DAILY EAST OREC.ONIAN, PENDLETON, OSEGO&. TUESDAY, OCTOBEB 21, 1019. TWELVE PAGES jllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIf OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE J. C. Penney Co., A Nationwide Institution FAniS TWELVE 1 20 Mule Team Soap Deal I DEAL NUMBER 1 100 Bars 20 Mule Team Borax Soap $7.50 1 Box 20 Mule Team Borax Chips 40 5 5 lb. Box 20 Mule Team Powdered Borax .65 I 1 Box 20 Mule Team Boraxo 30 $9.10 This week we sell this deal for $8.10 DEAL NUMBER 2 48 Bars 20 Mule Team Borax Soap $4.00 1 Box 20 Mule Team Borax Chips 40 5 lb. Box 20 Mule Team Powdered Borax .65 1 Box 20 Mule Team Boraxo 30 $5.35 This week we sell this deal for , $4.80 DEAL NUMBER 3 25 Bars 20 Mule Team Borax Soap $2.05 1 Box 20 Mule Team Borax Chips 40 5 lb. Box 20 Mule Team Powdered Borax .65 1 Box 20 Mule Team Boraxo .30 $3.30 , $3.00 This week we sell this deal for 6 Boxes 20 Mule Team Borax Soap Chips$2.40 This week we sell 6 packages for $2.15 3 five Pound Packages Powdered Borax $1.95 i This week we sell 3 packages for $1.75 1 Case 24 Packages of Borax Soap Chips $9.60 This week we sell one case for $8.75 Gray Bros. Grocery Co. "QUALITY" 1 Two Phones. 28 823 Main St iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihii I - W.R, i mtBM mm v- Tin On The Square If you wute your valuable time, if you invest caret. pssly or squander your carnlnKH you tare really not OX THK SQITARE with yourself or with your fam ily. You devlve no-one but yoursolf, though others ma 5' suffer by your acta. Be OV THE SQCARH with yourself and family by saving1 all you can and carefully deposit your surplus earnings in a stronct well-established bank, known for its safety and security. THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK PENDLETON, OREGON "The Strongest Bank In Eastern Oregon" Pendleton Met News The following prices are the prices ; being paid to producers by Pendleton j business houses. Wherever retail prices are given the fact will be spe- c ally mentioned. . ' Eggs and Poultry. Eggs, 70c. Hens, 20c. Spring chickens, 20c a pound. Country Ham, Etc. Ham, best quality, 28c. Bacon best quality, 40c. Butter Fat and Butter Butter fat, 65c f. o. b. Pendleton, Butter, $1.15 a roll. Potatoes. New potatoes, 3c a pound. regular in size this year. Farmers have not yet decided on the price, but are waiting until the entire crop Is dug. ItltllllEl III lllllllllf 1 1 II III IIIIIII IIIII11IIIIII1IIIIII11IIIIII2 1 Open and Ready I for business 2 THE 1 Highway Service Station 2 At intersection of Court and Alta Sta. . GAS, OILS AND GREASES 1 2 Free air and water. . E No waits. Here is the place to come for 5 2 real service. C. H. BELTZ I 2 Prop. " i iTiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiililiiililMiiililililiiiiiiii Price Not Placed on Potatoes Vet. Harvey McPherson, of the Pendle. ton Cash Market, visited Weston yes terday and looked over the potato crop. He says that while the acreage Is large the yield is comparatively small. Potatoes, he states, are Ir- . IS FALLING OUT FAST "Danderine" will check that ugly dandruff and stop hair coming out Used Cars! FORDS 1 1916 Roadster. 1 1917 Touring- Car 1 1 Ton Ford Truck. 1 6 cylinder Willys-Knight 1 Overland, a bargain 1 Studebaker 4 Roadster 1 1 r Ton Republic Truck Pendleton Auto Co. Established 1907 a To, stop falling hair at once and rid the scalp of every particle of dandruff, get a small bottle of "Danderine" at any drag or toilet counter for a few cents, pour a little in your hand and rub it into the scalp. After several applications the hair usually stops coming out and you can't find any dandruff. Boon every hair on your scalp shows new life, vigor, bright ness, thickness and more color. HERMAN CLACSSE.ML'S Special A Kent IDAHO STATE LIFE INSURANCE; CO. An Old Line Company that does all Its business In the west. Claims paid on the day of the fune ral. All assets, except U. 8. Gov't LBonds, are In western securities of substantial worth. Res. office 104 Hours: a a. m. to 12; 1 to 6 p. m. Phone 607 DR. THOMAS C. 0MART DENTIST Retail Price of Eggs Is 75 Cents. Eggs are retailing at 75 cents dozen. The price paid to the produ cer is 70 cents. Producer Gets $1.13 T"l I""1' For Roll of Butterl The producer Is receiving I LIS a roll for butter. Tha retail pries Is $1.25 for the two-pound roll. Oregon Apple Sales Double Tlxwe or 1918. Oregon apple shipments on Satur day were 56 cars. Shipments from points in the northwest were 506 cars. Total northwestern shipments to date have been 9654 cars against 4225 cars in the same period two years ago. Government to SHI Wool it Portland, Nov, 6. The government has decided to hold another auction sale of 1918 wools In Portlond. It will take place on November 6. A week later a quantity of Portland stored wools will be sold at Boston. These two sales, it Is expected, will clean up all holdings of governn? nt-owned wiil in Portland warehouses. Hogs Recover 25c In lOnrly Week Trade Hogs were firmer with 25e hecov. ery in the price at the start, cattle were about steady, but lambs ruled weak. With only 800 head of swine avail able some strength was reflected In the price. Initial transactions in the hog alleys were up to $15 or 25c bet ter than ruled at the" closing of the previous week. General hog market range Prime mixed 14.75lS2b Medium mixed 14.25 14.75 Hough heavies 12.254?. 13.25 Pigs 13.25 14.25 While there was a run of 210U head in the cattle alleys, no change In prices was apparent at the open ing of the session. ; General cattle range: Best steers 9.00 10.50 Good to choice steers . . . 9.00 9.50 Medium to good steers . 8.00a 9.0(1 Pair to good steers 7.00 8.011 Common to fair steers . 5.50 6. BO Choice cows and heifers 8.00 8.26 Good to choice cows and heifers .B0 7.B0 Medium to good cows and heifers B.S0 .B" Pair to medium cows and heifers 4.76J Canners 3.00 Bulls 6.00 Best light calves 14.0016.00 Heavy calves 8.00 14.00 Stonkers and feeders ... 7.B0 9.2B With top quality Willamette valley lambs quoted at $11 or a loss of 50t from previous quotations, . the lamb situation started depressed. The mutton situation was about steady. Best Mt. Adams lambs .$11.BO12.00 Stockerg and feeders ... 8.00 $.00 Valley lambs 10.60 11.00 Yearlings 8.00 8.00 Wethers 7.60 8.60 Ewes B.00 7.00 e a '3 k r YoTurag Mem's Fall Clothes. $24.75 to $39.50 if You'll do well to buy your suit carefully this fall. You want your full money's worth this year. A good way to be sure of dollar for dollar quality and extra value in smart style is to insist on the J. C. Penney Co. label.' It's the mark of fashion and honest value. . Boys' Long Pants School Suits, ages 14 to 19 $19.75, $22.50 AND $24.75 - ' Incorporated. ITS iljVJ ;.fi OPPOSITE HOTEIi PENDLETON J. C. Penney C., A Nationwide Institution WITHOUT CONTROL, RISE OF SUGAR PRICES IS DECLARED CERTAINTY WASHI.VGTOOX, Oct. 21. If the sugar Bupply were taken from con trol of the government of the world. shortage would be felt and prices would be higher. Dr. Alonzo Taylor today told the senate sub-committee investigating the. sugar situation. Taylor is a former member of the war trade board. He said Europeans the protesting against government destrlctlons but Americans are con sumlng what they please, regardless of the price. The committee is con sidering a bill to continue the sugar equalization board for u year. "PEACOCEi" 6.7s 4.00 8.50 742 Main Street, Over the Hub Pendleton, Oregon WASHINGTON, Oct. 21. PPresi dent Wilson's physicians are hopeful today that no further complication' lii'fl gland swelling, or Indigestion will develop to retard his recovery. Both of these ailments responded to treatment and are believed to have been conquered. DANGER SIGNALS OF BAD BLOOD Pimples on the face, bunches in the neck, sallow and swarthy com plexlon, sores, ulcers, scaly skin af fections, constipation. Inactive liver, dyspepsia and stomach troubles are common symptoms of blood troubles. There Is no remedy offered today to the public that has so successfully curedMthese diseases as "Number 40 For The Blood." An old doctor's pre scription containing the most reliable alternatives known to medioal science. Put up by J. C. Mendenhall, Ev ansville, Ind., 40 years a druggist. Not a Bite of Breakfast Until You Drink Water Saya a glaa of hot water and phosphate prevent illness and keep u fit, Just as coal; when it burns, leaves behind Incombustible' ashes, so the food and drink, taken day after day leaves in the alimentary canal Indi gestible material, which If not com pletely eliminated from the system each day, becomes food for the mil lions of bacteria which infest the bowels. From this mass of left-over waste, toxins and ptomaine-like poll sons are formed and sucked into the blood. Men and women who can't get feel ing right must begin to take inside baths. Before breakfast each morn ing drink a glass of hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate In It to wash out of the bowels the pre vious day's poisons and toxins, and to keep the entire alimentary canal clean, pure and fresh. Those who are subject to sick headache, colds, biliousness, constipa tion, Athers who wake up with bad taste, foul breath, backache, rheumat ic stiffness, or have a sour, gassy stomach after meals, are urged to get a quarter pound of limestone phos phate from the drug store, and begin I practicing internal sanltntion. This i will cost very little, but is sufficient Qj to make anyone an enthusiast on the H subject, , FIRST, LAST AND ALWAYS You Never Will Get Heat Satisfaction Until You Burn the CELEBRATED "PEACOCK" COAL. Phone 178 SMYTHE -LONERG AN CO. Quality Quantity Service r i i Bargain on Tractor I ThU tractor used only two week like new. Will sell at about one-half original cost. Oregon Motor Garage BUICK HUDSON CADILLAC Distributors