.,.t(-.fy-W ,'..'(',- ) ri!t I I i i ( ' II I , II I l IK! -1-!. rr PAGE PITS ' DAILY EAST ORErmmAn Pt.mWrCM, PWROW. MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1010. TWELVE PAGES CONROY'S CASH GROCERY IT PAYS TO PAY CASH AT CONROY'S FRESH SHIPMENT OF Crisco BOUGHT BEFORE THE RAISE 1 1-2 lb. 60c 31b. $1.15 61b. $2.30 Van Camps Pork and Beans, No. 2 tins, 5 for ........................... $1.00 Citrus, Gold Dust and Pcarline, large package ; 30c Ti What the Picture Theaters Have to Tell You. "" A IFA TOAY. THE UNIVERSAL CAR The Ford Coupe, with electric self starting and lighting system, has a big, broad seat deeply upholstered. Sliding plate glass windows so that the breeze can sweep right through the open car. Or in case of a storm, the Coupe becomes a closed car, snug, rain-proof and dust-proof. IIa3 all the Ford economics in operation and main tenance. A car that lasts and serves satisfac torily as long as it lasts. Demountable rims with 3-inch tires all around. For the doctor and travelling salesman it is the ideal car. Simpson Auto Co Water and Johnson fits. ' Cluirit'i I lay An Inwntor In 111 New ltuclnic Film, Ono of tho bent comedy drama in which Charlc Hay ha apeuared for Home time, la "Greased Lightning hlH latent Thomas H. Ince-Paramount picture which will be shown at the Alta theater today. Tho photoplay affiinlH Mr. Kay abundant opportunt ties for the display of hla exceptional talents and that tt will plcaso the patrons of Manancr Matlock's theater. Is a' foreicono conclusion. The story deals with the trials and tribulations of a small town Inventor struggling: fur fame and the heart of the skinflint banker's charmlnir daughter. Andy Fletcher, tho char acter affiumed by Mr. Hay, has capped a series of inventions with a ponder ous "Little GlMnt Potato Peeler.'" He Wants to raise capital to promote It and arranges a big demonstration at which he proudly notes is the banker. The exhibition starts well but the I blamed machine explodes and bom bards tho entire company with pota toes. And trades his potato peeler for the remnants of a smushed automobile tuid proceeds to manufacture a Joy wagon and enters it 'in a big auto race. "Greased Ughtnlng." tho name he has given his speedster, balks at the scratch and just as he gets it in working order, word comes that the banker has been assaulted and robbed and the villians are disappearing over the hill in a powerful car. Andy Jnmps In "Greased Lightning." passes all the races on the track, dashes over the field to the open road and hits a pace that wins. ' Pasttme Today. Today the Pastime Is showing the sensational and thrilling Ruth Itoland serial "The Tiger's Trail," startling climaxes abound in this picture. ' Jnclc Perrin, the handsome new star will be seen in a picture of the old west en titled "The Jack Of Hearts" and to round out a big program we offer an other startling wild animal comedy called "Lonesome Hearts and Loose Lions." Some comedy, some excitement. '1EL'CE 11'NCA."' AT THK AIM" ADK C E iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiui iiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiii iiiimiiimiiiiii THE CHARM OF GOOD MUSIC is universal to- day. No home is complete without music, preferably a good piano. We are ready to sup ply you with one of the finest pi anos or player pianos made. One that guarantees a life time of musical en tertainment. Come and select it. Don't worry about payment. We'll arrange that satisfac torily. . r , ; Piano Tuning and Re pairing. ;s William IK-smond In Con puncher Hole l"or Two !, Itcslmilng Today. Bill Desmond, the handsome and versatile western role at the Arcade theater today, when he ape para "Deuce Duncan a thrilling: Western Triangle feature. Thl picture was directed by Thorn as VX Heffron, whose brilliant and realistic productions, "Madam Sphinx," "The Painted LMy" and "Tony America," are still fresh in the minds of picture lovers, f As Deuce Duncan, Desmond finds himself robbed of his horse and other possessions by the convict brother of the Klrl whom he later learns td lore A fiery spirt, he Is accustomed to shoot first and argue afterwards, but ho suddenly finds himself facing s' force greater than six-shooters as he ( gases Into the eyes of the little woman C I who acts as bar-maid at the "Half S I Acre of Hell" saloon. Si; Desmond engages in thrilling man C;to man battles. Beautiful "shots" of :the cattle country, stirring western ac tion and keen emotional situations E! abound in this picture. j Tn the cast supporting handsome S Bill Desmond are L.uella Maxim, his ' now lady, Kd Brady, George Field, CjWm. KIlliiKford and Joe Singleton. , pianos knaih: STK1XWAY BALDWIN iiowAitn JIAMIIrOV KIJJXttTON - CAItliK i kom $i5 and 11' 1;ijson VICTOR COLM'MMA ti :ums to si rr j CHICAGO, Oct. 21. Cardinal Mer Sloor of Belgium, waif welcomed here E ! today. Thousands lined the streets, C! Girls il reused In Belgian costumes SiHcatterrd flowers' in the path of the S; Cardinal's automobile." " ' Warren 's Music House Pendleton, Oregon. Phone 524. . 820 Mam st r niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiT I MEDICINAL ROOTS, HERBS, BARKS AND BERRIES And other alteratives, tonics and health-giving ingredients that are recommended in tho best medical hooks, are combined in Hood's Sar Raparilla. It builds lip the blood, improves the appetite, invigorates the digestion, tones tho stomach and ! gives nerve strength so as to promote S permanent good health. Has merit Si ed and held the praise of three (fen erations. You should Rive it a trial. As a gentle thorough catnartio many recommend Hoods Pills. 0ii HEm&tm- jf Made by " HK KKMTCKY WAIIOSi M AS II I 'AlTrill NJ t o. 1)1.1 vour Old lll. Uoi v niton stand Ilic n.iidli b i.l ImuI roads? Kvei y ouir known It did. T III I " I'lv" IU do the same fr o... take v ... there an.l l.rin back. C.n.e hi and let s lHW 3i i real vm; and Kit Ma.el rlBht. Only tl. t o li ft, so do., t delay. T. & S. Motor Go. : Famous W&sit 1 Heals Skin D. D.0., tneatADdarrlikin remedy, will , RnoovvthoM klo Affliction, and Uit lotolersbltt Itching, burning, sod di comfort will diiupixrar under tlie tnai f thltremedr. Hundred. tify It hu tealed ciuet pronounced tucurabla. W fuarante the flnt bottla to bring r relief. Try U. D. D. Mc, flec"nd fl.nk , lotion iJir Shin Disease Alta Theatre to dm? AltCAUK TIIKATIIE ADULTS 30c CHILDREN 10c i ' " ' ,, , . a i Charles Ray IN "Greased Lightning - A CORKING FINE RURAL ROMANCE 9 WILIAM DR WONO IN TBI ANRll PAV' DfcUCE DUNCAN INTERNATIONAL NEWS Around the World in Pictures. Outinsr Chester Pictures Presenting Out Columbusing Columbus 8 G01 TKEIR GOAT! V' - r W X: f "IT NEW YOnW-MTiHe the young women of the New J League of. Women Workers being entertained by Rear mirnl Huko on the flagship, lumbia, Miss Marsaret Laing , taking a rido on the ship's A YOUNG BEAUTY COW NEW YORK Dorothy Hirsch borg's daddy is the ordnance depart mpitt of tho nnny. He is transferred frequently. Dorothy- was declared the prettiest child in Mnnila fn a contest there last spring. . T-ntcr daddy went to Hrisbane, Australia, and she won another first prize. In Hongr Xyong she vrns nlso proclaimed the . prettiest child. Xow taddy llirsehberir is at the Xow York nrsen.il and Dorothy faces keen competition there. CAPTAIN SMITH LANDS IN "BLUE BIRD" PLANE 722 Cottonwood Phone 16 SAN FRANC1POO. Oct. 21. Cap iat it Smilh. first of the la wvnIim,ii ' siarlers in ihe transcontinental air r:ue t cnmplclc tilN r:ico. to Vn T ot-K an. I li:iL-k, !iiritl ;.i til.- i'.c. 'UIO at J;li todaj". Jrini(l) ysea ,VAUDEVILLE JACK POLK ALLEN & JONES Eccentric Commedian A Dish of Harmony. .-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiHiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiii imiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiimiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiii': ARCADE today I CHILDREN 10c ADULTS 25c Would It Make You Sore if Some Ornery Cuss Stole Everything You Had? Bill Desmond IN Duce Duncan The cattle rustlers have everything their own way until they slide up against the grease. Harold Lloyd in THE MARATHON Now Shootin' . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i j 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i.i 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 e iF Spatz' "Blue Bird" which was Riven him at Huffulo after tire destroyed his own plane. LONDON, Oct. 21. Captain Mat thews today started on an attempted airplane flipht to Australia, via Ku rope. Tho rotite totals eleven and a halt thousand miles. The Daily Mail ottered a ?50,()00 prize for the first person making this flight. "SYRUP OF CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tongue! Remove poi sons from stomach, liver and bowels. mm m I I L ll Of FiKS , iliSu ii irii iuijli! ft! cSey e&SF&k mm IB i l l I llrVW , JttrsrthingTaimostrtOQbeautlfuI, toor sublime f orlwords.! The high' artIof,the:screenjmustrreinain;as a tsfoJ ,l,' ' 1 ..".- ,.iutmuuu ivj .uiuacwrio ao: not i i ana Know see DWGKTFETTH5 Accept California" Syrup only looft for the name California on j the package, then you are sure' your . child Is having the best and most ; harmless lrxative cr physic for the lit- ; tel stomach, liver and bowels. Chil- ' dren love Its delicious fruity tusto. Full i (if-.cctions for child's ds on each but- j t:c. Oi'c I without fear. ; .V:-. i.i't;' Vo;l iir.l:i .-:v '(:.'."." : j rr Tn ' Mtm m Coming to ALTA THEATER Tue. day, Wednesday, Thursday, Oct. 28 Oct. 29, Oct. 30. ' ' 11 ill! mm 4 Mi