tv If B c 25. 5 n i B i B ; a ! 'g I i S3 ! i r c B 4 Cm PARE EIGTIT DATLT EAST OKEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1919. TWELVE PAGES J. C. l'cnney Co., A Nationwide Institution J. C Penney Co., A Nationwide Institution j. C. Penney Co." A Nationwide Institution Do You Prefer Newest Me rehandise to Select from When You are " Buyiiig? IF YOU DO OUR RAPID SELLING ASSURES YOU NEWEST ASSORTMENTS AT ALL TIMES. nix Store News Kvery Woman will welcome these Sew Fall Suits and fkius, as pkluml. They are advanced models sod mill mean a great saving to yon. Our buyers have J-4 omipmed tlieir Initial pun-hasr r Fall Ready to Wear ahich amounted to approximately one aiuihat dollars.. Half a million dollars of this pur. rltase ns coats alone. When jou muskier tike quantity of coats that this purchase Implies, you can readily see why n are able to offer these garments at soch low prices.. This store's allotnK'tit of coats ami suits are exceedingly beautiful and any gar ment you scle you fan be assured of buying at a eery substantial saving. Anything desired, if not In stock, ran always be supplied quickly from our Now York headquarters. The next largest Item in our purchase for Fall was Waists, which amonted to $175.000 and this Is only about one third of the waists which we shall use for the year. These figures surely give convincing and sufficient reason why you can buy at a great saving. IN Oi n SIIOK DEPARTMENT, at prices that are o reasonable because of our buying power, you will find many smart new Fall styles handsome new Iks its in Mack patent colt skin with grey kid tops two tone browns and black kkl bootsthe last word in elegance and fit and shoes you will enpoy wear ing.' We have now in stock a complete range of 4zes in wkltlis AAA to I. ,'F.xperienced shoe fitters. Your inspection cordially invited at all times. Suit Number 608 p.nptlv as nletured." -made of Tricotlne. fancy silk lined, semi tailored model, braid and button :rimmed. Choice of Hlack, Navy, Brown. Taupe or Burgundy. Sizes 16-46. $I7.50 Our price J J Suit Number 606 as Dlctured. made of ' broadcloth,' fancy Bilk- lined,: ;ollar and cuffs trimmed with jontrosting colors. - Choice of Black, Navy, Pekin, Brown, 3reen, Burgundy or Taupe. Sizes 16-48 Our Price Suit Number 644 49 1.50 ? Exactly as pictured, made of food quality men' wear serge, fancy silk lined, semi-tailored ; model, button and braid : trimmed. Choice of Black or , Navy. lzes 16-46. . Our Price ; Suit Number 620 $JQ.50 aj Exactly as pictured, made of fancy mixed suiting, fancy silk lined, aeml-tailored model, braid ' nd button trimmed, silk pockets Choice of Grey, Green. Brown or Oxford. Hires $00.50 16-46. our rnce.... .1, Suit Number 646 Exactly as pictured, made of Poire twill, fancy ', silk . lined, blouse model, trimmed with buttons and fancy stitching, fanrv vestce. Choice of Black or Navy. Sites 16 SCQ.50 46. Our Price... aJe7 i. ; ..'.:;. -1 ,. - , V iti' ?1 T ' tf r i x - 5 " 4 n 3 Uf V;J 1 ...... rdtwj. ' I f O T Popular new 1910 style. Exactly as pictured. Made of good quality black ilk tiliiHh. Belted model. Buckle in front and back. Two pockets. Uurably lined throughout with heavy grade of satine. Sizes 16 to 46. Extra- - Q.75 ordinary bargain at our price pAAT Stylish 1919 model. Exactly as pictured. made of lustrous silk plush. Bolt to be worn either inside or outside. Two large pockets. Lined throughout with the well known Sol Satin. Sizes 16 to 46. Extremely big . SQA.50 value at - tf rf) A T Favorite Iolman model. Exactly as A pictured. Made of glossy jet black silk plush. Wide sweep coat gathered on a round full yoke at the back- New submarine collar. Belf covered buttons adorn the sleeves. Belt In front. Attractively lined with fancy Venetian. $Oil.75 all sizes 16 to 46. Our price ohly COAT Fashions favored Dolman style. v Exactly as pictured. ' Made of black silk plush. Dved ODDOssum collar. Cuffs pleasingly trimmed with self covered buttons. Two pockets. Belt in front. Fancy Venetian lining. All sties J Q.50 16 to 48. A winner at our price Ta Charming Georgette Crepe Blouses See our Window Display for Round-Up week. Attractive blouses In the styles that are new are shown in all the latest shades -maize, sunset, flesh, biscuit, white, pink, grey, coral, French blue, etc. Some show new collarless neckline, others high collars--hand embroidered and bead trimmings, the prettiest in many seasons,-soft and chic! Many ladies will con- jfgg to jgQ sider it wise to purchase three or four now, as silk is advancing in price and hard to gat yy Incorporatajd f Sy Incorporated J OFrOSITB HOTEL PBXDUCTOX MAIL ORDERS FILLED AT ONCE. SEND POST OFFICE OR EXPRESS MONEY ORDER OR CHECK. Inclose Sufficient fdr.Parcel Post Of Express. J. C. Penney Co., A Nationwide Institution J. C. Penney Co., A Nationwide Institution J. C. Penney Co., A Nationwide Institution n 5Z 1 3 p. 81 9 3 n w 3 j CP i II O IS 19: 3 . n let 8" 9 1 9 3 a i 5S 5" 3 a-1 1 5-1 8 3 e 8 3 ia.ll 3