East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 23, 1919, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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lllllllllllimillllllllllimillllllllll iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiii
tmwmmmmmmwtmmam miiiiiimiMiimHiMMW
rl. i Ks Initiate Two M iiiIm tm.
Two iiflw meinbciH wero lnltlntcil In
to tho retail rim ka unlun ut u m cl
inic IihUI liutt nltfht. Tim HlMtlnf WtM
well attended uml wuh u bUfltaMI and
social one.
Ak Hnsevelt Program Im (.Ivcii.
i Joiinty Hchool Bttperlntondant W.
W- tlreen today Hnt out il vhu hi to
woIiooIm of the county tluit thoy ob
Herve with Appropriate proKi'um a
RooHvelt day, tdt her tomorrow or
Monday, R04Mvlt'a birthday,
New DiHtHot to Vote Itonds.
Hchooi iutrict No. 1 1 raeantly
i tuicd lib one oT the towiiNhlpH 1 2
miles Houth of ICeho has blcet d offl
0n and 1h prcparfnK u bond Ihhii to
provtdt for t in eroctloti of a school
building In the near future.
I ICntcm nil. ftcbo .
I'hllij Mleh.M 1 If a wv pupil In
the Pendleton hltfh BCbooL Bo will
take work In the ffrM li depart -
! iiu-ii t under the Smith. HukIm-h act.
School to Have u. New lliuMlnf?.
Hchool niHtrirt No. 1'Zt nt PYutt
val In th east end of the county,
has recently voted a $13,00 bond 1
HUe with which to erect a modern
build infC- HldH for the construct ion
will be opened Monday at the county
Hchool superintend!' nt'H office. The
Hchool will contain two recitation
rooms, a domestic science room and
other modern conveniences.
Survey to And In i:tcriiiiiiatiou.
The United Stat Biological Burvay
will abl In the extermination of rubles
in Hurney county, according to an-
i nouncement made today by Htanley
J. welt of the local office. Rabid ani
mals have been found amoiiK the
sheep and doss of Harney and trap
pers win be kept buay Mtormlnatlng
x pi i for Final Paper
John Meyer, of Portland, today ap-
died for his finnl citizenship papers
: and is the first to be fated for the
April !i, IffflOf heurinx. ' Meyer Is a
i native of Switzerland.
The case of Clara Wlshurt vs. 1
James Wlshart, a contested divorce
action. Is being heard In circuit court
today. A number of Wltneoeee from
Hermiston have been called for the
hearing. J. T. Hlnkle and Marvin
Turner are representing the plaintiff
and Holey, Haley & Hti-lw.-r the defendant.
lotm luy Country Arid.
The John Day country In the Hpray
and Monument sections received ttmk
moisture this full t hail did t his wc
tion, according to W. W. Cryder, Uma
tilla forest supervisor who returned
today after a field trip to t he John
Day Mr. Cryder met with th- Wheel
er County Htock Growers Association
for the discussion of grazing problems.
Removed Prom thfl County .Fall.
Qeui Ktt Jone, one of two negroes
who held up the Hongkong Cafe re.
centiy, was removed from the city
Jail to tho COUnty Jail today. Karl
Allen, the other negro, has been Jn
the county Jail eJneO Mi arrest. Nei
ther bus yet had a preliminary hearing.
KSuglMi Mannale Arrive),
Manuals outlining the study of
elementary Kugllsh In the grades
h.iVo been received by COUflty Helloed
Superintendent W, W. fireen and are
being distributed to teachers thru
out the county.
pi. limine lien Started.
V. V. Cryder of the t'matllla Na
tional foreati has be aim erraiuie
mentl for th' preliminary sale
of 700,000 feet of fir to Copenhagen
Brothers. The com puny is in chars
Of the construction for the John Hay
highway and the wood from the na
tional forest will be used for bridges
imd other construction work.
Wc hiivo a nice load of (food, solid sweet squash
Dn display which includes the "Sweet Potato,"
"Striped Beauty" and "Hubbard." These are rec
oil mended for baking and pie making.
Also some very fine pie Pumpkins in small sizes.
4c per Pound
Cheaper by the dozen if you want to lay in your
winter supply.
Phone "101'
"You Can Always Depend on Us."
Pendleton Cash Market, Inc.
Fine Groceries and Meats
Phones 101. (Private exchange connecting both
"See Me Before
The Fire"
The iteal Estate Healers have organised the Uma
tilla Kenlty Association for the purpose1 of iN'tterlng
I he Kenlty conditions of t'mntilla County and elimi
nating tin Krai I State Sharks nnd gie the i l
honest dealings nt a I- gltimntr otiarffe for handling
the business.
Tin" real estate department of this office is In
charge of Mr. A. . Liuidell, a member of the asso
ciation and will rOOOlTO ili- very best of attention.
If you have any business In this line we vvould be
glad to ha vi yuu sec us.
Insurance, Loans,
Real Estate, Grain
721 Main
We have received a large shipment of
while they last we will sell the.i ur
10c a pound
Grocery Department
Two Phones 526
Mint Bynoti i Teat Bchofd.
Mlxs ICdith Ilynon. Rradunto of the
raiiimiH n.iry. lndlann, hlKh -h'"l
ind recently a hi iidcut at the t'nlvnr
Hity of lmlinna. hiLS contracted to
teach the Hchool In district No. SB.
near HlnK. In the northern part of
the enmity.
Probate Matters Mgnod Today.
Th firM wmi-annaal report of the
executor In the aetata of Urw. lth"daj
.InlinBiin raa filed and ordered
Oapted today. An order Wfta made i
allowing the executor to -ell person
al, property baloitdnc to the estate. I
The final report In the Marv A. Wild,
cr estate was approved nnd the Inven
tory In the estate of John Horn filed. 1
The appraiser. Thomas Ross, E. C. j
liranstetter and FYank Spike, value;
the estate at 1 1 !tH5.r,5.
Tell of Conference
Oeorse Rlgbr. Ivan Houaar, Uoyi
Anstln and Arthur Itndd hlch school
bbra who attended the Older Hoys'
Confaranoa at The Dallaa, spoke at
the Pendleton hlKh aebooj assembly
this mornlnlf. Cash Wood, county
V MCA secretary. to another
Speaker. -The assembly was under
the direction of Charles Mowry.
""""" jjPffljaMBl
' This la tho latest picture of
United States Senator Miles Poln
Jcxter, who is much ia the public
uye Just now.
eon SENT aarae. Ill W. Alta.ll
I'hono tl'H-J. B
WANTED To rent piano. Call Mrs.!
lister Uoners. I'hone 1041.
rSvCHOMETHIST Office hours 1-8.
402 K. Alia St.. upstairs.
MAN AND WIl'K want work on
ranch. Can furnish references. In
rjtftra 513 Willow street.
DKKSS.M AKIN' I competently done.
Apt. 4, ttymTttOfl Court. Phone
FOR SAI.K Tord roustahout 116,
Kood rubbers. Make an offer and
drive it away. Telephone tiaraKe. op
posite court house.
LOST Small Idack doK with curved
tall answering name of poster with
San Kraneisco license. Return French
restaurant and receive ISO reward.
FOR SAI.K I. C Smith Typewriter,
sanitary couch and mattress, library
table, stand tables, rockers, etc. Also
partitions taken from Dr. Kinz office.
Call Ir. S'arba's office.
Cllunse of Time for OfKmtag of IHds.
BMt will be received not later than
1:30 p. m. November 3rd. 1919, in
place of October 27th. 1919. as adver
tised. Pids are to be sent in sealed
envelopes, marked bids for construc
tion of new school for Plst. No. 72,
Umatilla Co.. Ore., and mailed to W.
w. Orasn. Pendleton, ore. The school
b.iarcl reserves the riuht to accept or
le.leet any or all bids. Plans al the of
fice of the County School Supt.
The Jolly Inn takes this means of
announclliB to their many Sunday pnt-
mm Ihtit not of resoeel to OUf help
land ourselves, we will be BlOBSd all
lay Sunday and every Sunday tuero-
Use the
Use the
We Never Sacrifice Quality for Price
al vMrits-M s sun k'TrtwEtrif
LOWER the PRICE. ALWAYS reliable goods at prices that mean real savings.
$2.00 to $5.95
There isn't any use to de
scribe in detail our Black
Satins. They are of excel
lent quality. They have a
permanent finish, and they
make up into most stylish
dresses. Every woman
should have at least one
bEsS Suchess, Messaline, De Luxe, Imperial and Charmeus,
$1.00 TO $3.75
A comi)lete showing of silks suitalile for h'linp
suits and coats. Some fancy and some plain. If you
contemplate lining your old coat or a lining in that
new suit you're having made, see these lining silks
Fancy Silks '. g-JO g.0
Plain Silks $2M)to $..o
The beautiful plaid woolens we're showing for
skirts are by far the most desirable we have ever
shown The plaids and the color combinations are
'different and the quality of goods are the best. Se
lect a length for a skirt from JQC to 5Q
these. The yard
Fur cloth is used quite a great deal for coats,
trimmings, collar and cuffs for coats, etc. e have
fur cloth in imt. seal, beaver and molaine. Before
you buy your trimming for that coat see ourtgtg
you buy your trimming for $8.50 t0 $17.50
that coat see our assortment T
Handkerchiefs of all descriptions, for school use.
Evervday use and special occasions. Handkerchiefs
of vei-v best qualitv of Shamrock lawn, linen and soft
silkv finished fabric. Ready for use. Plain white
and' colors 10c, 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c to $1.00.
The present high cost of foot
wear has impressed overy one
With the importance of selecting
shoes wisely. We have all learn
ed that one pair of good shoes,
of a well known make, even
though the first cost is more, cost
less in the end than cheaper
shoes. The value you get in good
shoes is measured by first, the
number of days you can wear
that shoe. Second, the style,
and third, comfort you get.
We are now prepared to show
you the newest apparel in foot
wear. Note some of the following
styles in ladies' high shoes.
French Bronze Kid with the
new long vamp, plain toe, Paris
Louie heel. Very close edge welt.
This shoe is of the very newest
it u". cpeawon in uiuiuc aim v.un -
M l; -U worn with very good taste, with
h-: either brown or blue suit or
dress. e have priced tins snoe
at, the pair $18.00
Champagne washable Kid
(that will wash). This shoe is
made over the new Devon last
which carries the long slender
vamp, with the high Paris Louie
heel, very close edge welt, lace,
blind eyelets. This shoe is very
dressy and v, ill stand up until
worn' out. This shoe is worth
$20.00 the pair but. on account of
early buying we have priced it
for. 'the pair $16.50
We have the new shades in
grevs and browns with prices
that are less than we can buy
them wholesale at today's prices. These shoes range
in price from, the pair $0-00 to $15.00
We have all grades and prices in black slices.
When you buy shoes here you know you are get
ting the best that money can buy. and they will fit
van nok more t rossv ana last ituiuer. e can- mi
all foot trouble. Bring your troubles to us.
are here. Patrons having subscription cards
please call and get yours. There are many back
numbers here too. Please set them.
Wearing the proper model an Jj&Jj
kind of a corset feives one the feelufc
of beinfe well dressed, but, the corset
must fit.
To feet a really fcood fitting corset the
services of our expert corse tiere are at
your disposal.
One of our makes in particular, the
MODART Corset, front laced, fcaves
most excellent results. It as a corset
that will brinfc out style and improve
the general figure lines. It as comfort
able and durable. You wall make no
mistake in arran&anfe for a trial fitting
- ot your convenience.
$4.50 to $20
$2.50 to $3.00 set
They are put up 6
napkins to the set. A
big assortment of de
sirable patterns.
Some amongst the
lot that will match up
your table cloth.
Some are linen and
some are not, how
ever, very good for
every day use. Have
a look at them.
Each day we accumulate a few silk remnants and
now this past week we have quite a few. They will
be out on counter tomorrow and Saturday at ONE
If you intend to braid that dress or blouse use our
They come in colors, black and white. We can take
your order here for braiding and promise quick ser
vice and good work.
i : ui: n
Towels of all kinds. Huck towels of all cotton,
union ami all linen. Turkish towels, double knit,
verv absorhant and large sizes.
Huck Tow els. each 20c to $1.50
Turkish Towels, each 20c to $1.25
aTHIlHtinillllH 1 1 1 I ( t 1 1 U I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( 1 lit 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 laMMMWU