wiik'aiuMMM----"i t DAILY EVENING EDITION DAILY EVENING EDITION TIm L a .( f .. canntnn l Number coplee printed of yt-nterdar'a Dolly ICdltlon. 2,825 Paper u meinnrr ua audited bjr (lie Audit Uunu of Circulation. eelllng force gtvee to It edit i llenee over twice uo ilreuiaiHna u ri ton ami Imatllla conntj of UJ nn. encper. . (. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER CITY OFFICIAL PAP VOL 31 NO 4865 DAILY EAST OREOONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1919 I Easf, W CQrej$oniari) HUannBHM aeBaeaeesw?!! GOVERNMENT AID IN RECLAMATION BELIEVED NEAR Will R. King, Chief Counsel for United States Service, Comes to Umatilla County to Con fer on Hermiston Project. SAYS ENTERPRISE ALMOST SURE AFTER RATIFICATION McKay, Teel and John Day Projects Favorably Consid ered; Private Building Urged to Make Fund Possible. 111 I i wvsi; oonforvn Gompors i-i "ii.f t.n the withdrawal group. put. TIm: I President This probably mean-. oi the I . i ' i i DAYLIGHT THEFT OF JEWELS IN PORTLAND TIE UP OE SHIPS TWICE DECLARED OFF, YET EXISTS Longshoremen's Strike. Para lyzing Industry in New York Harbor, Called Off Yesterday by vote of Unions. iSTRONG QUAKE FELT IN VICINITY OF ROME, LASTS FIVE SECONDS J; MK, Oct. 21. - A strong earth qitttfto hock lasting five seconds occurred In this vicinity thin morning. TAKEN UPAT REALTY LATE REPORTS INDICATE BOLSHEVIKI NOT ONLY RESISTING ATTACK ON PETROGRAD BUT ARE WINNING VICTORIES ON OTHER FRONTS RESERVATIONS WOULD CALL FOR ACCEPTANCE BY OTHER POWERS IS COMMITTEE VOTE Berlin Dispatch Tells of Official Word From General Yuden itch Declaring He Has Reached Former Capital. NOT A WORKER RESUMES HIS JOB THIS MORNING m. l. Smith, jeweler in Heiig Difficulties, Attempted Concili Building Robbed of $2500; Five Ineffective Shots Fired After Automobile. ation of Which Fell Down Monday Night, Appears Set tled When Men Fail. Newly-organized Body to Strive for Purchase of Timber Land and Establishment of Saw Mill in County. CLAUSH. ROSENBERG IS CALLED BY DEAD PORTLAND, " dtts robbed M . l. th Hotlig thcate In diamonds and Government aid In pom rrtlng arid landH In rrnatllla county to highly productive areas is almost certain to come with ratification of the peace treaty, Will It. King, chief OOtinssI for J this morning. They escaped In an an the I'nlted States rcelainiitlon service, loniobile which a partner had ready assured tin BmM oregonian in an In-j Jn front of the store for the icotaway. tervirw laBt nlnht. In the light of ; Smith rush-d Into the street a,nd fired t. 22. Two In Smith. Jeweler, building of III ash at H: 20 o'clr present results and nf feasible add I tional projects, the county's future in the reclamation line is pronounced exceptionally hrtKht. Judge King, accompanied hy VV. IJ. We? mouth, chief of construction of the Servian, anl H. I Holgutc, district counsel for all gOVm merit projects In regon, has Just completed a Isit to the west end of the county. They did nut visit the head works of the Teel project nor of the proposed Mc Kay creek dam and reservoir. Prom the reports of engineers. however. Judge King felt qualified lo tell of the feasibility of these projects. Money is not at present available in the reclamation fund for construction of the McKay creek project. H be lieves that because of the added wa ter supply to he made available hy 1 this project, it will receive favorable action as soon as the road Is clear for reclamation legislation. There are now three reclamation measures pending in congress. Jttdg King' pointed out. any one of which will , benefit Oregon. The blV . Include one by Congressman Monde II, one l v Sen ator Jones and one by Chamberlain and Hmlth. ltnom In Project. "The additional supph of water which the McKay reservoir would furnish would greatly enhance the value of works already completed." J udge King observed. "Not only would Bt eral t hoiiwiiid arres of find OfaUW MUlds Iki reclaimed in a dd it Ion to those a I ready benefited on hot h hides of the 1'niatiIIa river It WOUld lead to economy In operation, due to the facf that all might OS grouped Undor one head. Thus the BSrvlofl would be effecting a saving Whete In vest ment of an equal mount on a new or distant project would require pew headquarters and a new working force," f ,V Teel Project Praised. five shots at the speeding machine but apparently none wax effective. LAKES BIG DECLINE NKW rOUK Oct It. Though 1 called off twice by offical unions, the strike of longshoremen which fed up the port of New York for neaHy three weeks. Is .still in progress, although one faction of the thousand to work not a man resumed his Job today. NKW TO UK, Oct. 22. The strike of longshoremen, which began three weeks ago and fs completely tying up coastwise end tronsei lant e shipping In this port, was called off yesterday when delegates of local unions unani mously agreed to return to wor!;. CHIC ; dropped 7u day. Oct. ents t Hog . prtot dollar here t STEAMER CARRYING 233 RUNS AGROUND BUT FLOATS AGAIN Settlement of Pendleton 'h hous ( ing problem was d scussed last even ing by the newly-organised C mat Ills ' County Realty Association. A cam paign for bringing new industries to Pendleton and for development of Intensified farmmg in the county was nlbn taken up. Purchase of timber land In the Bounty and esstabrshnient of a saw mill was one proposition advanced. UCh an arrangement, believing that by such system, lumber could be laid down here at $10 less per thousand than in now charged. In connection with this pla n, suggestion was made that the association purchase land to plat for an addition to Benjlleton upon which to erect small houses to sell on the installment plan. The realtors adopted as their slo van, "Own Your Own Home ; We'll Help You Get It." Further work 1 on the suggestions mado last even- ing is to he followed up. Clans H. Rosenberg t- ;. ,t res ident of Umatilla count;., for ths past 41 years and one of the most promi nent farmers of this section, died last night at 9 O'clock, after several months of poor health. Mr. ttOSenbers; is survived by Mrs. Rosenberg and the following; children; Mrs. Caroline I McKay. Miss Klise Hose n berg, Mrs. Katherine A. Woed age, Henry J. Rosenberg and Herman Rosenberg, all of Pendleton, and Mrs. Bertha W. Zander of Walla Walla. liorn in Hoistein. Germany Sep tember II. lis." I. Mr. Rosenberg came to the United States in 1ST1. He lived near Council Pluffs, Iowa, ana OSm went four years later iroing to Call'O nla. In December, 1878, he came to this county and engaged in farming. His holdings increased to such an ex tent that in 190,7 he retired. Mr. Rosenberg made two trips to his na tive land since his retirement. Definite funeral arrangements have not been made !- will be announced WASHINGTON, Oct. 22. With 1 1 eaty friends and foes prepared for a clash at ihn outset, the foreign re latl i s corntalttee today took up the '.v-.r : of 'raining a resolution for stlflcatl n Strong reservations aa I a-t of the resolution In the pri i t ti it Senatof !dge and repub ead members f the committee, unfuallfied acceptance, or If that can not be' secured, mild reservations is what Senator Hitchcock and other treaty supporters are seeking. Not Ind xridmt Matter. WASHINGTON. Oct. 22. Reser vations to the treaty would have to I be accepted by the other Allied pow STREET FIGHTING ALONG OUTSKIRTS IS REPORTED later. tfrt Drop in Kamsas City, KANSAS CITY, Oct. 21 reached the lowest figure li than two ears here today. -Hogs more INDIANADODlS, Oct. 22. Contin ued drop In thi- price of hogs on the Indianapolis livcsiocl ed In retail murki Prices of pork are 1 1 On July 11 H . when th SAN KllANr;iSC( ). Oct. 22. Nippon Maru a passenger steam er, which was grounded on a rocky beach off Point Pedro this morning, was biter floated It carried 23 pas sengers. No damage was done to the v es.se 1. market reflect s here tod entu lower th price was at its More Industries for Pendleton is B lab attracting the interest pf the realtors. A broom factory, especial ly, is desired. Brocm corn can be crown successfully in the county, they believe, r.nd brooms could be manufactured at a great saving to Walla Walla to attend her funeral. fathers Red Armies Said to Total 720, 000 Men, Munitions Supply Adequate, and Great Gains Claimed by Soviets. LONDOX, Act. IS. Conflictinn re ports havf been received reuardlnir the progress of antl-bolhevlkl at tacks against Pctrograd. A Berlin dispatch reported an official com munique from Oeneral Yudenltch de clarlng he had reached Petrograd and that street fighting is progressing on ers, the foreign relations committee the outskirts. Other dispatcnea. now decided today. The committee took ' ever reported that the bolahevlkl are up the question of whether American not only successfully resisting the at reservatlons would require the as-. tack on Petrograd but are winning sent of other powers and the vote victories at other fronts, was io to 7 in favor this as a condi- AHJe" et Sotlau-ks. Uon of ratification. McCumber, re-1 While the Ited armies are keeping publican, voted with the democratic the anti-bolsheviki forces from the senators. Shields, democrat, voted , city gates by frequent sorties, it Is re voted with the republicans. ported that both Kenikene and Kol It is predicted at the White House chak have received setbacks In the that the committees' action will be south. The bolshevikl are reported to defeated on the floor of the senate, have recaptured Crel and driven Denikene back to tne outskirts oi Kieff. On Kolchak's front the bol shevikl are said to have advanced 14 miles in the Kurgan region. taking 1000 prisoners and to have won suc- Senators will take no steps leading toward reopening of negotiations, ac- Zanoer will arrive from cording to the administration view. il THIEVES TUNNEL INTO CELLAR OF SALOON WOltClfEKTKK, Mass., Oct 22 Speaking of "underhand" met hods, t hleves tunneled into the cellar of, a saloon here ami departed with 0 gallons of red licker. lUltiiatum IViim Plan OS dispatch filed Monday at Riga r epor ted thai aviators attached to WILSON SIGNS SEVERAL BILS AT WHITE HOUSE nnti-Holshevik ultimatum In to bontbhaid It by midnight. Beitnondt'i dropped at : ' I ' ' : surrendered attempts to crcSs U))e Pvl been repulsed by the lefts It In unofficial reports. a r m v the city unless it terms n ' WASHINGTON. Mrt -l'reslden Wilson signed several bills, it in learn ed. at the White House. The presi dent signed abe food control act. giv ing Attorney CtoneraJ power author lty to proHecute profiteers. Wilson al so signed three other measures of mi nor importance. q l linprot lug. WASHINGTON, ((t. .22.- The pres ident had one of the best nights since his Illness began, said Lis physician's bulletin today. "His digestion is sat isfactory ." Not only did JttdgS King pronounce the McKay reservoir and project fea sible and highly desirable but he also praised tho Trel project, now under construction. This improvement will be n great public bettefU tb Hie COUn ry and state at large, he said. It will Increase the waler suppl In a dis trict now not under Irrigation, and, I KKKOWH l ssi:i. AKHOHK m;w DTDFOIU, Mssh t. '22. An unknown vessel is estiore Off Nan iim let. aocordtng to a report rwlvtd hrro Ualay. A life sating crew lias gone to the assistance off the ship. s. rvliig Papers In ltHk District. Deputy Sheriffs Joe lllakelv and .hike Marin are in the Pilot Kock vi cinity today serving legal papers. A third proposition taken up for discus-ion was that of leasing lands t., be ib-let for Intensified farming. Pladna four families on n serf on where not anyone lives t present erO can be acr- !i!To'nea oy eucn a 'scheme they pointed ofcf The housing problem attracted the greater share of interest last even ing, due to the fact that hundreds of persons left Pendleton this summer because Of no housing facilities. There wan no houses for rent and many had not the means to buy o j la rgs prospect Ive increases in popu lation were l st. Frequent meetings, probably semi monthly, will be held by the associa tion (henceforth. Applications from several out Of town licensed dealers have been made and the membership Is expected to swell to take in the realtors from other towns. Endorse ment of the formation , of the associa tion has already been received from the Portland Realty Board, the State Interstate Realty dealers. Athcnans I ini-ii Seeding. Three fourths of the farmers In the Athena-Weston region have finished 'their wheat seeding, according to Iu Hodgen, of Athena, who is in town on (business today. Mr. Hodgen says the farmers are worried b.s the ground is .still very dry. No barley nor spring 'wheat will be planted in that district. he said today. The acreage planted will be slightly less than for the 1911 I Ik- Baftldhig Architect lb re. A. K. Deyte, of PelatnT; who super vised the architecture for the new I51fcs temple, is in Pendleton today on a trip of Inspection' PREPARATIONS UNDERWAY FOR TRIAL OF WILHELM KcseTWithms Approved Af Ip.'ist threw Brent nowers must assent to the American reservations I cesses in other sectors. before ratification by the united States becomes effective, the commit tee declared. Amendments and re servations which Hitchcock and oth er democrats offered repeatedly were voted down. "The steam roller was well greas ed." T'omerene declared upon leav ing the meeting. The committee approved tho Lodge res creations regarding the withdrawal from the league, article 10. mandates which P"iU be accepted only with the approval of congress, Jurisdiction over domestic questions, and the Monroe doctrine. Have 720.000. The bolshcviki. according to reli able estimates, are in no present danger of a munitions shortage due to large quantities they captured in Kol chak's recent retreat. Their armies are said to total 720,000 men. LONDON, Oct. 22. Honar Liw to day announced In the house of com mons t bat w hen pa i lia men t recon vened all preparations will have been made for trial of the former kaiser His extradition Wll not be uemauo-o, however-, until 'all nations have signed the treaty. Law added. STRING OF MACHINES WILL GO 10 WESTON Xew Committee. NEW YORK, Oct. 22. The radical element of the striking longshoremen today organized t new strike compalt tce which will present demands to Mayor li Two Vctwels Sank. LONDOX, Oct. 22. Two Bolshevik destroyers were s-nk by British and EsthOnian destroyers in Kaporla bav yesterday, the Admiralty today on- nounced. Menace sakl Halted. In Operated 1 imhi. The daughter of Ralph Thay was operated upon today at St. Anthony! hospital for adenoids and tonsils. UNION PICKETS CLASH IE "HEL!PV in' la Kail i in Atlu-im. r:iin fi ll In At lu ll ' ..i. .i.i Hmm mram , (,;,,, i. ruin III l.rink- i.i-ii.w ihn fovwanienl project, .,.n,,.,, i.,vt mikIii Th maximum Will tfor4 drmlnnKf snr mlil rnnlr-ri.il- ,,.,. ..;iiM,. is ; mill Hi'1 mlnlminn i:. Tho barumeicr stands al lf.4ft. u" cordlm t'i Major l.if Mnorhouw. (ContlnUtd mi piiKr LANE READS APPEAL f IjiIich delAffntos have main In t lio InduslrlHl lhi I'onforciu'e rt'copnl.' workers to oraanls laeUvUy througli their from imy BOUrce, this afternoon, i win make i nsolullon unlew niki-s it elear it sum from though the Iihm: '' Aaka Dovolopmont. "li is m undenrtiuidlnji that you I have divided upon one portion only of a poMibte l.irto proKruni arhlofi 1 has not been tolly developed. Before 1 aoveranee i effeehtd, baaed upon pres ni riltfarancaa. 1 bellevd vu should of loclded to re- conferenoi if s t he right or nl oaiKain on- lip xiiulallriia of - I 0..' H I lOUt l-O' l OlOll unl . , ...... i , . ..... ; i . I w .is i, ,i r ;u " sta 'mi iuki , " - f t li it t full program toaohlng man) o'rrs- argumonl for thofuona within tho broad aoepe of your i be conference Invaattgatlqna. wants such dlaeua. "it is tn be egpeotod thut as n ...,i Oompora, ai- whole a plan or program can be l.l.ni mimiiii 1 M'liortiil I" alirood UP'OI whl'-h will ailMinro nil' i,i,.,i io witi.'iiaw oniis.s me i further productive imphciiv resolution la adoptea, ' ,u h II IT t IilHI inn ereil no Sprfih. cutcd th take draetlc a lutlon was dl 1 His manni r, now .",.1 labor Kionp had decided to ion in event uw it oil. Oct it, -Prealdent Industrial oonfer- f Amorl- i thri iiuli the establishment or surer and heartier cooperation between all elements engaged In Industry. Would Prove tkmrae. "The public expects thitt you shall hmo, that otto end In view and ataj together until n was It foUHd leading to thHt end or until It Is revealed that man who wori- and men who man ate American Industry as so eel upon loiter iiv,.r(,.in oaths that all efforts at co- the ; .ltinr..ti,in are doomed to failure. I renow mv appo.il thut Willi lull ared. j comprehension of the almoei Inoom when I parable Importance of your tusk to move tlilM end anil to ol hor pooplos and Indicating Wnh full fsith in your iobIi patriot- withdraw " ism anil good faith or each other, you seii'l ino pr'-.-t.i, jwni i-ur-ii rv.i - -- aeauranea n "u elusion. t,o lull hroiiBht un '"'J'-' ' "W"" 1 l'resldont (lompera. He ashed per- WAfOHNOTON. Oct ,r his uroiiu to wlllolraw i,v introiliieed a new lllinniuii m . . , . lit was taken lor nun KaimnK roposai ai no ' " ithe artornoon eeaalon of tho inuustriai lotlor in iurl 'oonferenee. "I will usk immediate iccuDldcration,'1 hq eaid, . , WASlllMiTi'X. 1'ik,,o warned Ho' mHi rind tome common ground of agreement In which Chairman uura l, ,, I II IO W IM-. imiiw,.-. ul disaster is United, ho in Miawlna reading of the letter ti... eaafarenca was egpeotlng rn.ni the lahor Kroup whollior or not it would motion t ference ropoaal. It, 1 1 o m pen collective bar. and Hiljotiraniei un hour. Vrcsldent Wilson s gaidi aS v vVOM '''l-' ' lM WAKE OP I CI I . i:2s? 1' ft m i LONDON'. Oct. J2. Yudenitch has halted hl advance toward Petrograd. awaiting relnforcenients before at - tempting- to enter the city, according Excellent response to the call for to a Helaingfors dispatch today. , Pendletnn representatives at the ded- icatinn f .M-'nuTiai ttaii in weecon. I Thursday Is hein met by T. Nels.n. i who has charge f the trip. The, , program Is to open at 7:3' so mach ines from here will begin leaving at 6 o'clock. The highway is paved nearly to Athena and has been put in good, shape between Athena and Weeton by the Warren Construction Co. Sev- TOUNOVTOWN, Ohio. Oct. 22. eral autos are prom sed for the jaunt TAght persons were shot or stabbed tnd a larve representation is looked hl?re eaI.y in a t.HJ,h between alleged p'"r. negro steel strike breakers and union Speeches h If, 1.. Watts, president pickets. live negroes were arrested of the Umatilla County Pioneers As- an, a fifth negro is said to have con sociation and Harold J. Warner ' fessed to the stabbing of Andy Hunia- 1 president of Pendleton Post of the A rnerienn IKion. feature thR pro- . cram. There are also mtisicat mini- ( l-ers and a picture show to be given in the new hall. Names of those already signed for the Weston trip today, as reported by Mr. Nelson, are: J. N. Hurgess. II. Alexander. Peo ples Warehouse. rnrl Cooley, Marshall t Spell, Fred I-ampkin. William Lrow ell. It. 1 .Siiyres, Oeorge C. Paer. W. i; Proek. (reuon Motor Co.. N. West. I.yman Klce. J. P. McCook, Harold Warner. Hoy W. Hrtner. M. I Thompson. J. K. Thompson. Abe Mol strom. 3 pence Pentlcy. J. ". Taltman. .1. H. Sturgls. J. fioodman, Chas. Hond. nio. picket, who hay die. STEVEDORES WILL NOT SAN FPANISCO. Oct. 22. I'nion stevedores here wll I not handle sup plies of arms and munitions ship ; meats consigned to the allies tn 8i- beria tor the overthrow of the soviet government it was announced todu . The rigiiers and stevedores unton Wilhird Bond, J. H. Cox. Ralph How- pa( ll m , ..mtton to that effect on la nil Pen Pur roughs. James Hill. U. K. ("hloupek. C. P. A. Lronergan. ! Charles Bon nay, A H. Coac B. J. Mur phy. W. Schwartzenburg. C. K. Cran ston. II. S. Mitchell. David H. Nelson llomi" rrean Trip to East. Dean Shull. O.-W. bnikeman who makes his home hero, returned today from a months' vacation trin. spe-t in visiting the cities of the east. He went as far as New York city. tdmtrrs Will Srvk Ict. Guy P. Wyrick, .bkc Welch, Dean Shull and J. T. Vauchan a ill lea e for the Five Mile rminfrv tomorrow morning on deer hunt that will last until Sunday. grounds t hat the I'nited Statett failed to declare war on Kussia and that if the allied powers now ueeking to ovi -t brow soviet Roasts are sticcessf m t bay will " wipe tut for the worki ng claasss of all countries the social and ocoaeialeSa cumi nests alread under taken or obtained " sidewalk l'tinul Phntiful. As a result of the city's condemn ing wootlen r'idewalks within the city limits, h pplu atn i for permits to build concrete side walks have become I qtttte numerous at the city recorder's I office tn the last week. The step i !''ahitu to vousitlei able activ ity tn the j concrete hue. B. T VVN'I- hnH s M quarter sec- t'nn of land -prlng rhe WlU'.ani Ooodman ranch near Yoakum to ..lack McPrsit. Th- deal includes th" teb'-e-v and horeea on the place. M- Oojndmnn homeeteaded the lund and lived there continuously fr 3 MH-'Hf i-1 i tae i - ' Meeta he f'-st fall m"to of UsS A?so id CNkvrUhta w M be heM tonlsrht 7:Sa o'clock in the Ctt ball. Plans the work of the o canteatton will discussed. Judg C H. Marsh Is, sident. 1 i,u Il WEATHEF FORECAST Toiiinht mud iinrnd'iy prob rain. ably f i