DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TEN PAGES OUTBURSTS OF EVERETTTRUE J." fl Penney Co., A Nationwide Institution. HeovDV. PI TEN I King Oscar Norwegian Sardines " New Shipment Just Received Direct From the East. Kins: Oscar Sardines, can . 35c Comb Honey, New Stock, Comb . '. .... 35c Extracted Honey, Medium Jar....... 90c Extracted Honey, Large Jar $1.75 Maple Sugar Cake 15c, 25c and 45c Two-Minute Oat Food, Package ...... 20c Tillamook Cheese, pound ............. 50c Wisconsin Brick, pound .............. 55c Ranch Eggs, dozen 55c Exclusive Agency for Chase & Sanborns , Tea and Coffee, Old Monk Olive Oil and Gold Medal Butter. - GRAY BROS. GROCERY CO. Complete range of sizes buy ing; for 197 stores makes the low VDti'fte AT1NV Headquarters for Boy's School Suits 4U3T HOfMUll 5 .I'M ASHWeU prices. AT $11.50 Fancy Grey and Brown' Cassi meres and all wool Blue Serges. Well tailored, new models. AT $7.90 0 T3 Grey Check and Brown Mix tures. Stylish two and three but ton models that will give very good service and surely please m every way. , AT$4.98 Fancy Blue and Grey mixtures, in serviceable school suits. Not one or two suits but- a complete range of sizes, ages 6 to 17. Remarkable suits at a remarkable price. Come in and see them. All good styles. C o 03 7 Will ZVo Phones 28 "QUALITY" 823 Main St. 9. The ti. C. L Help to meet tlic .present IIIrIi Cost of Living by depositing all your income in the American Nation al Bank and by paying it out by check as needed. Son will bo surprised at how this method will aid yon in reducing your expenditures and to live with in your income. You can open a checking account here with any amount. i THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK PENDLETON, OREGON "The Strongest Bank In Eastern Oregon H IF You'd cuve that Youn3 on? a lDecsNT TKiiKiiwci t none xoo wouv-vn-t ;4 N6-e.T TO "e ASMMei3 of HIM JJ A AS IT V3, Yovj OUSMT to bs WHITE TRUCKS AND LEXINGTON CARS STANDARD VEHICLE FOR UMATILLA COUN- . TY. IT HAS PROVEN ITSELF WORTHY OF THE PRAISE. FRENTZEL-WAILES MOTOR CO. Lexington and White Dealers of 'Umatilla County. Telephone 4t 722 Cottonwood St. Every Service Facility! (' !'''" V'ft ' :Wr"wr- '"-.''' Ell V""'"' l"1""'1 VlLf . JVGu " "" .iiiiaii'1!!1 l BUT MORE DIPORTANT, ; THE WILLINGNESS TO SERVE EVERY REPUBLIC OWNER We look upon tlte actual sale of a Republic Truck as an ob ligation on our part an obligation to give you a honest and tnuMltgeut Irurk service as you can get in this vicinity. Kc pnhlki users are always salaried that's the thing that counu with us. ! Pendleton Auto Co. Established 1907. Pendleton Market News The following prices ara the prices being paid to producers by Pendleton business houses. Wherever retail prices the given the fact will be spe cifically mentioned. Kggs and Poultry. Eggs, 60c. Hens, 20c. Spring chicken?, 5c a pound. Country Ham, Eta, Ham best quality. 88c Bacon best quality, 40c. Butter Fat and Butter. ' Butter fat, 63c f. o. b. Pendleton. Butter, $1.00 a holL Potatoes. New potatoes. So a pound. Hermlston Rancher Has September Strawberries. A full crate of strawberries were brought Into Hermlston Monday by a Minnehaha rancher and distributed among Hermlston people. The crate was filled from two and one-half rows each 90 feet loner. They were of the Ever-bearing variety, were large and In fine condition and came from the patch of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Pennock. (.rain Corporation Announces Movements. Wheat receipts from farms during the week ending August 22 were 43, 322,000 bushels as against 42,349,000 bushels for the previous week and 30.030,000bushcls for the correspond ing week one year ago. Since June 27 289,048,000 bushels have been re ceived from farms. Flour produced during the week totaled 2.837,000 barrels and the total stock of wheat in all elevators and mills was 189.853, 000 bushels. In every case figures for 1919 exceed those of the corre sponding week for 1918. Highlands Near Weston Vlcld High in Grains. Good grain yields have -just been reported from the Weston and Basket mountain uplands, the Weston Leader reports. Tom Booher filled 262 sacks from 23 acres of barley. Joe Cannon threshed 562 sacks of barley from 65 acres and had 300 sacks also of volunteer Marquis wheat from 30 acres. W. L. Rayborn's crop of spring-sown Marquis wheat is report ed to have averaged about 22 bushels per acre. W. J. Crawford sold $48 worth of volunteer wheat to the a ore from 28 acres, 8. A. Barnes being the purchaser. He did not have to touch this field except to harvest it. Man Overcomes Complaint ' By Heavy Forty-fold. Complaint is general in Wallowa county that the government stand ards discriminate against forty-fold wheat, as they require it to.be heav ier than spring varieties,, while It al ways runs lighter. But Boone Miles, north of Wallowa, raised a crop of phenomenally heavy forty-fold this year, which passed the required weight It ran 61 1-2 pounds to the bushel, on a field of 25 acres. The yield was only fair, a little more than 20 bushels. LHUe Chanee Shown In Grain Market.' The coar&e grain' market is the same as on Saturday with the excep tion of a 25 cent advance in the No. 2 barley. It is quoted today at 156.25. Standard feed barley is at 61 and No. 3 blue at $62. Mill feed is low, how ever, with $36 as the bid. Hay Is re ported weaker, with prices around $29 f. o. b. cars. Recuperation there Is not so much in the ordinary vacation as there is in a single bottle of Hood's Sarsaparllia, which refreshens tired blood, shar pens the dulled appetite, restores the lost courage. - Take Hood's Sarsa parllia this summer. No Livestock on Hun (I To test Prices. Two loads of livestock formed the total arrivals at North Portland for the week's closing. Only arrivals were In the cattle di vision with a total of 62 cattle and 3 calves. General cattfo range: Best steers ,..,...$ 10.00 10.50 Good to choice steers ...... 9.00 9.50 Medium to good steers 8.50 8.75 Fair to good steers .. 7.505? .50 Common to fair steers .... Choice cows and heifers Good to choice cows and heifers Medium to good cows and heifers 6.50 7.00 Fair to medium cows and heifers i...... Canners Bulls Calves -- It was a day without the offering of a single head in the hog alleys at North Portland. General hog market range: Prime mixed $17.6018.00 Medium mixed ...... 17.00 17.60 "Hough heavies ..i 15. fiOift) 16.00 Pigs . 15.00ffj 16.25 Bulk -. 17j00(17.50 Sheep arrivals were absent from the mutton alleys. -Late sales wero gen erally fair at steady prices. - General sheep and lamb range: Eastern Oregon Lambs. . $1 s.GOtfv 13.00 Valley lambs J. 11.6012.25 Yearlings : 7.50Sp 9.50 Bwe ...... 6.00W.7.50 Wethers .-. 7.00 9) 7.50 7.00 7.50 7.50 8.00 7.00 7.g0 S.KOff c.no 3.00 6.00 6.00.U 7.00 8.501,14.00 MiuuiiuiiliiiiiliiuiiiiliniiMiJiiliiiiiiiiiiMiiiUMiiiiniinniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-i ALFALFA WHES 5 We have some very choice alfaira tracts not far S ;.. t. from Pendleton, at prices that are KIC.IIT. 478 acres, with J01 acres bottom land irrigated, 5 and approximately 80 acres in alfalfa now. Nniall 2 orchard, house anil barn, good water system, all , S stock and machinery, harness, cattle, pigs and cluck- E ' ' ens. Price $31,500.00. Ten thousand cash will . is ' ! . handle. ' 5 138 acres close in on McKay Creek, good . Im- . . provements, all stock and equipment. This, is a ' . .' 2 fine place and a good buy at $18,500.00. S ' 1IJ acres on McKay Creek, good house and luirn, fruit, lots of water, and a snap at the prtc;, wliuh , 5 is SIO.OuO.OO. t - Besides these three, we have quite a few ' others- , , 3 ' " which you can choose from. IVo also have some) ' 5 choice wheat land, In any dlrcctlim from Pendleton, 2 " ut prices from $25.00 op to $250.00. 3 . HOW AUOl'T A HOME IN TOWN? VK HAVE 1UEM. Snow & Dayton I "We Sell Land" I Phono 1072. 117 East Court Street. Real Estate Farm Loans ' Insurance E' C e BOYS' NEW COAT STYLE SHIRTS. Made of blue chambray, madras and fancy cotton shirting with colored stripes, attached high band collar, .one pocket, trimmed with pearl but tons. Makes an ideal school or dress shirts and can be laundered to ad vantage at home. Well made and in generous sizes. Neck sizes QO 12 to 14! Shoe your boy economically by buying their shoes here at a saving, a J. C. Penney Co. guarantee with every pair. Let us fit them. - BOY'S SHOES Vouth'S Gun Metal, size It to 13 1-2 $2.7 Xoiith's Heavy Oil Tan, size 11 to 13 1-2 $2.7$ Youth's Natural Smoked Horse, size 1-2 to 13. ., $3.25 Boys' Cun Metal, size 1 to 2 $3.25 Boys' OH Tan Lace, size 1 to 2 $3.25 Boys' Gun Metal, size 2 1-2 to 6 T ........... . $2.8 Itoys' Brown i:ngll.sli, size 2 1-2 to 8 "$3.M Boys' Heavy Tan Army, size 2 1-2 to 6 . . .' 3.0 jfj Incorporated OIM'OSITB HOTEli I-BKULEIOX J. CTPenney Co., A Nationwidelnstitution. The Dodo's Companions. The dodo has as his companions: The grocer who put sand In hl sugar. The butcher who weighed his hand with each steak. ThA rirv-ffnnrift man who WSS A yardstick Juggler and could sell you 34-Inch yards while you were iook Ing at him. tha market man who used a false bottom In his peck measure. The humorist who used to get paid for writing about those things. Almost Persuaded. "You believe in art for art's sake?" "I do," replied the eminent trage dian, "but when an unappreclatlve public forces genius to subsist on beef stew I have serious thoughts of prostituting my talents In the movies." Lucy E. Russell to F. A. Baker $10,000. SB 1-4, 8W 17-4. NE 1-4, section S3, township 4, N. It. 29. Maude I New to Albert II. Klrley (10.00. IS 1-2. lots 12, 13, end 14, block B0 of Ilea Add. to Pendleton. Ethel V. Black to M. V. Lahue $10. Lot 12 and North 16 feet of lot 11, Raley's Addition to Pendleton. U. W. Heeman to M. O. I.a Hue $1.00 Lots 12 and North 1 feet of i lot 11, Raley's Addition to Pendleton. Nora I Maloncy to Chas. McDoviit $1.00. SW 1-4, SB 1-4, section 7. and K 1-2, NW 1-4, and NW 1-4, MS 1-4,1 section 18, township 4. S. R. 30. . 1 Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee Chronlo and Nervous Diseases and Diseases of Woman. X-Rar Bis tro Thsrapeutlcs. Temple Bid.. Boom 12, Phone $1$ Dr. David Bennett Hill PKNTIHTKT X-ray Diagnosis. Pendleton Oregon 1 I , ; REALTY TRANSFERS 1 2 I to DEEDS. Pearl Brown Harden to Fred M. Brown $1.00. Wl-3, NE 1-4, section 10. township 3, N. R. 33. Wm. T. Kidwcll to Wm. M. Selby $10. B 1-2. SB 1-4, section 19, town ship 1. N. R. 32. ' Wm. Holdman to Louise F. Bunch $40 Lots 1 and 2, block 10, Holdman Add. to Adams. Anna M. S. Hurley to Francis J. Watkins $340. Lot 1, section 1 town ship 1. S. R. 34 and SB 1-4, 8E 1-4, section 28. township 1, N. R. 35. FranclsFrancls J. Watkins to Hhr vey J. Healca $200. Lot 1, section 1, township 1, S. R. 34 and Lot 1, sec tion 6, township 1, H. R. 36. - Roy L. Smith to Wm. J. Hoffman $1120. B 1-2. NE 1-2 and N 1-2, BE 1-4, section 24, township 4. N. R. 37. W. H. Evans to G. I. LaDow $1.00. W 1-2, Lots 6 and 7 In blqck 22, Res. Add. Pendleton. . S. LeGrow to M. L. and Homer Watts $4,100.00. SB 1-4. SB) 1-4. sec tion 81, and SW 1-4, S Wl-4 section 32, Township 6, N. R. 35. Sarah B. Galloway to Thad F. Gal loway $450. North 50" rods across North end of section 7, township 2. X. R. 28. - Thos T. Nelson to O. W. Knight $5000. Lot 1, block 33 Arnold and Raley's Addition to Pendleton. M. D. Smith to Letcher P. Norvall $100. Lot 5 in block 2, Helix. Wd Stowe to Treffle Sears $1500, SW 1-4, NW 1-4, section 3, township 2, N. R. 35. : Fred M. Brown to Pearl Brown Harden $1.00. B 1-2, KB 1-4, sec tion 10, township 2. N. R. 23. Wm. B. Hanscom to Ruby A. Bell $500. Lot 6, block C, Houser's Add. Pendleton. Henry W. Dickson to Chas. F. Dan iels $1.00. Lots 4 and 5 in block 2C8, Kes. Add. to Pendleton. James Klrkpatrlck to John F. Stock $1.00 Lot 6, block 3, Kllgore's Add. to WtHton. W. A. Ford to Anna M. Goldwln $550. 4.14 acres In NB 1-4. SW 1-4, section 18, township 5. N- R. 28. Bessie Lisle to F. J. Tounr, $1.00. Lot 4 In fractional block 7, in J. H. Koontz's Addition to Bcho. Asa S. Arbogast to J as. L. Ham mock $1500. Mete and bound tracts In NW 1-4, section SI, township 4. N. $1.25 $1.25 $1.25 $1.25 $1.23 $1.25 $1.25 $1.25 a DO YOU KNOW THAT THE DOVE SEASON IS NOW OPEN? Gel Them With . 1x5 CI 1x9 to i i Western Shells 1x9 - tx9 11 $1.25 A BOX. ' V:V . Sold by ; : SOL BAUM 2 Sporting Goods Store. Hotel Pendleton Bldg.K sn$ siri$ sri$ ri$. sn$ sri$ szi$ lsri$ iJiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ! RELIABLE I SERVICE I v Behind Every Sale 1 I ' We carry the largest stock of parts in east- , em Oregon. - 1 We stand behind every BUICK, CADILLAC I and HUDSON CAR.. : I ACCESSORIES THAT YOU CAN DEPEND UPON. Oregon Motor Garage BUICK HUDSON CADILLAC Distributors 1$. 121 West Court St. . Fendleton, Oregon - iriHHHjmim nilllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlUllllllllia 2. - ,1,