TEN PAGES FACE TTTRETI DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. FENDLETON, OREGON, FPinAV .9 K PTFTVT TC F T?. JV 1010 NEWS NOTES OF PENDLETON ToiihIIh Are lU'inovtil. The daughter of Mr, and Mm. Q. McKern wum openitutl upon toriHlIji Thursduy. Mr. Ciiiiivli.il Iforo, M r. i 1 h u v I en C Ii u re ) 1 1 1 1 , of In. CI cumin, )h putfent In Ht. Anthony'i. JiOHpIlul where aho wan opmiitml up. on yesterday. JtirHliii'wi Trip To Ponlm.,.. K. 1. Muruhall ...ft last nlKht on No. 21 fur a buslnoHB trip tu lortlund. IfcrmlMton F.iikIikmtii) Hw. B. I. Duvln. an engineer, and WaHr ReeB, a draftnman employed by the Htutw hiKhwuy cornmlHHlon, ere city toduy from 11rm.Htn. Have ToiisIIh Itt-liiovril, The two duiiKhti of Mr. and Mm. K. J. Jiuinon of JCt-ho are putlrnln in St. Anthoiiy'H lioHpttul where l hey JAul their fiiHilH rurooved yeaterduy. NVw Ivihi 8(i.ihmI Today. Work on a now In vets ut Kclio wan Mturtcd yeHterduy to protect the work put in hy the county luHt yeur. The new plcru of work coriHlHts of a (oiH'r'tn and tirnlfr rta.infc wall and will be copltHed in a Hhort wlille. lw,vcr Hera J Torn lIurmJHtnn. All the furrrierH on the Herm.Hton project are well mitiKfled with reuulU thin year, W. J. Warner, Hermfnton a ttorney and fanner, report-. M r. Warner came up thin morning to at tend to Hotiift legal bUHlneHH in thin city.. Flio Slu-priuin In Town. , Joe Cunha, Sr., of Kvho, wealthy Nhcepmun, 1. In lVndli'lnn today on hiiHlheHii. Mr. Cunha ban Jutt com pleted a oVhI fur the John 8chnil.lt ranch on McKay creek. I .Irmri.tury (oiirHTH Arrive. The elementary coui-hph of study which Jiiive been awaited by ull the teacherH In the county arrived yoHter- ii.thoi,Iay amJ were mailed by County Su perintendent w. w. tireen. Scnool HiipplieH were alno Hi nt out to the vur Iouh UlMirit.tH at the uumetfrne. Pilot Itm k ItldH too lltuli. Heroum hid for Tnlon JT.Rh School No. 2 at Pilot Hock were considered too hlh, construction on their pro poned new building hiiH been delayed. The bldH recently received were all rejected and privnte bldH have been nuked for. The plunn hiive been ac cept and the alte for the bluldins obtained from the Hturdlvant eHtate. Imlian Hindi lYoni K'rv A lux A rcana, who enliHted In 1018 from the I'nmtlila Indian aKncy an it member of the Marin en, returned yeHierday, belmf nt a tinned at Galvea ton and In South Carolina. Ho intends to visit blH purentH who are at f.'ol well Indian agency. Ki'tiiriiM IYoiii viTMCti. BrneHt R. Jordan, of Freewater, landed yesterday in New York after nervlce ovt-rMean. He was in France an a member of Company I?, 18lh Infantry, and returned to the United States aboard tho IT. S- 8. MuWle, Jor dnn has been sent to Camp Merritt. Choir Jtelu rsal Toilful. t. A special meeting of the choir of the ChriHiliin Church is to held at the church tonight at 8. o'clock. J. Dun lap, tho director, expects to begin his work for the coming sea mo n. A spec ial male or mixed quartet for Sunday night 1" among the musical treats promised the congregation. I 'arty Itai-k Willi One Buck. One deer was shot by the party con sisting of Jake Welch. Guy Matlock, Wade Prlvett, Dean Shull and Omer Stephens, which returned today from the mountains near tlkiuh. They were out for three days and reported seeing many does and fawn but that bucks were scare!. Theirs is the fifth deer reported since the season opened. 1C1 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101- The Fragrance of The Roast as it comes steaming hot from the oven is only a fore taste of the bigger enjoyment of eating it. Served with browned Sweet Potatoes', Green Corn, a Lettuce Salad, Sliced Peaches with Whipped Marshmallow Cream, Golden West Butter, Holsum BRread and "101" Coffee will make Hubby glad he came home to dinner. Your money must buy satisfaction at the Pendleton Cash Market, Inc. Fine Groceries and Meats Thones 101. (Private exchange connecting both' departments.) -TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT Want Ki'imruU Uond District. Three farmers from the Puiter creek district were In town Thursday to ask the county commissioners to es tablish a separate road district in their country. They are at present inc lud ed partly In the Kcho and partly in j 1 fie Htunrield districts. The men in t he party were Allen Thomson, I Ate Kavely und W. II. Hamilton.- Construction Work on Itoads. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. ,iinhop returiy d Thursday fmm a six weeks tour of OrCRon and California. They re pent that the roads were poor In some Meet ions, but only on account of de tours mudn necessary because of con struction work. Mr. and Mrs. Pinh op make their home at tho Indian Agency, where Mr. Uishop ia clerk. Two Half Sections. H. H. Weasel has sold a naif section of land, northwest of Pendleton to Henry Htruve, the consideration be ing 124,000. The land is In stubble. Another half section in that locality has been sold by Henry Struve to Walter Cresswell for a price of $35, 000. This land adjoins the Cresswell place. 1l-rmis(oii I nJr Gets $700. The county commissioners voted yesterday to allot 700 to the Hermis ton Dairy & Hog- show which takes place October 22, 23 and 24. Last year $600 was voted but the flu prevented the show's being held, so the court decided to increase the sum for this ! year. The money comes out of the 1 county fair fund. "INSURANCE Is the Best Policy' I am buying grain this year for Kerr Gifford & Co., Inc., and would be glad to have the farmers give me a. chance to submit a price on their grain before selling. JOE KERLEY Buocauor to Chaa. E. Heard. Ins. "See Me Before the Fire" Insurance Loans Real Estate 711 Main Pendleton, Orecoa 1. l-J. Cnnrlll IHiys luinrli. 1. K. cargill, formerly of Tendle ton who has been farmlnj? In Canada, has puichuHPd a 480 ranch near Olds, Alia. Mr. OarRlll's new property la a Htock and Kraln farm combined. In a letter to the East Oregonian Mr. CarKiU nays he saw the Calgary Stam pede, hut that is wan not like the Uound-rp at "Old I'emllotnn." He intended to be here for the IJound-T.'p hut hln fnrmlns interests will pre vent, he Bays. lloppiHT M.tvlinnt Visiting I). C. Curdane, of Heppncr, Is here today to remain for 10 days or two weeks, visiting; his brother, Tom Gurdane and other relatives. Mr. Gurdane is a merchant in Heppner and has been on a trip to Portland. He says his home town will do con aiderublR building this fall and winter a new hotel und Klks temple' being mining the large projects. Xrw Itnotl Districts IVoKsel. Hermlston has submitted a propo sition to the county commissioners to extend Its road district as far as the Pete Sheridan bride on nutter creek and the Hutter creek residents are pe titioning for a new road district which will allow for the reconstruction of a highway from this bridge to a con nection with the state highway near Hinkle. The court has the petitions under advisement. If such a system of highways were constructed, Her mistnn and Hutter creek would estab lish a closer business relationship. gllllllllllllllllllllllllluilllllllllllllMlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll I DODGE BROTHERS BUSINESS CAR I Milton TVuHiers lleud Orgniilzntlon E. E. Elliott, director of the Pmlth Hughes course and teacher of agri culture In the Milton schools, is the first president of the state organiza tion of teachers of agriculture, hav ing been elected at their recent meet ing at ciresham. E. D. Doxsee, of the Oregon Agricultural College, is sec retary and treasurer. There are now lf high schools offering vocational education ill the state this year, com pared with only 5 last year. Grocery Phone 52G Use the Phones 7 SERVICE PENDLETON'S LEADING STORE Other Departm'ts 78 Use the Phones This is the Store for Everyone SPECIALLY IN BUYING YOUR FALL NEEDS New Fall Goods Arriving Daily Many stores are famous for one or two departments. The bulk of their business is done in those sec tions. BUT this is a different kind of a store, we a re an all 'round institution. No one department is favored above another. Each is a sturdy representative of its kind, .offering at all times splendid val ues and large stocks of apparel and home needs of every kind. Pay us a visit. NEW PLAID WOOLENS - $3.00 to $8.50 Very fashionable are plaids for skirts, and the ones we're showing are out of the ordinary in style and color combinations. Some of these are wide enough for one width of the skirt and some it takes two widths. They are on display now in our dress good3 section. Be sure to see them. Back to Studies Yes and to many merry dances and parties all calling for New Frocks New Suits New Coats . SMART SCHOOL DRESSES of serge or tricotine are shown in the new chemise, blouse or short waiste'd models. Some trimmed with buttons, others embroidered with wool silk, and some models with tailors braid. VERY MODISH SUITS with unusual lines. Fashionable lengths, accentu ated by the new "trench pockets" and straight lines. Material velour, serge, tricotine. Price $32.50. $45.00 upto $85.00 DANCING DRESSES Any girl will look pretty, and a pretty girl her very prettiest in our new dancing dresses. One dainty little model of Georgette and tulle, all ruffly and lacey and with tiny French rose buds ad orning the 'taffeta girdle. Price . $25.00 to $75.00 NEW PLAID SILKS A most beautiful showing of the new plaid silks and too some stripes in a wide range of colors, suit able for dresses and skirts in the season's newest styles. To see them is to like them. DRUG SUNDRIES Buy your Drug Sundries here where you can get everything in Melba goods, also Elcaya creme, tooth paste of all kinds, etc. THE NEW PICOT TWO-TONED RIBBON For dainty trimmings and lingerie ribbons. Come only in pink and blue, of several widths. Use this beautiful ribbon. You'll like the effect. PREPARE FOR THE "ROUND-UP" CROWD TO SLEEP AND'EAT By buying your sheets, pillow cases, blankets, com forters, also towels, Turkish towels, table linen, napkins and groceries. Buy them here where you get quality at lowest possible prices. , ' 1. Grocery Department FOR YOUR SUNDAY DINNER Try Us Once. Fresh Corn, per dozen 40c Green Beans, per pound 12 ViC Head Lettuce, very nice, per head ..... , 12 54 c Cucumbers, nice and large, each ... .v. ........ . 5c Green Peppers, per pound 25c Celery, per bunch 20c Egg Plant, per pound 15c Fresh Tomatoes, per pound 6c Sweet Potatoes, per pound 1214c Watermelons, per pound 3c Large Cantaloupes, 3 for 25c Elberta Peaches, per pound 6c Use the Phone Two Phones Call 526 I nioii County Talking llomls. . tlon is to he held in October for the Interest in a proposed bond issna purpose of settling the question. The of Ji, 500. 000 for roads In Union coun-I county hopes to pass the measures ty is high In La Grande, according to ! and have the state match the appro C. P. A. Lonergan, who has Just re- j priation as it did for Umatilla coun turned from a tour of inspection of ty. Two miles of paving have been road work in that vicinity. An elec- I completed on the La Grande-Island I City road and work is under way on four miles of paving and four miles of ' macadam between ; Lake. , Grande and Hot TERRIFYING DISCOMFORTS FROM SKIN DISEASES ,'" " j Its established economy makes Dodge Brothers Business Car a profitable investment. The haulage cost is unusually low. Stanley .lmvelt Upturns. Stanley Jewett of the T7. S. Biologi cal Survey, returned today from an official business trip to Wallowa county. He says that the forest fires In that section have been very serious and that the ruiny weather will be welcomed as a means of combatting the flames. A fire along the Wallowa river below Mlnnm became so serious Saturday that the Minam Lumber Co. closed the mill so that employes could fight the fire, he states. Buy an Airplane Several models of ships. Two and three thousand dollar contracts can be obtained with purchase. You can make airplane pay for itself this next few weeks. See selling agent. B. V. CRAIG, l'endleton Hotel, Pendleton, Saturday and Sunday. ' Grand Hotel, Walla Walla, Monday to Wednesday. Itchmg and Burning Eruptions Torture Victims. If yoor skin seems ablaze with the fiery, burning and itching of Eczema, real and tasting relief can only come from treatment that roes below the surface that reaches down to the very source of the trouble. Skin-diseases come from a disordered condition of the blood, and search far and near. you cannot find a blood remedy that approaches S. S. S. for real efficiency. S. S. S. has been on the market fdr fifty years, during which time it has been giving uni form satisfaction for all disorders for which it is recommended. I you want prompt relief, you cam rely upon S. S. S. For expert ad vice as to the treatment of your own individual case, write to-day to Chief Medical Adviser, Swift Specific Co., IX-pt. H Atlanta, Ca, 5 Cottonwood & Water. riiono r,:to Makes TteHrt on l'lres. A grent deal of damage has been j done to timber and range and nlso to : private property outside the forests hy the recent forest fires, according ( to a report made in Portland hy Dis- : triet Forester K. N. Oavanagh who : recently visited the UmntlUa, Wena- ha ami Whitman forests in connection j with a tour of the forests of the dis- j trlct. The recent rain has aided much In fighting the fires, he Rays. In the opinion of Mr. Kavanagh, the sit- j nation in the Eastern Oregon forests of which the Wennha, T'mntilla and j Whitman forests form a part, was es- j pecially acute this year, due to lack ! of rain. Investlgatiosn show, he states, that the ground was so dry thnt the flro actually followed tho grass and tree roots to a depth of from 13 to 18 Inches. Tho tindersur-; face fires are especially damaging to vegetation on the forests. - I Notice to our Customers In order to replace a cross arm that is burned off on the high tension power line the power will be turned off Sat urday noon, for about one hour. Pacific Power & Lit Co. "Always At Your Service" locaoi BE A LEADER "A tif .. f.rdl ttdtf Itflt kit fc tWr temmumx!y ..i y tft t emirt ..! Etv 9 An immense problem in reconstruction confronts the present generation. Are you doing your utmost to prepare to lead in fts solution? Oregon Agricultural College Trains tor leadtrthip in the industries and profrwions follows : HOME ECONOMICS ACRICUUTURS. COMMERCE. FORESTRY. PHARMACY, MUSIC. VOCATIONAL EDUCATION. CIVU. ENGINEERING. ELECTRICAL ENGINEER I NO. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING. INDUSTRIAL ARTS. MINING ENGINEERING. LOGGING ENGINEERING. MILITARY SCIENCE Th. Collrr. tr.imnt includes courses in English. Economics, Art. Msthem.tKS. HudrfS UnfuMM, Hh, iC.I Education, lnuusin.l Juurnmliun, Natural Sciences, and ail essentials ul an educ.lMMi. Three regular terms Fall term begins September 22, 1919 For Collate Catslc. IHuvrrXKl Book! and othr infgrmM io m&Urm THE REGISTRAR, Oct on Arcultuwal Collrcc, CtvliN til H ariSgi fr-TiT"" " '"tr-fr mm I K i . SlIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUHIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIb