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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1919)
"HIWWiMil4MIWlMIi.ilMaMim.pii. i.,..,, f H"Y"lTHnilirl1Mr PACE TWO DAILY EAST OREOONTA N PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1910. TEN PAGES niiuiiiiniiHiiiiiiiii illinium iiimiimmiiiiiimiiMiiniiiiminiiimiMiiimmiii ! The GreateatStocks-ofNewestWerchandise Await -You. Mere A ?mm ?2kVR? WORTH OF NEW FALL GOODS HAVE ARRIVED IN THE PAS 1 OUR LV ERY NEED IN NEW FALL APPAREL. IT'S THE BEST FOR THE PRICE, NO MATTER WHAT THE P AST FEW DAYS AND OUR STORE IS IN READINESS TO MEET RICE. A New Arrival of Women's Plush and Fur Trimmed COATS IJB SOMETHING ABOUT FALL DRESS GOODS Our recent arrivals display numer ous unique style ideas not seen in the coats heretofore shown. They are as rich looking as it is pos sible for garments to be, and women Jvvho love coats possessing this distin-' uishable quality will not rest easy un til they have one of them. The prices i;""9 grange from ,LfcTT!)l coo en to moc P&0.JU - P1J Choose early. r Yon arc Intoivstill in knowing Just ' Mint Is the lK-t mid newest thlna fur Tall wear. Suuiiiiim; (lie sil nation hp TIHfOTIXKS and iH.Milli:s aro tin- hailing .wuviti lii a IiIijIi Kindt! all wool rubric- for suits or dresses. 1'Itr.M'll M.Kt.l'.s tf pxtra flno vvc Iii the lending shades of imiy, ha vana brown, tauiie, grey, as wcl as red, maroon, iliim, black, etc., width fitmi 42 tit 51 Inches, are decidedly popular. lriee ranging litmi jil.. . 2.2& to IMr.WV mtOVIlt'l.o'l'U Is another favorite In the fill If on Unlit weight Nn Nh. We are -bowing this in a beautiful inallty at. nrtl - St. 50 Al.l, WOOL Al.liAT ItOS Tor the "kill dies'. ilrcssvs in navy, CociiliRgcti, bright retl ami nietlimii red, the Iiotany nunl My t , tit.-'S M'.W WOOl, ClI.VI.MIvS .sltowliiK liretty neat stripes and fimniMl designs In a varietl assortment of colors so suit also lor pretty afternoon dresses or for house wear, children'. tlressew mid 'ninny other. Th riee per surd VI. 25 t'ONTV.MK YKI.VKT. a heavy weight uml extra fine finish. Mack. gray, navy and maroon.. Prh Hr vnrtl..., y.1.?r M.I.OI K KUTIM.S, nil wool splen did weight mill finish in the fall similes yon .will want at -the low price yd. :!.75 NOVIXTY U KAVKS In ram-jr coal lugs, Al inches wide, Hint depict the lat est rnshions in coatings at, yard K4.IIU to '$10.00. Pl..ll SlilltTIXUS, the newest plaids in all wtxil, 54 inches wide, requiring lint one length for a skirt. .:.....Ti Rkc V4rehQt.v:V:-'.- , 3 T. P. W. PURE FOOD SHOP IN Our Model Sanitary Basement CLEAN LIN ESS ECONOMY SERVICE 3 Main Line Phones, all 15. All Other Depts Call 22 FERGUSON'S ORANGE MARMALADE Has the edge but not the bitter. It is genuine. Put up in sanitary packages, price 45c; jars 65c and 3 pound cans 90c. JI'RT A mv Oi' THK (i(H)l AI.tS THAT INTI-'IUONT l( SV KHOI'I'r.HS. Are yon looking Tor a shop wherein you can save some money? Are you looking for a place where jon enn purclinsc serviceable wear? Are you looking ftir a market wherein yon can buy as liberally as you wish? Are yon looking for a llargniil Shop that has the nerve and will to place YOlll price in good, serviceable riiF.x vor havi; iximi it. it is thi: i.u;ain i.sK.Mi:vr. A Sale That l'nvs WOMKN'S lilAt'K STK'KIX:S One ereat bale of 8400 pairs of black stockings are offered in this sale. They nre worth 25c per pair. Kaseinent Sale j . . toe A Sale That's IJeal. CIHI.DRKN'S DKMM t V KRAI.I.S not the kind that fades, lleep blue, red trimmed; dpep brown red trim med. You will pay 11.25 and, $1.50 else where. Ilasemeiit Sule 8Hc A Sale That Saves MK-VS "HAKDtt'HAH" KlIOFS $6.00 these days Is about the most rea sonable price you hear now-a-days, but we'll sell you good shoes for less. Basement Sale -. $1.21) A SaviiiK side YAltl WI11K UlTINti I'I.AX.XI Ji This fall's price on outinir is sure hih enoiifrb. Hut you must remember to take advantage of this pood sale. One bitf stack of siiort lengths to 20 yards. Itascmeiit Sale, iier yartl 2fic """TS A M?ff IT KM THAT WU.Xj IXTKRKST AMj WOSfKX The yards roo.Is department has just finished checking up its shelves of all Its odds and ends In woolen dress poods and coatings and have thrown it Aid, onto the nargain Basement. Wo are marking it now, and suffice it to say Kiwy l'lece WiU near a Itarenln Price." A Sale That Will Please You . riUIJIKKXS 1UO.N WKAR HOSi: Every pair is built strong: no raise In the price of large sizes. ttascmcnt Sale .' 29c A Cash Saving Sale m:w ism i,ot or rkmnants We've filled up the tables again, all kinds and all lengths. Basement Sale J-4, t-3, 1-3 Price A Ciood News Side ROYS' HATS AM t'AI'S One section Is devoted to these bar gains. They're all good and priced low. Basement Sale :!!c You'll I.Ike This Side SIISCFM.AMXH'S SC1IOOI, SI PPI.IFS Tablets, pencils, ink, crayons and hun dreds of other supplies. All I mlcrpiiceil. i n o I0C30I , I lie llnrealu Basement w ill interest ail women w ho seek the fancy wear New fancy Sweaters hnve just arrived. A new lot of fancy Skirts now on sale. Fail weight Nerso Skirts all reduced. Misses' fall Coats now on sale. Fall Wool Dresses on sale. We place on sale a few Silk Knits. For one week we offer the newest novelties in Slip-on lilouses in Georgettes noil Taffetas, corded licit and rufrliyl bottoms. VISIT THIS BARfiAI.V SHOP AND -SAVF.. IT IS YOl ll SIIOI'. AM) THF BAR GAINS ARK YOI RS. PENDLET0NS GSEMEST DEPARTMENT STORE You Can' Economize in Clothes The high cost of clothes is not the price you pay for them; it s what you get for your money. If the clothes dont wear, dont give you good service, they're expensive at any price. You can reduce the cost of clothes by being par ticular about what you get for what you spend. Oct all-wool fabrics and high-class tailoring; nothing else wears so well. Got good style;- a good appearance is economy. You'll get all these things here ill Hart Schaffner A: .Marx clothes: . oomplete satisfaction or money back. SUITS $25.00 10 $75.00 OVERCOATS $15.00 to $100 kl 4VL M, C r ', ' - u Coptrifflu 1919 Hurt Sdufocr & Unix A NEW SERVICE For Patrons of This Store., Just another one added to the many that we are always pleased to extend to you. ORDERS FOR HEMSTITCHING OR PICOTING of any kind, or half -hemstitching, something new for children's dresses, women's waists, etc., will be taken here and returned promptly when done. We charge you only the cost price of the work. Also orders taken 'for hemming; or hemstitching towels, sheets or jpillow cases. Take advantage of this special service, as all work is neatly and carefully done and no long waiting is neces- sary- , . ..4jr o: Prepare Now for the Round-Up. Buy - now, don't wait till the last minute. IOE30I .a o n o IOC30E IOC30X IOE30 oils 5?SS52Bia WHERE IT PAYS TO T W A P E iMS5'j35St?S Assortments are Complete and choos ing is good now. Don't wait. . OOO! aocaox iccaor o a i Ot3C MIIWIWIHMIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIHIHIWHIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII "Beauty is Only Skin Deep" . but a beautiful skin is possible when the liver and kidneys are active, and the bowels functionate properly. " The secret of beauty ps well as of health is to maintain perfect digestion and elimination. Beech ants Pills help to preserve beauty and maintain health, because they influence hver, kidneys, skin and stomach to functionate in harmony and efficiently. ' " Sold by druggists throughout bhmmiiiiuii fi (I i' iiBl" hiB'i'i" iiiiiiaaWfl the world. In boxH,10cJ2Bc. FOREMAN OF CRUSHING i CREW LEAVES ATHENA lEswt Orfonian Special.) . ATHKXA. Sept. 6. Mrs. Anderson viMited at the home of her brother, Jees lljTlck, Wednesday. Mr. and Mm. Georue Cromar and family have moved to Sunnyside. lr. t'romar la foreman of the rcjrk cTMMhlng crew. Mr. and Mrs. Arbogast and family .have moved here from their ranch near Stunfleld for the winter In order I that the children might be near school. Professor G. W. Hall arrived in the city Tuc-sduy from Wallowa. Mr. and Mrs. Jena Myrick and Mr. and Mrs. Pert Logsdon went to Walla Walla Pumlay to spend the day. Mies Kva ljundi'll of Weston spent Juesaaj in Athena. Mi- Ruth Booth went to Walla Walla Monday morning. Miss Kva Carstens has accepted a position In the McFadden Pharmacy. Mrs. Jane Carden went to Walla Walla Wednesday and was operated on at St. Mary's hospital Thursday. Mrs. Armficld and grand children, Freddie and Kathleen Hadtke, are spending the . week at Bingham springs. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coppock and Miss Mattie Coppock went to Milton one day luxt week. Th w. C. T. IT. met at the home of the president, Mrs. Desper, Tuesday for the election of officers. Dainty refreshments were served toward the close of the meeting. The following officers were elected: Mrs; Desper, president; Mrs. George Oerklng, vice president: Mrs. Will Pinkerton, sec retary; Mrs. Khrimpf. treasurer. Mrs. Carden has received word of the arrival of her son, Percy Wilson, at Camp Iewis. Mr. Wilson has Just returned from overseas . Mm .I.rn- Ktnne has Sold her nrnn. Only Aspirn Tablets with the safety i efty to Cnance Rogers. Buyer Cross" on the mare genuine j Mim I.auhne Myrick accompanied "BAYER CROSS" ON ASPIRIN Always Ask for Genuine !Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" If your : - IS HERE ACORN H SEMES" RANGE For Hard Coal, Soft Coal, Coke or Wood This is a handsome range so brightened by nickel plate and white enamel that it will fairly make your kitchen smile! And not only is it hand some in appearance, but it is sanitary and very easy to keep clean. Body is Acorn Non-Corrosive Iron We take m your old Btove in exchange on a new one. "ier Tablet of Aspirn." owned and made by Americans and proved safe by millions of people. Unknown quan tities of fradulent Aspirn Tablets were sold recently by a Brooklyn deab r . wiilck proved to be composed mostly of Talcum Powder. Haver Tablets of Aspirn" should always b asked for. Then look for the safety 'Bayer Cross" on tho pack age and on each tablet. Accept noth Iub else! Proper directions and dosage in each Bayer package. Aspirn I ths trade mark of Bayer Manufacture ot Jlonoaceticftcidesier of aUeylicaci4. , her sister, Mrs. Anderson, to Pendle ton Wednesday. Ceorge Wall has resumed his work at the Standard Oil plant. Mr. Wall injured his foot and was forced to go on crutches for several days. Oeorge Thompson has purchased the H. O. Worthington properly and will move his family In for school. Mrs. Wf 8. Ferguson was a visitor in Pendleton Tuesday. A. B. Logsdon has purchased the Ralph Cannon bungalow south of Main street and will take possession pfcout the last at Prober, ft n A carload of Fordson Tractors, built by Henry Ford & Son, has iust been unloaded. One of these tractors, is now on display on the floor of the Telephone Garage, op posite the court house. , Let us show you its great range of power, low cost of operation, low original cost and absolute dependability of this, tractor. We will be glad to demonstrate on your farm the ef ficiency of this Universal Service Tractor. i none &4 t it-i. Pendleton Fordson Co. Telephone Garage " Opposite Court House tAa.,, issfe. . SM. Mjj, j TlMto " - "Hp THE DORTS Will Be Here Tomorrow Come and See Them A r AlltO GO. Agents for Cole, Ceo, Dort and Winther Trucks Cor. Water and Cottonwood Sts. n th. McK&y & West, Props. Garage Phone 530. Paint Shop Phone 633 1 I J