XI U SJ LJ UU VJ -U nj fcj V TWELVE PAGES PACE TWELVE DAILY EASl OEEGONtAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDA V SEPTEMBER 3, 1919. OUTBURSTS OF EVERETTmTRUE J.T, Penney Co., 'Nationwide institution. 9 I t As near perfection as you can get in this world. la I, 2 and 3 pound can Crouna (eel ). Ungnmad ami Pulvmxwl .' CRAY BROS. GROCERY CO. "QUALITY" a m srt- no DOO VrT. CI rA iLwo .t nones a o i Banking Service in Business TRUST DEPARTMENT The Aniej-k-a.ii National Rank In Its Trust Depart, nx-iit, Ls amlioriznl to act as Executor, A.lnilnistra lor, Trustee, :unrllaii or Managing Afent or Estates ami in oilier fHlm-iarjr capneilles. Those Interested in investigating the value of these lines of service are Invited to secure our booklet which describes the facilities of our Trust Depart, nicnt, THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK PENDLETON, OREGON The Strongest Bank In Eastern Oregon" TJ ;' A Carload of Cars Just Arrived Call and see them. Now is your chance for a good car iX a good price. Call for demonstra tion. FRENTZEL-WAILES MOTOR CO. Lexington and White Dealers of Umatilla County. Telephone 41 "!U.JT Cottonwood fit REPUBLIC TRUCKS In a Republic Truck you get more value for every dollar you spend than in any other truck on the market. Almost sixty thousand users back up this statement , . , .iiaiiW The "Yellow Chassis" Trucks ;'-0 ,, that serve so well, ,. . Pendleton Auto Co. Established 1907 CAST" wicht!! irnsrefc Bte.ouN, AMD iFbo think everVr OrY l& 30IN2 TO CARRy A MGIA PHONOS Bcuse Yoo'rts too vain to o.Rf?x avj car. TteyMpe. THeN you'd cxtcr havc? OOMC5 Re -WIRING rs Pendleton Market News The following prices are the price being paid to producers by Pendleton business houses. Wherever retail prices the given the fact will be spa. ciflcally mentioned. Eggsand Poultry.' Eggs, 50c. . Hens. 20c. Spring chicken, 25o a pound. Country Ham, Eta. Ham best quality, 28c Bacon best quality, 40c Butter Fac and Ilutter. Butter fat, 590 f. o. b. Pendlcton. Butter, 1.10 a roll. Potatoes. , New potatoes, So a pound. Sweet Potatoes Sell Three Pounds, 50 Cents. Sweet potatoes are retailing at three pounds for 50 cents. They are a California product. chased 408.085 barrels at prices rang ing from $9.90 to $10.30. Sugar Price Still Same As Before. In spite of the rumors of sugar shortage, the prices are the same as formerly. It is stated also by local grocers that the sugar situation ls much better, as three carloads are expected in Pendleton in a short time and the sugar refiners announce that In a week or so the product will be shipped in plentiful supply. . Grapes are 60 Cents. A Basket Grapes from Hermlston, Umatilla and Irrigon are retailing at 60 cents a basket. They are Concords and white grapes and are popular for Jelly. Sugar Shortage Causes Flurry in reaches. Rumors of a sugar shortage caused a flurry In peaches Friday and Sat urday, bringing the retail price down to 75 cents a box. hut today the mar ket Is steadier and the fruit ls selling at- from 85 cents to (1 a box. The crop is excellent this year. Celery Is Now 15 Cents a Head. Celery is now 15 cents a head. It Is shipped here from Portland and is good quality. Grain Corporation Bnys 408.085 Barrels Flonr. The United States Grain Corpora tion in a statement issued today on the result of Its weekly purchase of wheat flour announced that it pur- Applo Growers Ask High Price for Stocks. The apple trade of the Pacific Northwest is in a somewhat congest ed condition. Some sales are being made In a limited way with growers obtaining the highest prices known, but there ls a noticeable lack of in terest in the buying among the usual ly big operators of the Kast and Eu rope. Hood River Is asking $2.65 ffi) 2.75 for Gravensteins, with Bananas $3.50 and Alexanders $3 a box, f Killers light Shy of Paying Top Price. Tops in the steer division were not quoted above $11 and it was practi cally impossible to obtain that. An unusually wide spread ls shown in calves. General cattle range: Best steers $10.0010.50 Good to choice steers 9.00 H 9.60 Medium to good steers..... 8.509 8.75 Fair to good steers 7.50 8.50 Common to fair steers 7.00 7.60 Choice cows and heifers 7.60 8.00 Good to choice cows and heifers 7.00 7.50 Medium to good cows and heifers 6.50 7.00 Fair to medium cows and heifers 6.50 Canners .50 3.00 ) 5.00 Bulls .00 7.00 toss of Appetite ic commonly gra dual; one dish after another Is set aside. It is one of the first indica tions that the system is running down and there is nothing else so good for it as Hood' Sarsapariila the best of all tonics. ' Take home a Delta fancy brick of Ice Cream. They are put up in card board cartons and wIU keep for on hour. Calves 6. 50015. 00 Local buyers were unwilling to pay even the former top of $18.00 for hogs. General hog market range: Prime mixed $17.00S!18.00 Medium mixed 16. OOffi 17.00 Rough heavies 1 5.00 m 16.00 p1(?a 14. B0 15.00 Bulk : 17.0017.50 In general there Is a sluggish tone in the lamb trade, especially true as regards Willamette valley offerings. Mutton is considered steady. General sheep and -lamb range: Kastern Oregon lambs....$12.6013.25 Valley lambs 11.50 12.00 filllllllltlllllllIlltlllIllllfIIIIllMIUllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllIlllllllllllllIllIlllllII,,llll; ! A WHEAT RANCH SNAP ! ! I " We have 1500 acres 8 miles from Pendleton, quipped with first-class stock and machinery, 800 acres in crop being harvested and 500 acres north slope summer-fallow. 30 head of cattle, about 75 or 90 pigs, tractor, separator, harness, wagons, plows and everything up to date to run the ranch. Price for the whole thing ls (63,500.00. ' The crop will reduce the price considerably, so that the proposition should appeal to any one want Ins a big proposition that ls a good one. We have a Home-acre, just the place for a retired farmer who want to live In town and yet doesn't want to loaf all the time. Nice home. Independent water system, finest kind of a garden, fruit, poultry runs and everything in 'fine sliape. SEE IT. Price, $5,000.00. Snow & Dayton We Sell Land Phoue 1072. 117 East Court Street. Real Estate Farm Loan. Insurance . 9 mm . ii , J mr..m. M T.T'J fa f x . aai .aHassBBBBB !, W -a d Fall's Newest Styles IN MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS , ' Brown is the prevailing color this fall and thev are distinctive and unusually attractive. Will please the most critical customer. You will be surprised at the beauty of these new buits and they will wear equally as well as they look. High class workmanship, bringing ...i :.j::joiif.r onH insnrinfr a perfect fit. Advance styles in Waist-seam and bemi fitting Two-button Double Breasted Models, as well as the more conservative styles. Buying for 197 stores enables us to offer vou these suits at a Big Savinjr. $19.75 to $39.50 1 4 Men's Snappy New Fall Hats Manufactured expressly for us by one of the foremrst hat manu facturing concerns in ' America the very newest styles in felt novel ties and staples. Hats for all oc casions at economy prices. $3.98 and $4.50 OUR "DAKOTA" "The Round Up" hat you will like. Excellent quality and trimmings; two sizes. $4.50 and $4.98 THE STORE THAT MEETS YOUR NEEDS AND MEETS THEM WELL. " 7 a7N yy incorporated ioiTh: imTf-:i ri:MH,i:T(i a ! 5' 9 2. ft) J. C. Penney Co., A Nationwide Institution. Yearlings 7.60 H 9.60 Wethers 7.00 7.60 Kwes 5.00 7.60 Hay Takes Drop of ft. Some llelng Mold. Holders of baled alfalfa hay are re ported to be easing up on their de mands with te possibility of over stocking facing them. The f. o. b. price today is quoted at $29, whereas $30 has prevailed for more than a month. A few sales are reported nt $29. Fenr that stockmen would dis pose of most of their animals before winter due to tho high prices Is said to be a contributing cause. , Coaise ;iiiinH show Very SI'jjIU changes. Only one grade of barley showed any change in the quotations receiv ed today. No. 2 remained at $5 7.60 a ton, Standard feed at $61.50 and No 3. blue advanced a half dollar to $62.60. Mill feed was dropped a dol lar, being quoted today at $36.50. For several days mill feed has jump ed up and down between $36.50 and $37.60 so that no Indication of the market is possible. TAFT ANSWERS CRITICS placeYOUB IW on Our JQiumw By EX-PRESIDENT WM. H. TAFT. Of course we cannot hope to make the great changes such as the League of Nations will bring about without opposition. Fortunately, the war has taught us the great advantages of In ternational co-operation. It was only by good team work that the free liberty-loving nations were able to whip Germany. ' The treaty which the United States Senate Is debating obligates the mem bers of the proposed League to protect one another against attack from ene mies outside their own boundaries bent upon conquest. Although this agreement (Article X of the Covenant) Is vital to any arrangement which seeks to prevent war. It has been at tacked on the ground that It would draw the Ulted States into wars in various parts of the world and force us to send our boys to tight In quar rels which did not foncvn us. . We should remember, however, that the main purpose of- Article . X Is to frighten nations tempted to wars of conquest from yielding to the tempta tion, , by the certainty that they will be crushed If they begin such a war by a universal boycott .and a union of forces of the world against tliem. If a big war breaks out again, the United States will be forced to. take part in It whether we have a League uf Na tions or not. We tried hard enough to keep out of the war with Germany but found we couldn't. A little war contrary to the League rules could be handled by the powers close at hand. Certainly It would not ! be necessary to send American troops te suppress an uprising in (he Bal kans when prompt acllon by the armies of Italy or some other nearby power ful nation could suppress the fracas before American troops could even get iar"l- ' When It comes to adversity or pros perity (he average man prefers ruin $1.25 $1.25 $1.25 $1.25 $1.25 $1.25 $1.25 $1.25 3 DO YOU KNOW THAT THE DOVE SEASON IS NOW OPEN? Get Them With ID i lO Western Shells l- o I k9 Ol i $1.25 A BOX. Sold by " SOL BAUM 2 Sporting Goods Store. Hotel Pendleton BIdff.& SZ'I$ SS'I$ SZ'IS ' 21$ SZt$ SZl$SZT$ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiita WE WANT TO BUY YOUR Buick Light Sixes Bring in your car and take away the money. .We are also in the market for Cadillac Eights of late model and in good condition. Oregon Motor Garage BUICK HUDSON CADILLAC Distributors i It, 121 West Court St,. . Pendleton, Oregon S ylllinMIMIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIHIIIIMIIIIIimIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllll- !illllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll? by the latter route,