DAILY EVENING EDITION DAILY EVENING EDITION Nam bar ooples primed of rest, (!,, Dally dlUoa 2,861 this pspr m a namnrr ana audited by the Audit Iiunau of circulations. The Eat (nesrooJan la Kaatera Or. ton' frrmm newspaper and wiling force givsa lo It adrewlaw orer twice the ri relation la Peadla. ton and ImaUlla count of aay other .... iM-r. CITY OFFICIAL PAF3t OOUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER 1 I EasglQrAoniari) S I i"y-'t PEN Uti i - NO 4867 VOL. 31 FIRST BOLSHEVIK ThMQ m APTIAII IHIIIU) in HMIUli NEARMGRADtf Administrative Head of Amer ican Relief Mission in Riga Wounded by German ohell in Bombardment of City. REFUSAL OF FINLAND WORKS NEW HARDSHIP Russian Soviet Government Notifies Berlin Compliance ' With Allies' Blockade Re quest Will be Hostility. UO.N'Lm .S', Wet. 23. Doctor t -son, administrative head of American life tiilHHlon In Itlita. wan wnundatl b u Oermun mIii-II which Htruclt the or Kanlzution'H haadQttaHara, according to u t'opcnhuKi'ti iliHpatch today. It occurred daring a heavy bomhurd incnt of the city by General Rcr mondt'N tiernian army. lottili de ferdari vigorously reviled to the Ijoiii burdmcnt. a Moscow dlapaten rOAOrtad that the first tankM maiiufuctured by Iho hoUhcvlkl are In action UKiiliiHt Ccn ernl Vudenltch' army outHldc of I'd - . rnKTad. A Hio'kholm datpateh said Yudenitch'H dlfrirultieH have been In- creaaed by the refusal of Finland to ! coopcriite In the attack on IVtroifrud. Agrarians In the rinnltili diet blocked nil attempt.i at umIiHiucc, fearliiK the heavy cost. The Kusslun Hovlet Koxernment no tified rjcrmany that compliance with the allien' request to Ji.ln In the block ade of the. bolahcvlkl will be rettarded lui an act of humility. OCTOBER SNOW FALLS, hermiston dairy, hog displa y FIRSIIN40VEnRSOPElVS; coifPETv is keen Forty years ago I'cndletoii people shivered amid October now, todaj they are wltr.v'Mni: the firm Oatober full of the pure-und-w hit. ilnrc 1H79. According to old tiroern the ffleial data for the appearance of i he first f la ken i Christ man Kv and when fitow fell here 20 yearn ago on No vember it. It wa a matt r of w on. derment. The snow, of the powdery variety, fell this morning and meltod glmont I in mediately, althotiKh the tempera, lure Ih 38, roldeat day yW this fall. I asl nlght'H temperature was .!:'. aecording to the weather report Of .Major L0 Moor house. I 'endle Ii'h'h we;ithT man. Anldp from lis Hectacular ftetttlire the hiiow is dootdoUly vtdcome to farmer. Including huh nttfht H niln the precipitation totallod . T, r. Im hes. whieh settlen affirmatively the vital ijuestlon of to seed or not to seed. Athena had n snow today also. My travelers from that section, and the reservation district also experienced a snowfall. There ! mm h Sh"W In the mOUtU tains sa ys W. W. Cryder, I 'matllla forest supervisor. GOMPERS IS URGED TO CALL SPECIAL PBOtllA, Oct. 2.1. A UleKram waa n..u to I'roKlilont Oompon tmlay hy Iho'stiili- friliTiitlnn of labor In ool vontUin hi-rp. urKlnn hi mto Immnli ataly on il bih-cIhI convairtlon of the i,i.rir.n StadaratloD and th four Ntnwiiy orotharhoodn t form an Of- ranalv nmi dpfcnHivo alllan. The ronoluti"" rtrctoraa "lho eiipltallntlc . i .-is In .Irinik with power, Is exploit ing tho worklriKinan. that It niusl he curbel and thut oBWrlv! coMa li v Intl mnirt ho reduced." Ulvooate .stnui'. 1-I90HIA, 111"., Oct. JJ. Speakers h,-f,,ro the convention "f llllnolii fed eratlfn of labor advooated a general eiilke to aid the ateel workers. Vice president Connorx wild It the fled strike lost the labor movement would atl luck SO yearn. Ilciurn Fmm Grand liodge, Mi. and Mrs. Iftnn ' Tayl turned this inornlns from Bolaa Idaho whero Mr. Taylor aucwieii n:' grsnd lodge or me i. i. The vas I hi- Ullll'lU ' - lurgi'st O'-er lici.i ui me siam ui in.- . ....... ,. I,,.,l,i..l ! lui. .nr. iiiyiwi w.. fifty ilelegatoa from Spokane unci Northern Irtuho will pass through hire Saliiiflay Btftnlng al 8 o'clock on theli way home. .Mr. Tuyloi said. Installs Grinding Plant. U. C Wimer, optomet i i.-t and op t , - in j m the Sehaefer jewlr utoie, has oomrleted the Installation of ;i mod ern grinding plant The plant make? nissslhln the duplicallon of a lenne In 60 minutes. Mr. Wlm'i states that hh fHHt inereaslng buslnesH and the grow ing demand for quick service ha prompted him In offer Ihe public what is known as 5!tv Minute Sei -tfco." WINNER OF CONTEST TO M't, ---ji r ' ., '"KiaWBBnVDVMnWBIKWMBVBUnn c t 5tr Anil. of the fo Mirw Anita Pooth of New h of .W l. He innvlf iirodiirtion. The shadow in tii of why judges dMelded sh would STALLS, PENS CROWDED AS 7 TH j Btnlls and peio at ih rXerinlston Dairy and Ha .Shw. were crowded w ith 1 entrim In the ntrloua contests yesterday when the sevvnih annual how opem-d. Farmers from the weM end or th uojiily are e . idencing keen Interest and there Is considerable competition for Hie pri-nfttffai:'' The crowd was unusually lurfce for ,. -i,ii,K day mid it stimated that It will be f.-ur limes a i large by Fridu and .--aturdiiy. Hn nnMon people arc making every cffori to ncciinnioilatc the v;si',rs. ' FIFTH SPECIALIST CALLED IN TO ATTEND PRESIDENT DT, II. . I'kr Although Admiral Grayson, Pt dent Wiifsin"N ph sit-ia 11. has mad' no annonnccmcnt. It is understood I hat Ir. H. A. Fowb r of Washington whs called to sgamtne Mr. Wiis.m. TMg makes the fifth specialist in attend ance on the president. Dr. Fowler Is n specialist In treatment of affections if the n lands. TWO PLANES CRASH IN OCEAN TO OCEAN RACE .. ,,- N; - Id. (Mi'S ill 111 transcontlheni e giound here strong wniil. n hi d t cl- deltts dlle :ten- mt iiyncs, starting sastward on his return trip, was blown Into a fence. His Machine was so be Hy wn ;. d he N out 't the raae, antry trying to make a lHiiding ftbout the same time, den ended with gTeSj f ( i ee and smashed a number of ports of his snachllte, but will be able t resUgftS the flight. No one Was MrioUal) hurt. funeral "rt'urdav. I The funeral of the late C. . It, v. enhera will be held Saturday after- noon al '2 o'clock from the residence at &rt5 West Alta si i vet, H MM! -,:' .... DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1919. BECOME MOVIE ACTRESS " - IJ.rodi i- picl ure rnaRaKlne contest was aatoeurea her an important part in a photograph irlrea a very good idea "era n" M ell. '.Mif hortt3r-d ov will be en- tered in the (nllktnic contest ut the llermwton Dairy and Hoc Show. Twenty-two have already bean entefd, breaking all pre- vioufl re ord :im the gTOfiteel numlx r in the past hIx shows was 1 2, fifty two reKistered cows, two OupriiMpys, t wo registered balls, SS Duroc Jerseys and sev- oral I 'ola nd Cttlna hogs, and httfli grAtie heifers are shown at the exhibit. 4 HtrrniHton scjhuol, of the with I orot hjr members of the J team, Won first prize in the students' Ktocfe. judKhiK contest. I orothy dis played spirndld knowledge Of stock a nd h r informal ion rivaled that of ih' boys, sa the judges. Bctfo won second prise, $10. Margaret Hagan ofthe officers b Rtajiflfld. eras another vouruar mlas who' Mis. t Miil ' Invaded the boys' field. The stand ing of the teams was ns follows: Iler ! R.Uton, Kcho. Slanfiebl. '-lumll:ihiinl Umatilla. The .sir best judges were ! .laims Hall of Ib rmistiiii, ('land Whit ' sett of Hi-rmiston; Kjtrl Sitltng. of hn Margaret Bs-gafl of Stanfield ' bTowardi of stanfield, and Dor trtggs of Hermiston. The teams I four dairy cattle and four hogs contest proffram for the Ortwan Dairy- The men's Convention hlch as held in con nee) ion wiih the show today was as follows; Itoarsday, h .m. Addre-s of welcome - -- May MeK engte. ReNponse A. 1" VV'eStOoti i F .f Banks; pns . but nf ihe Association. What the Oregon Dairy Council Is Dolllg for the Dairymen of the States ' li. S. Sahin of Portland. "The Newly I ipcovered Importance of the Dairy Industry." M. R Shroek. of Portland, formerly lTmntilla Coun ty agent. CHILDREN OF EASTERN STAR TO BE FETED T I I I h ehlldren of llastern star members, the ISastern Star chapter will be "at home" on Saturday afternoon in the Vasouit hail between the hours of V;S6 and I O'clock. The officers are arranging the afternoon so thai all chapter mem bers in this chapter and all who may be visiting or living here and not af-i filiated with this chapter, may come i and gel acquainted There will be Bntertainment for the children as well as the Informal afternoon for the mot hers. Jim luakciey Deports for Baker. Jim HI pie f Wallowa, left last after isii ing here the past week. evening for Pake with relutives for UPHEAVAL POSSIBILITY OP INDUSTRIAL CHAOS FRANKLY ADMITTED AS CHASM IS MADE WIDER LACK OF POWER PUTS NEWSPAPER EQUIPMENT OUT OF USE 4 HOURS Power trouble, bo til in the WalM Walla bead plant and in the en-cult between Athena and ren dlelon lied u the comiolUoti rjictlttiej of tb- Host Oregnnlau between ":!." and tills morning and lietwarn i mid Itfto tbis after noon. As a result, tic iue was not onfl i-oii-ldcciibl;. kite in get. lina lo pre-., btrt did ihii Itcrmlt ol Hit cclllllt: of tin' ii-ual aiinnint of oopf. The three tyP""tHn mnt'ltiltea, a w M M I he it .- . d land iiihiii '. ..'tricul power t r their operation. LETTER FROM HUSBAND EXPLAINS MYSTERY GF Nervous Trouble Followed In fluenza Attack and Journey to Mayo's Begins Long Wan dering Which is Ended Here. Through a story published in Port- j html yesterday, J. K. Whitman, bus band of Mrs. Celts Whitman, commit ted to the stutc hospital here .Mon day night, bus been locuted. Mr. Whitman, who resides at 39S Sixth street, knew nothing of Mrs. Whit man's whereabouts until (h saw the story from Pendleton, his kn-r to Chief of Police Roberts today said. Mrs. Whitman bad influenza lafii -wlntiT and Han I-hi ee-v s-'neta ever since. Mr. Whitman explained. Purine- the hot spill in 'July she was taken With nervous trouble and would not stav in anv one place for more I than a tew days. Mr. Whitman sen her fo Minn., Mtfyo IIiother : t Rochester, g- t besteflt lere, however in It ks they A tU da IH! I', there to Seattle. After a time In th sound city she went to Spokane an from there went to Portland gam Monday. Mr. Whitman we v in met his i went horn wife ut the train and th to dinner. After dinner that evening, Mr. Whilman went out to get a room elsewhere, so Mr. Whitman said in hia letter. Since then he has Seen noth ing of her although he found, attei two days search, the house she had stayed In at L'14 Eleventh stret t. From there she evidently wen! to Mosier and from Mosier to Pendleton Monday. Mrs. Whitman Is still In the state hos pital lie re where she wag committed after examination by Dr. D. J. Mc I'aul. She attempted to jump off u moving train at ttleth, trainmen Cold re. who runs a rooming rut h st reet, Portia nd, ober S, Mrs. (Vlia I a room, but about house at Ble MUd that on (f Whit man engUsg 20 minutes late di .ppi from CAPITAL AND LABOR V.SHINiiT The phot he American I - deration of 1 Rockefeller, Ji n th" conferci .hoe leces twio. Ml unconventi- aHsBERHSW Jfflss s ;iCs?SalS 1 on the steps of the Pan-American building before the break e. Th photographer dweovt red that John !.. Jr.. Wraps his ftOOUt his hoe tops before he ties them, wkich struck him as a al, at least, for a millionaire LOOMS WHEN LABOR When 'lumpers led bin delegates out of the conference the -faced the following Hituation; HteH woikorn, estimated at fron oy,o to half a million a-l Mrik. 1 in with American Federation J : record us favoring a call for fumJfc" to support the utrlke. .Secretary Wilton !h trying to sto: the walkout of marly half a million i soft coal miners, ceheduled for No. j vcmber 1. Railroad brotherhoods a n d fehop men demanding waKe Increases and - changed wt.rkintf conditions which they intend to rush for h. de- ru0n befnre the road are returnee j to thfir private owners. U'.SHINCT N. Oct, 23. With la-I lor delegates OU of industrial con- j ference, restoration of industrial I- a .a- restA with rrt'sident Wilion. i Whother th- president will attempt ! BtllC eek nW RUJthod t" end trie rerurrene of , -tt il t-s, anT lockouts, la uncertain j Th pybltc and cal-ital groin s an-j nounei- their intc ntkin of continun ! MtOJiSj foUowing withdrawal of tht ' labor flelepates last niiht. GeneraW opinion, druwal fererce, arriving j turn. y.any eouAtcy however, u j. Tactically preehidine at a truce that the with- j ended the con-J any ha nee of program unlesf- ; fficials frankly believe the a facing the possibility of ivduM rial lioh. aval, and the entire Attention :of the executive depart. irent ,nil conercss to afertWis it.' iu, be turned HERO OF 1917 WORLD SERIES CONIES HERE Urban i:cd" uber, right hande iwim me mmn " i eno k ioii mis o.o, hm.s ""'" most of the winter witb friends in I'matilla county, Kaber "is hero of the 1S17 world's series when the Sox and New York Giants tangled, but in the recenl series with Cincinnati waj not given a turn on the hillock. Fuber received a large slice of th? SpOili from the series but was disup- p"intcd in not being sew to me noma aiter Clcotte and Williams were bal- tered by the Cincinnati batters. Kabor was not even put in as u relief hurier. The big leaguer WtH visit with Fred tMoes at Helix and this week end will go on a deer hunt south of Pilot Rock near Blktiorn cabin. Kaber Was her Fin the winter of 1917. after the Sox I OlantS series and spent several week: tin hunting-trips. His home is in Cas ! ade, Iowa. ' 1 j the house and never ame back, Shi left nothing but Tew groceries.. Mrs Miller said that the woman appeared to be tired and had little t o say. merely asking for permission to us the BtOVQ to make tea. When she die not appear-, after making that request Mrs. Miller called to her and found that she bad disappeared. BEFORE BREAK grapher snapped Frank IfOTriSon, secretary of (lor tleft in earnest COS VerSatlOSi with John l. ROBBERS WHO ARE HELD FOR BIG JOB AT ASTORIA Albert Meadors. ftbove, who held up I No. 5 at Meacham in 1811s, suspected ! of robbing Kallunki store of $10,000. Krank Wagner, below, who takes cn- tire blame for robbery. "SPOOKS" BLAMED FOR SPELL OF DARKNESS IN WEE SMA' HOURS "Spooks" are blamed by Dr. F. W. Vincent for the peculiar action of tho city's lights dur ing the night. Repeated at tempts to locate a break in the system failed and no reason is advanced by the manager of the Pacific Power L.Ight Co. for the Intermittent spells of dark ness. Pendleton gets its power from Walla Walla, the line serving the towns en. route. Athena had no trouble with its lights and as soon as this was ascertained, two linemen, with search lights went over the system from Pen. dleton to Athena and back. They found everything in food shape. Dr- Vincent says, but tho lights would not stay on when switched in here. Another in spection tour over the route was made a t daybreak today, with no different result. At 9 o'clock the power was turned on. running uninterruptedly un til about noon. No repairs were made, either In the city or be tween her.- and Athena. When the lights Wnt out last night, candles and lamps were brought into use. A vaude ville act was on at a local th' . ater and when the lichts failed It was finished candle light. Restaurants and early opening stores this morning lighted their establishments he candle and Vamp. Until power was turned in. local news pa pers were help less to start composition and were delayed nearly two hours In getting ii ndcr way. .Some other estahlishments were incon venienced by the failure of the power. On O. .V. l lilev Club. Kugcne Hampton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hampton of Pendleton, has been chosen as a member of the O. A. C. men s glee club. The club cs jfr.,.t t.iir southern ''alifornia dur ing the Christmas vacation. Returns from Lower Columbia. r Iee I. Drake, adveitnting manager I of the Knst regonian. returned to ' Pendleton last evening on No. IS aft er three weeks pent at Astoria. Mr. Drake is one of the oeraere of the , Evening Budget at Astoria and has , been helping the roedrganfsatlon of : that paper. Moirm Comity ieiitf to t,tilt. M. Sbutt. sheriff Of Morrow county. Is to resign Nov. I. according to word broi ght here toda? by Deputy Sheriff Selhv ,,f ib ppner Shutt was elected lust 'fir to succeed 0OOfJO McOuffy. Velmify M now deputy sheriff and is tneifftolted fr the un expired term o Sheriff Shutt. Mc Ibiffy is renembvred here as the P'uev'y offlcal a ao shot Charle Manning, one of the Meacham train roMmffOj four years afto. Ssuitii Dakota Visitor Ueavea I.vntan T I hjnning. I gist of Woux rillr, . -home last evening on No. iting for a week with A here. oneer drug l . left for I after ie C Koeppen WALKS OUT DELEGATES FOR PUBLIC TALK OF OUTLINING CODE Advice of President Sought To day as Result of Conference After Break Last Night; Session May Continue. HOPE PUT IN WEIGHT OF PUBLIC OPINION Some Feel Further Effort Use less Since Labor Group Left Round Table; Tumulty Takes Question to Wilson. Washington; Oct. ts. Pri. ticnt Wilson today eonstittited a new conference from the wreekage cf llie first one. At his suggestion, ma do In a letter to Secretary lne, tlelegaSeM re Presenting; the public will remain In session to seek solution nf the nation's indit-trial problems. Ikclegates ren rcentfng employers are evened from further attendance but the public group, the president told l.aiie. must work. The public group is expected to make nn exhaustive Investigation of the entire national situation Just as ihe original conference planned to do, Iinc exilainetl when he called two groups to order at 2:30. lie said new mcml-rs will lie added ir it seems necessary. Lane dii'laeed the confer ence "adjourned as now constituted" and the public group immediately stoned Its session, the omnloyers'' del egates leaving the hall. WASHINGTON, Oct- 23. The pres ident's advice was sought today on the practicability of having the pub lic group of the industrial conference continue in session to adopt an indus trial code. This followed a confer ence last night of Secretary Tumulty. Chairman I-ane, of the conference, Thomas Chadbourne of the committee of 15. and Bernard Raruch. one of the public's representatives.' It .s learned that Tumulty put the problem before President Wilson this morning. , !, ' Lane is anxious to have Ike public group make a report to th president outlining what it believes should b done to bring cooperation between capital and labor. Smoe of the pub lie's represetttativeg feel that this will be useless since labor left the con ference. Those favoring it think pub lic opinion would force labor to ad here' to the principles the public group laid down. -' MOTORCYCLE SMASKUP ' PUTS CITY BACK $165 Payment of claims against the city Was ordered by the ctty council last evening in a short session of purely tM lllllf, III , J" k' l.cd ji.il'I as k. Among the bills order- on.- for $t85 for repair to thi traffic officer's motorcycle. recently smashed up in a -collision, and anutker for to H. Carter for uctin? as attorney In the Crlm n.ins d;'.uae suit against the city. Petition was received from Dr. t- Id II. Hill and others tor pamg Martm street from Main to Madison and Main street from Martin south to the end of the present paving. It was referred to the street committee. The fire committee okeh was i a c i -d o n Iho t wo perm its for work within the frle limits. The jobs ln cbide remodeling of a pool room In the M Mock estate property on Main street ind a new Window and floor in the fr-;nt of Hohbtich's bakery. The i. e rumittee reported an of fer of 2o for the old fire bell tower In the rear of the Field school. CLUB MEETINGS ARE SET FOR TOMORROW V'jt a meeting- tomorrow nt the La i . of Um O. a. v. . Mrs. Coots Fr Mrs. 1 Strnhorn. Mr. Jsnnfc nJ Mi 1". M. WyrtOk ua as lie nioetin Is to he th, clul' i oom at Ifc,- c ounty lltjrar- IHlliiaii (.lob, I ii'iilii! club m. - burs will b. . a, .:a t. irrow aft. -moon of Mrs. ' ii i. t.tsy havittK bean sakl .i h o'clock aiesthn lUiman i ihe th. mo of st idy. SL iies uull l 'i-hu l it" n of St. .fn flull.l will i, i luntorrnw nlsht at I ', look at he 1 AAscvpal reotory. A bustiiaw an t oi i i TOtsstlii i Is i inni"l fur the . Will Alter elli, r WsbetvaM s lM, mSm la t - Iter a elb( sy f . tt, th K0.S' to b Hi vei t