.,r -f.-j. ..-r '1": f, "T : TEN PAGES HAItY EAST OTMOmAK, PENPLETOW, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 15ffi PAGE! 35 CONROY'S CASH GROCERY What the Picture Theaters Have to Tell You. ALTA TODAY OVfTItAJJ 8 TOO VGhY SO FAJtMEIUiTTI- IMJYB , BAKST"8 GHKATIOM j MOTION PICTURE NEWS : ' - ":" - .-"- ' Sill IT PAYS TO PAY CASH AT CONROY'S Bob White Soap, 4 bars ....... ; ... . . 25c Van Camp's Poilvand Beans, No. 2 cans, 5 for $1.00 Toilet Paper, 7 oz. Roll, 3 for 25c Guittard's Chocolate, 1 lb. 25c, 3 lbs. $1.00 Quaker Corn Flakes, 2 for 25c Konisuer Schrimps, can . . . . 20c GRAPE NUTS; PUFF WHEAT, PUFF RICE and SHREDDED WHEAT, per package . 15. Gold Dust, package 30c Log Cabin Syrup , 70c and $1.35 Karo Synip; Blue; 'gal. : . . .V.V; i . i! 55c Olympic Pancake, Flour, package , . . ; 35c THE UNIVERSAL CAR Here is the Ford Runabout, a perfect whirl- wind of utility. Fits into the daily life of' everybody, anywhere, everywhere, and all the time. ' For town and country, it io all that its name Implies i Runabout. Low in cost of operation; low in cost of maintenance, with all the sturdy strength, dependability and re liability for which Ford cars are noted. We'd be pleased to have your order for one or more. We . have about everything in motor car acces- sories, and always-have a full line of genuine Ford parts give genuine Ford service. Simpson Auto Co. Water and Johnson .. u phone" 40t Sts. Eta Vivian Martin Objects to plain Oar. MenM In . the Photoplay "IJttlo Comrade." y, Oonevleve Rutherford Hale-, was willing to da her duty for her country when It called for food producer In unlimited quantity, but she balked at the overall! that all her slater farmerettes wore. ' J ' "I can serve my country without looking, like a devastated Belgian landscape," said she. Whereupon she designed her own costume foi farming purposes, and sent it to a fashionable modiste, who charged her more for the making of It than she could save her country in a year. Needless to say, she created a sen sation on the farm, when she appear ed In her unique costumes. The far mer In charge had never seen the Bus- slan ballet, or he Would have recog nlzed that the outfit was strictly ae cording to ideas laid down by Kakst, a gentleman who-prefers green, pur Pie and red to any other colors In the world, and -who makes costumes and scenery to prove It. Oenevleve Is the character played by Vivian Martin, In her new Para mount picture, "Little Comrade," which will be shown at the Alta thea tre today. She Is at first scorned and Jeered at by the more practical work ers, but she shows them that she has grit and pep, and she succeeds In mak ing a real soldier out of a weakling, and when her Job Is finished she is ready to marry him. The story was written by Juliet Wilbur Tompkins and directed by Cheater Wlthey. Nilcs Welch is the leading man, and excellent players i portray the supporting roles . i , ARCADE TODAY "UNTAMED Cliff Smith Make Wonderful Pro duction' of Famons Magazine Writer's Story. . . Given a wonderful story of r the Mexican border by the. famous Satur day Evening Post writer, Kenneth B, Clark, and a young, winsome beauty in the person of Miss Ethel Flem ming, Cliff Smith. Roy Stewart's fa mous director, Is said to have buckled down to the Job of producing ,Un tamed'' on a scale of extraordinary excellence. 'Untamed" is. to be shown at the Arcade -theatre today. It revels- In the colorful atmosphere of Spanish senoritas, clicking castanets, Mexican Hteel, deadly gun play and all the al ure and romance of the border. In the cast supporting Mr. Stewart are his new leading lady Ethel Flem- mlng, the Indian character actor. Eagle Eye,- May QiracI, Graham Pet tie, John Lynce and Jimmy Wen. t IIIIIIHIIIIIUIIIIUIIIIIilllltlllllllllllliUllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIill Entertainment every of Without Is the life household. music In the home the young people rind their amusement elsewhere. When yon can buy a llano from J 175.00 and up, Edison, Victor and Columbia Ma chines from 125.00 and up, wth a sinall pay ment down and . terms , to milt you, why not have one of our fine in Mrmnents? Call at our slorew write for,par tlculnrs. - :" ' HOWARD, BTEINWAY, HOBART. M. CABLE. HAMILTON, BALDWIN, EMERSON. ELLINGTON, CONWAY. STAR,. CHICKKR1NO. EDISON, .', VISTOR, COLUMBIA TALKING MACHINES. Warren's Music House rcndlcton, Oregon. Thone 524. 820 Main St PASTTMH TODAY DESMOID 8TAES SXAPPY FIST PIOIIT IV FILMING ' HIS liATEST SOKEtaTFTjAY William Desmond shows that he Is nifty with his digits in "Life's a Funny PJposltloh," released 1 1 trough Ex hibitors Mutual Distributing Corpora tion. H Is seen in a rough and turn bio scrap with two yeggmen In a dark alley. Joseph Frans and John Mc Gregor, who were the victims of the two-fisted Desmond, presented disfigured maps after the scene. They also presented a protest with Director Heffron on account ef not being lei in on Information as to the size and condition of Desmond's biceps, ac- compaiiied by a pointed.': hint that hereafter the big star "pull his Bun ches" and restrain, his, tendency to realism." ,. . ,. , ... -1 Illlllllll gljjj 1 Ssm3 ARCADE THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY CHILDREN 10c . ADULTS 25c ROTIIAPFEL, UNIT PROGRAMME THE QUALITY ENTERTAINMENT OF THE SCREEN A COMPLETE PROGRAM FROM OVERTURE TO EXIT MARCH. ... , . i ' Including Magazine "The Wood of Fair Water" An Immortalization of the Famous Achieve ment of the Marines at Belleau Wood. Novelty Prelude "The Last Hour" A Picturization of Massenet's "Elegle" Dramatic Feature "False Gods" A Powerful Drama by E. Lloyd Sheldon Comedy" "WHd Flowers" - A New Idea Comedy by George V. Hobart WITH SPECIAL MUSIC AND EFFECTS - ii FOR A. BIG UPHEAVAL iTiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimii7 PEERLjESS CARS Ar as the name implies and we cannot recog nize anything finer in motor excellence. You. are absolutely unprejudiced and want to make the bests buy for the money, of course. Just you ride in the Peerless and judge for yourself. Eastern Oregon Motor Co., Inc. C16 Garden Sfrcct, i:car Post Office. I . i Distributors of CHEVROLET, VELIE, PEERLESS NEW YORK. Sept. 11. A finan cial crisis Is ahead of the country, ac cording to leading bankers of New York, which may be one of the most serious situations the country has ever faced. . . There seems to be little doubt In the minds of WaU street leaders, Judg ing from views expressed to a United Press reporter, but that the crisis will take a decidedly political turn. Fi nanciers expect the radical elements among labor leaders to make a stand for communism. While Wall street admits that there has been a perceptible slowing down on the part of moneyed interests, bankers say they are confident of the outcome of the issue between labor and capital. "Capital is doing some watchful waiting," explained one vice-president connected with one of the largest in stitutions of the country. "Many of our clients are apprehensive. Some are scared. 'Many wealthy interests no longer care about making money. For ex ample, this morning a client was in here, a man who keeps a million dol lar account with us. He had drawn no Interest, and I asked him to wait few minutes so that we could pay him what was due. He didn't want it. -What Is the use, V he replied, 'More money Is simply more taxes and more trouble. Never mind the Interest,' Similar lack of Interest In pushing developments is noticeable among most of the big Interests.' The crisis will be a good tonfo for the country In that it will be a show down and will end agitation, say the bankers, who feel that the decision will be along the lines of "the democ-. racy and freedom for which our fore fathers fought." as one man put It. Wall street is prepared for the cri sis when it comes, and will be "nim ble,-' to use the terms 0t finance, Tho bankers say the people of the country will be hardest hit, especially invest ors if a drop in stocks comes. WaU street will not be especially hard hit. according to predictions, since it does not hold the majority of the securities, contrary to the popular idea, '. The bankers point out that the pub lic's idea of Wall street is a small group of banks which own practically all of the securities in the country. According to financiers. Wall street owns very few securities, and. is mere ly an exchange for the savings banks of the country. Either the savings banks or small private Investors own by far the larger part, of American se curities. The Pennsylvania railroad, with Its one hundred thosuand stock holders and the Santa Fe with its forty thousand owners, as well as. many other large corporations; are .cited as examples. . Some men 'would rather be wrong than right If there's more money lij' it. -v - ' ; Men haven't much love for men women haven't much love for wom en, and most men and women have less love for each other than they have for theselves. A Bosh-Ranger Joseph Cummings Chase, the por trait painter, told at a club "the other day the story of a Connecticut farm er who never would admit that he did not know all about anything that might come up He was never sur prised. "Wa'al," would be his Invariable comment upon some striking incident, personal or otherwise. "I expected it.' Recently at a county fair he was Invited upon the platform, and the magician after some manipulation ex tracted a rabbit from his flowing beard.-.- s ,-. . 1 ...... ;Ha! Ha!" laughed his. wife when he returned to the audience, "now you can't say you expected that." "Wa'al no, thet is ' not exactly. Fur two days I been feelin' somethin' going on in them Whiskers o" mine, but I couldn't quite make tip ' my mind 'twas a rabbit." Philadelphia North American. Take home a .Delta tancy brlok el Ice Cream. Tbey are pot up la card board cartons and will keep for one hour YOUR CATARRH MAY LEAD TO CONSUMPTION Dangerous to Use Treatment Slceplcssnoe. Tou can't sleep in the stillest night, if your digestion Is bad. Take Hood's SarsaparUla it strengthens . the stomach and .estab lishes that condition in which sleep regularly comes and is sweet and re freshing. , . i for Only Temporary Relief. There is a more serious stage of Catarrh than the annoyance caus ed by the topped-up air passages, and other distasteful features. The real danger comes from the tendency of the disease to continue rits course downward until the Uunps become affected, and then alrcaded consumption is on your path. Your own experience hast taught you that the disease can not be cared by sprays, inhalers, atomizers, jellies and other local applications. ; S. S. S. has proven a most satts-i factory remedy for Catarrh be cause it goes direct to its source. Get a bottle today, begin the only logical treatment that gives real results. For free medical advice write Medical Director. 4Z Swt Laboratory, Atlanta, Co, lill!lllllllllllililllllllllllllltrlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll TIME I ADULTS 20c PA CHILDREN 5c Today William Desmond I in 1 "Life's a Funny Proposition n1 I ,.; f f v fv I 1 A ' ' TitlllllllllllIllllllllttllIIIIIIIIMIItllMIII.'!!i.::91MlllMlllltlillllltllltI1llllMlllMItIlliiIf Wl The story of a bache lor's agonies over the unexplained and un 2xplainable possession of a perfectly inno cent baby Desmond, the inimit able screen actor in a ole which is distinct- ee 1 y new, miariousiy lappy and joyfully refreshing. In Addition Keystone Comedy "JANITOR'S WIFE'S ' TEMPTATION" I ALTA -TOMY i CHILDREN 10c ADULTS 30c i If Vivian j - -,N- 5 t 1 1 Little ; - ! Comrade5 The Play Full of Pep. SUNSHINE COMEDY JUST WHAT A NIGHT. Fun and Frolic. , : Vaudeville JEAN PAMM The Panorama Kid. BROOKS & SOARES A Chinese Novelty. I I