- PACE TIIREI3 TEN PAGUS DAILY EAST OKKGoNlAN, PENDLETON. OREGON. MONDAY, SEPTEM PER 1, lfllfl. NEWS NOTES OF PEND L ETON Man Pays for Sprc. A rimn giving the name of John Jones this morning paid a IS fine In police court for having been drunk Haturduy night. l'dulli-lim Kcll Ku-lnklr . licho now h a afreet sprinkler, secured from the city of I'emllaton! !t Ih being put to good line now keep lug the diiHt down on the street. Htookinun from Ifi ppiht Hcto. Iat Connell, well known stockman of Ileppnxr, In In Pendleton on busi ness. Mr. Connell, with Mm. Connell, Ih registered at Hotel Pendleton. will Aiu'iid it. of n. Tom Murphy, and Henry Judd, of hls city, and KrankefMckson. formerly of Pi'fidleton, now -of Porllund, ar nmong the RtudentH who will enter VnlverHity of Oregon thiH year. All three have been overscan in army service. Ir. Dean 1'rowcll Hero. Dr. Dean Crowell, formerly of Dal las, now of Chicago, Ih In the city. Dr. Crowell In a former University of Ore gon student and has completed hfa medical training In ChiraKO. An nouncement has been made of the en gagement of MIkh Isabel Garland of Ix-bannn and Dr. Crowell and the event Ih to take place soon. Hero IVoiii Portland. W. I Thompson, who recently took up his duties In Portland os vice pres ident of the First Natlonul Bank, Is in Pendleton on a business trip. Ieuvo On Hunting Trip. W ). Kraaler, Ilurold Brock and Fred Karl left today for parts un known In seurch of deer. They expect to return tomorrow. AUioiia llKllors Hero. , Kverelt ltothrock, Paul Lleuallen, Mmvln Kllgoro and I D. Thorpe, were Pendleton visitors yesterday from Athena. They made the trip here l'y auto In Lleuallen's machine. VVIIIIam Howman, who wad offered the position of speed cop by the city, has left without accepting. The po lice committee now has another man In mind for traffic officer and meun whlle the position is unfilled. Writing F.lirhih ftrado Graduate. Every eighth grade graduate In Pendleton Is being sent a personal let ter by City Superintendent F. P. Aus tin', urging him to take advantage of the opportunity offered by the locul high school. The letter advises each one to make a success of eacft day's work there and to feel free to call upon the superintendent at any time for advice and assistance. 1C1 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101- Harold W'uriK-r I ft urn. Hu.ru Id Warner returned yesterday morn in jf from a short vacation spent in Portland visiting hi parent, Mr. and Mrn. Thomas Warner. V. A. Krrn Hero. ? V. A. Kvurnn, who Ih In charge of the II. W. Collins office In Portland. Ih a Pendolton visitor. Ho arrived In tho city tofcluy and n here on a bui netm vIhH, conferring' with Mr. Col Man llflil on JT0 hall. William H. MlnkjftwhHe. Ih held In $50 ball fur an apepurance in police court tomorrow morn Ins to annwer to a charge of being drunk' and dittor dorly. He Ih alleged to have mount ed some boy In the ticket 'line while intoxicated and hln ca in being looked Inte by the juyenlte officer an wen. lie win nuve a cnance in leu hi Htory In Hie morning. ' i CJovor niiii nt VhhI Kulo Slow. None of the nurpliiH gooda of the war department have been sold by the Kcho prmtofflce ho fur accordinn to the Newu. lender the orlglnnl me t hod of ch arg i n g full pout a ge fro m 8an FranclHco to Echo the groceries cost mre than In the local Mores. A reduction has now been made how ever, ho that the pontage charge Is G for the first pound and one cent for each additional pound. WE CARRY WEEKLY AND MONTHLY Service Accoun ts Call our office, "101," tomorrow morning and open a service account 'ith vs. "You Can Always Depend on Us." Pendleton Cash Market, .Inc. Fine Groceries and Meats Phones 101. (Private exchange connecting both" departments.) -T0I TOT T0TT0T T0TT0I TOT TOT TOT TOT I'mallllu County Men Ianri. ' Myrton Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Moore, formerly of Pendleton and now of Portland, has landed In New York after service overseas. He eume to the Ignited States as a mem ber of Brest Casoal Company 4207. otto J. Ornduff of Htanfield. also landed yesterday as a memljer of a supply company, 2Kth Infantry. He rreturned to the United States aboard the U. H. 8. Orizaba and' was sent to Camp Merritt- ' ' ' Indians Have, oxtly Party. Stella Williams. Hazel Butler. Mitchel Thomas and Andrew Jackson, I all four Indians, were Interrupted In I a lively party In a local rooming; houes ; yesterday, charged with being drunk and disorderly. The arresting officer ' reported that the Indians had been drinking extracts and were quite hi larious. Each put up a 115 bail for their appearance in police court and forfeited it, thereby enriching the city coffers t0. . Indian Strikes Woman; Arrested. Itufus Wolf, a familiar figure In po. lice court was arrested Saturday night on a charge of being drunk and dis orderly Itufus Is said to have slap- j ped the fare of Mrs. Joe Hays, an In j dlan woman, and was arrested fol lowing complaint of some witnesses ti the affair. Itufus put up tlS ball ! which he forfeited. White Bull, a j redmnn, wos the sixth of his tribe to ' pay 115 for being drung' and dlsor : derly Saturday night. "INSURANCE Is the Best Policy I am buying grain this year for Kerr Gifford & Co., Inc., and would be glad to have the farmers give me a chance to submit a price on their grain before selling. JOE KERLEY Bneossor to Cbaa. EJ. Heard, Ids. "See Me Before the Fire" Insurance Loans Real Estate til Main Pendleton, Oragon I! Overseas lie 'mil Sought liecriiltlng of men for service In the I.'nlted Stales army overseas, which , was discontinued a month ago. has j been resumed upon orders from Wash i ington. Only white aplfcants for the infantry and signal corps'will be ac I cepted. Enlistments will be -for one i and three year terms, the shorter lie I fng limited to former members of the 1 A. K. F. While the recruiting Office j in Pendleton has been closed for some i time, it Is due to open soon. SCHOOLS Wll.Ii OPH- TOMOHKOW (Continued from Page 1.) SlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIi: ReoRoustabout We have today a Four Cylinder Reo Rousta bout, just overhauled and painted. The motor is in good condition and the car has a good sized strong bed that will stand lotsof rough and heavy hauling. This rig is just the thing for the ranch, having 'plenty of power to go any place a team of mules will; and, I REMEMBER! The Price is Right, Too! 1 Cottonwood & Water Phone 530 SujIIIIIIUIIllltiiiiiiitlllHIlIlllllIlltllllllfflllllUlIIllIflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Irnvo eharBo of tho seventh grade, W'uHhinRton Rchool. ' Miss Florence Sweet, graduate of the South Dakota Normal, will teach tho third grade class at the Lincoln school Miss Harriet Renjamln, graduate of the State Normal of Wesct Virginia, will' teach the second grade of the Hnwthorne Srhool. KoeiaT Teat-hers and SnporvlsUri. Feed E. Hroer, industrial trades, os engine, farm tractor ,etc. Karl K. Flelschman, military drill, at hletlrs, debate, etc, . Mrs. 3. II. Forshaw, music. Miss Catherine K. I, Morgan, phy- j sical education. Orville (3. Reeves, manual trnlnine 'and related subjects. Miss Kate W. Voorhees, home eco nomics. ITlch School. H. 13. Tnlow, prinoiiml, civics. Mrs. Charles Honnpy, Iatin. Clarence S. Cramer, physics, chem istry and mathematics. A. C. Crews, commercial subjects. Miss Effie Duff, Knfflish. Miss Dorothy Flegol, science and history. Miss Blanche Hcnset. Spanish and !Knglih. Miss Leura Jerard, French and Eng lish. Miss Mary Johns, English and Alge bra. Miss Olive A. Roesche, mathemat ics. Miss Minnie Zimmerman, teacher training and English. rich! School. Miss Neva Lane, principal, first grade. Miss Grace Frost, sixth grade. Unwthomo School. A. C. Thompson, principal, eighth grade. Mrs. Para Rassniussen, alternate, eighth grade. Miss Leota Warner, seventh grade. Mrs. Gertrude Nash, sixth grade. Miss Mabel Johnson, fifth grade. Miss Irene Hawkes. fourth grade. Miss Sadie Young, third grade. Miss Harriet , Benjamin, second grade. Mrs. Ida Keane, first grade. lilnoolii School. Miss Delia Kush, principal, eighth grade. Miss Minnie Zimmerman, alternate,' eighth grade. Miss Edythe Daubner, seventh grade. Miss Nellie Dnrr, sixth grade. Mrs, Dne Idieman, fifth grade. Miss Elva Boone, fourth grade. Miss Florence Sweet, third grade. Miss Maud Maxwell, second trade. , Grocery Phone 52G Use the Phones sT7 I j SERVICE PENDLETON'S LEADING STORE Other Dcpartm'ts 78 Use the Phones Do Not Forget We Have New Garments in Our Ready-to-Wear Department Each Morningr, Stunning Suits Glassy Coats Wonderful Dresses Dainty Waists ARE HERE FOR YOUR EARLY SELECTION . . : i ' Coatees and Short Plush Coats They're made of lustrous black ' and beaver plush, fancy silk linings, some are short ripple effects, others three quarter length, either with or without CQ7 CA to flfl belts. Price ...... 0Jf . SWEATERS $2.98 We have left from our summer stock a broken line of sweaters which we close out regardless of former'price's. The colors are maize, white, pink, rose and nile. Different styles in collars.1,; , All ; are slip over, styles, some with sleeves; others 'without. NEW PLAID SILKS An express shipment of new plaid silks for. fall. A most beautiful collection and you'll say so when you see them. For dresses, skirts and trimmings. They're ready for your inspection. THOSE BEAUTIFUL LACES ART ANTIQUE They are different because they are new. The designs are pretty and lace is of excellent qual- , , ity. Use for most everything but especially good for trimming dresses. Be sure to see them. HiiimmmiiiiiiMmHiiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiimiimiiiimm Now is the Time j ' to Wear Your "Round-Up" Hat If you haven't one come to this store tomorrow and buy one. Our stock is complete and we have most every style and sure to have ypui size. I Priced. ha.'? ' quality- $4.00 lo $22.50 SU.P $4.00 '"$16,50 Of course you'll wear a "ROUND-UP SHIRT" during the show, won't you? We have just re cieved from the makers a lot of shirts that are different offered in many colors and designs and too, we have your size. Come in tomorrow and pick one out. ' . , . round-up 7C to $o rn MUFFLERS ,I JC v.dU Mufflers of all colors and combination, big size, heavy weight silk. Get ydur Mufflers now. Have a look at our Big Show Window. Brimful of "Round-Up" Goods.' ., wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMimiiiiim Mrs. Parnlee Halley, first grade. Washington School. MIS' Flora fc'huw, j.rincipiil, eighth irade. M ins Esta Smith, m-venth grnde. M(ss Leila Mtlfillan, sixth grade. Mrs. ilayo Hasar, fifth grade. Miss Anna V. - Caldwell, fourth ' n Krnue. M I .-is Itura Hendricks, third grade. Mituj Martha Juhnsoii, second grade. Mrs. Gwendolyn Nelson, first grade. Mrs. Sura Kassmussen, alternate teacher, eighth grade. rll v r i- 9 I ' ( U J PlMMl N M 3m Coffee is vacuum packed by special process which strength and indefinite! ; preserves its rich flavor The most economical coffee you carl buy. Remember Our Guarantee BUY THE FIVE POUND CAN AND SAVE MORE MOXEY Si M rornTTTorprti H II TONHCMT SALTER'S ORCHESTRA There will be a big public dance tonight in LIBERTY HALL ; You Are Cordially Invited! Do you like good, snappy music? Yes? Then come up and we are sure to show you a mean time. All the latest from the old fashioned waltz to the sh ! The Usual Trice and Good Time. r 4.S. & mi . iM. tr VMm "mrt mmw,m,'4rirr m