r fAOT. SIX DATLT EAST OREGOWIAN. PENDLETON, OREOOW, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 23, 1019. TEW PAGES ID THE EARTH SWALLOW UP BILLY DAWSEY? SOCIETY -muhbkB. DANSEY" ""opyi (r!u. PMhMpMa I.Ict) HAMMOXTOX, X. J., vi. oo Did the earth on., ., wallow little Hilly mnsey. the perfect baby? P Or was he swallowed up in the rie n nn ,'rl Urh,h',e"''M I?, S of the en,ire countryside. In no tra?c ..f the ! fellow has b-.en found m..,i"" 1 "",'7 1S yerr't ar,d ,ea month old. An October nacwtM rre4 Ua .".cture a tt "Mo! Kesietered Baty." iiori 's iiai:ki. shop ' M r - i FIRST SNOW OF THE SEASON Reminds you to select your Winter Coat now! We have a wide range of good, warm, sturdy coats for all-around service as well as more dressy models. Buy your coat at upstairs shop and $7.50 to $10.00. this save Over Taylor Hardware Store. Now is the time to think of those XMAS PHOTOS and make an appointment to have sitting, and be sure of having the pictures finished in time to send to friends who live away from here. Your photograph is the only gift you can make that is exclusive, as it cant be had in the open market. The Wheeler Studio is the place to have real Xmas pic tures. East Alta Street, Pendleton MmiRoiiK copper nnd (oldwa toned agutiiNt the rich maroon ImnirhiK of Mile Thomas Thontt .son lunne. yestcr I day fashioned a ehunuthjr foil for an 'autumn Unduc-him-hf on. Cli-rat bas ket or iiie vaid bloeaoraa flanked the file place while in g.i little bouuucta, ihey centered nine tables arranged in the attractive living room where ffueat gathered at 1 o'clock at the bidding of Mrs. Saumel I'. Bturgia, Mrs. .1. Key Kalcy and Mrs. Oeoi'Ke A. Ilailman. At the eoiU'lUHiou of the lutu-heon hour, the party adjourned t,, the din. :iHK room ami enjoyed a chat over tbe coffee cupa. the table, centered by a cluster of the mat iKolds, being pre side dover by Mrs. Charles March and : Mrs. William Lowell, Several rubbers of bridge filled the I afternoon hours and in the play tro Ipulea were awarded to Mrs. J. I Itoli , Inson. Mrs. Kreilerick Tail and Mis. Guy I.. Boyden. GABY IS IN OUR MiDST ONCE MORE HERMISTON PEOPLE TO WINTER IN CLEVELAND 2 bjf ( Bftat 1 rooniiin Special, t HF.KM ISTii.V. Oct 22. Mrs. Nol- I i lie Lnudeuslager and her ton Rom ' departed lust Week for Cleveland, ' I Ohio, where they will remain durin I the Winter, Mr--, Laudenslaper and1 ; son have been residents of the Pro- i ject for the past years in years. W, V. Rogers has been grunted ft! I patent by the patent office In I (Washington, D. C. on u. portable :j wagon and truck scales after four j years of hard work perfecting the j ! invention. I The Baptist Ladle Aid will serve a hot dinner during the Dairy BhoW In place of the lunch as formerly an nounced. Mr. and Mrs. J. C, Ballinsrer of Board man visited over Sunday with frineds in Hermtaton and vicinity. Mrs. J. II. Strohm was called to Seattle last week by a message stat f ing that her grandmother was very ill. Mrs. George A. Cressy returne 1 the latter part of last week from a ! fortnight's visit with relatives and friends at Spokane, Washington and Coeur d'Alene. Idaho. Sergeant Clarence B.. (Jack) for a visit with h is parents M. and Mrs. Maurice Johnson of this city, having Just received his discharge at the Presidio. Jack Johnson has been in the service over two years and hat been in the service "Over There" 22 months. He Is the next to the last boy to return. Arnold Shot well is the last boy and he is expected scon to be discharged, where he has seen service in Siberi.-. So many new students have enter ed high school that it jhas become necessary to install two new rows of s-4ats. The attendance now numbers 65. H. P. Dodd and M. D. O'Connel were Pendleton visitors Monday. H. M Qunn secured 22 sacks of' LET "DANDERINE" BEAUTIFY HAIR THE THOMAS j SHOP COATS A most wonderful assort ment skillfully designed and tailored in the best of fab rics. We would be pleased to have you call and inspect these beautiful new models. NEW YOKK Gaby Deslys. and a new "trick" pup, are with ua again. Gaby arrived unannounced on the liner I,a France. The rea son for the Tlsit of the famous actress was unexplained. Is It un chlvalrous to observe that Gaby doesn't look as young aa when she was the friend ot the king of Pertugal? alfalfa seed off 5 acres recently, which is said to lie the best yield so far on the Project. Ames and Strohm'a alfalfa huller was secured to do the work. The 81 sacks would make the seed average about Bf tushels off of the 6 acres. George H. Pratt daughter Blanche ar.d sons Oeborne and Ruaaell, ar rived from Stevenson, Wash., last week and are now located on tho 20 acre tract four moles east of town recently purchased from Harry T! Murchle. James Wlsharl Is spending a few rays in Pendleton on business this week. Mrs. F. C, McKenale spent yester day in Pendleton witn tier parents. Mr. and Mrs. O Daniels. Jack Johnson and sister Kdlie M. Johnson were Pendleton visitor's yes. terday. Miss fatlierlr.e Priegnltz was In the city for a short visit from Stan-field. COUNT FIFTY! PAINS AND NEURALGIA GONE Instant relief! Rub this nerve torture and misery right out with "St Jacobs Liniment." CLOTH $18.50 to $175.00 PLUSH $25.00 to $115.00 EXTRA SPECIAL SUITS AT $35.00 and $45.00 Worth up to $65.00. This assortment includes Tricotine, Velour and the finest quality serge. All sizes from 16 to 55. Comparison Invited Girls ! Have a mass of long, thick, gleamy hair You're in nighty cood com pany when you belong to the lied Cross. So long as there's sickness, suffering, disaster, the Ued Cross must stand by! The H. C. of L. hasn't hit Red Cross memberships. They're still a dollar. If nine million youngsters be lieve in the Med Cross, it must have the right idea. Iet "landerine" save your hair anil double its beauty. You can have lots of Ions, thick, stronic. lustrous hair, pon't let it stay lifeless, thin, actaggly or farVng. Bring back its color, vigor and vitality. Get a tecnt bottle of dellKbtful "Lwinderme"' at any J r 11 tr or toilet oo. inter to freshen your scalp; check dandruff iiril falling hair: Your hair needs thi stimulating tonic, then its life, rclor, brightness and abundance will ret urn--Hurry! GLASS OF SALTS IF Umatilla Flour & Grain Co. Mgr. N. J. Blydenstein Town office Mill arid Warehouses es L0 E. Court St. 1300 West Alta Phone 1014 Phone 351 g HAY, GRAIN, COW FEED, CHICK FEED, HOG FEED, SHORTS AND BRAN Retail and Wholesale WATCH THIS SPACE FOR BARGAINS! Whole .. ta, pr 100 lb $3.25 g Corn, per 100 lbs. 4.25 m Cracked Corn, per loo lb 4.50 Bg Mash, per loo lbs 3.85 Bran, p i sat k 1.00 short-, per sack 3.25 m 1 1 1 5.00 Oil Meal, per 100 lbs. 6.00 Beans, white small a Bach 8.50 All kinds of Poultry Supplies. ailliiiifitliifI:iH.!UfintiltHllltniillHIflllHII..II Eat less meat if vou feel Back achy or have Bladder trouble. Meat forms uric ftdd which eXOJtM riid ovc-rworka the kidneys in their ef forts to filter it from the By-stem. Iten airir eater of meat must flunh teh kdnya occasionally. You must re ' IK ve them like you relieve your bow u'.t ; removing ail thf acids, waste and I Bon, ela o.vou feel a dull misery In rhi- kidney reg-ion, sharp pains in th baei; or nick headache, dizziness, your ftomach sours, tongue in coated and nh"n the weather is bud you have rhe'imatic twinges. The urine Is cioudy, full of sediment; the channels often Ret irritated, obliging you to g't up two or three times during tho night. To neutra lize these irritating acids and flush off the bod's urinous waste gti about four ounces of Jad Halts from any pharmacy; take a table UpOOUfml in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kid neya will then act fine and bladder disorders disapepar. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to clean and stimulate sluggish kidneys and stop bladder irritation. .Tad Salts is irt"Xpcnsive; harmless and makes a de lightful lithia - water drink which mil UMM of men and women take now and then, thus avoiding serious kidney and ' adder disease. I i f . 'J. ICub this soothing. penetrHting lini ment right into the sore, inflamed horvea ami like magic neurulgia dis appMfS. "St. Jacobs Liniment" con Uliera pain. It is a harmless "neural gia relif" winch doesn't burn or dis color th sUin. Oon't ei'ffei ! It's so needless. Get ! a sn ail trial bottle from any drug store arc! gtMitiy rub the "aching nt rVea" nd in jiiBt a moment you will be absolutely free from pain and suf fer tug. N At f fen i ce whether your pain or tcriraJfela is ii the face, head or any :art of the body, you get instant re let with this old-time, honest pain de trover it can not Injure. wmr ami mmw mmw mmw mmw mmi mmr nmt mmi nai nmr iir wmr bki mmw mm mmj hmi mi wmm Why Wait flours: 9 a. m. to ISj 1 to D p. m. I'honc 507 DR. THOMAS C. 0MART DENTIST 743 Main Street, Over the Hub Pendleton, Oregon Avoid disappointment later by ordering your talking machine now. Our beautiful new stock of popular models is complete. If you only knew the great amount of pleasure and entertainment you are missing these cool days and evenings wou witildn't wait till later you'd buy NOW. Less than a penny for an evening's entertainment. Think of it. Why wait? Don't put it off longer. Call and let us dem onstrate the COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA. THOMPSONS' DRUG STORE IwBTnWYwjWMj Crawford's New FURNITURE ompose displays that will delight any one desiring as broad a selection to choose from as the largest coast cities. f r. LtVtogstotl Karrand, the great est author'ty on public health in Amer ica, served in Krance as the head of the fight against lubcrculosis. He now hUCceedH Henry P. Davison as head of tha Ann rican fled Cross. Dr. Far rand recently visited Snattle, Spo kane and Portland and conferred with representatives of Red Cross Chap ters of Alaska, Idaho. Oregon and Washington. "Tho Red Cross faces problems in the pout war period more serious, if possible, than the problems of the war itself. Not a great amount of money, but th membership and hearty co operation of every American citizen is what is needed to help the ( Red t'ross to solve these problems, which threaten our national vitality, ( and which, unless solved, will rob uri : of the fruits of victory," said Or. Far I rand. "Tbe Reel Cross is the Gospel in :.ooU." I New Bed-room Suites, new Dining-room Furniture, new Living-room displays new arrivals for the Library, in fact, something new for any room in the house. If you want to be sure of finding just what you want come direct to Craw ford's. 3000 YARDS OF LINOLEUM. W. G. Crawford FURNITURE Formerly Crawford & Hedges