4 1 ii-V 1 'v -4 iVah.V xiinrtmxV.ppmoyr: mimm: 'mjmwmmmu am. TKN PACKS NEWS NOTES OF- PENDLETON Athens Mayor In Town. Kilmer I Watts, lawyer anil mayor of Athena, was a business visitor In Pendleton Wednesday. Issued IPimlrs Penult - II. J. Htlilman' was Issued a build ing permit today to make rcpuirs to IiIh dwelling lit 1015 Kiua Uullroad Htreol, to cost $1(10. . 1 At Hotel Owuon. Nosmlth Ankeny of Wnlla Wulla Wush., non 'of Levi Ankncy, tho pio neer bunker, Is at the Hotel Oregon. The Ankeny' have been Identified with Walla Walla's history Blnce 'way back, Orcgonlun, Two Murrlaim Licenses IkhihvI. MarrlUKe licenses were issued Wed nesday to Roscoe Hrltton Donne, of Seattle, ami Minn Caroline lO'nnm lion, ney of Pcprilotim, ,amt to Homnn Frank Kerens, of Minnesota, and Miss Kthel I.HWMon. of Umatilla - county. Both marriages took place yesterday. 1 .caves IW FjiMtern Trip.' H. H. olvey. ear foreman at Tllcth, will leave tonight for a trip east, tn I'oliiriuto he will J"ln Mm., lvey. who preceded him several duys ago. Tliey will visit In Arkansas, Missouri and Oklahoma. Carl Johnson, a car Inspector, will act an car foreman In Mr. Olvey's absence. Currcys Go l I.U Grande, Mr. arm Mrs. J U. Currey -were Passenger for La Uraudo on No. 18 lust evening. Ho la a former city munuKcr ut La CI ran do. Commissioner1 III Town. O. I Dunning came up from Htan fleld Wednesday to attend the Bep toniber meeting of tho county com missioners, which onnvenijl In the morning1. I lvln KolllCrt to . A. '. Klvln Ko)bcrt has resigned his posi tion an' bookkeeper fit the PuclQlo l'ower and Light Conipanw and will enter O. A. C for the full term. Miss Helen Coiik has arrived from Kalls pcll. Montana, and has taken up her duties a bookkeeper for the company. photographer Goes to Pilot Id" k. K. :. Ward, locul photographor, left this morning for 1'llot Hock, where he will spend three duys on business. Bond Kalcsmuii In Town. Charles Cupps, representing Oar tens and Karles. Investment brokers of Heat tie. Is In Pendleton today call ins; on local banks and Investment concerns. Thi' Cat t'amo Buck. o. F. Steele, of 317 Willow street, clitltns to have tho champion cat story. Mr. Steele sent a cat out to the Fix ranch, 1!0 miles from Pen dleton Tuesday, and yesterday the cat came wandering home. Yuklmu Sheriff Clonic for Man. .Sheriff Henderson, of Yakima, ar rived yesterday afternoon and left this morning with l. V. Pollock, a prisoner from the city Jail, held on the sherrlf's orders. Pollock Is" want ed at Yakima to answer to a statutory ciiui so. 1C1 101 101 101 101 101 101101 101 101- I s I I Regardless of Price The child under nine years of age should be allowed one egg each day in some form or other. For the rest of the family eggs should be sup plied to as great an extent as the family purse will stand.- Eggs are not high at 55c per dozen if you take into consideration the price of other Frotein foods. We receive eggs direct from the Poultry Farms and when you ask for "Fresh Eggs" you will get fresh eggs. We guarantee all our transactions, and what, is very important Our Guarantee is GOOD. Pendleton Cash Market, Inc. Fine Groceries and Meats Thones 101. ( Private exchange connecting both departments.) -TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT lt-turii rro Hi-lllnit Trip. Jlalph Hum, of Vincent, returned from Portland Yesterday after taking a carload of cattle to market from Muachum. He Joined Mrs. Ham and tneir children here at the home of Judge and Mrs. Joe H. Parks and to. Bet her they returned home today. Is In Crawford I'liiliiliiro Store. Hoy Dudley, who for the past 1 months has been employed In the grocery department of the Peoples Warehouse, has resinned his position and Is a new employe at the Crawford furniture store. Mr. Dudley will act as a furniture salesman. Visits Itrotlier In finlem. Louis .Steelhammer of Portland and formerly of Pendleton was in Salem Sunday night for a few hours visaing his brother Oscar Pteelhurnnier, sec retary of the Business Men's League. Mr. Steelhammer formerly made his home in this city. Salem Oregon .Statesman. .o least to t'ollcttc. Thompson n. Klllott. of Walla Wulla. was here yesterday afternoon on his way to Amherst, Mass., where ha will attend Amherst college. He was Joined on No. 18 by Raymond Fisher, of Tacoma. who is going to Hostnn to Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Both were at the Unl versify of Washington last year. 1 If. H. Cadets Vormod. Karl Flelschman of the high school faculty called a meeting of the boys yesterday to organize the cadet corps for this year. The officers whlcn were appointed last year will take their pluces this year until others cnergecltic aspirants prove themselves more efficient. Mr. Cramer laid down ten-rules by which he will grade each boy, he credits ranging between three J and five tenths according to his mer 1 Its. The boys were then taken out I on the lawn In front of the building i and the two companies were formed. Throe Hunter Get Beer. Kd Johnson and Wes Noble, hunt ing In the Pierson Creek county, were each rewarded with a buck deer and have returned to the city with their game. Several friends enjoyed venison steak today as a result of their generosity. OoL J. H. Italey, In Granit Meadows, got the only other deer reported since W. I. Humphrey got the first of the season: J. H. Kstes. who was with him has return ed to the city. "INSURANCE Is the Best Policy" I am buying grain this year for Kerr Gifford & Co., Inc., and would be glad to have the farmers give me a chance to submit a price on their grain before selling. JOE KKRLEY accessor to cbas. E. Hoard, Ino. "See Me Before the Fire" Insurance Loans Real 'Estate 711 Main Pendleton, Orecon Itlulm Ix-clon Man Visits. Pendleton was visited yesterday by LnVcrne R. Collier, adjutant finance officer of the Idaho organization of I the American Legion. Mr. Collier has i been speaking through Southern I Idaho and was on his way to tho I northern part of the Gem State to continue his nddresses. He expects to I meet Col. Theodore Itoosevelt, Jr., at jCouer d' Alene and together they will tour Idaho. Mr. Collier promised to 'make every effort to bring the colonel here. . nMH lSniry and lloa Show Hermiston is to have a big three days for the dairymen and hog rais ers of the county on October 22. 2S nnd 24, according to Oeorge A. Cressy and H. K. Hitt, who were in town yesterday. The show will take place during the last three days of the fourth week In October and the state dairymen s convention will oe a feature of the Friday and Saturday sessions. There will be something of profit to everybody in the county there, the men declare. t'lllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllMllllllllllllllllllllIIIllllMlllllllllllllllllllIC 1 DODGE BROTHERS BUSINESS CAR I Paving Milton Streets Paving of 1 1 blocks on Main street lii Milton has begun and 13 blocks on Mill street, paralleling it, are likely to be paved Foon, according to V. A Sandbery, city engineer Of Milton, who I was in town Yesterday, accompanieu by City Manager L. K. Coyle and jrtty I Attorney S. D. Peterson. A petition has been circulated for the paving on Mill street. The Walla Walla Val ley Traction Co.. has decided to 4m prove Its road bed on Main street by laying new ties, ballasting and laying knn oil iiotind mneaaam. i ne cuy win pave with Warren Construction to. bltullthic. H -"imh ti i r a.rfiiPiasiiej.iiii., , s 'li ilivV --f I ' "i " ' Tes wliwlMWtor Trurflti Offtccr. Howard J. Knutson, known as Tex Winchester throughout this section, today began his duties as traffic of ficer for the city and county, succeed ing H. IB. ' Jyongley, resigned. Ton was a special courier in the motor ccrps for a- time overseas and also look part In four major battles, for which ho wears four stars on his vic tory badge. Its established economy makes Dodge Urothers Business Car a profitable investment. The haulage cost is -unusually low. S Colonel Newport In PortJnnil. "Hy the end of next month the Co- lumlila highway will he finished from E Hwppner junction to Kcho." reports Sin. o. Newport of Hermiston, who Is Sjat tho Perkins. The Newport Con E ' struct Inn company is Just about fin S Ishlng its U-mlle to Hermiston. The highway In that country Is 24 feet S wide with n 1-foot gravel surfave. At 5 every mile there is a turning place. E Although building roads, Mr. Newport E Is more interested In the growth and develonnient of Hermiston. which S was once part of his homestead. ; had built more than 300 miles of Irrl- : Rating ditches in I'mntilla county. and feels that he Is doing his share toward developing the country Grocery Phone 520 Use the Phones SERVICE PENDLETON'S LEADING STORE k Other Dcpartm'ls 73 Use the , Phones . Unusual Fashions for Fall from America's Disclosing those dominant notes of distinction and exclusiveness which well gowned women so much ad mire. The newest of the new is always shown here first and then you can depend on the styles, because Aiovandr.rs sfvles are authentically correct. Because they represent the selections foremost manufacturers and wholesalers. Come in, have a look. No trouble to show goods. Dance and Dinner Frocks To herald the social whirl. Se quins, jets, brocades and nets of gold and silver, metallic cloths, beaded fringes and ornaments, laces, tulles, embroidery braid ings and whimsical fancies of airy ostrich have joined hands in new style adaption. Prices $29.50 to $75.00. ,t y u l nsw t i 4 EPINGLE $2.00 to $4.00 Yd. ' - Another favored dress fabric which will certain ly give good wear. It is of a firm texture, all wool cloth, specially for dresses. Comes in brown, tan, Copen, Pekin, green, black and white and navy. Have a look at it. BROAD CLOTH Of course Broad Cloth is always more or less po pular for dresses and suits. You will like the fabric this season because it has a short nap, soft finish and .specially adapted to the making of good looking dresses and suits. Comes in all the leading shades for fall. CHARMEUSE $4.00 YD. A high satin finish, good firm woven back which insures wearing quality and draping quality. Speci ally for dresses. Offered in most all the season's newest shades. Have at least one charmeuse dress. .A MOST POPULAR FABRIC Wool Tricotine This favored woolen is spc cially good for dresses ana suits. Offered in all the lead ing shades for fall and the quality we're showing is of the best ; 48 to 56 in. wide. The yd. $5.00 to $8.50. LITTLE BOW PEEP HAIR BOWS These come cut into 1 1-4 yd. , length hair bow ribbons, ready to be tied. Two big cases of most . beautiful colorings and patterns. or 4 of these pretty ribbons Iittle&oaS Veep 39c, 49c, 59c, 79c. 98c a length. : SLIP ON VEILS 25c to 50c Slip on veils of all kinds, some plain, some fancy in all colors. Slip .on veils are the most practical to use it just slips on and when not in use can be put in purse or pocket. ' Grocery Department Heinz Pork and Beans, can .' 15c Red Sockeye Salmon, can 25c Deviled Meat, 1-4 pound, 3 cans for .... : 25c Ripe Olives, Supreme, can . . : 35c Fresh Cookies, Saratoga Chips and Crackers always in stock. . Cold Meats Sliced to Your Order. I'orllaiiit Visitors J. W. Maloney of l'cndleton past grand"-chancellor of tho Oregon K.. of P., Is an Imperial guest. He came to this town with Dr. I. U. Temple. The doctor Is a Willamette university man of more than a score of years ago. Evening Telegram. Colli'; to G...V It. Convention. Eust bound trains ure carrying many Oregon veterans of the Civil War bound for Columbus, Ohio, to attend the annual national O. A. It. convention. Twelve veterans passed through l'cndleton this morning on No. 6, going to Columbus. Will See lni'irio licet. Miss Margaret Joerger, of the Hart man Abstract Co., left for Portland last night to be present at the recep. tion to the vessels of the Pacific fleet. the will be Rone about one week. Juniors Cliooso officers. A Junion meeting was called at the high school this morning for the elec tion of class officers for this year. Harold Holdman was elected presi dent, Jens Torgeson vice-president and Harold Goedecke received the nomination for athletic manager. Gil bert istruve officiated. IHtil Men n Business Trip. J. X. Hursess left on No. 18 last evening for Itaker and points in Har ney county on business connected with his sheep interests. C. P. A. Lonergan manager of the Warren Construction Co.. went as far as La Grande. Ilii Uanl ltlce to Killer Culver (5. M. Itice nnd son, Richard Rico, left this morning for the east, where young Rice will enter Culver Military School, Ohio. After placing his son 1.. 1 , HI.. TJI... n.ill fit VU in ii'iiiim ltound-l'u York and other eastern points before I tri)U,,,e hJ, returning iti i-eitoieLun. IIoh s to lie Here Ity Christmas. Karl Ncwuuist. son of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. New.piist. formerly a Round-l'p I rider, who is now ia the 1'nited States j navy, hoped to be 'in Pendleton for but because his ship had does not now expect to re turn to Pendleton, before Christmas. He is in Panama. Jax Hand Ailvancvi Man Here. Charles H. Pimm, advance mana- Ber for Cole McKlroy's famous Juxa band, is In Pendleton today arranging I for two dances to he given hero on j Monday and Tuesday nights of next , weeK. The McKlroy band comes from j Portland and has a reputation j throughout Oregon and Washington : as one of the Jazziest of them all. Mr. j Dlium has secured the Liberty hall i for the two nights. Will Visit Milton. Miss Agnes Flanagan. county henltli nurse, and Miss Ella May Harmon, county demonstration asent, loft today by auto for Milton. Miss Harmon will look into the fruit sit uation at Milton, while Miss Flana gan's visit is in the interests of her work as county nurse. Hermiston Ffcrmcrs Hero George Cressey, Thomas Campbell and-Charles Baker, well known far mers of Hermiston, were Pendleton business visitors yesterday. Goes To Itnttcr (Wlc. Fred Bennion. Umatilla county agent, left this morning; for Butter creek. He will spend the day ther in the interests of county agent work. Here to Meet Brothers. Harry G. Alway. of Walla Walla, was in the city yesterday to meet his brothers. Willie L. Alway and Wilbur K. Alway of Minot. North Dakota. Puts O. K. On ISooks. George rs. PeMors, district auditor for the Red Cross, was in Pendleton yesterday to put an O. K. on the books kept by Miss Virginia Todd, sec retary of the- Vmatilla County Red Cross chapter. Mr. PcMers has as his territory eastern Oregon and Idaho. Soldiers Iiitcrcstc.1 ill 1SoiiimI-V. Soldiers passing through Pendleton are much interested in the Pendleton Round-t'p and Red Cross canteen workers are beselged with ' question regarding the big- show. Many dis charged soldiers on their way home have announced their Intention of returning for this year's event. Whitlows Heine Kciiovatctl. ( The show windows of Alexander'a department store are being renovate! today. The improvement include new paint in a color scheme of palo cream color and gray. Mr. Cohen Is IhirtlRiid Vlsletir. - j Kvrry town has a few men who are as prominent as the city hall. Pen- j dleton has Its quota, and of these one ; is l.eon Cohen. What he did for the. war drives is common knowledge to j evervone in I'matilla county, and to, He I those who were connected with head, j quarters in Portland. Tne thing In ; Pendleton now Is the preparation for., the Round-Vp. t-ocal people have seen the show time and again, but; lectures In l.oe-m Weekly The September 5 number of the American Legion Weekly has arrived at Red Cross headquarters in the federal building for free distribution n ...l.liers. sailors and Marines, and Met, strohm Hero From Hermiston. Mrs. Herbert Strohm, who is pro minent in community development work In Hermiston. was in the city I e ... : . V. XI i Vlln yesiero.ty 10 t"iiirr nn May Harmon, couiuy uemonsiraiiou agent, regarding- the women's pro gram for Field Day, to he held at Hermiston Experiment Station Sep tember 7. Ofieti from I m. to ft a m. . The Itound-L'p ticket office Is open continuously from 9 a. m. to S p. ni.. according to announcement made to day by Ned Fowler, who Is in charge; of the office. He estihiated that two thirds of the tickets have been sold. George W'rhb's fllrtliilay Today. Today Is the birthday of George aged 9S. known throughout i I'matilla county as I'ncle Geovg'i (Webb. He Is celebrating the oceusl ion at the home of his daughter, Mrs. iJ. A. Stevens, of LaGrnmle. Mis. Frank Krazier of this city, who Is al- ' so a daughter of Mr. Webb, is In I41 Paper Broadens Slogan. j Grande visiting; her sister and her I'pon suggestion of Oeorge A. 1 father. Quayle, secretary of the Oregon , Mr. Cottonwood & Water. Ilium iiiiumiiiiiumiiiiimiiiii iiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimii Newport tells of alfalfa bringing lino they are rainy crazy over u mis sear, S I an acre and of pears bringing $20(1 5 for an acre and a half, and similar sj evidence of prosperity.' He declares s; that the country is Just bursting with Plume 530 ; ,oper'ty. although in the early yearn S i of trriirutinn the nioneers there had bard Bleddlng. Oregonian. soman. .ACLJ Roys were paid $6 a day to stand in Hue ihree days to purchase tickets. The employers of the boys had to bring food, for the boys had to Keep their place In line or bse it. Mr. Co hen is at the Hotel Portland. Ore- contains tne nrst pan 01 mo , Cnamlwr pf Commerce Pictures painted at '"" ' " 1 News has changed its slogan. ons artists or me r.. i-. i are suitable for framing1, and this week are bv Harvey P-iinn. of the A. . . . .,, .hl.,r,B "lrta. F- " . .. .Vv h, T ike ' Recently considerable nn,-. nd Wounded. 'Fighting Like, - Hell." "Sunday .Morning st v on.-i. . f rnrtlandia coat of white paint. No Man s Land1 "The Hand l.re- , c.ml)iliKn has been instituted of the shop are being repainted also, The -usual amount of reading matter is also contained ifl the nmes'ine this week. . L3t-ii J the Portland Instead : ImiiMMlellinx Store. of Its being "If It Will Help Portland. ""' je-r.r, ... tho News Is for It," it has submitted ' renovated and remodelled today, the word Orecon in place of Portland, 'lbs interior Is being repainted ami criticism has ' papereo. wnue tne exierior, !,. been heard that Portland and the ; or tne kicks,, n property. i r Portland i coat ot white palnl. I ne I to bring a closer cooperation between and Mr. Sohaefer announces that the the metropolis and 'be rural popola-; r'r of the store will also b. Improv- (ion ot the whole state. led. i i :. i eS?i- 'rT -w.