PAGE TTTRETJ TEN PAGES DAILY EAST OREGON! AN. PENDLETON. OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1910. n NO I rave Power to Employ Man. , i. The street committee of the city council was given authority luat even ing to hire a man to have general eu porvlHlon over all the street cleaning work In the city. Jjoavo on Trip to Sound. H. W. Collin and uy B.- Wyrlck left this morning for Walla Walla to tuka In the first day of the Frontier pays show there, . following which they will leave for Portland tonltcht. They plan to go on to Seattle 'to see the review of the Uaclflc fleet and the rodeo being staired there by Charley Irwjn, who will be here for the Hound-Up next week. They will re turn by way of Portland In time for the opening- of the Round-Up. Not A BlemisT kmr tht pert appearance of her com nii-vim. Permanen and temporary akin tioublcs are effectively nraaled. RcduCCS UH. ... ...1 Mr and corrects greaay tliins. Highly antiseptic, ud wttn peneiicwu n ... curntive stent for 70 yrars. m -mi - TES OF P ltd urns from Kixikano. lamest Crockatt, who woe employed by the city enislnoer's department this aunimnr, returned yesterday evening from Spokane where he spent a short time vlsltlnir with relatives. Ho wjll return to the University of Oregon with the opening' of the fall quarter, ubout September 28. E1M review of the Pacific fleeLJy Presi dent Wilson. . ' . W Joe Colesuortliy Itctiirns. Joe Colesworthy, who has been at tending , University of Washington summer school, returned to Pendleton today and will remain until the open ing of the fall term of college. Since the closo of summer school Coles worthy hus been on a hunting trip In the Olympic Peninsula. Attends Fire Chiefs Convention. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Itlngold left on No. S this morning for Portland where Mr. Kingold will attend the Pacific Coast Association of Fire chiefs. When he returns next week he will bo followed by all his fellow chiefs, who will see .two days of the Hound-Up. lteturns front Service John K. Butaon of Umatilla, has re turned after service overseas. Ho en- i listed In Pendleton September 19, jl917, and was discharged August 2, lam ti served with Company H. 18th Infantry; 1st Division, and with the S46th Fluid Artillery of the 41st division. Itotiiul-I'l) Hals Appear. Yesterday was ltound-Up Hat Day Pendleton cltir-ens are now appearing in the big sombreros. Some costumes are supplemented also by colored chaps and neckerchiefs, heptemner i Is the traditional date for the appear ance of the hats but owing to the warm weather, the date this -year was postponed. reaves on lluylng Trip. C. P. Miller, accompanied by Mrs. Miller and son Hobble, left on No. IT today of Portland and Seattle, on a I rnmhineil business and pleasure trip. Wlhle away Mr. Millen will contract cfor plumbing supplies and they ex pect to be in Seattle Jn time for the HI 101 101 l6l101 101 101 101 101 101- For Friday Fresh Fish' BEST STEAMER HALIBUT AND FRESH CAUGHT SALMON Try our Sugar Cured Corned Beef. . Just call 101 and be assured you will get the Very best of everything. . , - Waste Less Buy the Best. Pendleton Cash Market, Inc. ' Fine Groceries and Meats ' ' Phones 101. (Private exchange connecting both departments.) Inerease In Attendance. u.,mlitnn vhrinl. which ODenea Monday report a 25 per cent Increase. In attendance over the first week last : yenr, both In the prades and nign chnnl. A new room was fitted up I and an extra teacher employed to j take' care of the Increase. Two large auto trucks bring pupils each day from the surrounding country. More liovs Than filrts in If. S. For the first time In many years, there-are more boys than girls regis tered as students in the Pendleton high school. Of the 283 students reg istered, 14 8 are boys, while the girls number 135. The condition appears still more unusual In view of the fact that not many of the boys are .former students who re-entered high school after service In the army or navy. Grocery Phone 52G Use the Phones m ... s SERVICE PENDLETON'S LEADING STORE Other Dcpartm'ts 78 Use the Phones Twenty Seek Jtnom Something of the desire of Pondle i ton people to rent rooms and also an Idea of the power of advertising may be pained from the experience of Dr. i loretla Starba who In Wednesday's Fast Ore?onlan advertised for rent a : steam heated room. .After the pub. llction of Wednesday's paper Dr. ; ' etarbu received II Inquiries concem Inj? the room, and the next mornV j she received 9 Inquiries. -T0I TOT TOT TOT TOT IQT IPX TOT T0TT0T W. W. fireen On Protrram. ''.'' W. W. Green, county Bchool super- i liitendent. Is on the program of the! i annual convetlon of the Oregon As- : socintlon of county judges and com- i missloncrs In Portland today for an address on county taxation for school purposes. Among other Umatilla county officials who are attending the convention are Judge C. H. Marsh and County Commissioners Barney A ri T rtnnnlni? ntKCllB- slon of problems confronting county j officials of the state win occupy pan of the convention. The Call of the New Specially for Fall ' - .1- 'V r Has Been Sounded Here Our bright STOCKS answer the call. Everything i n readiness to serve you and fill your needs for the Fall and Winter season. Come in and have a look. m Correct Modes in Women's Fall arid Winter Goats : A splendid assortment, featuring new designs, materials and , colors. Various style belts and pockets, novel collar arrange- ments. Pleated, gathered or panel backs, fijl Q Cn to M Cflft Fur trimmed or plain. Price .313.0V , RUFFLINGS ' 35c io $1.50 Use our ruffling for collars on those round neck and square neck dresses and waists.- Offer-'. ed in net, organdie, Georgette, -etc. Some white, some in colors. ; "INSURANCE Is the Best Policy' ' I am buying grain this year for Kerr Gifford & Co., Inc., and wtJuld be glad to have the farmers give me a chance - to submit a price on their grain before selling. JOE KERLEY . ; Booeessor to Chu. B. Beard, Ino. A "See Me Before the Fire" Insurance Loans Real Estate 111 Mala Pendleton. Oregon Assignments for Methodist Church. Thn xtnv II V. Clnmall was reas- ' signed to the Methodist church pnsto !rate by Bishop Matthew H. Hughes. presiding bishop, at the closing ses sion yesterday of the Columbia river crnf..rence of the Methodist Eplseo- ' pal church held In Spokane. Other assignments In this county mane oy Hughes were the Rev. W. S. Glelser, Echo, and the Ilev. M. It. (lallagher, Hermiston. H. F. Fem berton was made district superintend ent of The Patles district of which l'mnil!a county forms a part. Will nullil Pilot Rock Rood. "We will build, and that means grnde from Pendleton to Pilot Rock out of Umatilla county funds," an nounced Judge C. H. Marsh yesterday. "J. N. Burgess, who will succeed W. L Thompson on the state highway commission, lives at Pilot Rock and uses the road to Pendelton twice a day. The road Is part of the Oregon Washington highway -and is on the ..... a p.Miri nmmini but we Intend huilillna it ourselves so that other j coMnties cannot say that Mr. Burgess is using his position to build a road to his own town. Wre don't have to do this, for the state should build It, the same as the Pacific highway, or any other highway, but we Intend fore stalling criticism, that's. all. Orego-nlan. 'illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll I DODGE BROTHERS BUSINESS CAR I TZ Alie Midstrom to Convention. . Mr. and Mrs. Abe Molstrom will leave Sunday morning for Pittsburg. Pennsylvania, where Mr. Molstrom will be the only Oregon delegate to the evention of the "Big Tree" club of the Pacific Mutual Ufa Insurance Company. Any agent for the 'company who writes 1 100,000 or over of : surance during the year hns all his eocoenses paid to the convention, and Mr. Molstrom, with the exception of one other Oregon agent who has de cided not to attend the convention. Is the only agent in the state to win the honor this year. Mr. and Mrs. Molstrom will on their way east visit Salt Lake, Denver, Kansas City. St. Louis, Indianapolis and Cincinnati. They expect to return to Pendleton the latter part of October. Mr. Mol strom says he hates to miss the Pen dletnn Round-Up but that It is un avoidable. MM A NEW DRESS SATIN $3.00 and $3.25 Offered in most every shade for street and evening wear; 36 in. wide, of good heavy, weight and firm texture. Most suitable for dresses of the present vogue. Have a look at this splendid sat in. . ai WOOL FLANNEL $1.75 - . A wool flannel for outing suits and shirts and coats, comes in grey, khaki and navy, 37 inches wide. A good heavy 7 oz. cloth that will give you wear. DRESS TRIMMINGS . galore of many shapes, styles and colors. Bands, notifs, edges, of Silk, beads, yar,n chenile, gold and silver, and braids of all kinds. Use our trimming for that dress or suit or coat. Prices right. . CHILDREN'S SCHOOL HOSIERY 25c t0 75c This is the place to get good hosiery for children for school wear. We have a new, fresh stock on hand and can furnish all sizes in black, white, tan and brown. Come here for children's school hosieiy. HAIR BOW RIBBONS Hair Bow Ribbons of all kinds, plain colors, fancy- stripes, plaids, figured and floral de signs in a wide range of colors and combinations. Come here for your hair bow ribbons. We also have the "Bow Peep" hair ribbons, cut in lengths. Yard 29c,075c DRUG SUNDRIES We carry the well known "MELBA" line of toilet ar . tides, the best of its kind. Let us fill your drug sun dry needs as we have a com plete line of many things you use every day. Its established economy makes Dodge Brothers Business Car a profitable investment. ' The haulage cost is unusually low. Cottonwood & Water. Phone 530 &iniiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiiiiuiiuuiiiitiuiiiiiuiuiEiiiiiuiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiuiiuuuiiS Xew lyikory Kquipment. Otto Hohbach, proprietor of the Hohbnch bakery, has completed the Installation of some Interesting new epiripment at the Court street bakery. In the way of a bun divider which accurately ' measures and divides loaves of bread and buns and a bun rounder which rolls and rounds 100 buns a minute. These machines ore run by electricity and do the work that formerly required several men to perform and eliminates the handling nf the bread and buns. Mr. Hohbach has ordered and will soon Install a window bake oven which will be of glass and will be placed In the bakery window so that passers by may see the bread as it Is baked. It is asert- ed that when the plant on Court treet is completed it will be one of the most naodernly equipped bakery plants In the northwest. The capacity of the bakery Is much greater than former ly and the enlargements will help tit caring; for Round-Up business. THE UNIVERSAL CAR Here is the ForJ Runabout, a perfect whirl wind of utility. Fits into the daily life of everybody, anywhere, everywhere, and all the time. For town and country, it is all that its name implicc-r-a Runabout. Low in cost of operation ; low i:i cost of mcintcnance, with ell the sturdy strength, dependability and re liability for w hich Ford cars are noted. We'd be pleased to have your order for one or more. We have about everything in motor car acees p sories, and always have a full line of genuine J Ford parts give genuine Ford service. Simpson Auto Co. Water and Johnson Sis. 1'hone 40S WE LEAD We carry the Largest Assortment of Ice Cream in Pendleton. Our Fountain Service is unexcelled N WEST The cream of lee Creams is carried in the following flavors: Mi.- n' ri. FRENCH VANILLA MAPLE NUT FRUIT SALAD STRAWBERRY ORANGE CHOCOLATE FANCY BRICKS PINEAPPLE SHERBET Drop in and get a Carton for your Dinner Dessert. We serve the Smoothest Malted Milk in town Cosy Billiard Parlors SHEEHAN BROS. The only fountain in town that serves fresh Limeade and Lima Freezes. !