mmmr mmm? wmr W mmr PAGE FIVE TWELVE PAGES DAILY EAST OF'GONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1919. iff" Hi '8 CASH GROCERY What the Picture Theaters Have to Tell You. j-jt.1 sjjj-rxssrr V AIT. SUNDAY AND MONDAY v-ii--vX ' j jr r ' ' - " f ' a. t ' r IT TAYS TO PAY CASH AT CONROY'S Bob White Soap, 4 bars '. ........ 23c Van Camp's Pork and Beans, No. 2 cans, 5 for .; $1.00 Toilet Paper, 7 oz. Roll, 3 for 25c Guittard's Chocolate, 1 lb. 25c, 3 lbs. $1.00 Quaker Corn Flakes, 2 for 25c Konisuer Schrimps, can 20c GRAPE NUTS, PUFF WHEAT, PUFF RICE and SHREDDED WHEAT, per package . . . . . 15. Gold Dust, package .................. 30c Log Cabin Syrup 70c and $1.35 Karo Syrup, Blue, Vi gal. 55c Olympic Pancake Flour, package. ..... 35c THE UNIVERSAL CAR Here is the Ford Runabout, a perfect whirl wind of utility. Fits into the daily life of everybody, anywhere, everywhere, and all the time. For town and country, it is all that its name implies a Runabout. Low in cost of operation ; low in cost of maintenance, with ell the sturdy strength, dependability and re liability for which Ford cars arc noted1. We'd be pleased to have your order for one or more. We have about everything i.n motor car acces t sories, and always have a full line of genuine J Fori parts give genuine Ford service. Simpson Auto Co. Water and Johnson Sta. I'hono 408 Hllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllin I Entertainment I Is the life of every household. "Without muiilo In the home the young peoplo ftnd'thelr amusement ' elsewhere. When you can buy a piano from 1 176.00 and up, Edison. Victor pnd Columbia Ma chines from 125.00 and up. with a small pay ment down and term to suit you, why not4 have one of our fine in ternments? Call at our store or write for par ticulars. Av HOWARD, BTEINWAY, HOBART. M. CAHLK, HAMILTON. BALDWIN, KMERSON, EIJJNOTOM, CONWAY, STA It, CHICKKRINO; EDISON. VtSTOR, COLUMBIA TALKING MACHINES. 1 Warren's Music House 1 Pendleton, Oregon. Phone 524. .. ; 820 Main St f fllllllllllllHIIIIIIIMIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIMMIMIMIIIIIIIIIIMilllllllllllllliiiff IIIIIII1IIIIIIIIMIIIIIII1IIIIIII1III1I I IIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIimilllMIIHIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllli; ma t7 m . I c-w 16. J Sunday Services at the 1 s First Christian Church 1 HOHT. L.KE lU'SSAlIAIKJKIt, laMor s 10 A. M. Bible School, E. O. Draper, Supt. 5 11 A. M., Sermon, "THE FORGOTTEN LORD." 7 P. M., Christian Endeavor. 5 8 P. M., Sermon, "THE GREATEST PLAN OF THE AGES." Splendid muslo by choir and quartette at all services, under 5 5 rrofessor Fleshman of Hlnh School. Director. Visiting friends s S In the city will find a hearty welcome. ' A special Invitation to jj 5 Join the mid-week Bible Study Training Class on Wednesday E 2 night at 8 o'clock Is extended to High School students desiring S an outline of the Bible history, Old and New Testaments. jj uiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiii" IIHKT LYTI.K XOTKD . ' l'OIt ItAllB VKltSATIIjITY , ' . Hert Lytle the clever youns Metro star of "One-Thing- at-a-Tlmo O'Day" to be shown at the Alta theatre on Sunday and Monday Is one of the most versatile stars of the stage and screen. Ho wus born In New York but spent his eurly days in tlio west. Later he attended Upper Canada College from which he graduated with high honors He began his dramatic career with a stock company but soon rose to lead ing roles on Broadway. His last pro duction before he abandoned the stage for the screen was "Mary's An kle," In which he was co-starred with Irene Fenwlck. Mr. Lytell's debut as a Metro star was made In "The Trail to Yester ilav." since then he has appeared lr "The Lion's Den," "Fnlth," "Blind Man's Eyes," "Blackle's Redemption" "The Spender." "Unexpected Places." and "Boston Blackle's Little Tal.- Mr. Lytle comes of a noted thea trical family.- Both his parents were well known and his grandfather was J. K. Mortimer, one of Augustln Daley's most brilliant stars. . Besides achieving unusual distinc tion on the stage' Mr. Lytell has rap idly become the most popular male star of the screen. "One-Thlng-at-a-T I m e O'Day." was wiitten by William Dudley Fel ly and published In the Saturday Evening Post, is a brilliant comedy drama of circus life which is in the actor's best vein. AKCADH SUNDAY AXD MONDAY J WIM-IAM S. HART IV "BRKKD Ol MEV HAS MOST fMSUAL HOLE What William 8. Hart himself be lieves to he one of the best stories he has had for some time and which cer tainly presents the popular Artrraft star at his very best, is "Breed of Men." the scenes of which are laid In the fertile bottom lands of Arizona, and which will be shown at the Ar cade theatre next Sunday. In br'ef. If detals the exploits of Wesley B. Prentice a land shark who succeeds In hoodwinking the westerners to their financial loss. 'Careless" Cormody, a boss pun cher, rides Into, the new town of Chloride and realizing he will make either a dangerous enemy of power ful friend. Prentice succeeds In get t'ng him (n a gambling game from which he emerges "broke and afoot." Then, by glvlnv him back his horse and offering him- the Job of sheriff, the trickster gets Carmody on his side. A love storv enters when Carmody encues a girl from a Mexican bad man. Later it Is descovered that the land deal was a fraud and that the settlers have no claim to the property In short, they have been bilked by Prentice.' Carmody has been singing his praises but when he learns the truth and finds that the schemer has escaped, he goes after him to revenge and redeem himself. H is believed to he In lratue with Prentice bdt when he captures th- rascal In Chicago and brings htm back to Justice, he Is hail ed as a real man. Seena Owen la lead Ing woman. ARCADE THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY CHILDREN 10c ADULTS 25c ROTHAPFEL UNIT PROGRAMME THE QUALITY ENTERTAINMENT OF THE SCREEN A COMPLETE PROGRAM FROM OVERTURE TO EXIT MARCH. Including: Magazine "The Wood of Fair Water" An Immortalization of the Famous Achieve ment of the Marine at Belleau Wood. Novelty Prelude "The Last Hour" A Picturization of Massenet's "Elegie" Dramatic Feature "False Gods" A Powerful Drama by E. Lloyd Sheldon Comedy "WOd Flowers" New Idea Comedy by George V. Hobart WITH SPECIAL MUSIC AND EFFECTS i ' , :, , m If - ' , J ( ' s Ai V . V'" J f w u t A J I v t v Jf y - 'I 1 " 1 A i . , formed members of the foreign rela- the City Recorder In Pendleton, Ore tions committee today TfT discussing Bullitt's story of the peace confer ence events, his account of the alleged utterances of Secretary Lansing and his testimony regarding drafting of the league of nations covenant. He intimated that a similar story may be told the committee by a man who was In Paris at the time of the peace conference. ALT.V TODAY OVEUALIS TOO I'LY SO FAH.MKItKTTE m"YS HAKST'S CREATION Vivian Martin Object to Plain Gar . Mcntx In tlio Photoplay "Llttlo tiiiradca." One-half of .the world knows more about how the other half lives than it is willing to confess. gon, up to 6 o'clock p. m. on September 22nd, 1919, for the furnishing of all material and labor and the construc tion of a sewer down Grant street In tersecting the main sewer some 10 feet south of Walters mill race on Grant street, in accordance with the plans and Specifications of said sewer, prepared by F. B. Hayes, City Engineer, and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. A certified check payable to the or der of the Mayor of the City for 10 per cent or the amount or tne Did must ac company each proposal and shall be NOTICE Doctor Hoiaington has re turned from vacation and has re opened his office In the Judd biuld Ing Laundry to Operate Through the courtesy of Mr. J. F. Robinson, owner of the Domeetie Laundry, who has offered us the use of his plant at night time we will bo able to care for our business as usual while waiting for the replacement of Dr. Lynn E. Blakeslee Chronio and Nervous Diseases antf Diseases) of Woman. X-Ray Bi tro Therapeutic). Tempia Bids, Room II, pirns ia company each proposal and shall be while waiting for the reple forfeited to thefcity in case the bid Is , tha nlan, dPtrov.j hv fire accepted and the bidder fails to enter 1118 piant aestroyea Djrnre. AIX'T IT GRAND, that Jazzing Jazz : muslo of the McCormick Novelty Jazx dance Eagle-Woodmen Hall, Saturday Sept. 13. notice: op Bins for seyvkii CONSTRUCTION. Notice Is hereby given that scaled bids will be received at the office of into a contract in accordance wttn tne terms of his bid. The Common Council reserves the) right to reject any and all bids at its measure. Dated at Pendleton. Oregon, this 10th day of . September. 1519. JOHN HATLKT. JR.. Acting City Recorder. TROY LAUNDRY, H. E. BENDER, Mgr. Taxi books. 14.00. ..Taxi books will be sold for cash only. Taxis for funerals $5.00. PARKER TAXI CO. OSBORNE TAXI CO. GOEDECKE TAXI CO. NOTICE I am now located In the Peebtcr Building, t over the Working- men's Clothing Store. DALE ROTHWELL Optometrist and Optician. Dr. David Bennett Hill DENTISTRY X-ray Diagnosis, Pendleton AY FEVER Melt VapoRnb in a spoon and inhale the vapors. Phone SOB Pendleton. Ore. VICRS VAPORI YOUR BODYGUARD' -Z0f.6Q. 1C2Q Oenevleve Rutherford Halo was . willing to de her duty for her country when it called for food producers in unlimited quantity, but . eho balked at the overalls that all her sister farmerettes wore. j "I can serve my country without looking like a devastated Belgian . landscape paid she. . Whereupon' he designed her own costume fm farming purposes, and sent It to a i fashionable modiste-, who charged her more for the making of It than she could save her country In a year, t Needless to say, she created a sen sation on the farm, when she arpear ed In her unique costumes. The far mer In charge had never seen the Rus sian ballet, or he would have recog nized that the outfit was strictly ac cording to Ideas laid down by Bakst, a gentleman who prefers green, pur ple and red to any other colors In the world, and who makes costumes and scenery to prove It. Genevieve Is the character played by Vivian Martin, In her new Para mount picture, "Little Comrade,' which will be shown at the Alta thea tre today. She Is at first scorned and jeered at by the more practical work ers, but she shows them- that she baa grit and pep. and she succeeds tn mak- lnar jay rpnl Hnlrifor nut of a WAnklinir and when her Job is finished she is ready to marry him. j A Wilbur Tompkins and directed by Chester Wit hey. Ntles Welch Is the leading man, and excellent players portray the supporting roles . Alta Sun. Mon. f EZZ!ls3sss S CHILDREN 10c ADULTS 30c i A TENDER, HEART APPEALING STORY OF CIRCUS LIFE BERT LYTELLE Metro's Newest Screen Favorite in "One-Thing-at- Time O'Day" i A Delightful Comedy Drama. TREATY BY J. W. T. MARTIN. (United Press BtafJ Correspondent) WASHINGTON, Sept. 13. Regard ed by treaty opponents as the most telllnjr blow delivered In their behalf, the testimony of William Bullitt be fore the foreign relations committee Is today the center of senate inter est. Other Important developments are predicted by one of the best in- IN ADDITION KINOGRAMS World Events. VAUDEVILLE MOORE & GREY A Comedy Conglomeration. MILLER & HENDRIX Blackface Comedians. ALTA -TODAY! CHILDREN 10c ADULTS 30c Vivian Martin -IN Huiiimut; r-4 T 2 The Play Full of Pep. SUNSHINE COMEDY JUST WHAT A NIGHT. Fun and Frolic. Vaudeville JEAN PAMM The Panorama Kid. BROOKS & SOARES A Chinese Novelty. .1