e V v -i- T f r r i" M t V'M M f '"""if F f V ' "' "l J i V V . LET'ERBtJCX East Oregonian Round -Up Souvenir Edition Pendleton, Oregon, Thursday, September 18. lfllfr IIMIIIIIIIIIIillHIIUIIIIIIIIIIHIIIHNIIHIimillUIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIHIIIIIIiniHIIIIIIIIHIIIIUIIIIIIltlin 5 iiiiiHiiiiiiimiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiM 5 I ' S p I I s' v ' S a I Eastern Oregon's Greatest Newspaper f'"S Y : " t f i V V r " t I -' I II II II 5 B S II 5 ii ii (5 1 rJEasK' J I f w Jleznl SEMI-WEEKLY VXVX8 5 eContent Published by the East Oregonian Pub. Co., Publishers and Printers Pendleton, Oregon - ; , 'J? if ,:'u I.: -'. J ' r V lm'ri '' i ESTABLISHED 1875 IL Daily edition published every afternoon except Sunday Semi-Weekly "edition published every: Tuesday and Friday ALL THE NEWS As you would care for your family to read it .... .-. '-(In MtHM) -, (telly, en. Jrar, by mail IS.00 Dally, all months by mall t.69 Dally, thre montha by mail 1.25 Dally, on. month by mall 60 Dally, on. yaar by carrier . 7. SO Dally, alx mpntha by carrier , t.1 8 Daily, three month by carrier l.ts - Dally, ono month, by carrier , .S Semi-Weekly, on yar, by mail J.sn ' Seml-Wltly, aix month, by moll ,TR tytml-We tax,' tt month by moll , so ' i! " - On Rote tal Ooiey Oltlea. ' , ImnsrUl HQtel NW BUnit. Portland. ' ' . ,.:-,..-' .V-,- r. on F41. At -- 1 .;- ChlctfO Bureau, l Security Bulldlnf. Waablnfton, D. C, Bureau 101 fourteenth Street, K. W. '' . ' '- ' . -, . ' ' ' -" " . AT all times this paper has placed public service above other considerations. It has never been a partisan or factional organ. It has never grafted nor allowed politics or private consider ations to interfere with its duties as a true news paper. For over 40 years the East Oregonian has had the lead in the eastern Oregon field in size, circulation; typographical appearance and general prestige; its supremacy being at no time more marked than at present. It is classed by Newspaperdom as one of its "winning dailies." - The daily edition ranges in size from eight to 16 pages and a colored supplement is issued on Satur day. The United Press telegraphic service is used and this report is supplemented by the work of more than a score of paid correspondents in eastern Ore gon, chief ly Umatilla county. r .. . The East Oregonian owns its own building, a two story block Valued at $35,000 and is the heaviest tax-: paying newspaper in Oregon outside of Portland. . MEMBER A. B. C. Guaranteed circulation to advertisers. WAST AD COI.T7MT AWD CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY Counting six ordinary words to the tin. and ebarg-ed by the line. WANT ADS AND LOCALS. RATES PER LINE. First insertion, per line 10o Each add. Insertion, per line So One week (sis Insertions), each insertion, per line So 1 month each insertion, per line a 6 month contract, each insertion, per line So 1 2-nionth contract, each insertion, per line. ..... So No ads taken for less than 2 lines. Minimum charge ........................... .25c Ads taken over the telephone only from East Oro pontan subscriber and those listed In the, Telephone Directory.. Copy tnust be iu our office do later tbaa 1:10 o'clock day f yubUcatloiU Display rat. card sent upon requaat. - -:1 F 3 d II 5 S 3 5 S 3 : n x I II HI I g I 3 S ill II i 1 i ll II II 3 4 3 3 K e 4 53 3 B 3 3 rA 3 3 r 3 s 5 s S 5 5 3 S 1 3 s : J s S 3 E 5 5 t b R S 1 1 i 51 Kts ri -3 lis Ijl 3 9 miiiiiiiii imiiimiiiiimii miimmiiiimiMiiiii iimiiim inMiiuiimiiiiMiiiiniiiiiiiiiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiumiiiin miiiiiiii iiiiuiiiiiii iiiitinni utiiif iiiittitimtiiitiintiiiiiti titiiiintif n 5 s iiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiimi iitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimniiiii iiiiiiiiMiiiitiiiiiiiiiimtiiiiiiiuiii ii iiiii i imiimm in ii iin iin mi n 1 1 iiiun m ti i n n 1 1 in i n 1 1 ni i n 1 1 u u i in it minimi MiiiniiiiiiiuiiMMiiiiiiiiiiiuiuiiiiiinminiiiiiiiiiimiiiiHiumuiiiMiunuiiuiiiiutimiiniiJiiiiiuin J I . f ) 1 ' f 1 ! .i. " is- - , - 8.. t V!H'i'-S