Section Two Pages 7 to 10 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1919. J I -flrJ FMUWFrifiv P 11 J CQ WALLA WALLA PLANE PASSENGER ARE HURT W. O. Buell, Whiting Hendricks Suffer Serious Injuries When Machine Falls Into Tail Spin and is Wrecked. Ah a. ntmilt of a liud full of tliu "Wulla Wullu" alriiiune, W. ;. Buell. tho avlutor uml Whiting Henilrlck', a iiiHaeiiKci' In tho machine,.' are In Hi. Mury's hoaiiltul mifferlng from Horloua injuries, Hcndrlckn haa a, ItuIhpiI head, a broken ankle bone, ami a Miverly lacerated calp, and Huell Iiuh a hud flcMh wound in Ilia rlwht leir where a silver from the body or the piano was driven through. The machine wan a total wreck, but it it thoiiKlit that the enslne la not eorl- ouHly damaged, and a half nouth of the state line near the Milton road. The machlno fell on the furm of O. C. Hletnon. After reuchlnic the vicinity of Milton Mr, Duel! turned about and started for the IuikIIiik field about the Yellrtwhawk school house, ynr some unknown reason the plane ft-11 Into a tall spin Huell recovered control of the ma chine, but not in time to keep it from crushing to earth. The force of the fall was sufficient to wrench the on. ITlrio from Its frame und hurled It some distance from the plane. Huell was pinned In the plane by a large splinter of wood. SUGGESTS STRAW FOR The accident occurcd about a mile conditions. WAHH1NOTO. Sept. 5. The sen ate and house labor committee Thurs day unanimously1 approved, in a Joint session, ITcHiilent Wilson's calllnii of n industrial "round table" confer ence In an effort to adjust critical FOR SATURDAY Get Your Order in Early for Tomorrow Will be ' Busy Day. : GROCERY SIDE Everything in clean, fresh Fruit and Vege tables. Canning: Peaches, per crate 80c Canning: Pears, $2.00 and $2.40 Tomatoes, crate.. $1.15 MEAT SIDE ' Nice Spring- Chickens. Dressed Hens. Any Cut of Meat at the right price. , Mr. Farmer, we pay the top prices for your pro- duce. Pendleton Trading Co. "If it's on the market, we have it" ' E. M. Fraker, of Holdraan, Says Waste Straw is Solution to Problem of Road Building; it Supplies Substantial Bed. Pioneers The stockholders and directors of this Bank aropioneers. They are familiar with the resources, the growth and development of Umatilla county. Open an account with' this progressive new bank. We will give you the best of ser vice. . . , . Inland Empire Bank Capital $230,000. OKKirmts ani DinrcrTona. J. W. Mnltmrj, Vrrn. V. M. Hlkrli-r . K. V. I Caah'r A. W. It unit 1. rlsnd I. 1'olman II. ! "In lor llnai. Brlln I r.-d Srhiwlti-r Manuel 1'ritra trunk tirilmaa An appeal for strawed roads is con tained In a letter to W. W. Ilarrah. of this clly, from K. M. Fraker, of Hoblman, who kuvo his method for muklng permanent good road bedB. The letter was given to the Hunt Ore gonlan for publication and in as fol lows: . There ia a mutter which I often hear dlm ussed by cfluntry people, and wonder expressed over the fact that our authorities do not aVMll them selves of the merits so well known, that I decided I would mention the matter to you as a person of Influence and Interested In good roads. The question often heard is, "Why do not our authorities use our waste straw to build up our road beds?" Do they not know its value, or Is the opinion ri-ently heard the true reason It "too cheap? Many country people know from actual experience in work ing troublesome pieces of road about their own premises, the merits of a straw road. If the road Is first pro perly graded, then strawed In the soft earth, the straw will work In and stand a great deal of wear. The strawing of county roads is mostly lone when the roads are cut into ruts and dry. This la of only temporary benefit. The following method will make permanent good mad beds. The road first properly graded, then strawed as heavily as will work In. As the straw wears In continue with another dress ing of straw. If the grading is done In the fall and the process followed, the best results are obtained. All thorough strawing should be done in the wet season. Then as Hie road be gins to wear rough in the dry season, sufficient straw should be put on for temporary purposes. Sandy loose land may be strawed at any time, keeping straw renewed as straw works In. If this process Is followed for one or perhaps two seasons a road bed is formed which is very durable and will need only ordinary care in j keeping up. The strawed road is 1 practically as good as paving for i pleasure, and has merits of Its own. I especially over gravel. It will not cut up as badly as gravenea roua ui dinary soft grades. It Is easy on hor ses, and machinery, and especially easy on automobile tires. An auto will run better on good strawed road than on paving, and it does not get slippery at any season. Strawed road may not sound very aristocratic but there are many road users who wish those who are In charge of our roads would give them good straw roads. And it will make better roads through the sand than any other usual method. This is respectfully called to your attention with the hope from many who are travelling our wretched roads that better things may be accom plished. Respectfully yours. H. M. FltAKElt. OVER MEXICAN LINE WAHHINliTON, Hcpt. B. The American army airplane fired upon by Mexicans on the border wan at no time over Mexican territory, an offi cial report to the war department from Loredo, Texas, asserted today. It declared the plane was not nearer Mexico than the liver along the bor der. " The machine was flying at a height of 50 feet when Uulltenant Johnson, observer noticed that a Mexican town on the other side of the river contained an unusual number of people. When the aviators des cended feet ubove the river to observe the town, the Mexicans fired un the plane. DEAN JOHN STUB IS E TheTireless FarmHand Veteran of University Faculty Comes to Help Mrs. R. T. Bishop, State Chairman, in Eaising $ 5,000 in City. EXTENDED TWO DAYS l'ARIH, Sept. 4. The peace con ference today granted Austria an ex tension of two days for her considera tion of the treaty. The Austrian dele, gates will probably sign September 12. Dean John Ht rutin, of the University of Oregon, arrived in l'endleton last night and will make his headquarters i here for the next three days while- assisting Mrs. Hoy T. Hishop of this j city In raising funds in Pendleton : Athena. Milton, Helix and Walla; Walla for the fniversity of Oregon ; Women's Building fund. Mrs. Bishop is state chairman for the campaign. j Dr. fc-traub exeprts to raise 5,ooO in I'endlvton through Subscriptions from alumni, active students and ; friends of the University. The build- ; (Continued on page 8.) j There are moments In the life of every married man when he wishes he hadn't. " Sfci - . -iS fc ZOHours Baking f brings out from wheat and barley that distinct rich flavor one finds only in the pure. health-building food ew 2MB FLOUR RE-SALE The l iiitiil Slate (Traill CoriKiratloii Announces that It will sell "Straight" grade flour to all purchasers, in carload lots, In 140 lb. Jute sacks, gross weight, delivered to any Railway sta tion in Zone HI. comprising the States of Oregon, Washington and Idaho, at not to exceed H'l.oo per bbl. net cash. Pur chasers will be supplied from nearest available mill, which may result in slight saving for buyers account. . Wholesnle and Jobbing; prfll on urh floor must not rxrrri 7Se ncr bbl. and relsllrr's profits must not exceed 1.25 per bbl. Address all communication to UNITED STATES GRAIN CORPORATION 510 Ilonrd of Trade Huildlng l'orlland, Oregon w OP A farm hand that nevr complains or erumbles . one that does not ask for vacation or ever cuit Dependable, willing-, wrong and always ready to work at the jnap cf switch that', the tort hand you need now that good labor is so scarce and that's the sort of farm hand you get when you have a Western Electric FARM LIGHTING PLANT An electric motor connected to this plant will turn the separator, the churn and the erindstone. It will wash the clothes, dean the house and do a hundred other irksome chores and it will do the work perfectly, as only electricity can every day, every week dl and every year. You can uti!-ze the same gas engine you have on your farm to run this plant which makes it as economical as it is practical. You owe it to yourself to have this willing farm hand on your farm In fact you really can't afford to be without h. Let us prove it in your own home ' Today! Charles Milne I'KMiLtTON, OKU, phose 1037 N. Berkeley Who quit' Real Estate to manage the.U. S. Employ ment office is Back in the Real Estate Business with several good bargains in Umatilla County Farms- and Pendleton Residence and Business CECIL COSPER PUBLIC ACCOCJiTAJfT INCOME TAX ADVISfc'R . Bmith-Crawford Bids. Opposite Pendleton Hotai Phono lost OSBORNE TAXI SERVICE Sam Osborne. Prop. MV A.YD MGHT to any part of the city. Stand at Cosy Billiard Parlor TELuEPIIOXE d63- property. Office Up Stairs in Despain Block. ' 1 cS The New Case Six THE ALL FEATURE CAR Tn Its sturdy build, its honest rlcun cut Hues and unl'ulling all around dependabil ity In all that govs to make a car worth owning1. Thl 4?ase Six In as good na Ita luinto and Hh name reprcHt'nta a $45,000,000 . Cactory of 77 years of iiianufHctutinj? cx liuWcnco. Italanced with watch like procls . Ion, tlie Case Six glides along the road with a cradling buoyance that Is ini measurable Btnoothor, more comfortable and enjoyablo ban you ever experienced In a car of that weight. The anHwer la found In the per fect balanced design of this great car. Ill weight Ih dlHtrihuted over each of tho four wheels almost to the fraction of a pound. Where ever the Cane Six is sold the de mand for it grows rapidly. It is a car that owners exhibit with unusual pride- and sing ' s pralnes with superlative Interest, If you are seeking a moderately prlceu 2ar of thorough going excellence standard to the smallest detail of equipment, magni ficent In appearance, unequalled In perfor mance, you Mr. Owner, will do well to in vent Igato the merits of tho New Cnse Six. 7 Passenger Touring. 4 Passenger Sport Model Closed Cars. . H. F. Kimble Motor Co. MS MAIN ST. 19 APPLICANTS WOULD BE CITIZENS OF U.S. Nineteen npplk-ants for admission! to citixenxhin In tho rolled States are j on tho lint whic h will t'e examined i before Circuit JndKO a. W. Phelps ; next . Tuesday, Sept. . . 10m llnson. nujurulization examiner, will he here that day to question tho pros pective citizens. Ten of those on the list are nuhjeets of the emperor of Great Hritain and of these a number were curried over from the June hearinK. Greece is second hlKh with three candidates, Denmark has two and HulKaria, the 1 present Kovernments of Itussla and Germany furnish one each as does i Sweden. i The names of those whose npplica 1 Hons will he heard Tuesday are John !j:imond Froome. Mary Itoberts Spen cer, James Alexander Knss. Michael Grant, Teresa HarKIn, William Mar tin. John Md-auKhlln, Tobias Hutler. : James Henry Wilson, and James Best, all of Great Britain: Mike Tom. I HulBarin: Rmll Adolph Schnffer, (lor. ! many; Vieno Stimuli Kelkkala, Rns sia; John Marina Jensen and Jens I Therkildsen. Denmark; John raliaff j ianis, Spercs Halaskas and I'eter 8a jranto. Greece, and John Herman An ! derson, Sweden. - fiUp DONT BURY YOUR MONEY in ugly gas or electric fixtures when you can have the artistic and ornamental just as well. A visit here will show that it costs no more to have attractive gas or electric fixtures than it does to buy the old clumsy and inat tractivc ones. Ours are an orna ment by day as well as nisht. They add tone to a room with out costing you an extra dollar. See and bellovo. J. L. VAUGHAN SENATE UNANIMOUS i IN VOTING RANK FOR i GENERAL J. PERSHING "WASHINGTON, Sept. fi. Tho sen- ! t miHnimouidy confirmed Iho nomi-j nation or John J. Pernhlng to bo a j full general. I Truckman KIHcd. NOOAT.KS, Sept. 5. A. I. Hennes sey, AmerlrHn, was killed yeslordny when Yuiui Indians attacked a truetc whleh Hennessey was driving near Sn Julver, In Sonora, according to a dfspHtch. Funr CnrrRnxInta soldiers jjwere also killed. fey JtL m ' t Ban tv While Traveling Service liiHi'RE yo-S-c ;imi-.- your checkbook is the sign of ill vour crec it r.t Cso tan'" Where you're unknown. r.XP:S3 TRAVELERS. CHEQUES establish for you a similar credit. Wherever you ro at home rr abroad they pro cr, Rood us gold. You sisn them ft our bank when you buy then;; you countersiKn them when you spend them. The signatures identify you. The value cf lost or stolen uncountersigned Cheques i i refunded to you, upon filling out certain protectee forms. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK TENDLETON Capital and Surplus $650,000.00 NICE FRESH VEAL for tomorrow. Young and ten der beats chicken - for that Sunday dinner, and what a lot cheaper. ' , .jHilH DOWNEY'S MARKET KtSmtn it Will Arrive Soon The 1920 Scout Elgin Six I Node 1) nt f;iil to have demonstration in this new Four P;iss!'!i;ror. Four Door Spoft Sype Elgin Si.1. All Vic t :) Scout t-ngines are tuned up for snappy perform ance ;uul put through a special rojjd test at the factory. 3 Mountain Motors Co., Inc. ELGIN WESTCOTT HARROUN 101 Water Stfeet Thotie 78 j.- i- - " (MtffWI!? t 'W!WWfJ! Mt tftritWHMtttittlk ft k IritfiMMiMfcriM 11 ll '