...arM',' ll fllil V n.FMiirr rnmmi ll ' r- 111 - UH'U "cnmu CUIIIU" . -j""r'"r vCSIPg v5 I DAILY EVENING EDITION Niunbcv oople printed of MtaidaVa II Ti"' BPk A. J$PW0ZL f j&8 JS. . I - ,.- .-.-Ear- ri m J'a?a wf : nrrffloonBSin i COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER DAILY EVENING EDITION The Ewl Orrgouian Is Kasurn Ore citing force glreM to Ita advertiser over twice Hut circulation In Pendle ton and t'hiatilla county of any otber newspaper, VOL. 31 CITY OFFICIAL PAPB DAILY EAST OREQONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1919. RECORD ROUND-UP CROWD GlS WILD AS NEW CHllPllS NO. 9841 OF IS ROME PORT CONSIDERED MORE SPECIALS COME, COACHES WILL BEGIN T Wi HO NORS TODAY WESTWARD Berlin Dispatches Quote Re ports From Munich and Laibach, Austria, Saying Al lied commanders withdraw EVACUATION DEMANDED . WITHIN NEXT 24 HOURS If Poet Does Not Accept Ulti matum as Issued, Allies Will Threaten to Open Up Bar rage on Disputed Port. LONDON, Bept 10. Berlin dis patches nuote report from Munich and Laibach. Austria, saying that al lied commanders today Withdrew ships from the Flume harbor and is sued an ultimatum to Oabrlelle D'An nunilo, demanding; his evacuation of the port within 24 hours. If the poet does not accept the utlfmatume Issued allied commanders will threaten to bombard the port. "I.RT 'Kit Bl'CK" Saturday Loads of Round-Up Visitors Begin Arriving From Four Ways, by Sunrise To day; Baker Boosters Here. Strong, Coe With Band. ROUND-UP SIDELIGHTS ' "Go on with the sot; don't stop for me," "said Bob Hall last night at the Happy Canyon show when he was crushed beneath a horse which rolled upon him when Hall waa playing- th part of a soldier In a rescue party. In the show. Hall's part la to fall, wound ed, .from his horse, which is also wounded, but last night in the play the horse rolled on Broneho Bob. Hall waa taken from the stage and the stage and the audience did not know that he was really injured. He wan rushed to St. Anthony's hospital Im mediately. This is not the first time that Hall has shown his nerve for at Round-Up a few years ago he broke his leg- In the tryouts but when the Round-Up opened he mounted his horse from crutches. X A. Irwin, Jinka Taylor, 8am Thompson and George Strand formed a quartet yesterday which pleased the Round-Up audience with a selection "Alfalfa Hay." They wore obdurate regarding an encore but finished the act with a flourish of bottles contain ing; g-ood red likker. t ' ; . Tba thousands who thronged the bleachers and grand stands yesterday rose; to their feet when the band played "The Star Spangled Banner." The natioanl anthem was played dur ing the cowboys' bucking contest. i' !' ..' . W. GV MoAdoo personally congrat ulated Lorena Trlckey after she won the cowglrls'a relay" race yesterday. "A fine ride," declared Mr. MoAdoo, aa he shook hands with the cowgirls. It was Pendleton's treat to have two airplanes flying overhead while the great parade wended Ita way along the streets today. The Mayfly gave sev eral exhibition flights, with a few St until, while the Ace plane did straight flying. It was a sharp con trast! with the ultra modern twenti eth century mode of transportation I and the primative nineteenth century prairie schooners and stage coaches below. . dovernor Olcott and Will Wyrlck traded hats when the Governor mounted for the ride around the urn. k. (Continued on page J ) YOl'n TRAIW LEAVES. Umatilla, Portland and 8po- kane No. 21, 10:15 p. m. Astoria Special. 11: JA p. m..r ! PARADE KEEPS CROWD TENSE William G. McAdoo Rides With ; Taylor at Head of Great! Cowboy Proces-sionon Show's Third Day. GO TO SCENE OF VESSEL , SUNK IN HURRICANE Representatives of Valbanera's Owners Receive Official Re- j port Ship is Lost; No Trace j of Passengers Nor Crew. SCOOP MARTIN WINS SPECTACULAR RACE FOR RELAY CHAMPIONSHIP TODAY'S RESULTS j KEY WEST, Florida. Sept. 20. j Wrecking crews and divers left here today to examine the wreck of the j sunken vessel reported to be the INDIANS GEORGEOUS .irC;Urv0nn " 11.00 Heppner Branch Special, midnight. - Portland Special (two sections), 11:20 p. m. ' Journal Special for Portland, 12:20 a. m. Portland Fast Mall No. 6, 5:05 a. m. Walla Walla No. 2, t:00 p. m. Walla Walla special, 10:46 p. m. La Grande, Baker and east No. 18, 6:00 p. m. La Grande special, local, 11:00 P. m. La Grande. Baker and east No. 4, 1:20 a. m. . La Grande, Baker and east No. 6, 7:10 a. m. Pasco and way points, N. P. 6:00 p. m. Pasco. Seattle and Spokane N. P., 10:00 p. m. Trains bringing a big Saturday crowd from far and near began ar riving in Pendleton by sunrise this morning and by sundown tonight these long loads of Round-up visitors will begin retracing their tracks home. ward. First to arrive this morning were two specials from Portland. rrom Baker last n'ght .came 100 boosters and the Baker concert band From the west end a special of eight cars arrived at 9:16 with what peo pie there remained In Umatilla. Her miston, Stanfield, iBcho and Rieth. A few moments later the Walla Walla train brought In several hundred from that city and the east end towns. The special train from La Grande came In at 10:10 In time for the pa rade. There were several hundred from points between Pendleton anil the Union county seat on this special. The local yards were almost com pletely filled today with sleepers, coaches and engines, ready to begin moving out this evening. Both the Northern Pacific and O.-W. R. & N Co. announced the times of their reg utar and special trains as published o the head of this story. By noon to morrow, most of the thousands of Pendleton guests will have made their departure by these many trains or by auto. I "LET 'ER BtCK" $7037 DAMAGES ASKED BY MAN FOR ASSAULT ANCESTRAL HABILAMENTS i'hL"wept Cu.V.e? days aBO- The ' a crew of 150 with a valuable cargo. Airnlano Pirrlinrt niorhsorl T11" has. been mis"ln ln P'- .... v, vii.iiii,auMr hon she arrived off iim; v mucrs. Cowboys' relay Scoop Mar-- tin. Walla Walla. Wash. Steer bulldogging Jim ' Maa- sey, Snyder. Texas. . Cowvir,'?' bucking Lorena Trfcfccy. Cheyenne. During Spectacle Gave Con trast Between Ways. and the Present Day. . and put to sea again trast Bp.twPPn Wavs.nf nirt """" i' "f""" to enter ,hP - - ... . - - j w - v , wlu u.irjjr uunng ine storm, ' COWBOYS' POSY RIPE Klre-py Armstrong, time 61 a-i. 3. A. Rodin. S. Roy Kivette. COWGIRLS' BCCKIXO CHAMPION SHIP. Klolso Hastings on Rani ins Kid. Saw Name Plato. Kiu-ign lioberts commanding the submarin chaser 203 stated upon his arrival here late yesterday, that he '-...J. I. I L 111 had !alnly seen the name plate of the High In the air two planes, sound ing ultra-modernism In every whirr of their wings, circled over a scene that might have been clipped from the pages of the past. The sunlight J made a thousand nrlsma from the House 4( mnes east of Key West. glittering beads of the Indian's trapp- N'oth.ltiR U known of the fate cf the Ings. The air was Mled - with the 1 Passengers ana crew. sound of horses' hoots, the music of the band and the tinkle of a thous and belle. It was Pendleton's 1919 ' LONDON. Sale of surplus govern Havana because she ml,. Ruth Roach on Hoar Cat, rode. . Prairie Rose on High Rock, rode. . Rose Smith on Oddfellow, rode. lxrpna Trlckey on Kil.l.-r nwi COWBOYS' RELAY RACK. FINALS I. Scoon Martin. I2 H7 ti.. Today's time 4:01 Va..Vr on the h. ., , ....-. 'arsons, l3:IO, , . " '"ciay total "LET 'ER Bl'CK" three? Today's time, 4:01 1-5. 8., Roy Kivett, 12:35, three day to tal. Today's time, 4:04 2-5. Ilnals, Cowgrlrlg' Bucking Contest 1. Lorena Trlckey. of Cheyenne. 2. RuthRoach of Fort Worth. Texas. S. Eloise Hastings, of Pendhiton. - INDIAN POXY RACE Joe Cantrell, total three days, ,7:40 S-5. Today's time 2:12 2-5. Jim White, total three days, 1:55 loaay's time, 2:11 S-5. Adolph Farrow, total thri-c das, 8:17. Today's time 2:30. FINALS Bl'LLDOGOING FOK CHAMPIONSHIP. 1. Jim Mossey, 1:01 4-5, total for two steers. Todays time, 25 4-5. 2. Lucian WUIiams, 1:30 2-5, to tal for two steers. Today's time, 1:00 2-5. "8. Alike Hastings. 1:39 4-5. total for two steers. Today's time 57 1-5. Ray AlcCarroli broke world's rec ord today, buUdogg-iug- Ids steer in 15 seconds. . ALL SEATS TAKEN 36 HOURS BEFORE Drumheller Rider Wins Classic RaceJ)y.leaclcW)nry Two Fifth of Second for Three Days Event This Afternoon. CHESTER PARSONS IS' CLOSE SECOND RIDER (Continued on Page 2.) SLINN riUBLIN, several selnn Fein newspapers t h r ri 1 1 1- i n 1 1 T .. ..1 .. .1 ment was stores ham niiH i,!,.." .uiipieauiS puo- ,,, M M jiu.-ai.ons ana seizing the type 2560,000,000. 'machinery. FFJNKRS RAIDED Sept 20. Troops raided and Damages totaling $7087 are asked by Arthur I. Luce from John McKlroy In a .suit filed today In Circuit court The suit Is the outgrowth of an alleg ed assault by McElroy on Luce, com mitted June 17. 1919. Five of Luce's ribs were broken In the assault In which he alleges that McElroy beat and kicked him and otherwise maltreated him. As an out growth of the alleged assault. Luce had to be treated for peritonitis, h sets forth In the complaint. For treat, ment by doctor's medicine and los of time from his work he asks special damages of I6S7. For general ana punitive damages for the attack he asks $6500 additional. Luce Is repre sented by Raley, Raley & Stelwer and ll. J. Warner. j 3 ' " : ;,, , -" . . ,, . x I ; TO THE RESCUE ' ! ------ - --- .. ASTORIA WILL SEND TWO TRAINS IN '20, F Of the thousands here for the Round-Up none show more en tnusiaam than the Astorians, wtio fay tney will be here twice as s-trong in 1920. The following wire from the acting mayor was received by the 'mayor and read at the Hound-Up this afternoon: .Astoria, Ore., Sept. 20, 1S19. Hon. James Bremner, Mayor of Astoria, Ore. Care Sound-Up Special from World s Largest Fresh- Water Harbor, Pendleton, Ore. Citizens of Astoria extend greet ings to Mayor Bremner, officials of the Crr.mber of Commerce and the wires from the Lower Colum bia iler section att enigtnd bia river section attending the 1919 Pendleton Round-Up. We also congratulate the progressive citizens of Pendleton upon the un- reecflented hospitality accorded o.ir people and hereby pldo enough of cur citizens to insuro the operation of not one but two spejial trmns to the 1920 Miov. C. A. LEI NEN WEBER, Acting Mayor of Astoria. "IKT "KR BrCK" PRESIDENT WILSON AT IXXS ANGELES TODAY LOS ANGELES, Sept 20. Presi dent Wilson" arrived here shortly aft er 9 o"clock after spending the night on hln sp-.-eibl train which was placed on a siding at Delmar ,a few mi!s from San Diego. A big crowd met hiin. M.ET "ER Bl'CK Frank Pcrlin. of Athena. Is ly ing in St. Anthony's hospital with a broken leg and broken arm aft er an automobile smash-up this morning. d Mrs. Perlln and .inultf- f.re tuff,. ring from ml r .r Injurle.-. Mr. Pcrlin and tarn. II v werd cn tl eir way to the I!oi:nd-l'p when a Dodge car. wl--.se dilver Is unknown, collid ed mil th'j t'cillii'b Franklin ma- Squaw Race Today Was Neck and Week Affair, Winner Taking Outside of Track Winning Despite Handicap. With every seat In the big grand, stand sold out 26 hours before to day's program began, bleachers pack ed to capacity and hundreds standing the final day of the tenth Round-Ui promised to prove the greatest, la of attendance, in history. A perlect day furnished the proper set ting for the finish of the most suc cessful phew In a decade. Hundreds who lined up for grand stand seats this morning had a long wsiit only to be informed hat they co'ild get space only in the bleachers. I-onsr before 11 o'clock the long line shifted to the bleacher ticket office at the Round-Up park and at 12 when he Rates opened, the big" stands ' gan to fill from all entrances. More than 25,000 persons, three and a half times the population of Pendleton, were estimated In attendance this aft ernoon. Cloudless blue skies, a bright aun and a i;cntle 1-reexe made the day Ideal. It mvht be termed one of th'js-j first, ir Jndian sum -tier days. ." e ..n!y '. ci- eion an! Ik-urn Ore con is favored with. T ft at daya i.f record-'oi caking evo-'n fiesh In mine, the .eighty thrciK Ien for the first and lollowing t.itirs on ttv- pragtmu. Many Are Standing Several hundred . were standing when the burro and bull riding contest tprned the final day. While the lit tle gray long ears defied efforts of , the cowboys to ride, Sleepy Armstrong d a field of 10 In the cowboy's pony , lace and crossed the tape In the lead ' with a time of 51 3:5. A Rodin wu . clor.e teliind and finished a good sec ctid. with Roy Kivett third. 'LET 'ER Bl'CK" JOHNSON ABANDONS TRIP WEST OF THE ROCKIES ST. PAUI ' Sept 20. Senator Johnson definitely announced the abandonment of his stumping trip to the Pacific coast lie will end this Journey in opposition to the league of ni'tioii with speeches in the Twin Citis today. Senator JohiHon told a crowd of 20iici persons in a local theater that . "This ti a time when men cannot halt, hesitate or pussyfoot ' We're ' .u.v tii.ina a situation where we must either yield :o sinister Aslatlo or Eu ropean fl'i .-circs' or whore we will stutiil out fT lf'S fei cent American Ism. The puth of hundred P3f cent Ai; er..iniui is thi wh.'eu feme of us ai W,-hikten have tt-l;en rnd we're solo frard t!int tain r ntll Ara erlcun people are, fully provided, u u