3AILY EVENING EDITION Hie Bast fegoiUen In Baateem Ora (nn'K greatest newspaper aad M-uinc " 4,,!7uTr" , twice the circulation In Pendle DAILY EVENING EDITION I No mix ooplm prlnuid of yivterday'. Dally 1 .hri.. i, 3,031 Mile I'it in a ,, .,.,. ,, .nj,,,,, bj the Audit Biimu of Circulation. ton and Cmatllla county of any -in I"1' OIfY OFFICIAL PAPjuB NO 4870 OOUWTY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 44 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOEER 27, 1919 TWO THOUSAND SYf WITH STRIKE CAI JSS-L. S cind Strike Order Because it is Act of Convention. FOOD CONTROL LAW IS GOVERNMENT'S WEAPON i AISO Broad Definition Of War Powers Gives Latitude for Wide Action in Interest Of i, i . r- . Nation S Existence. 1 NKW YOK. fct. 17. Soorei f persons were Injured today In a riot following a clash between 2U00 strike Tmpathliia and sevueni hundred Inneaaiiiamaa who .,i- ... work. The fluht, which was the most serious during the prae.nl longshore- ........ r,.,lnv. , vv-v-uiii-u in j-riiiK- in. v inns, stones arm fists w. r.. rijr umi una rexoivtTH who rirrd. I olico roMTVM vlfforouBly wielding clubs finally rcHtorod order. Sovcral hundred men, Kathi red at tho entrance of the North RlVOf plem on the Xew York side, but Hctlvitlcn of picket prevented tlu-m frm Ko- inK to work. Pickets dashod from pier to pier in automobiles, UlWtng tho men to may out and threatening; them With violence, it is alleged, If they 1k norod the reuuest. JACKSON NEION WILL ADMITTED TO PROBATE The will of Jackson Nel rt- ed to by his widow. Mrs. Jane Nelson, was admitted to probate today, follow ing the tuking or testimony of J. T. j .teuallen, second subscribing wit in ss. i mi vi. i i aymr. Mr. rseison s to ot net - In- law. Is made executor of the will. Mr. Nelson left to Mrs. Nelson their lot. house and furnltm-t In Allienn and f '"".i in f ash. To his brother John . Nelson he left $60u and made 9140 boqoastS to his sister and to the iMI drOH of several brot hers and stStOfS now deceased. Harry Garfield, I.ulu (htrfteld. BttUtJ Hcott and Lulu PVStsr ! are also left $l(io each. The residue j of his estate is left to Mr. Taylor. The Nelson will was filed int. 1 ten days alter his ileulh. II was made on Sept. 10, 1 VI 9. in the presence off J. T. Uouallen ami Cliff Bollinger. Mr. Nelson was :i years obi when he psads Hie will and the objection was1 based on the assumpt km t hat ad -VSn OOd age male him incompetent. ! WILSON VETOES ACT ENFORCING DRY RULE WA8HINOTI IN, kit. sident Wilson today vetoed the national i hlbitlon aot panged by oOttiTOss to en force both wartime and constitutional prohibition. WASHINGTON, Oct. 27. The na tional prohibition ad. passed to en force both waiMuie and constitutional prohibition was laid before Wilson by Secretary Tumulty. IN SERVICE AT GARY CHICAOO, Oct. 27. Colonel Ma ples commanding federal troops in ths Oary steel district, said his men will continue on duty there for some time to come. Although the mills are gradually approaching their former product ion records, the colonel wild there Is still danger of trouble. "Au thentic reports that fiuo soldiers will ho transferred to the West Virginia district were denied by Maples. The marching Of a body of troops In reliev ing the guards is said to have been responsible for the rumor. Attends to Rossi Ctiagaiee. Two changes m the Columbia Uiv. er highway required the presence of M. D. Dennett, highway engineer In Sherman and iilliam counties last week end. One change was ne cessitated by tlm controversy over the Qulnton tunnel In C.ill'nm County and the other by the possibility of mo king one bridge serve the cross both the creek and railroad In Span ish Ota tort, near Biggs in Sherman county. Mr. Hatinslj returned fed day. OIVOS Inanimation. W. W. Crvder. t'malllla forest su pervlsor. Is giving the civil service examination today for forest ranger, Only one applicant. W aller Kirk, of I'klah. apepnred to take the exnmina- tlon. Mr. Kirk was formerly In the forest Service. , ZERS OT WHEN rULD RETURN ll &v mm APPEAL GOES TO SALEM FOR TRIAL .in n tiSSStS TSTphSZ lion session of t it. sup reran court. I Judge Jaim-H a. i".. . appelant, has nol oompletc-d his answer brief an.l the I ZoXn ""a? Sal, m The respondent, were read with tiu'ir Hide of the case, George a. Hartman said today. , Three cases were argued before the roui t today. Tin y include that pt the '"''xt National Dank of Union vs. C. "etltar et ul. and P. C Wiitht '" '' "' t al and the Im Orande National Hank. combined ease. This is an c.jutty mattw Involving the fori rloHine of u elialt.'l inortKaLM? and la- (bor lit-ns. Tim doftndantJ are ukpoi- u,,tH Am uppHlant. vs. MaKl- I Maliaf- f, ,! V. If. 8erKant, r pondt nt. was arKue'd. ThiH in from I ni,.n rnun- ly. The third rune of ttie day VftJ that of Cranston & McMmstora v, th- Cali- forma ItiHUiaiu-e Co., appealwd from Uak-r county by tbo plaintiff. j The jUNtlee.s sitttlnK In tin 15 nuwH to be heard here Include the entire 'bench. Chief Justice Thoma.1 A. Mo Brldo, and Ajwoclate Justlcea Iftnry a. i H-an, Henry I-. IteiiHon, iawrence T. i llan iH, Oeot Kv H. Burnett, Charles A. Johns and Alfred S. ISeniutt are Ivrr. j Mrs Hennett naoompanled JiuIku Bon- l.nott. Loo Moorhouoe is deputy clerk jof the c ourt and I . It. Waffle bailii t. (Juttc a foruiidald'- array of alt or - ne s i xathereii lor the m-snion. Kmm Haker are M. 1 1. Clilfonl. William j .Smith, (i. It. Mount, James H. Nichol. C. H. McCulkich. A. A. Smith, Major I Frank C. McCulloch, and J. I. Rand. 1 I rum Ontario are . . Wood, . 11. i Hrooke and P. J. Gallagher. Judge . W. M. rtSTOSSy. formerl on the su- preme bene! Vlll eand T. Is bora from Alt Minn- iMri7.f, oi ran ri.iii- , ,m iM" oonm-e. ,i i . nrwvwLv was formerly senator from Oregon jam) Mr. Oaflaghsr Is a ftutc aen.ttn. ' ' BUSINESS ACTIVITY IS 1 CAUSE OF CAR LACK Abnormal tuisilness activity is the cause of car shortage all over the Unit ed Slates, according to A. I. Howns. ami B, i Sparry ol Portland. Inspec tors of transportation, with the Unit ed States Railroad administration, who are in Pendleton today. Mr. Downs and Mr. Fpcrry state that Vith all mills running at full ca pacity, ami with shipment of this year's harvest in progress. II has boon llfflCUlt to .supply the demand. They malting a tour of the northwest and are get lint; In touch with the shippers. Car shortage in the Pilot Rock sec- (Ion, experienced because of the lare amount of BtOOll shipped from t ha I point, was explained by the visitors as being direct ly due to the fact that Momma stockmen. I cause of the drought, have bee nshlpping their stock io market. I his created an im mens' demand for slock cars, say Mi Downs and Mr. Spcrry. and ship er In this section suffered in conse nuence. ANSWER WEDNESDAY WASHINGTON, (let. 87. Pies-dent I,ce, of the brotherhood of trainmen, and president. Sheppard of the railway conductors will meal With Rail Direc tor Unas Wednesday to receive bis ' answer to demands of their organlza Hon for Immediate wage increases. It I a announced hero, in Prises Fair. Uaur.i Phlpps, I ler ud st on grad pupil won tho firsct prize of $10 In the 1 , brcadmakmg contest at the Hernifsion Dairy and Rag I Ji w '.race Skinner j i cart led off second honors and receiv ed It. Mrs. Charles H. Marsh, bf Pendleton, who acted as Judge, point., j out that -while the bread Whs ueorl t he samg the ma n tier of ma king the bread showed a difference. II ra. i Marsh gave a short talk on her nbser. VatlOM made WhltS acting as judge. The II ern list on school team won the first prise for canning pears and car-' n ts, defeat In g t he 'obi nib la school by two points. Anoth' r tntresting fssu. tare of the program f' r women wa j the cooking nf a complete meal In ni i pressure cooker In ID minutes. RrtcTuJtJng Oftloor io Walla Walla. R, 'arr, chief qusrtsrmaatsr in ' the I'nlted Stales Navy, who is i.i charge of the recruiting office In Ten. dleton. returned today after a bustlsSSg trip to Walla Walla, mntle In the In- Urcst of lecrultlng work. KING ALBERT CALLS UPON ROCKEFELLER ON SECRET MISSION NKW YOltK. Oot 17. King Al bert of KciKium flew .wr New York today In a eaapiana. He started from tin- Columbia Yacht dub at X;.r,o and returned at The kins visited .1. 1) Rookefcl lor. Sr., la. t night at Tarrytown. Ills viHit is clothed In secrecy. S- CONSULAR AGENT HELO BY MEXICANS IS Message Today Says Jenkins is on Way to Pucbla, Assured Mexican Government Put up $150,000 Demanded. W 'ASH1XQTON, Oct. 27. The Am- SliOSJl embassy in Mexico City sent a m-'.Hat' to the ta1 Separtmsnl that ins, who wan d b bandits Consular Am-nt Jc r'.ii)Pfi ami near Pucbla. Mexico, was released to day on paymsnt tf a ransom of si ".", 1100. Information Ngardlhg who paid the ransom was not contained in tho moaaagfja The toosaago said Matthew Ha tin. third secretary of the embassy, who was sent U I'uebla, notified the em bussy tha t Jenkins had .sent him a moasajN from witliin Mexican fed eral lines thut the ransom had boon paid and that ho was en route to Pu- sbla. In the absence of sjiecific inffrmn t ton. officials here assume thai the Mexican government paid t lie ran som. A note dispatched to Mexico demanded that Jenkins' release be effected even though the Mexican government had to pay the ransom. State department officials emphati- cally stati men did r Senator d da that this ern- I Saturday Introduced Solution directing that all armed r,ri-.. i.f th. nited States be used in an effort to -tain release of Ameri can, Consular Agent Jenkins, held by the Ikfex lean bandits. I AMERICA Today. (Ht. 27. is being obserxed throughout t lie nation as the ahnl-1 vcrsary of Theodore Roosevelt's birth. It is also the filial day In the drlY for a IS,6oo,a6o meraortai fund wiihj which a monumenl to his memory is to be erected. A park at Oyster IWy.il his former "home, and endowment . I the K mis, veil Sttmorfal Aasoclatlod. J are other Objects of this fund. ONLY HALF OF CITY'S pendtaton has subscribed only half her uuota In t he Roosevelt Memorial drive and the contmilteis are out this aftemOOn to complete the quota He cause the drive Is lading, the request will be for more than one dollar. Con tributions are still being received at local banks and newspaper offices. Miss Kffte Jean Krnzler. with a total of $110 mihscrthtd. leads all other BO ItoitOTS In the lOcAl oahlpalgn. Her efforts have placed her district at the hcud of all rendition districts. TWO VOTES KILL JOHNSON CHANGE FOR PEACE PACT Amendment to Equalize Voting Strength Within League of Nations is Defeated in Unex pected Decision. cinuT DcniiDi inmie nor: ALIGNED WITH NEGATIVE imn.orliofolu Affnr Ancuuar uiiiir.uiiuui j ni ivi ni-nvwi i Johnson Introduces New Measure Which Seeks to Ac complish Same Object. WASHINGTON, Dct."27. The sen ate today defeated the Johnson amendment to the treaty to eutlolts I Voting strength within the league of nati ns by a ote juest ltion he vole came unexpectedly of Senator LodgS after J LSW ler Hitc-hcock aj would ask for unanimous consent tdla man vote at 1:30. ! see 1.0 reason why tehat red we cannot have the vote rinht now." 1 ''' be pf Ejodge docuaroo. Roll was called dress. T"" loru! ost has not hetn es W(l""it further delay. i Ptally actlvs ihu.s far but plans to go ahead now, with virtually all men out Tlje republicans voting againsi the Of the service, and become a factor amendment wer- Colt. Edge, Kellogg 1n the community. K- yes McCu niler. stcN'ary, Nelson 1 11 probahle. Temporary President and Sterling. (lore was the only dem- I ,r- J W;irjlL'r- "Mol today, that perma- Otlng aye. ititely after the iduced a second eks to accompli the first one. EiREDEALS LOSS TO ITALY COTTON Ml S !A KATI day pS rt ly sicst roved- pxi rfg 1r out of lcstroyci liere, throw'-rig Tr out of work and causinga loss of half a million. OBSERVES ROOSEVELT'S BIRTHDAY TODAY ' PHONE CALL HALTS. FUNERAL ORDERS AS MISTAKE IS SEEN A11NXKA POIJH, Oct, 27. U. w, (Jiimore today telephoned to his niece just in time to stop sr-rangcrne-m for bti own funeral. Ppltcs then discovered n man I vjfelch ah auto killed wu Charles I Johnson not Oilmorc. PENDLETON POSTOF IP ILMU i ! I 1. ( . i ' i-t- ' w '' ' All Discharged Sollicr3, Bail : ors and Mariner, Invited t Join in Meeting", Hear Spcai er and Make Plans. , am dh&rgsd sol iiorst MLitoirs ph-' , marines, wliether meitlbers f 'he le- ffcion or mt. are lovled : : uitt nd meeting of the American (,1141011. I'tn J llotbn Poof In tli-' a; 'f it ,i r oom oi" ' ho county library WodneOday c ven- hg ov. The cneotlng will be pri marlly for I :ormer uc ion. i Kl forts ; purposs ot enlisting al men in the organ za being made to have, life, perhaps a dis roth out of the city, deliver- the main ad- ; n D1 ni itcers win re nominate'! ano j elected at the coming meeting. Mr 1- Warner explained that it has been it ' a national and state policy of le cion posts to delay election of perma- nent officers until such time ;ia rnem borshlps were larger and more repre st ntatlVO. Thus more men are offered I he opport unity to express their choice. Plans for the observance of the an nivcivary of Armistice: Iay. Nov. 11, will also be taken up at the meeting a week from Wednesday. The post may also take steps to cooperate with the Red Cross in the enrolling of members during the roll call. Othei matters of peculiar interest to dis ' " charged men are also e.xpectcd to Ix miils brought up for consideration. (Continued on page 6. GOVERNMENT, WHILE AWAITING MINERS' ANSWER, PREPARES TO SAFEGUARD PUBLIC INTERESTS PO!NDEXTER PREPARES RACE EO PRESIDENT WAHHINOTON, Oct 27. Hackers: r S. Bator roindeter. who announced ,is Rapubttcafl candidacy for prcsl-i'-nt lant night today began prepar- j itiona for carrying his campaign intu i.ry na1'-. The V.';. hlng'.n senator, in his ; : 'T : I policy, denounced threats 1 UibOr I oderM !o tie up the rail- I ..il a- 1 i; v -i anient by terror for a ' ,lI da f;:i.l declared that the : .vet hfnrni mttat be made supreme to l t?! i-a: it;. I and labor, though insist- 1 ! .-t tttO -jurt claims of thould be recognized. lalor EIGHT NORWEGIANS TO SPEND CHRISTMAS AT fll n HDMF IN NORWAY nUIV.C in WnHHI Kight Norwegians living near Helix will spend ChrLstmas this yr-ar In their -old homes in Nor way. Reservations for passage across the Atlantic have been ob ta ined on the steamship T'nlted states, of the Scandinavian-American line, throush N. E. Bly denstein. local agent, and the party will sail from ew York, November 15- For two of the party, the child ren of Mr. and Mrs. Salve Om. lid, it will be their first visit to Norway, as they were born in this country. The adults, how ever, will be returning to the home fireside for Christmas, some of them fr the first time in a number of years. They ex pect to land at Christians sand, Norway, and will set sail from the same port tt return to the United States next spring. Those who made reservations were; Curl Spilling. Nils Aane son. Ttelnhart Aanenson, Chris, laoohoon and Mr. and Mrs. Salve Omlld and two children. H. C. L. CONTEMPLATED1" CI.KVKI.AND, ct. 27. An effort WH1 be made to link international la bor unions and agricultural organiza tions of the country into a gigantic bureau to lower the cost of foodstuffs, aft the forthcoming national farm and labor conference In Washington, ac cording to Warren Stone, head of the brotherhood of looomotlv engineers He said he will spend the next two months perfect inp the cooperative Bcneme. tie inans lu ' i 'i : um middlemen and institute machinery Tor direct interchange between the farmer and consumer. He said the or ganization would include the federa- on ot labor and the national grange. Tweed Estate Worth Sir..n:t2.4. The estate or Vhomaa J. Tweedy, late post master, has been appraised at tt5.0S1.4S by George A. Hartman, U B. Oronln and J. W. Maloney, ap- p raisers. The estate consisted of S2ST.!'S In money and the Imlance In notes and property. He owned II,- 350 in liberty bonds. Hermlston lan lics. Cary Wood, aed I St of Hermtaton. j lied last night at St. Anthony s hos- pital of Bright', disease. He was an It .at vice man and had never reeov- ,-red alter illness In FVabCe. He is snr- vived by his wife. Tho body is al ti e l-'olsom undertaking parlors. TcniM-iatnic i !.". Today's temperature is 4 5. with a minimum of 10. The barometer rec ords ;0.fi5. an indication that Pe wea ther will be clear and cold. The re port is from Major 1-ee Moorhouse, weather man. Mother Svks Sttden hibl Mrs. Bva Terwi llicer. of Salem, is boking for her daughter Uuth. age H, who was stolen from her last spring sho says. In a letter received tday by County Suprintendent V. W. Gren, Mr. Terwilliger ask thai a search be made for the girl through out the schools of the county. She onclowd a p-stcard picture of the iirl tor Identification, She offers 5o award for the recovery of th girl. Mrs. Tcrwillim-r resides at 196 South ttth. steet. Salem. Small Gtli doptcl. j Adoption pa p"s were si coed today whereby Merle 'la i ihel Hoff. aged V hi :id pted l y ier grandmother. Mr. Harriet i . CVawford and the girl's name changed to Crawford. Her mother is dead. School CfCtll in Town Tola. fasaeg Hell, clerk of acnoal iHstrict No tl. near Weeton, Is in the city to day on busmess. Indian I ot. ii- Sir. Pail. Kmmett JoHnaoa BO Indian, todav rfeltel $1,, In pol'Ce court for fall nre to appear for trial. H- was sr. ested on a charge of being- drunk :ind tluHirderly. Scores Are Injured in Brooklyn Today; Several Hundred Workers Are Involved in Most Serious Clash of Strike CLUBS. STONES, FISTS AND REVOLVERS FREELY USED Mobs Finally Quiet Down After Melee With Coming of Police Reserves and Vigorous Wielding of Clubs. WASHINGTON". Oct 27. While waiting the miners' anewer to the re quest for withdrawal of th ecual strike order, government officials are ready to act to protect the public Intereet In case the strike occurs. The, food control law (tlves the government an ouoartualty to take a hand in the str.ke thrml(,n , provlgions making- it illegal to interfere with production and allowing the government to tako .over a mine to Insure continued pro duction. Even without this law, it la pointed out. the supreme court's .broad definition of war powers would give the government plenty of lati tude for action in passing on various war laws. The supreme court declar ed the government has power to do almost anything in the Interest of tho nation's existence. Claim to Be Powerless. INDIANAPOLIS. Oct. 27. United mine workers officials are powerlesa to rescind their order; catling all soft 'coal miners to strike november 1, William fireen secretary-treasurer, de clared today. They cannot respond to ; Wilson's appeal for wlhdrawal of tho strike order without action of tho convention, because the strike wao called by the convention which met at Cleveland. BELGIAN KING VIEWS RRST FOOTBALL GAME WEST POINT, Oct. 27. King Al bert arrived by airplane from New ork. He landed on the athletic field. Officers of the military academy met him and a cadets 'review followed. CONV'CTION OF WOLF OF WALL STREET IS UPHELD WASHINGTON'. Oct. The su preme court today upheld the convic tion of Iavid Lamar "the wolf of Wall street" on charges conspiring . .. .h- manufacture and sllio- l ul war mumt ons. Laniar was rh!ired wlth i.elnir In conspiracy with Von Kintelen, German agent. FRENCH DESTROYERS TO ASSIST BRITISH AGAINST RUSS0-GERMAN LEADER LONDON". Oct. 2 7. French de stroyers at the mouth of the Ltatina have '"'en ordered by Parle to assist Brlti.h warships iu attacking the forces of Colonel Hermondt. according to a 5iKa dispatch. Stockholm dispatch sjild I'remier Clamnla and all extreme socialists of the Lettish government have resigned. nermondt. successor to Von Der (iaitj. as leader of the Uusso-Gerinan forces on the west front has been bombarding Riga as a rart of his catupuign against the Letts who. h" a!t,.K,.;, ;ut. opposing his march agaist ne bolslicviki. Hoefl and Tenv Suctl 0sMS9 Aain. Victor Henderson today filed suit a:alnst Arnold Hoeft and Klmer Tow, hts former partners in tho Motor Inn Oarage, for lg0. Henderson alleges that he agreed to sell his inter est in the garage for J00 and com pleted the transaction but that the $200 was never paid. He Is represent ed by Raley, Haley and Stiwer. rind-, a stolen I ar. A Kord car BtOStn Saturday f re rn Frcewattr waa locatsjsl on one of the Ctty gtreets e.-terday and wua taken to a local garage where it is being held for lis wuor. Examination is being nuide to see whether any dam. age was done to the machine. A Peerless belonging l- C. W. Bade, at Freewat. r. was also stolen and was found near the power dam on the Walla Walla river. li WEATHEP FORECAST Tonight and Tuendity prob ably rain. U .inner.