f.W&t -q FACE FOTJR DAILY EAST 0EEC0N1AN. PENDLETON. OftKflON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1519. TEN PAGES 1 LJ. r. AN INDEPENDENT NKWSPJlPKR. Published Dally and geml-Wevkly, at rfnaiioa, ifregon, py tn BAST OKEOON1AN PUUU8H1NCJ CO. Ratarrd at lb noatofflc at Pndla- oa, unioa, as cona-ciua sgattar. ONI SALE! I OTHER CTTIRS. Imperial Hotel New Stand, Portland Uowmaa Ntwi Co., Portland, Oragoa ON riL. AT Chicago Bureau, u Security Build fa. . Washington. D. Ci, Bureau lot roar enth 8trt. N. W. SUBSCRIPTION RATE (IN UVANCB Dally, on Tr, by man Dally, six months b mall.. Dally, urM nontha by mall LSI Dally, on month by mU. .50 Dally, on year by carrier T.60 Dally, alx months by carrier 8.75 Dally, thra months b carrlar l S Dally, on montn, by earrlr- .6 Beml-Werkly, on year, by mall. 1.60 Semi-Weekly, six months, by mall .76 Semi-Weekly, (our month by mail .( felephon Grace E. Hall In Oregonlan. TOUCH BEARERS. Oh, blinking- lights on the city afreets, what are the i-'lghts you see? Do you glimpse at dawn the fool ish spawn of a low hu manity? Do u gnide at night with your 1'ating light the step of the lost and vl.e? Oh. I'd like to know all the thing you show as the ,r. sees pass, en file, Ch, lishtn that flare on the U'oroughfare, you have no voice to speak. Vet they shun your glow as they . com and go. where the foul life-currents reek; Tls strange that a light ih the lr.Ky night like an eye of Judgment gleams, An l they slink away from Its pleasant ray to dream thc.r morbid dreams. Thu. we sense the truth that darkness covers and that the light reveals; That error grows where the shadow throws its veil and the truth conceals; So each should stand with a torch in band, like senti nels firm and strong, Lighting the way to a perfect day when right snail con quer wrong. faith on their part. They cer tainly have' a right to demand just wages jand working hours, but the spectacle of a police force going on strike is not edi fying. Boston is having some experience along this line and it is not to the credit of the city or of the police force When Better Bread Can Be Made HOHBACH Will Make It NO CHANGE NEEDED. KILLING THE LEAGUE, "N.TONE and temper the J I reservations to the treaty of peace adopted by the senate coirimittee on foreign re lations read like an ultimatum .from the late Imperial German government. Wilhelmstrasse never employed more offensive language than Senator Lodge and his associates use to define the terms under which the sen ate will consent to ratification, says the New York World. But quite apart from any question of language and man ners is the vital fact that the second reservation destroys the League of Nations. If "the United States declines to as sume under the provisions of Article X or under any other article any obligation" to do any of 'the things to prevent war and maintain peace which the League was created to do, what remains? The covenant becomes a scrap of paper. It becomes worse. It becomes a piece of shameless diplomatic false pretense to trap the peo ples of the world into a sense of security that does not and can not exist. If the United States refuses to assume any real obligations, of any kind under the covenant we are back where we were the day that the German troops crossed the Belgian frontier. Nothing is left except for every country to arm to the teeth and make such alliances as it can for the day when' the enemy threatens. There can be no reduction in armaments under such a League as the Lodge reserva tions leave.. On the contrary, the old competition in arma ment must be resumed at once, with the United States as one of the leaders, for if there are no obligations on the part of anybody to prevent war, every nation, including our own, must be prepared for the worst, and the American people must make up their minds to be tax ed at least $1,500,000 a year for the upkeep of an adequate army and Davy. There must be no illusions about the meaning of the sec ond reservation. It wrecks the League and is intended to wreck the League. Senator Lodge and his associates have done indirectly what they dared not do directly. .. Policemen are officers of the law and as such are under obli gations that cannot be lightly laid aside except (hrougo bad HAS been thoroughly II shown by various public leaders, including the president, that there is no ne cessity for amendments or res ervations regarding the peace treaty and the League of Na tions. Such subjects as the Monroe Doctrine and immigra tion are covered and American interests are entirely respected. All the words in the English language could be used and not make those points any strong er from our standpoint. The cry for reservations etc., comes from those who cannot bear the thought that a treaty brought home by Presi dent Wilson should be admit ted as satisfactory. They in sist something must be done somehow so that all the glory will not go to Wilson. It would be possible to adopt some in terpretative reservationss that would prove harmless but on. the other hand the amendments j voted by the foreign relations' committee would mean the death of the treaty and the league. - It is against this faction, led by Senator Lodge, that Wilson is making his campaign. . Otto Hohbach, of Hohbach's Court Street Bakery, h&a just installed additional modern machinery to care for his fast growing bakery business and give his patrons the cleanest and best that can be had. BUN DIVIDER That accurately divides the dough without handling. BUN ROUNDER Rolling and rounding 100 buns a min ute by electrically driven machinery and doing the work of several men without handling the dough. He has ordered and will soon install a i GLASS WINDOW BAKING OVEN That will be placed in his bakery window, enabling you to see from the sidewalk the making of loaves of bread during the entire process of baking. Mr. Hohbach has an expert cake maker and a large and well assorted stock of cakes and cookies ! Jiff IK ... .....I. .... . . . I ... ... i 1; !. -i Montrose M. Ringler OF PORTLAND, PRESENTS -3 Always on sale at HOHBACH'S BAKERY THE FRENCH RESTAURANT Court St., Telephone 80 Main St., Telephone 98 rclae stira To be logical, Senator Knox should reprimand the Ameri can army and navy for having inflicted such a painful defeat on Germany which is' what made possible what the sena tor terms a "cruel peace" for the enemy. Gentle souls who fear the Round-Up is cruel to animals have never tried to bulldog any of those long horns or they would have a different version of the matter. If you can place any faith in signs those additional bleacher seats at the Round-Up are go ing to be needed. The Walla Walla fair is a great aid to agriculture in this region; it usually brings forth a good rain. RCMAXIAX PREMIER OUT PARIS, Sep. 11 Premier Bratiano of Rumania, has reigned, according to advices which the peace conference received today. The supreme council wag also Informed the Serbian cabinet Iiad fullen. As a result of the time limit allowed the Serbians to sign the Austrian treaty will be extended. "OOD DEAX.EBS IXDICTED INDIANAPOIJ9, - Sep. 11. He tweon 30 and 40 Indianapolis food dealers were Indicted by the grand lurv bere charged with dealing out short weights. - DO NOT FAIL, to see th Foot Spec ialist at the J. C. Penney Co. Septem ber 8 to 14. Advice free. REALTY TRANSFERS DEIDS. H: G. Newport to S. V. Cochran, $10. SE 1-4 NB 1-4 SW 1-4, Sec 1, Tp. 4, N. R. 28. Wm. C Owens to .Charley Smith. $700. LoU 1, 2, 2, 4, 6, 6, 7 and 8 in Block 4, Adams. Isaac Jay to Frank Snyder, $1. Lots t an 10 In Block 12. Haley's Add. Pendleton. George Jtinger to J. T. Lalng, $2.- 000. lots I and 4 In Block "C" South Pendleton. TZm T Tjilne to Mary Lain?. II. Lots t and 4, Block "C," South Pen dleton, . Walter' C. Rhinehart to Ham ley & Co .81. Lot C In. Block , uver-more'e-addition to Pendleton. Edgar C. Nichols to Wm. H. Mills, $5000. SB 1-4 NB 1-4, E 1-2 SW 1-4 and SB 1-4 See. 7, W 1-1 NW 1-4, Sec 17. NW 1-4, 8 1-2, SB 1-4 and NW 1-4 SB 1-4 Sec 18, Tp. (B.R. 82. Harold F. Warner to Chas. B. Glr- ton, $2000. SB 1-4 Sec 2, Tp. 2, S. R. 82. Lewis Schmlck to Jacob Rohae, $8000. N 1-2 Sec 17, Tp. , N. R. 30. Fred J. Rohde to Jacob P. Ronae, $1. NB 1-4 Sec 20. Tp. , N. R. 80. Tim Kantne to L L Cann. $5100. NW 1-4 SW 1-4, Sec 25, Tp. 2, N. R. $4. Annie S. Edmond to Laura Ireland, $1. W 1-2 lots 12 and 14, block 50, Res. Add. Pendleton. i FOOT COMFORT for foot sufferers. see th Foot Specialist at the . C. Penney Co., September I to 14. Ex amination free, J ARE YOU READY FOR THE BIG CROWDS DURING Uff-UP Come here for more , groceries for . your money. You can never appreciate our low pri ces until once you have given them a fair trial, for a surprise in the line of eats 5 Go to Lynde Bros. FOR . . Fresh Grin OUR CASH SELLING PLAN WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. OUR SERVICE AND DELIVERY WILL GIVE YOU ' SATISFACTION. Lynde Bros. Grocery 309 West Webb Street Phone 334 2 3 IN A MUSICAL BANQUET FROM SOUP TO NUTS 5 V? I )l ,j - .... 4a ,3 " tu w-i Z-.'.r.rtyi. ..T- . j jlz. -" . I . ' J . FEATURING ' STUFFY McDANIEL $ At the Piano. ' A Dorr Gensel, Percy Drake, Jack Nash and Eddie Swartout , On tour prior to the opening of the Broadway Hall, Portland, November 1st Don't fail to hear them at Liberty Hall Thurs. - Fri. Sept. 11 - 12 BICE I ' y : : : : :! - "" : ' :;" 5 JLFancing rree JtLignx: to rNine 1 Admission to All, Ten Cents i ; A . i. ? i : i i ;. 2 2 . ... .. i " B I 4KVaVf--m2fM DR. J. EDWIN SHARP Dental X-Ray by Appointment . Gyal Articulated Dentures. Inland Empire Bank Rldg, Office Phone 880. Home Phone 794 f Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee Chronic and Nervous Diseases and Diseases of Women. , X-Ray KM- tro Therapeutics. Temple Bida-, Room 12, Phooe 41 LET THE FOOT SPECIALIST relieve your foot trouble, see him at the J. C: Penney Co., September 8 to 14. Advice free. . . , I NOTICE i I am now located ' In the Feebler Building, over the Working men's Clothing Store. DALE ROTHWELL - Optometrist and Optician. . Pltooe 000 , ,'j Pendleton,; Ore. o uiuiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiii inniiiiiiii'i I ANSCO I PIANOS to be closed out here. $410 Kingsbury upright In Flemish Oak $215 $460 Kchroeder Bros, upright in finest mahogany $335 $660 Thompson upright in splendid walnut ', . $395 $900 Thompson player piano mahogany $676 Cosh or time to suit convenience, MR. JOHV A. ROONEY Representing the Schwan Piano Company, Portland. Call r address Hotel Pendleton, Pendleton, Ore. Dr. David Bennett Hill DENTISTW " ; X-ray Diagnosis, ' ' Pendleton Oregon AY FEVER Malt VspoRub In a spoon and inhal th vapors. VICKS VAPOR! "YOUR BODYCUARO" -30.60. 1(20 CHICHESTER S PILLS . rm ia s iij i.m r-!kAVy builoilo hiunb nixa. fcc S M Baal. SU-cL Um-a Rail at son n marasismmvp'. inMiiiiiiiiiiiii!itiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia HERE THIS WEEK Carload of j CAMERAS 3 . .. .. and.. ...'. . Speedex Films Don't let another summer go by without an Ansco. It will add mora to th pleasure ot s your outings than anything ls A'l winter and long afterward yo4 can live over again with s o ir pi urea those good sum- s mer days, list us show you th E Ansco Una, 5 Tallman Cj Co. Leading Druggists. ' . OAKLANDS Tha Sensible Six $1250 F. O. B. PENDLETON Place your order today. .4 ?illUUUIIUUUUUUUUUIlllUIIUUIllll? Umatilla Motor Sales Corporation ; O. E. HOLDMAN, Mgr. Paige and Oakland Cars V. Temporary quarters at Telephone Garage East Court and. College , 7,(iniiiiiiiiinnuiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiniuiiiHiiiiiiiniiiuiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiHiiniiimiimHji