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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1919)
'VV' ,', V".' v- r r' r r 1 TEN PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1919. PAGE TTTRETJ NEWS NOTES OF PENDLETON I I i uiwm m i - In Portland on Buelnni trip. N. J. illyrienstein. Manager of the Umatilla Flour & Grain Co., went to Portland yesterday on a business trip. He will return either on Wednesday or Thursday. KMclal Hours During- KoimtM'p. Hunks of I'endleton will close at Boon during Round-Up and will re main closed during the remalndur of the duy. fitores will be closed from 1 p. m. t'o Dp. m. so that employes may ree the Itound-Up.. -rtHUr Is I fore. H. M. White of the Portland office of the forest service, Is In Pendleton to confer with W. W. Cryder. super visor of the Umatilla Nulional forest. Mr. White will visit the Wennha for est bofore his return to Portland. He states that OrcKon forest fires are a thins of the past since the heavy full of ruin during last week. Jteturn from I Iota Convention. Herald White Of Cottnue Drove and Oeorne Beggs of Portland arrived In Pendleton today after attending the national convention of Beta Theta PI fraternity In Swampscopt, Massachu setts. They acted as lieli'KuU-a for the University of Oregon chnptcr. They will be the guest of fraternity broth ers In this city during tho Round-Up. Champion Itopt-r Arrives. Chester Hyers, chttmpiot. roper, is here for the Hound-Up and will enter the competition In his events. Hyers comes from Oklahoma. Milton Mun In on iluslncs. City Attorney S. D. Peterson, and George Price, cashier of the First National liunk, of Milton, are In Pen dleton today on business. Both gen tlemen will be Round-Up spectators luter in the week. Ituturn from Hknule. H. W. Collins and Guy Wyrlck re turned today from Portland and Se attle. They saw the ' Paclflo fleet while on the trip. the convention of county judges of the state and boosting the Hound-Up, of 'Which he Is the secretary. The Judge found himself about the busiest man In Pendleton today. ItounI-Vp Diminutions. Pundleton business houses are sup plementing the street decorations for Hound-Up with special displays for the business houses themselves. Sev eral stores have Hound-Up window displays. lain I'rcdiitod by liurpau. The weekly weather forecast of the department of agriculture for the week ending September 20 Is for oc casional rains in the north portion of the Pacific coast states and fair In the south )ortlon. Temperatures are to be nearly normaf. ' Jmliro Mursh at Home. County Judge C. 11. Marsh Is at home toduy utter spending the past week In Portland attending the ses sions of the state highway commission icq i6i 161 161 101 101 101 101 101 101- r I -4 l o -t I -4 o SOMETHING VERY SPECIAL IN OUR MEAT DEPARTMENT Pressed ChickenIts Fine If you will order jour fresh Fruits and Vege tables early each morning this week you will get the best on the market and it will be a great ac commodation to us. Pendleton Cash Market, Inc. Fine Groceries and Meats ' Phones 101. (Private" exchange connecting both departments.) -TOT TOT TOT TOI TOT TOT 101 TOT TOI TOT Iv IiimiIs to Close Thursday and Friday. Pendleton school children are to see the Hound-Up, for the grammar schools and high school will be closed both Thursday and Friday, Caw Ordered Dismissed. The case of J. Hj and Genevieve Reld vs. F. B. and Mary E. Knapton was ordered dismissed from circuit court today. Increase In Oast of Silver. Lrfical jewelers recently received notice of a 10 to 16 per cent Increase in the cost of sterling silver and plated silver. The Increase Is due to the high cost of labor In factories and because of strikes of employes. Csnutts Are Here. Yakhna Canutt and Katie Canutl are In the city and will appear In the Hound-Up. Katie Cunutt won the bucking championship at the show lust year. Uota 20 Point Runic. Murton Khutrum killed a 28 point buck in the John Day region recently and the horns of the big, animal are on display today at the office of Jim Kstes. Ho fur as is known, 26 points is the record for this season. Meeting of Committee. A meeting of the agricultural com mittee of Pilot Rock will be held this afternoon to make pluns for the dem onstration program In that section. Fred Bennion. county agent, left to day for pilot Rock to attend the meeting. Hevuiue Agvnts Here. J. f. Hogs, Internal revenue agent, is in the office of W. D. Chamberlain, division deputy, for the collection of internal revenue. Guy R. Harper, general deputy, is expected to arrive soon for a conference with Mr. Hogg and Mr. Chamberlain. Return from Vacation Trip. Judge Thomas Fits Gerald and Mrs. Fits Gerald returned Sundoy from a two weeks' vacation trip which was spent visiting with relatives In Port land, Vancouver and Woodburn. The Judge says he heard a new Ford Joke at Woodburn. "INSURANCE Is the Best Policy I am buying grain this year for Kerr Gifford & Co., Inc., and would be glad to have the farmers give me a chance to submit a price on their grain before selling. JOE KERLEY uecessor to Chaa. JS. Beard, Ine. "See Me Before the Fire" Insurance Loans Real Estate III Main Pendleton, Oregon Walter Snyder Here. Walter Snyder, the eon of the Rev. J. K. Snyder, formerly pastor of the Presbyterian church In Pendleton, arrived here today and will be here during Round-Up as the guest of Waldon (Bus) Byers. Toung Snyder bought a Round-Up hat Immediately 1 upon his arlval in Pendleton. J Itoiind-TTp Boosters Home. Henry W. Collins and Guy B. Wy rlck who attended the Walla Walla Frontier Days Thursday and went to Seattle Saturday for the welcome to the Pacific fleet, arrived home this morning over the Northern Pacific, having accompanied the Irwin party here. Gets Xew Indian Pictures; Pictures of Princess Ah-Tra-Ah- Paun, Mrs. White Klk. were made by Major Lee Moorehouse last week nn1 are on exhibition at his office on East Court street. The pictures show her and White Elk in their native lress and are excellent pieces of work. The princess, who is from the Lower Kla math tribe was appearing last week at a local theatre. New Proprietor Here. Mr. ana Mrs. A. N. Packard an daughter. Miss May Packard, are making their residence at the Golden Rule. Mr. Packard Is the new pro prietor of the hostelry. F. M. Poole, formerly one of the owners, announces that he will go to Rockyford, Colo. and will probably locate there, while F. H. Gardner, another of the former owners, will remain In Pendloton, LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIII!IIIIIIIII I DODGE BROTHERS BUSINESS CAR a -""""fgimmkmi 1 is!IssWsJSsbSS1WT,;.J , yj.fc...$yvt, s 1 Will Depict Indian Life. Director Percy Campbell, of the Campbell's American band which Is to play In Pendleton during the Round Up, Is giving particular attention to a selection depicting Indian life which is considered particularly suitable to the occasion. The band will leave Portland Wednesday night In a special Pullman. The band consists of 35 musicians, among them several solo ists who will have a prominent part in the program. Will Make Ronnd-I'p Movies Leland J. Burrud. of Los Angeles. I producer of "Legends of the Wilder ness," arrived in Pendleton today with two motion picture cameras, another camera man and two assistants. They will make pictures of this year's S Round-Up, from a new angle, and C they will be exhibited through a regu IT lar news circuit of motion pictures. Si Mr. Burrud also has his own automo- i bile here, which is general workroom for the concern. Its established economy makes Dodge Brothers Business Car a profitable investment. The haulage cost is unusually low. Cottonwood A Water. Phone 530 s S j Veniremen for Jury Listed. HI The sheriff on Saturday Issued a 5 call for 27 taxpayers to serve as ju gTfrors for the September term of the C circuit court. Those who were called I and from whom a Jury was picked today were Jurgen Mumm, Reed Hill. S!e. C. Rogers, Hugh Stanfleld. Henry SiW. Molstrom, G. W. Bradley, R. J. S Creswell, W. A. Barnes. Milt Whlt r more, M. E. Myers, Douglas Belts, C. S. Wheeler, Charles H. Gardiner. Louis Mosste. A. S. Quant, J. E. Mann, Cart A. Gilbert. J. O. Hales, Charles W. Kirk, C. F. Colesworthy. N. A. Hum- ' phrey, J. J. CaBserly, J. F. Slover, J. K. Shotwell. Oliver Holcomh. Levi Eld-! Grocery Phone 526 Use the Phones Other Departm'ts 78 Use the Phones . SERVICE PENDLETON'S LEADING STORE WHY ARE WE PARTICULAR WHEN WE SERVE YOU? , The Store where Quality counts Ik often caller I "tlM tore for particular people" and one need to make but a tingle purchase there to lcn-MHiMtrate the apt new, falmeHM anil truth fill newt of hte declaration. We've alwaytt found that it PAYS to be particular pa the customer and ourelve. It kudu individuality to our mcrchandtHe. Ktamp a purchase with the hall mark or distinction and establishes trat In the lionetttjr tf our Intention!. Goo Is Hold with the view of deceivinjf teldom KTAYS Mold ?oods Hold where Quality counts nlay old anil create permanent trade from partktilar people. 5 i . . NEW FALL SILKS, PLAIDS AND STRIPES A most unusual showing of plaids and striped silks for fall. They are of most attractive color com binations and of the best quality goods. Make up a dress or skirt off one of these excellent patterns. No, trouble to show. Ask to see them. WINSOME NEW FROCKS $25.00 KABO Comfort Top Corset Here's relief at last for the woman who has suffer ed from that distressing gouge of the front steel at the top. Comfort in any position standing, sitting, stooping, bending. The Kabo Comfort Top was de signed to meet a definite need in corsetry and it is meeting it as attested by enthusiastic wearers. Best of all, it fully demonstrates that style need not be sacrificed for absolute corset somfort. $1.50 TO $6.75 OCTOBER DESIGNERS are here. Come in and get yours. Df satin serge, of serge, tricot ine and jersey. Models for the lass of six teen to the woman who re quires size 44. There's charm and individu ality in the lines of these won derful new dresses which ,we have just unpacked and such a variety too. Dresses which reflect all ;hat is correct and authentic ior fall wear. There are dresses of satin with rows and rows of floun ces around the skirt, some of Jiem gathered at the bottom -, of the skirt and many of them are trimmed with silk buttons. . Among the wool dresses are becoming models in rather straight, severe lines, with girldes. Then, too, many are enhanced with rows of hlack 3ilk braid and buttons. Indeed it is impossible to do justice to the selection, - in written description. $2.00 LUNCH CLOTHS 85c T0 $6.50 Lunch Cloths of all sizes, 36x36 to 54x54 in. of ex cellent quality and all linen. Very pretty designs that you will like. Perhaps you need one or two this week. . SERGE FOR RI OOMF.RS. YD. An excellent quality Serge suitable for gymnasium bloomers is here and in the right shade of blue. Come in and get the length desired. LUNCH 7C-DOZ. TO CC fift NAPKINS 3C $O.UU Lunch Napkins hemmed ready for use of Damask with floral patterns. Excellent quality. You cun buy them by the half dozen. , . to the Public A. New (G-rocery tore We have purchased the big grocery store on Court street from Mr. Frank Griggs and will continue to carry one of the finest lines of staple and fancy gro ceries in the country. We will be pleased to serve all of this store's old customers as well as the new. We have a 30 day only credit business for your con venience. A trial order will convince you and please us. Oespain & ILee 209 E. Court St. Phone 445 SiuiuuiiniiiiiiuuiuiiiiuiuiiiiiiiiuiiiHiiuiiiuiuuiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiuiiiiiiuiiiiiuuiiit. ridge and Ell C. Embusk. I ,