TEN PAGES DAILY EAST OREOONlAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1919. PAGE THREE 5 B NOTES OF PENDLETON Mm. Hager In .Hospital. , Mra. Mays Hager waa operated up on yesterday (or tonsil., she li conval. eaclng at Bt. Anthony's hospital. Here for Round-Up. Otto Runty, of foriutnrt, who repre enta Neuatadter Brothera, and Kred Miller, of Seattle, are Pendleton visi tors during the Round-Up. "I.KT 'KIl BUCK" Dr. Farnswortli In Seattle. Dr. R. E. Farnaworth haa located In, Seattle as a dentist, having aold his practice here to Dr. Harvey Hano van. ( Mra. Farnaworth recently joined him in Seattle. Both resided In that city last winter when Dr. Farna worth was a lieutenant In the dental corpa of the navy. joy. i mi H , v., ,, -J Used for 70 Year Thru in UK Grandmother's vouthful aooearancc has remained until youth has yk beooms but a memory, Kf The soft, refined, pearly whits sppearancs renders leavea the of Beauty with for many yean. Is in lIo.siitul. Andrew McDonaldaon, bus driver for Hotel Pendleton, la a patient In Bt. Anthony'a hospital where he un derwent an operation yeaterday for a fangerenou appendix. "LKT 'Kit BUCK" Two Forfeit $50 Bail. For vlolutlon of the Immoral prao tlcea' section of city ordinance No. 404, John Spain and Jane Doe today forfeited $50 each In police court by their failure to appear thia morning. I.KT 'JfiH BUCK" Tnldy Yell "It 'er Buck." Fire Chief William Klngold return ed home this morning after attending the convention of Pacific coast fire chlcfa In Portland, which affair culmi nated with a deer luncheon at Kagle creek. Col. Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. was a special guest of honor and Chief Ringold says that before the feed was over all were shouting "let 'or Buck" including Teddy. LKT 'KB BUCK" i Here From Portland Among the many visitors to the Roundnfp Is C. M. Welttenhlller of Plattvllle, Wisconsin, who Is vlaiting at the home of his father-in-law. J. It. Marpls and his aunt, Mrs. A. F. May. Mr. Welttenhlller motored from Wisconsin by way of Yellow stone Park. After the Hound-Up he will leave for Southern Oregon for a hunting trip before returning to his home In Wisconsin. idi 161 i6i 101 101 lui ioi 101 101 101- For Fresh, Moist Sandwiches - - - USE PORTLAND "HOLSUM" BREAD We are sure you will find "Holsum", stays fresh longer and slices and butters much nicer than other breads. , We also have the Log Cabin Baking Co.'s fine fresh Buns, Snails and Doughnuts this week. Large shipments arriving fresh from .the ovens every morning. You wil find a large variety of .Lunch Goods in both our Meat and Grocery departments. PLEASE ORDER EARLY IN THE MORNING 'You can always depend on u." Pendleton Cash Market, Inc. Fine Groceries and Meats Phones 101. ( Private exchange connecting both departments.) T0T TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT T0TT0T "INSURANCE Is the Best Policy" UU1. J....' "I'IITT'-'J .JL L.'.liitl H 1 M. ,' 'Ml "LET 'ER BUCK" We Have The Real Estate BARGAINS "LOOk 'EM OVER" JOE KERLEY Baeoassor to Chas, E. Heard. Inc. "See Me Before the Fire" Insurance Loans Real Estate f II Main Pendleton, Orasoa I John Kennedy and Merle Margaaon. of Portland, are Pendleton gueta dur ing the Hound-Up. Both are students at the University of Oregon. , "I.KT 'Kit III'CK" Two Iianda Arrive for Hound-Up. The Mllton-Freewater band of 2 piecea and the La Grande O.-W. R. A N. band of 30 piecea arrived In the city this morning and have been dis pensing music all day. They will re main during the entire three days of Round-Up. ,IBT KR Bl'CK" '. Information Ick at IMiMit. ' An information desk with free local telephone service was -established to day at the O-W. K. & N. depot with 8. L. Wiggins, of the Tacoma office of the O-W. It. &' N. In charge. Mr. Wiggins has been here In this capa city for many years but was absent last year because he was serving In the U. 8. army. . "I.KT KI Bt'CK" Hi-re Troin Portland A. O. Waha. of the Portland office of the IJ. S. Forestry service, is In ths city today to confer with W. W. Od der, Umatilla Forest Supervision They will leave tonight for La Grande and Baker on business connected with the department. In La Orande they will' attend a meeting of the fire protec tive organizations of Eastern Oregon. LKT 'KB BUCK- Will Attr-nd Klato Fair. Fred Bennlon, county agent, will leave tomorrow night for Portland, where he will Investigate conditions In order lhat Umatilla county may have an exhibit next year In connec tion with the State Chamber of Com merce. He will go also to O. A. c. for a short, visit and also to the Ktate Fair at Salem. He will return a week from Friday. "LET' 'RR BUCK" Texas I low Not fjocal Woman. , The Texas Rose ' entered In the Rpund-Up lists is not Texasia Rose, Pendleton woman, who is known also by. the name of Texas ' Rose. Friends of Miss Rose are asked not to coafuxe her with the Round-Up per former. . "I.KT ,'KH Bl'CK" Public Semico (VmimlsKlnrr Ifrro. Fred A. Williams of the stale pub lic service commission, is a Pendleton visitor on business and pleasure. This morning he accompanied County Judge C. H. Marsh over the route of the proposed highway to Cabbage Hill for the purpose of eliminating, if possible, two railroad grade cross ings. He will remain for the Round- Up. "LET 'KR Bl'CK" To Show Travels Tiinltbt The travels of "Cap" W. H. Hardy of the naval aviation recruiting purty now here, will be shown in moving pictures this evening at 7 SO at the corner of Main and Railroad streets. . "Cap" Hardy who Is the sole surviv- i Ing member of the Perry expedition to Japan in 1851 made a trip to that; country In 1S17 to foster a better feel ing of friendship between the United States In Japan. The pictures of his travels on this trip will be shown to-. night. C. P. Brenner, chief mechan-1 lets mate with the oartv. will deliver a lecture with the pictures. "LET 'Kit BUCK" Roth Hack Here for Flights. Aviator Archie Hoth flew over from H"sfpner yesterday with the Ace plane which opened here three weeks ago, with Henry Cohn, of Heppner, as pas senger. The flight was made In less than 80 minutes. During the Kound Up Roth will make flights in the mornings and evenings,, after the Round-Up program, from the Jones field at the top of the north side hill. The plane visited Condon and Hep pner after leaving here and after Round-l'p it will be piloted to John Ray and Prineville for the fairs at those places. "LET 'ER BUCK" Vavy Iociiiitinir Officers Hero H. K. Elder, commanding officer ror navy recruiting In this stale, and L. C. Thompson, commander of the Medical corps. Captain Hardy and Petty Officers Gates and Cordy com prise a navy recruiting party which Is in the city for duty during Round Up. c. P. Brenner, chief machinist. aviation, and D. L. Bellew, chief quar termaster, aviation, are Iwre also on recruiting duty. Captain Hardy has an honorary title and wears the blue of the gnli. He Is 86 years of ago and is the only survivor of the Perry ex pedition made to Japan in the fifties. He spoke today at the O. W. R.& N. park and told of his experiences while a guest of the Emperor of Japan. "I.KX 'EH Bl'CK Hlllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllim DODGE BROTHERS BUSINESS CAR Its established economy makes Dodge Brothers Business Car a profitable investment. The haulage cost is unusually low. Cottonwood A Water. Flione B30 II ., ' I SILK HATS rOPVLAK .0 I t !ss?esl i V II 'allllUIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIllHlllllltllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllMIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllIIIIUl - New York haa received with vpen arms the prevailing fashion for silk hats, preferably modified or extremai sailor shsiSA. with f ornamentation save silk rat tall or flat braid filled la Intricate Iflealgna-r. r Grocery Phone . 526 Use the . Phones SERVICE Other Dcpartm'ta'' 78 Use the Phones . PENDLETON'S LEADING STORE The Greatest Stocks of Fall Merchandise Await Your Inspection Here When you get value, most varied assortments, highest quality, priced at about what you want to ; pay; satisfaction guaranteed. . . ; . Tailored Dresses Nothing will give more service and. no thing is so good to wear in so many different places, on the street, to work, shopping and ' calling. Many are trimmed with braid, embroidery and Astra khan embroidery. Not a few are the coat 00 $85 00 CORRECT MODES IN WOMEN'S FALL AND ; v WINTER COATS '. 1 A splendid assortment, featuring new designs, material and colors. Various style belts and pockets, novel collar., arrange ments. Plaited, gathered or panel J Q CA to Cf Cf Art harks, fur trimmed or nlain. Prire. . Pli7.Jv tPldV.UV NEW FALL DRESS GOODS It's high time to be getting that new Fall dress or suit. Buy the goods and make them up. You'll find the newest weaves and col orings here and they're ready for your inspec tion. Be sure to have a look here before de ciding what you want. Epingle.. $2.00 to $4.00 Poiret Twill $5.00 Gabardine $4.00 to $5.00 Tricotine $5.00 to $8.50 Flannels . .$1.75 to $4.00 Serges. . . $2.00 to $4.00 Novelty Dress Goods. $2.50 to $5.00 Coating. . $2.50 to-$7.50 Etc. Etc. SILK HOSIERY : We are really showing the best assortment of silk hosiery we have ever shown. The best hosiery we can buy. It's the freshest stock in Pendleton, of fered in most any shade you may desire. Silk hosiery that will fit well and wear better. The pair . ..i 65c to $3.50 JUST RECEIVED ' Big shipment of new yarns just received. KNITTING WORSTED, SHETLAND FLOSS, SAXONY, GERMANTOWN, LADY FAIR. Let 'er Buck 99 ' ' GLOVES FOR WOMEN Gloves of all kinds. Gloves to wear with that new Fall suit or coat. Suede gloves, real Arabian mocha. These are offered in Grey, Tan and Beaver, all sizes Washable Cape in grey. tan. beaver and brown $3 Washable Kid in white only, pair $3.00 Keal Jb rench Kid Gloves in ( white, black, tan, brown, beaver, champagne, etc. Self stitching and contrasting heavy emb. . . $3.00 to $3.50 WOMEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS Offered in a wide range of styles, some plain, some colored borders, some silk, some colored emb. In fact we have most any kind of a Handkerchief to suit you 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c, 35c 3 for $1.00; 50c, 75c, $1.00. VEILS AND VEILING Of course you'll need a veil. We're showing a lot of new styles in all colors. See the new Trench veil ing and chenile dots. Slip-on Veils 10c to 50c Veiling, yard 25c to $1.25 WOMEN'S NECKWEAR Brand new fresh neckwear, full of .charm to give that finishing touch to that dress or suit Well , made and made to fit. Offered in net, Georgette, organdie, etc. Neatly trimmed. Come here for your new fall neckwear. BEADS, BEAUTY PINS, EAR RINGS AND LINGERIE PINS. You need these little things to make out your toi let for the dress of today. You can get reliable goods at this store. Come in and see them. ' ' DRUG SUNDRIES A complete stock of Drug Sundries and toilet ar ticles of the well known Melba line. Let us fill your toilet needs. . WE'RE HEADQUARTERS FOR ROUND-UP : 7 GOODS. Come in now and get what you need while the As sortments are Complete. $16.50 ROUND-UP AA TO SHIRTS PU.UU A complete showing of Round-Up Shirts of silk, wool challie and sateen in all sizes. Showing the most desirable patterns and colorings. These shirts are made right and they fit well. They are hand made. Select yours right NOW! - . - $22.50 ROUND-UP AM AA TO HATS pi.vu We're showing a big assortment of "Round-Up" Hats in authentic styles in all colors, of felt and bea ver. You'll find your size arid the one that suits vou here. : ' Khaki Riding Skirts, cut on tl new lines, either in light or dark shades ..... .V. .;...... $1.50 to $7.50 Corduroy Riding Skirts in tan. extra erood fittmar skirts and well tailored . . ..... $7.50 to $10.00 SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY OF "ROUND-UP" GOODS. COME IN AND GET FITTED OUT. MUFFLERS $2.50 Mufflers in a big array of colors of all descriptions. Some plain colors, some with fancy borders and many with printed Round-Up riders, etc. Every body wears a Muffler. Buy one or two. 50cAND75c ROUND-UP HAT BANDS Wear a Round-Up Hat Band on your hat. have some styles specially for these hats. We "ROUND-UP BOOTS" Here we are with a big selection of Round-Un Boots for the man or woman who wants a very dres sy boot. These boots are all "Shipley Hand Made Boots" and are boots that have and will stand the test. We have them in French calf and French kid lea thers, with the new London toe, double or single stitching, all of new patterns. ' , If you are looking for a boot see these boots before buying. See windpw for display. PERSONAL V. I Thompson, vice president of the First National Bank of Portland, came home this morning to be pres- -ent du rinff the Round-Up. N, J. Ttlvdensteln. m&nmrer of the Umatilla Flour A drain Pn. rntnrtiFid from Portland thia morninff. Nace Grant, formerly chief of no lice at Astoria, la among the pi any law enforcing: men among Round-Up visitors. - Louis Stcclhammer, salesman for the Pendleton Woolen Mills, ts here for Round-Up. Lawrence Calvert of Seattlo. son of one of Alaska's hirjtest salmon can tiers, motored in from the sound with a part of fronds today, The now Hungarian franchise re- ' hata to match. present a verv flanhv form bill enfranchises women under , lJKil, . the same limits as men. " " wwn oi Shm Austin furnUhea comedy in the -i.t r -Kii in k street. Strfet l&ral( Harvey's Greater Minstrels will very attractive street parade. Not all the company partici pate in the parade, as such people as the stage mechanics, the Creole Beauty Chorus are' buy ' with the wardrobe and effects, ' f make i".tmductmr several novelties. The wardrobe consisting jf purple and j This company ilt be at th Oregon burn; orause, Skinner satin coat wita theater Thurday Sep tern be v 1