 27, 1919, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Our Special Sale of
Women's Suits
The bargains vvc are offering are duly wonderful. Any woman needing a new suit can not pos
sibly afford to miss the savings we are offering.
New Fall and Winter Suits Embracing all the New Style Features
1 he Latest Shades are on sale in our Women's Wear Department at
Prices. H e have divided the stock into three groups as follows:
the New Materials and
very Greatly Reduced
Includes all Suits Regularly Selling up to $G0
Our Special Sale price is
GROUP NO. 3 includes all Suits up to i?125.
Includes All Suits up to $80.
Our Special Sale Price is
Our Special Sale Price is
All sizes from 16 to 48. Black, navy, Pekin, etc. All the new shades of brown. Every suit
is a bargain of real merit. This is your opportunity to save. Don't let it pass don't wait be
among the first ones here. First choice is always best. Don't let someone else get what would
have been your choice.
Don't Let Jack Frost Worry You
When You Can Buy Such Good
at the Peoples Warehouse.
Plaid Blankets, wool and cot
ton mixed, bright cheerful col
ors. The pair Ss 50
Wool Blankets, a splendid
quality in new block plaids of
pink, black, blue, etc., at the low
price of, the pair 1 1.00
Pendleton Woolen Mills wool
blankets, in plaids from $13.75 to
Plain colors at $12.50 to S26.50
Crib blankets at $4.50 to $8.00
Go-cart Robes at $4.50.
See the Window Display.
It Isn't Too Early to Start Your
Christmas Work with these
In spite of the real shortage of
all kinds of merchandise we arc
showing the most wonderful lot
of fancies in drcsdens, plaids,
stripes and conventional designs
as well as gold and silver em
broidered effects. Prices range
from 35c to $6.00
Then there are wide satins for
lingerie, two toned effects that
are very pretty and many others.
An illustrated booklet we have
shows you the many r.ew and at
tractive Xinas gifts that may be
made from these extraordinary
M kl I -I ! H R MM I.
1)1 -H I tt T
ItV m fr c MMltY we haw u.
-iir U-il i - lMrt'. Im khii
im4 fifricf miHu') MKn tww,
l itati i letter aihJ iM.it!. it
Women's Coats
Our stunning coats adhere
strictly to the straight line but
have a fulness which is concealed
by inverted pleats and other
clever features. Some have nar
row belts extending around the
entire figure or mostly in front
or back while others are fitted
with narrow convertible belts
which ca nbe worn inside or out
side the garment. Their prices
will surely please you.
Plush coats, long, trimmed
with fur. Wool coats in all the
new shades and materials. Priced
$28.50 to $165
The most popular garments
made. Warm because they're
wind proof, serviceable because
they're made from materials that
give great wear, light in weight,
comfortable to work in, not bulky
and clumsy. Our assortment is
complete. Don't wait, buy now.
In Our Model sanitary Basement.
m;am.im:ss i; onomy SERVICE
Main Um Phones, all Is
AD Other Depta, t all St.
A large shipment, the first of t:e ouson,
just received of Oreftoa Italian dried prune
put up in 10 pou:-d and b( pound boxes.
Price the pound Me atiU :flr
NVw f'rop Hried Apricot.-, pound .V'
.New 'rop DrontfMlury fatK, pkj; HtO
Sweet Apple Cider, gallon B4H-
I'knk- Hums, Iean and Meaty, the lb.. 2H
Harvest Trea-sure Brand Pumpkin, 3
cans 40c
lobby's Asparupu Tips. 3 cans 8c
n Iirms of InMtcM ti) Bventadr.
News Items Pcrtaintiis Co Cash Savings
THE CAREFtlj shoppi is
Hiurali Last week was the busiest week
ever experienced by The Bargain P.usement.
It means you like the place.
I namol ware Sale This U the best sale
we ever started. It's a "40 per ct. off sale."
40c off the dollar. We got the discount
and wo are giving it to you. Yes we sure
started something.
t'ariM'iitrrs and Mechanic- Wo have just
mado a most excellent buy in FILES. There
is every kind here you could want antf
prices? just leave that to us.
Where Else Can Yon I ft? We sell cot
ton flannel gloves for 9c per pair.
Pentitiriil This is the word that every
body UKt when they see our high quality
Aluminum ware. It IS beautiful, and it's
serviceable too, made of the heaviest purest
aluminum and given the brightest finish.
Has many features that no other wear pos
sesses, and best of all, It's Priced the Ixm
et. Import ant There were not any men's
heavy winter union suits for $1.9S in Pen
dleton until The Pargain liasement intro
duced them. Beginning with today our prlc-;
will be $1.87 for these suits.
. .Coat News she bought her New Fall
Coat in Seattle for $54.5" and while shop
ping in the Bargain Banement she found her
same coat here for $7.S9. Most of our
coats are factory model-, bought low and
sold low.
.PiiM Added We've just got through
marking and arranging over $1200 worth of
women's and boys Underwear. Come help
yourel ea,
Cap- Fa Ererrhodj Just finished mark
ing a big lot of knitted caps for everybody
and every cap Is a pretty one. The price
as usuat is right.
Bid You? Did you get one of our most
interesting sale bills that we passed around
last week? It is chuck full of good infor
mation. We've got some more good news
to pass out to you real soon.
The New Sweater- Are Her The ones
we've been promising you for so long in all
their pretty colors and styles slip-ons,
skirted, and otherwise, extra fancy and
price? well there's not much price.
Men We're just starting a good sale on
Men's Heavy Buty Work Sweaters for $2. ".'3
and Men's .Inrnpers for ISc. Come in
we're ready for you.
The be-t news of all is the fact that this
is YOCK -hop. established for YOC and
underwear that lets you keep the slim, smooth
lines of summer, on the bleakest, snowiest day? You
can oe smart, and yet be comfortable in zero wea
jou can't believe it! But wear a Carter's Union
Suit. Your slimmest frock looks as charming as over!
a sneer under.-;','):
For there's not a wrinkle, not a wrong fullness in a
Carter's undergarment to change your silhouette a
single line. Never does it bunch under the arms, ori
over the tops or your stockings. Never does it
catch or pull, for the wonderful elastic fabric fol
lows every movement you make.
And when you are undressed, what a nice little
vain feeling a Carter's Union Suit gives vou ! There
are none of the exaggerated curves, nothing of the
lunny, too-plump ngure that ordinary underwear.
gives. Carter s clings where it ought to cling, has
just the right freeness where it ought to be free, to
give charming, girlish lines.
And Carter styles follow the season's fashions so
closely that you can get undergarments to go witht
every possible kind of outer clothes with sport
clothes, or domestic, around-the-house clothes: with
with dinner frocks, or dance frocks.
See the many styles of Carter's Underwear we now have in cot
ton, silk, lisle, merino and wool in all weights. Get this Fall's, and
Winter's, supply of underwear, for all the family in one short shop
ping trip at The Peoples Warehouse.
i Y Wi
i in
H 1 a
Suits I
2JjkePeoiles Warehous
I si; ot is is FORMATION DEPT.
Make free mm of oav real raon
Make thi. aford .tour More. V- It
a-. Mir headtittnriei'. mert yrmr
I I if ids hei . '
VWinnATI lo me victors go the spmls. 1I Inle llroh. field c.ipt aiti of tin- f 'lnrin n.i li lleils - uorlil
rhnmpion ItcU Is here nhown acoel tin, u chei k for J 1 1 7, lr,7. 35. It l thm rlotof'l fh.ir. In Ul world MTM
' tMch or the nmilar .lay.rs on the team ll wet n tittle more than $.',;on. The utraln In over and I'at
.Moran. mamiKer. ami Captain i.roh are very happy. Yon can easily deti.it atlsfuet:on ami happiness reenter
ed on their faces.
I'nilb f n fir ftrtu
in b-h- riinn. At
( Baa ( roKoniun Spocbil.)
STv.'FII-na, Oct. 27. Work nf
MUargliKg the Furnish ditch In under
way. on Monday, Manager Pcurson
unloaded a ditch making machine
which will do the work of 2D teams.
When the work Jh complete the ditch
will have a capacity of 150 Inches In
take to the first hendgate.
Work is also in progress of enbirtt
tnjr the flume out toward the govern
ment reservoir.
James K. Heard, a former advertis
ing man for the Alexander store of
Pendleton, has leased the Webster
store building now occupied by the
hardware store, and will put in a gen
eral stock of merchandise the first of
tho month.
Jesse EUchardfl Is preparing to move
the hardware stork which he recently
purchased from P, H. Huchholz to the
south nda of the garage.
A. A. Frenzel of Fendleton. was the
guest of his mother, Mrs. W. T. ITray- j
on Tuesdav.
Mrs. Itex Sanfurd entertained the I
j Pollyannas on Wednesday at her home
I on the project.
F. Durlln of Yakima spent several l
days this week looking over the pro
ject. Mrs. James ftttiart returned Monday
I from an extended visit with relatives
I at Kent, Washington,
j Major Kyle and C. H. Naylor were
, Portland passengers Saturday.
Mr, and Mrs. C. W. Connor return
; ed Sunday fro m a ten da y s" visit In
i Portland.
Mrs. Emma Pregnitz left Friday
for a visit with her sons in Portland,
j F. B. Stuart has sold his lo acre
. tract of land three miles south of
town to John Oolborne of Vancouver,
Ib. c.
D. D. Connor of Pilot Rock was the
Sunday guest of his son and daugh
I ter, Charles Connor, and Mrs. Ray
niond Walker.
Hugh Kyle is spending a few days
In Salem, the guest of friends.
H. K. Post of T.iroma. was in town j
for several days in the interest of the i
Carl Helm made a brief business I
trip to Pendleton Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. ft, IJ. Uix-hannan nnd '
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McOonaW of Se
attle, spent a couple of days here lak- I
Ing in the sights.
J. W. Waid d daughter. Miss Ten
na, motored to Lexington and spent
the wi'ck with relatives.
cure at The Oalles returned home n Itieih. all engine yesterday
;h,,M,.o ov";" ii,;.; u.,r a ! "hK"1 "' m "
some ir lowing- PBSOrta ,r 'efore Hbutinr
Sheriff Tuylor of Pendleton was In ' H there. wer seven mikudna
the city early last week. ; hore taking water.
.Mr. and Mrs. CttarlM May of Wen-
ton Mountain were in the city Wed- .
nesuay evening.
A light snow fell in the city Thurs
day morning. This is the earliest
snow has fallen in this section for
about forty years.
Mr. urtd Mrs. H. II. Hirhurds and
son Koland and Mrs. Charles lletti
were WaHa Walla visitors Thurs.l.iv
The F:illson-White rhautau.jun be
gan in the high nchool auditorium
Friday evening. Tom Coi uvln, a
sound Imitator entertained the people
with many novel stunts. His Imitati
on of the unloading of a steam boat
was the special attraction of tho eve
ning. Miss Had ley was in the ci(y Monday
In connection with the Kllison-Whlte
chn utaufjim.
Mrs. Goldie ItussHI has gone to the
Stubblefield home In Walla Wili..
When she has accepted a position.
Miss Hudson was a visitor in Pen
dtatOQ Friday evening.
Miss Merle Carden went down lo
Ad..nis Friday evening to spend the
week end at the Huffev home.
Mrs. Hill Tavlor was a visitor In
Pendleton Friday.
police chief r a Witaeen,
p., lice Chief A A. ltoberjs went to
1 'ortland Su nday morning to attend
th sowlons of the United States dis
trict court. He was subpoenaed a
a witness In one of the cases up to
day and expects to be gone until
Wednesday moriffng.
Water Supply llre.iUs Down.
"wintj to a breakdown in the wa
ter system at tho O. V. roundsouse
H'ASH!Vl;Tiv i ....... i.i .1..
- - - -" i - nil in L.a i
pflrdoD for nil ol(1ler now serr
iiig couri martial sutilences Is
iaed hy Mrs. Jotin Pn-emsn
l.lanolt, prosidont of the War
'lothers of I'm, Has eouniy. Flor-
la Mrs. Ltnseott had four sotia
lo service Ouo will not return.
f (JSaat flregonlan Special)
ATHKXA, Oct. 27. Mr. and Mrs.
Will lleBrlde of Portland ure in the
!clty visiting friends.
Mrs. S. S. Hutt and Mrs. T.yons
.spent Thursday at the H. McAlexander
: home in Milton.
Mrs. Henry Pell left for Portland
Thursday to visit friends.
Mrs. Iiiira Xei ha has her n in Wal
la Walla the past week attending! her
mother who Is seriously HI.
Ihll Dobson, city marshal, is very
WW at his home.
Mrs. J. It. Haley and Miss Stasia
Walsh of Pendleton, were in the city
Friday organizing the l:ed Crofs class
ies. Mims Walsh has organized two
,-iasses, one for the iitgh school girls
ami one for the adults. The classes
will be held In the high school build
ing where one room will be equipped
for the work. Mrs. W. P. Uttlejohn
has been chosen as local chairman.
Mr. end Mrs. C. M. Eager were vis
itors in Adams Thursday evening.
Miss Klsle Walker, who is attend
ing high school in Walla Walla. Bp m
the araafc end with her parents west of
Mrs. Scott T,yons returned to her
home in Portland Sat urday morning.
Jouls Stewart returned Thursday
frrrm Willamette Iniersltr whire he
b.t ; I. ten ! tending school.
The boja Uo uttvnUcd the ccni'-.!
Will Your Motor
Truck Be An Orphan
There are thousands of truck orphans left on the hand of their
owners. These makers havo gone out of business. It is reported
that of 5jJ companies organized since 1309, .131 no longer exist.
Half of the remaining ure less thnn two years old. 221 lasted but a
Of what use is a truck If parts arc no longer avulluhle. Tho
purchaser of a White Truck backs his linestment In It with tho
strength of the white Company with its years ,.f successful experi
ence, with its thousands of trained employes, with Its lens of thou
sands of trucks In active service, wlln its millions of capital, and a
service organization nation-wide, which has no parallel in the Industry.
Lexington and White Dealers of
Umatilla County.
Phne 46 722 Cottonwood
Store Your Car
These cold nights and throughout the winter
Don't take a chance of a freeze-up in your own
cold garage.
$7.50 per Month
Which Includes Service.
Western Auto Co.
Agents for Cole, Ceo, Doi t and Wirtther Trucks
Cor. Water and Cottonwood Sts.
McKay & West, Props.
Garage Phone 530. Paint Shop Phone 633