"!. - DAILY EAST OEEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, 5EPTEMRlIj191ff. TEN PAGES OUTBURSTS OF EVERETTgTRUE J. ft Penney Co., A Nationwide Institution. The Big Show Starts a Week from TodayJ V ; Do You Believe That Buying For 197 Stores Makes it Pos sible to Buy at Lowest Prices ? IF YOU DO YOU WILL BE INCLINED TO PRICES AT THIS STORE. EXPECT LOWEST Buy your supplies early. Our stock is most complete with Highest Grade Groceries, Prices always right, quality considered. 9 Wa I ! 1 Our store will close at noon and open at 5, P. M. each day of the Round-Up. 1 GRAY BROS. GROCERY CO Two Phones 28 QUALITY" 823 Main Si PASSING OPPORTUNITIES TIi man who des uat ninke .due preparation must "pass up' tipiMirunfiU to the man who 1m'h. One of U.e first tsstntlals of mm h pn-parathm Is to establish right banking MMinectioiiH. Mull coii itPftkMiH nil! mean ability to finance ones nwls for ' MK-lt auHMiiits and at sutii times as required. Tlte Anor.-aii National Itauk is moll and favor ably kiumii fir Its modern methods and liberal treatment to customers. If yon have no account at this liistitutHMi, you are invited to open one this fall. THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK PENDLETON, OREGON The Strongest Bank In Eastern Orcgoa" LEXINGTON CARS The New Model Lexington will be out eoon and in it there are many, improve ments over the 1919 model. The White Truck is the best truck made and anyone ever owning one will say the same. fRENTZEL-WAILES MOTOR CO. Lexington and White Dealers of Umatilla County. Telephone '22 Cottonwood St. Every Service Facility! BUT MORE D1PORTANT, - - THE WILLINGNESS TO SERVE EVERY REPUBLIC OWNER We look upon the actual sale of a Republic Track as an ob ligation on our part an obligation to give you as honest and IntWIiffent truc-k service as yon can et In tills vicinity. Ite puulto ucr are always satisfied tliafs tlie tiling that counts tltli us. , Pendleton Auto Co. . . Established 1907 111 MWv - 1 C f wrtNT THefi IN 0USTSJCH y 4 EMsRGCNCies as THigjrz 1 -X. V. UM FOR- PR.ePRex-j ' F ' -.- -"T Pendleton Market News The following prices are the prices bejng paid to producers by Pendleton business houses. Wherever retail prices the given the fact will be spe cifically mentioned. : Eggs and Poultry. Eggs, 60c. Hens, 20c. Spring chicken, 25a a pound. Country Ham, Kto. Ham best quality. 2Sc Bacon best quality. 40c Itutter fat and Butter. Butter fat. 65o f. o. b. Pendleton. Butter, $1.00 a roll. Potatoes. New potatoes, So a pound. Harriett Pears Tiring $5 in Xew York. ' A carload of Medford Bartlett pears Monday In the New York mar ket sold at $5 average price per dox. This breaks all records for Bartlett pear prices in carload lots in the his tory of the Rogue river valley. Coarse Grains Show Fairly iood Strength. Fair advances tn all the coarse grains were reported In the quotations received today from the Portland ex change. No. 2 barley is up to o7 a tnn KtnnrifirH feed and o. 3. Diue are both at 163.50. a raise of $2 in the first ease and of 11.60 In the sec ond. Mill feed It quoted at $36 a ton. variety which are used' for pickling, are selling in Pendleton markets. The onions retail for from 20 to 25o a pound while the cucumbers retail for 15c to ISc a pound. Italian Prunes, Pinms and Petite Prunes. Italian prunes are selling for 7 l-2c a puund by the box. Plums are Gc a pound while petite prunes are also 5c a pound. Grandview Fruit Crop Placed at 1500 Cars. The fruit crop In the Grandview dis trict has been conservatively estimat ed at 1500 cars. Figured in barrels the fruit crop will be more than 362,000 barrels. Squafcli and Pumpkins Ketail at 5c a Pound. . Squash and pumpkins are retailing in the local markets at 5 cents a pound. They are of the early fall variety. Watermelons Still Selling in Markets. Watermelons are still in season and will remain on the market for a week. They retail at from 2 1-2 to 3 l-2c a pound. . flutter Fat Advances In lTioo Today, Butter fat Increased In price today and is now 65c f. o. b. Pendleton In stead of 63c. This is the price paid the producer. The butter market is firm and it is expected the price will go still higher. Butter, creamery variety, retails at $1.45 a roll. Kali Mutter Pears and Winter Nellls. Fall butter pears and winter isei lls pears are selling in the local markets. Butter pears retail at $2.50 for a 50 pound box and the winter Nellis pears are the same price. Onions and Cucumbers Here for IMeklin Onions and cucumbers, of the smau Jj-op of Eastern Prices Affects Portland Market. With livestock arrivals in Portland light and the eastern weakness re flected, there was very little trading. Top hogs were quoted at $18.75. General hog market range: Prime mixed $18.00018.75 Medium mixed 17.50 18.00 Rough heavies 16.00 8 16.76 Pigs 15.S016.00 Bulk 18.6018.75 Cattle market situation at North Portland was of steady character with no change in prices noted for the day. General cattle range. Best steers $10.5011.25 Good to choice steers... 9.6010.25 Medium to good steers.. 8.50 9.00 Fair to good steers .... 7.60 Common to fair steers.. ' 6.00 Clroice cows and heifers 7.76 Good to choice cows and . ; heifers - 7.00 7.60 Medium to good cows and heifers 6.50 .Fair to medium cows and heifers 6.00 Canners 3.00 Bulls 5.00 Calves -8.00 014.00 Stackers and feeders ... 6.60 9.00 Both mutton and lamb prices con tinued to hold for the day with a small run reported- overnight Kill ers appear to be willing to pay pre vailing values for liberal supplies. General sheep and lamb range: Eastern Oregon lambs. ,$12.5013.00 Valley lambs ll.0012.00 Yearlings 7.00 0 7.50 Kwes 6.00 7.60 I P. a c pal FOOT TROUBLE relievevea ly me Foot Specialist at the J. C. Penney Co., September 8 to 14, examinations free. 8.25 7.00 8.50 7.00 6.00 4.60 7.00 Fall Fruit Sclllne . In Pendleton Stores. The fall fruits are selling in Pen dleton stores. Concord grapes are comina in from the west end of the county and-are retailing at 60c a bas ket. Huckleberries are also selling, the price being 35c a pound. BUG KHEGHT ARMY SHOE Yu this is tbe shoe that give, you "Extra tervice every step con; fort every minute." Why? Because it is built right to start with ! Our" first consideration has always been to put into tverj BucxhiLht Army Shoe: best mater ials, wholehearted workmanship and tasting value. BLACK GUNMETAL.MAHOGANY CALF OR INDJAJ4 TAN CALF FOR BASSE Bi BOND BROS. It is significant ' that the Buck- hecht Army Shoe is worn by thous ands of men in all walks of life. They have come to ap preciate its yield ing comfort, its telvety feel, its wear-resisting qualities. And so , will you once you treat your feet to Bucih ECHT Army Shoes. M.mrf.crur-r. BUCKINGHAM & HECHT 8-n Francis. a o 3 ! l!fteisifcniaws, r n VSrdj m , . I ISn -it ( ) J I' '??'" j Woolnap Blankets Feel and Look Like All Wool A special weaving process and the use of high grade cotton makes Woolnap Blankets three to six times as strong as ordinary cotton blankets. ' They have a deep soft finish that gives them lots of warmth and a very handsome - appear ance. Note especially the remarkably low prices we quote on these blankets. Woolnap Blankets, white, tan and Grays . $4.98 Fancy Plaid Woolnap Blankets, . . . $5.90 COTTON BED BLANKETS These are standard cotton blan kets with a nice soft finish. Will keep you warm and comfortable, and very satisfactory for general purposes.. You will find our prices unusually low for equal quality blankets. Supply your "Round Up" needs. Double Cotton Blankets (white, tan or grey) size 45x7G. . . $1.G9 Double Cotton Blankets (white, tan or gray) size 64x80. . . $2.98 Double Cotton Blankets (white, tan or grey) size 72x80. . . $3.98 FANCY TEDDY BEAR BLAN KETS FOR BABY'S COMFORT These pretty blankets are soft and warm. Can be used in go carts and crib beds. Splendid washing and wearing qualities. Se lect several of these handsome blankets now at a saving. Teddy Bea rBlankets, size m 30x40 $1.19 Teddy Bear Blankets, size 36x50 . $1.49 Blankets in colors of plain blue or , pink with bound, edge, size 30x50 $1.98 Baby Blankets, white with pink or blue border, size 36x50 $2.98 COMFORTERS FOR ROUND-UP NEEDS Wonderfully well wearing com forters. Just what anyone would want for outdoor or rough wear, size 62x74 inches $1.98 Challie Comforters Filled with good quality cotton, will give ex cellent wear, size 72x78 $3.19 Comforters Covered with fan cy silkoline on both sides in at tractive fjoral patterns, size 72x78, price . . : : $3.98 Beautiful Comforters Silkoline on both sides and sateen border to match. Very attractive and warm, size 72x78 $4.98 Emmerich" "All New Down" Pillows Perfect feathers, clean, odorless, hygienic, elastic. Per fect' ticking, close woven, soft, beautiful' patterns. Made ex pressly for the J. C. .renney Co. Feather Pillows, size 17x24, each 98c Feather Pillows, size 20x26, each $1.49 Down Pillows, size 21x27, each $2.49 Down Pillows (extra fine down) size 22x28, each $4.98 SHEETS AND PILLOW CASES Good cotton sheeting and pillow cases of just the right weight, light enough for easy washing and heavy enough to stand the test of wear. Sup ply your needs now. Plain Hemmed Sheets (seamed) 72x00 i $1.25 Plain Hemmed Sheets (seamless) 81 x90 . $1.79 Pillow Cases, 42x36, each 33c Pillow Cases (hemstitched) 42x36, each . . : , 49c ?Tequot" Pillow Cases (hemstitched) 45x36, each 59c SHEETINGS Our prices will be found right for these reliable sheetings. 9-4 Unbleached Sheeting, yard 51c 9-4 Bleached "Pepperell" Sheeting, yard . 56c 9-4 Bleached "Utica" Sheeting, yard -. 69c 9-4' "Pequot" Sheeting, yard '79c THE STORE THAT MEETS YOUR NEEDS AND MEETS THEM WELL. -. .. y Incorporated J J. C. Penney Co., A Nationwide Institution. HERMISTON APPLE MEN TO SELL 25,000 BOXES (Kast Oregonlan Special.) , HERMISTON, Sept. 11, Fifty ap ple growers met last evening to com plete arrangements for 'packing and shipping the Hermlston apple crop. The crop has been sold to Hood River dealers at prices ranging from $2.32 to $2.95 per box for all grades In cluding fancy, extra fancy and choice. About 25,000 boxes will be shipped In carload lots. Picking of Jonathans will be commenced this week, which will be followed with Kings, Rome Beauties, Winter Bananas, Delicious and later Wlnesaps and Newtons. The 60 growers represent about 1000 acres of orchard, only a small part of which is In full bearing. The peach crop ban alf been ship ped to The Dalles King's Products i Company. Twelve carloads were sold. ( One carload of pears was shipped to 1 Portland. A great many peacbes. grapes and, small fruits have been 1:3 shipped out by express. Prices have 5 been good and fruit men are making, money. . MIlllllllllHlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllli: 1 RELIABLE I I SERVICE J 1 Behind Every Sale jj I We carry the largest stock of parts in east- i 1 era Oregon. ' . 1 We stand behind every BUICK, CADILLAC I and HUDSON CAR. f ACCESSORIES THAT YOU CAN I DEPEND UPON. f Oregon Motor Garage BUICK HUDSON CADILLAC 5 Distributors 111 West Court St. . Fondle ton, Oregon i?lHlllllllllllllllllllllllllII!lllllllllllllllllltllllllllltllllllllllllllll!llllllll!lllllllllllllllll5