ytH f i ' - TEN PAGES " ' HA1LY EAST 072C0NT AN, fENDtETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, SBPTEMEETl S, TO.' face mm CONROY'S CASH GROCERY What the Picture Theaters " " Have to Tell You. AIf. TODAY I MOTION PICTURE NEWS7! i .I i i I. t lit if ALTA IT PAYS TO PAY CASH AT CONROY'S Bob While Soap, 4 bars v ............. 23c Van Camp's Pork and Beans, No. 2 . cans, 5 for '. $1.00 Toilet Paper, 7 oz. Roll, 3 for 25c Guittard's Chocolate, 1 lb. 25c, 3 lbs. $1.00 Quaker Corn Flakes, 2 for 25c Konisuer Schrimps, can 20c GRAPE NUTS, PUFF WHEAT, PUFF RICE and SHREDDED WHEAT, per package : 15c Gold Dust, package 30c Log Cabin Syrup 70c and $1.35 Karo Syrup, Blue, 'i' gal. 55c Olympic Pancake Flour, package 35c MtKIM ioi,i,siiki VIIXAI ' Robert McKlm. who plain the part cf the renegade husband In "Part ner Three," which 1 the bill at the Alia Theutre this week, hue a long ca rcer a a villain. From the stage support t kill an Lang-try he went to the xreen, and has appeared In Buch picture as "The Captive Ood." "The LflHt of the Ingram," "The Paw of the Bear," "Time Lock and Dia mond." "The Silent Man," "The ion of 111 Father," "Greased IJghtnlng," etc. He I a Callfornlan, and wa ediT cated at San Francisco, where he com monced hi stage career with the A lea zar stock company. PAHTLMK TODAY Ilflil.lF" ItllODKW PKTI'RE WIUTTKV BY AI'THOH OF YOl'll FI.AO AND MY tXAO Miss Tilllle Rhodes, who Is starred in the Affiliated production. "The Girl of My Dreams," finds herself more satisfactorily placed In ' this clever story of love In the hill than in any previous role. The story was written by Wilbur Nenbit, author of more heart-to-heart mm AUTHORIZED FACTORY REPAIRS, PARTS AND SERVICE. This is the service that your FORD in service. keeps Ba?Br'B(hMefcTaa)a)BjjKBkajaa J. JS stuff In the American newspaper and 5 Water & Johnson Sts. Safest Cheapest Best All the latest Ford factory machinery to do your work right and prompt $ . I v " , . . Simpson Auto Co. I magazine man any poei or proae : Kj writer of hf (Ime, whose "Your Flag, i and My Fla" is a classic of war-time 4 j Verne. j W l Cam as "The Weed," a beautiful lit- i m tie mountain girl, innocent of con) 'ventlom and contemptuous of the J QjraKs of civilization' Miss Rhodes is ?5 1 afforded the opportunity to display! j; her really amazing versatility, and; J t the characterization in one that ia j certain to add vastly to her well- I W , earned fame. ) Kf "The Girl of My Dreams' is a love ViAtory, of course, but it la a love story that has a Rood hearty laugh In m here and there, or pretty Billy would Si have to get some fun out of life even B if she were dying- of Hve. The beauty S of this ntnr U that it Is natural and K not tearful. ALTA TODAY Phone 408 MiJlKB'VKB"VV!1 IMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU I GEE-'DEAR" SEASON IS ON I If you like to hunt don't forget to stop at our place. You will have to hunt no further, as you can find just what you have been looking for. A finer line of new pianos or talking machines you can , find no place and terms to please. Edison, Victor and Colum bia Machines, New Records, Sheet Music and Player KoIIs. I uning and repairing. Warren's Music House Pendleton, Oregon. CHARLES HAY HAS VXCSrAli IV THE HIIKIUFF-R SON" Charles Hay Rives an astonlnhlngly clever characterization in hfs new Paramount picture, "The Sheriff's Son," when he portrays a young- man Ta wno nan mneniea a, gitrai icar iruiu K;hlH mother, and has to fight hard to jfiffrt the better f his weakness. When W the story opens, the boy's father Is d badly hurt In a fight with cattle A thieves in New Mexico. The boy la A 1-.. n.Ln.n tHn tk IHMlinr -B-t-irt uska her husband attacked, receives a severe shock and later the lad is born with her fear in htm. His father Is slain by rustlers and he ia sent cant to be educated. When he In grown to manhood he comes west to rescue the cattleman who sent him east. This mnn has been taken prisoner by the gang of cattle rustlers ; who were enemies of the boys father. : Then begins the great struggle. All jjslthe boy's inherited fear prompts him: E'to turn back. But he takes a firm SiRTip on hlmwelf, pulls himself together! 5' and enters the domain of the cattle ; thieve. He learna where his bene- factor Is hidden and he meets the1 Steinway, Emerson, Hobart-Cable, IltinKton, Kniibo, Mason-Hamlin, Con way, Howard, Baldwin. A small payment down puts a new piano or machine in your home. Phone 524 820 Main St TiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiT Baby Grand . 'i 1920 Model Chevrolet READY FOR DELIVERY The new 1920 Models of the 490 will soon be in. Watch for them! A greatly improved car. Eastern Oregon Motor Co., Inc., C16 Garden Street, near Tost Office. Distributors of CHEVROLET, VELIE, PEERLESS We all is like I Post IOASTIES and like em all the time. says Cctf& I A Great Big Yellow AIRPLANE Shining like gold in the sun light, built by this U. S. for war. Watch for it! The one that has been carrying passengers on long trips, from Walla Walla to Pendleton and on the northern trips. It is the real ship of the Desert. Talk Hftli the nun. Take a rick: in Hie big alr'ilaiii'. Take a trip Willi the txi) frnm "over thetv. IX. Jtntcs and I.t. Hart, fortner offkicru of tlie rai) In t'miKf. A real alrUuie Imilt for tlie war, manned tir real pili4K, men win liate lta4imiM from butti tlie Fi-cneli ;o'ernmiit anil the l'nitel States aimv IUitloiis lor bravery and hmorwer the Ger maii liues. Go up and get the thrill ! Soar ivtr tlii beautiful t-ountry and ocr your city; know the locality that ou live in. Your tipport unity to fed and to know about the wtaulerful tliiiifcn tluit we hat? air been realliu; about duHiiK thv war. Take a trip with the Ikijm wlio liae lxi up orr tlie rmr of tlu- bijt (tuun; Umght Uie Ciermaus Vtack and fortlt tlirtMigli the air fought the Hun and brought hint down.. . Ttiey an renl pilot. Tin hlilp is a real war alrplanr. It will Im a ph-aiiiK ridr. It's worth your money. Don't nils it. ThfK his Haite lias never been shipped not one mile. Tlic Imys, twf AUvts and master inevhank. have travt-led by air ac-rosM the eoiintry tlu-onch storms and hmoke -lond.s on up the coast from Caltrumfa. over the moantalus Into Oregon, up the Colum bia. ( 'arryiug paasengers over tlie mountain ranges of California into Oregon. Ilylng at 8000 to 10,000 feet. raeitger seniee can be arranged for short trips Over city $10.00, $1.00 war tax. ) THEATRE CHILDREN 10c ADULTS 30c Kneclnl trips IVndletnn-lValla Walla, etc., field. at special rates frvmi We Will Be Here Tomorrow Saturday Sunday NOTICF. U ill ho glad to demonstrate to any prospective buyer of an airplane with a allowing of different model. B.W.CRAIG lEDI.ETO' HOTE1U. IN THOMAS IL INCE'S "The Sheriff's Son" Two doors swing open and the fight was on! Poor Charles was just born scared so he had to fight himself as well as the husky gun-men of the west. Some fight! See them! " Paramount-Mack Sennett Comedy The Foolish Age Louise Fazenda, Chester Conklin and Phyllis Haver.' VAUDEVILLE MASON & MURRY Two Self-Confessed Nuts. ESKEY&CO. Novel and Comedy Mind Readers. niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiuiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiii I PASTIME; tod ay I Mcdonald MUSIC STUDIO niece of hl enemy, the chief of the J; cattle thieves. He falls in love with J the Blrl and together they rescue the j B cattleman who ia prisoner. Having ; W. proved his courage and regained hi R p T TTT'T?T VC 5 self respect the lad bring, about a 4 ALL It. KM UT lNt 4 reconciliation between the cattle 4 MONDAY, SEPT. 8th. rustler and the eie- i -p ment of the country. ; d I AMERICAN PEOPLE ARE BIG WATER DRINKERS Bert A. McDonald, iolin and Vt harmony p vv niungr Aici'onald, W teacher of God- S owsky Progressive Seiic of PI- 5 ino lessons. a Nellie iiano. Authorized In spite of their tremendous annu al bill for fiery liquors, the American people are notoriously a race of water drinkers. The fact has always been commented upon with amazement by foreigners, and especially the Ameri can habit of taking the water Iced. It has also been mentioned with sci entific pain by many of our own med ical experts, ho have tried to Impress A GOOD news travels fast. That's why "the trade" speak of this as a "Firestone Year." The mileage that the Firestone Gray Sidewall has been giving has gotten around. 'v .'. No more shopping around for those .who have dis covered the real most miles per dollar answer , -, -..j .. . X . ..V TIRES Most Miles per Dollar pr mo lessons. wa f 410 W. Webb St. Phone &45-W j us with the danger of the habit A friend is reminded by the impending menace to send us this clipping of an ancient and familiar quatrain: "Many a man, young and old. Has gone to his sarcophagus Through pouring water, icy cold, Adown his warm esophagus." The author of that bit of scientific morality is not known. Our friend says he clipped it from the Chicago Tribune some years ago, and possibly it Is to be credited to Eugene Field. Anyway, it sounds something- like him. MURDER CHARGE AGAINST MEXICANS IS CONFIRMED LAREDO. 8ept. 4. Charges tliat Carranxista soldiers murdered John ; Correl, American ranchman, near tTampico. several weeks ago. were con f firmed In special dispatches from iTampico today. ' M ! fvlii '" ' II WOMAN FALLS 4 STORIES FROM HOTEL WINDOW TO SAN FRANCISCO STREET AN FRANCISCO. Sept. 4. Mrs. Martha Brewer. 45. fell from a win dow on the fourth floor of the Talsley hotel today and was killed. Her neck was broken and her skull crushed. Relatives said she was subject to (fainting spells and that she probably i fell while suffering from one of them. She was clad only In night clothe. COOKS. WAITERS STRIKE. WILSON MAY GO HUNGRY OMAHA. Sept. S. President Wll- i son may have difficulty In getting f breakfast when he arrive here Mnn I day morning. Several hundred cooks j and waiters struck today demanding f-recognition of their union and better working condition. Rome people are like antique ct: Tie bettor you get acquainted, tho more you donl like VU?ttW Jack MiPoimld and BiMt Rhvirs Ih "The O'jr cf My Dreams,- c Af.luled Release. "The Girl of My Dream" FEATURING B1LLIE RHODES diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii READ THE WA NT ADS o xoEaoc S30E30I iodoi XOC30I Announcement I wish to announce to the public that I have taken over the dental offices formerly operated by Dr. U. E. Farnsworth, Room . 7, Temple Building. DR. II. M. HANAVAN. I9E39! 3Q o Q 0 lilt il il T -III.HII