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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1919)
TWELVE PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONTAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER f, PAGE TIIK KB 1 NEWS NOTES OF PEWDLETOW iSiiniilUiri Appointed for ;iH. Pointed guardian of the emato of HeU " " ivuikbh, u minor gin. Injunction Onlor Issued. An Injunction onlor was Issued Frl. any in mo cane or A. A. Wlldor Jr. V. J). W. Wilder. It roulr-oi.,. ,v, A fondant from molesting tho property unar.r tease near Milton. . lloluins from llvi'mw. Ernest n. Hass, of Pendleton, who has been uvfriwn bi a tiifmlirr of Compuny F, 1st Engineers, landed yes terday In New York. He returner! to the United States aboard tho U. 8. 8. Kdollyn and has boon sent to Camp Mills for discharge. Will Teiwli at Odd Springs. Miss Jaunlta Frledly has again con tracted to teach the school In District N. 76 in Middle Cold Springs and will be taken out tomorrow by tier father, Manuel rlcdly, to open scshIoiib Mod duy morning. , Son Purine Iloot After waiting at tho beach until they saw the fleet steam past, Mrs. O. W. ('helps and daughters, Margar et and Genevieve, arrived at tho Im perial yesterday from tho coaxt. where they were punning their vacation. Tho family Is on the way home to eastern Oregon, where tho husband and fath er Is a circuit Judge. Oregonlan. Short Vui-allon In-Portland. Cecil Colo and Glenn Storie left this morning for Portland, where they will spend a short vacutlon. Han ToiimIIh llcimivoil. The son-. of Mr. . and Mm. Johi. Heath la a putleut In. HI. Anthony's hoNpital whore he had Ms tonsils re moved this morning. tcturns After Varution. Allsa Amy llazen returned today from Hood Itiver, where she visited as tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank I'uiily, formerly employed at tho Crilatllla Indian Agency. Miss Ifuzen Is employed as a clerk ut the agency. IK-cree on rinal Reports. lJecroes on the final reports In the estates of Charlos 8. Wagoner and owen Goldsmith were sinned today by Probate Judge C. H. Marsh. The or ders close the respective estates. Mel Khiilrum Gets it Point nuclc Mel Hhutrum klilod an 11 point buck en the opening day of the deer hunting season, at the Tracy Baker ranch In the Desolation country. Hhutrum has been on a hunting- trip for tho past two weeks. Grocery Phone 526 Use the Phones SERVICE PENDLETON'S LEADING STORE Other Dcpartm'ts 78 Use the Phones Clilhl 'iiiiI'hIiiu from Kuril. little Jack I-.IUiih, the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Elkins of this city, Is convalescing after orloun burns caused bp tho upsetting of a- pan of boiling water. The accident happened nnppened while Mrs. Elkins and Jack were visiting In Seattle. Is Vow Krnployc. - ' Miss Tillle Blomoulst Is a new em ploye at The Peoples Warehouse. She will be employed as clerk in the dry goods department and comes to Pen dleton from Spokane, where she was also employed as a clerk. linker 1'onplo Coming. one tiundred Rnker citiMn wtu t.a hero for the final day of tho Rnund I'P. Saturday, September 20. Ticket reservations for thnl hnmk.. wired for yesterday by J. V. O'Bryant of linker. Tho. 1 taker conceit band will accompany tho crowd, which ex pocts to come here on Friday night In two special cars attached to train 21. id loiioiioi-ioi loi loi loi loi loi- Mond&ys Showing of Wholesome Dainties that children love so well, and grownups, too, are be ing shown Monday. We handle only the kinds that meftn satisfaction to the customer. as well as our selves. They include the "Tea Garden Brand" of "Strawberry Preservess." "Raspberry Preserves," Pineapple Marmalade, Grapefruit Marmalade, Apri cot Preserves, Figs in Syrup, Cherry Preserves, Or ange Marmalade, Jellies and Jams of all kinds and the celebrated "Loju' Brands of Loganberry and Blackberry and Strawberry Jams, in three conven ient sizes. ' People who taste them declare them delicious. "Waste Less Buy the Best" i Pendleton Cash Market, Inc. Fine Groceries and Meats Phones 101. (Private exchange connecting both , ; , departments.) I -TOT IQT 101 TOT TOT TOT TOT TOI T0ITOT MIhh Mcl'licrmn to Speak. MIms Daisy McPherson who attend ed the Collego of Missions one year at Indianapolis, rnd.. Is to speak of the work of that Institution In the First Christian church of Portland, Sun day. ADVANCE FASHION NOTES Concerning Women's Fall and Winter Apparel Fresh from the work rooms of the best New York makers, are attractive, reasonable and altogether desirable new garments we're showing. Displaying the newest style features, they are certain to ap peal to discriminating women. New models of all kinds of winter apparel are being " received daily. Models which are perfectly adapted to immediate wear. Come iri and have a look. Victory Ivoan Payments Duo. Third payments on Victory loan bonds bought on the installment plan are due next Tuesday, Sept. 9, District Manager Hartman announced today. The payments this time are for per cent of tho total amount of the bonds. Two Divorce Ca Dismissed. Ruling that neither party appeared to be entitled to a divorce. Judge W. Phelps today dismissed the case of Mrs. Ruby Geneck vs. Tom Geneck, which has been under advisement. The case of Mrs. Ststene Craig- vs. Anthony Jae) Craig, was likewise dismissed because of no apparent de sire of either party to bring it before the court. IKxlsoti Will Probated. The will of th elate James C. Dod son was admitted to probate today and Airs. Lydia M. Dodson named execu trlx. All the property ts left to her with the exception of $1 each to her sons and daughters, Arthur C. Dod son, Mrs. Mable C. Stone, Willie L. Dodson, Mrs. Audrey M. (Joleman and George Delbert Dodson. W. F. Gen try. K. E. Mean and J. M. Marhttt are named to appraise the estate. ; Will X'ot Need Permits for Fires. ! Because of the rainy weather and the resultant lack of great danger from camp fires, permits for build ! Ing camp fires in the Umatilla Na- tlonal Forest will not bo required until further notice, according to an I nouncement made today by w. W. . Cryder, forest supervisor. This does i not affect the existing law which ; makes It a crime to leave a fire burn Ing in the national forests. "INSURANCE Is the Best Policy" I am buying grain this year for Kerr Gifford & Co., Inc., and would be glad to have the farmers give me a chance to submit a price on their grain before selling. JOE KERLEY Successor to Chas. K. Heard, Ins. "See Me Before the Fire" Insurance Loans Real Estate Til Main 1 Pendleton, Oregon 110 Families Served. One hundred ten families were as sisted through the Umatilla County Hen cross home service section dur ing the past month, according to a report made today by Miss Virginia Todd, secretary. Tho sum of $131.05 was loaned as financial assistance. Most of the money was loaned to dis abled soldiers who are In need of funds and who are waiting for their compensations to bo given by the government. F.morironoy Salo of Liimlx-r. Cutting on the Umatilla National Forest has commenced In order to make an emergency sale of lumber to tho Teel Irrigation project, so that work can commence before the pur chase of the 4,000.000 board feet of lumber from the forest. This pur. chase cannot be made until certain legal formalities are carried .out. among them an advertisement of the sale 30 days before it takes place. The emergency sale will aid in hurry. Ing the work on tho project. Furs rft. Fur Scarf lends a patri cian touch to the Autumn and Winter costume that js incomparable. Alexanders Furs are notable as much for the quality of the pelts as for the distinctive lines at tained in this season's de velopments and for the close prices at which they are being sold. Fur Scarfs are to be had in cape, stole and throw effects. They are fashioned of mink, taupe, nutria, mole,. Hudson, Alaskan seal, squirrel, Yukon, taupe and black wolf. LATE ARRIVALS IN THE WOMEN'S WEAR ; ' DEPARTMENT. Velvet Dresses ' Tricotine Dresses Tricolette Dresses Peaclh Bloom Coats Fur Trimmed Suits Plaid Woolen Skirts I'MIIWinillllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMIllltllllllilllllllllUlllllllllllllllli: I DODGE BROTHERS BUSINESS CAR 1 LkviLTK Total $S..-9.50. Angling, combination hunting and angling, and hunting licenses sold In Umatilla county during 1918 reached tho largest total In the state outside statistics collected by tho Taylor Hardware Co. The complete total was S.6r.9.50. The angllnc licenses sold numbered 21589.60. The angling licenses sold numbered SS89, or 13, 8S3.BO. Combination hunting and angling licenses were 477, or $1,431, while ,2230 hunting licenses were sold, renchlnff a total of $S659.60. v. '.jj Aiijr e Its established ecopomy makes Dodge Brothers Business Car a profitable investment. The haulage cost is unusually low. A. W. 11 nox Klcrted Delegate' A. V. Rugg of this city was elected lay delegate to the general confer ence of the Methodist church to be held In Chicago next May, at the con ference being held in Rpokane, ac cording to a telegram received today by W. T. Rugby from the Rev. XI. E Gornall, pastor of the Methodist church of this city, who Is attending the conference. The conference to which Mr. Rugg will be a delegate Is held every four years and each con ference similar to the one now being held Is entitled to one lay delegate and one ministerial delegate. Each district had a candidate for the honor, Tendieton being In The Dalles district Cottonwood & Water. I'Jinnc 50 iiilii!i!!iiiii!ilii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiii!i!nii!i!i!iiiiliiMni;ii!i!iiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiuiiiiiiiniii;u-j Roostfl Good Roads. "After you get out of the sand and onto a good gravel rond you bless the good roads campaign in Oregon," ob served Cyril Brownell of Umatilla, member of the legislature. "The gravel rood, the Columbia River htgh way.up our way. is a fine piece of work, and everyone is satisfied with it. According to the law adopted by the people in 1917 tho .road Is to ho hard surfaced, but the gravel will do for tho present, and we'll never have to say a w'ord about pavement, be cause the traffic will take care of that. After a while the traffic will de mand hard surface. Meanwhile I am more Interested in developing the side roads, the feeders to the main line, for the side roads will develop the coun try. With the one-mill market rond tax next year and the county sharo of the automobile tax, counties will have enough funds available to do n vast amount of construction of farmer roads," Oregonlan. FRENCH SERGE $2.00 $4.50 is a most desirable fab ric for dresses because it makes up easily, looks well, and wears better. Offered, in the season's newest color. Select a dress length off one of them. ' TRIMMINGS ARE VERY SMART and many strikingly new effects are being shown in beaded and embroidered, bands, edges and orna ments, in a great variety of widths and color com binations. Gold and Silver Ornaments, jet trim mings, pendants, motifs, tassels, cords, etc. Iri fact a most notable showing of the newest trimmings for i street and evening wear. . Economically priced. Modart Corsets FRONT LACED. Be Comfortable and You Wil be Happy. A really comfortable corset, comfortable, from ' morning until , night, is a real blessing to any- wom an. , , , - . , ,. More thanhalf i ypur time is spent in a corset. You should be particular in its selection. . .Your health .consequently your happiness depends, upon it. Modard corsets, front faced, . embody .comfort' with style. , You may have both, but you will not real ize the superb design , of . these corsets until you .ac tually try one on. We invite you to try the Modart at our fitting rooms. 1 rial luting costs nothing. ' GLOVES TO WEAR WITH. NEW AUTUMN SUITS, PAIR r - ; $2.50 to $3.50 Real Arabian mocha and suede, offered in cham pagne, tan, grey and beaver, self - and contrasting stitching. We have all sizes and fit every pair. FANCY LINING tijl Cft ' ' ' " " SILKS, YARD. . vi.JU Some new designs and colorings just came in, of Be sure to use this special kind. - - 7-,vff t Uenvta On Trip. Stanley Jcwett of the United States Biological Survey, left today for The Dalles and other parts of Wasco county on an official business trip. Ho will return Monday. Itouiid-l'p Scats Selling. The sale Of Rouna-tp uckhuj suit continues to be brisk. Seats in the east and west sections are being saved for opening day, SeptemDer 15. 4vl Tinnio from Trip. i y r.ri Mrs. B. F. Averill and 1. 1 1 . aT.a ..AoM.i to return to night from an extenaeu inuiui ii Yellowstone Park. Teachers Salaries Getting Better. Among the contracts which have been filed with County School Su perintendent W. W. Green here are those of E. E. Elliott, director of the Smith-Hughes and agriculture courses in the Milton high school and Ray mond Orth, principal of the Freewa ter school. The former receives $2350 for 48 weeks work and the latter $1500 for nine months. Slu'iners i.o to L Grando. Fifty Shriners from . Pendleton and Umatilla county towns left here early this morning with the special train of Pcrrland Shriners for the big cere- mcnlnl n , T A Hrnnrl tnriftv The lo cal men filled two standard sleepers. They will return early Sunday morn ing, with the same Portland special. with the men from here were a dosen candidates. 1 Mrs. tiii.i.1 auVglran convalescing. Mrs. Charles Vaughan is convalesc ing at her home at 1X14 West Webb street. She has been III for the paM three days. . , . , Will Admitted. ".- ;. jl " - -h " 'The Wilt bf-'the la4 CWrlc K. Maxey was probated today and Mrs. E-fia At Maxey named administrator. win Unndln Fordson Tractors. Angles of oarttiership between Tam M. Clark and H. R. Salisbury were filed with the county clerk ti- dv. The partners will handle Ford- son tractors In Pendleton and vicinity. r.arswi llc-palrs Vroposcd Mr. Thomas Hamnton Friday took a nermir tn make S2.ri00 WOrth Of renairs to her dwelling on Lewis street. A permit was Issued to A. E. r,4-,itlnv tt tiinke ' renairs costing $1(100 to his dwelling on I.00 street. Both Jobs will be none oy u. v, v-oio & Son. ! ' ncnturrcr to Complaint Ovcrrulcil. The demurrer In tho case or Charles Sowers, a minor, through his guardian, D. R. Sowers, vs. Burke fc Son, was overruled Friday by Circu:t Judge G. W. Phelps and tho defend ants given 10 days In which to ans wer. Two Estates Probated. v Tho estate of Solomon M. Nlckle was admitted to probate Friday and K. J. Davis named administrator. Frank Ransom, C. J. Karker and M. R. Bartholomew are named apprais ers. Mr. Davis Is also named admin istrator of the estate of George W. Smiley, Probated Friday.- A. E. Hor- rell, J. A. Baker and Walter Vonder hee are named appraisers. This es tate is valued at about 1979$. FLYING THROUGH ARC DE TRI0MPHE WITH ONLY FIFTEEN FEET LEEWAY 2 4 H . v - 'II I- , a 1 r" ii" r ' - - ' r rtlT f Ti r rrr " r 7 T 1" -nir 1 nrt tl iTilisn.slMjjaSi-airfyaiissww.,.nsT iisi 1 1? Freak performances with airplanes are recorded almost every dav. Un,i!.,r n ih. . .kv..... will be stale. This photograph shows the most remarkable feat yet accont pllshed. It shows Charlea dtr a French pilot, guiding his plane through the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. The win clearance was only fit'. n rout . ' -! J