k -w.-, , -i . t -i ' . v s -wSf i -it t n - . ; s s " TWELVE FAGES rAGE TWELVE DAILY EA ST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATUKDAYAUGUST SO, 1919. tVAVWKW OUTBURSTS OF EVERETTTRUE "J. P. Penney Co., A Nationwide Institution. 3 1 TrKSY CAN M'KE A NSUTre.AL. COUNTRY Suppose tiie Doctor Did it! rtuppow phvsh-lans adopted the "no credit" plant ' Kupimw Imiwisc mnnnirn did t have tin ready oj4i . lo p for nn inwation ' doctor n-ruswd to perform It? Your (riKrr I no nwR justified in demanding casta from n, no inalt.T how well irearil ou are to pay calit It's frequently an tnemivenicnei means waiting for change, carrying largo amounts of oisli whow a tiieck iMMik Is Mniph'r. know lt professional men and others whose In. comes an' not nerfcMlh'al nor regular, appntiiite' (his ac commodation anil T arc glad to give It. We ixmsMcr It uirt of the M-rvkv we sell. Just as we rstcnd lo on the convenience of telephone)! orders, prompt deliterles ami a'AlATKl:H products. We sell only Hrik l. s we can stand buck of. When we reeomnteiut a baking iler wo recommend KY.OM be cause we know the manufacturers, the (General Chemleal Company, to be a great chemical organisation. We know what ISVZON docs, iHt-ause we've tested It aJid found It deserves to lie called "The IVrfei-t linking Iowder," If yon have no copy of the. KY.OS linking Book, take It up Willi us. It contains 200 tested recipe the pick of HUMllt. Originally 1.H1, We ran get it for you for SO cents. GRAY BROS. GROCERY CO. Two Phones 28 "QUALITY" 823 Main SI i 5 S Banking Service in Business roI.I,ECTIOX DEPAHTMEX T Omr Cllln I-partmriit attend ( tke elIevIoa t lit lit draff a, hill ( lading drafts, foalraeM rrwn dreata, Iran, mortgages, notra and aevpt- Thea are all aaadled at a nenlnal fee t rarer the eeat te ... With the extensive eenHertloa of the American Tim ttanal Bank having eerrespen dents In all Important ft nan eta I renters, nr eolleetlon faellltiesj for ont-of-lown Itema are most eomplete THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK PENDLETON, OREGON "The Strongest Bank in Eastern Oregon" The White Truck is Here ' A' demonstration will convince you. . Its supoiior quality makes it wear as long as 10 ysar. Ask th ! general public about the White Phone AG. FRENT2EL-WAILES MOTOR CO. - Lexington and White Dealers of - - Umatilla County. Telephone 4 722 Cottonwood St We Are Transportation Engineers - YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS 13 niirwf ; 9 I nflV!!!11 !!!'' .0 I - t ! . J II II I II I I II II It means that we are tpeclalutts in aJl problems that deal with the transportation of merchandise, manufactures, produce, people, anything by motor track. We have Investigated many tracks and know that nepnb lk4 solve all hauling problems lietter, at lower operating cost and Willi greater satisfaction to the owner, than any other. Jlcpulilic builds nothing but motor trucks. There are al most 60,000 in use, in all kinds of business. We can suggest the exact type of Republic Truck best suited to jour use. Come in let ns show it to you. Pendleton Auto Co. Established 1907 Pendleton Market News" L . . i i v The following prices are the prices being paid to producers by Pendleton business houses. , Wherever retail prices the given the fact will be spe cifically mentioned. Eggs and Poultry. Eggs, 60c. Hens, 20c. Spring chickens, 2 So a pound. Country Ham, Etc Ham best quality, 28c. Bacon best .quality, 40c Butter Fac and Butter. Butter fat, B9o f. o. b. Pendleton. Butter, s.1.10 a roll. Potatoes. New potatoes. So a pound. Suanr Shortage Causes Slump in lYiiit Price. Peaches took a slump yesterday be cause cf the threatened sugar short age. They are now retailing at 75 cents a box. Growers stated today that while the word from San Francis co yesterday stated that sugar would be shipped in three weeks, the danger of shortage Is still great as the car loads of sugar expected for Pendleton must be distributed around the county. They state further that the canning Beason naturally caused a great' de mand for sugar. . 'cars Hctoll at $2.25 lr Fancy Variety t Pears are retailing at $2.25 per box. They are of the extra fancy variety and are wrapped before packing. Washlnjrton Wheat lias t Per Cent of Smut. Kittitas county wheat is reported as free from smut as that of any district ill Washington less than 1 per cent of smuit was found . in fields where the disease existed at all. Jn many fields of eastern Washington, according to the experts, the percent age of smut runs as high as 50 percent to the acre. The wide use of the standard formaldehyde treatment ad vocated by the department of agricul ture is believed responsible. , already In the sack and considerable headway has been made in the spring grain and barley. Yields throughout this section are holding up consider ably better than pre-harvest estimates, with few reports of under 30 bushels in fall wheat and many better than 49. Grain men estimate that fully 1.000, 000 bushels of wheat will be sold in Pullman this year, with about 20 per cent of this total already marketed at prices around the 2 mark. Eighty per cent of the winter wheat Is being discounted for smut, the discount, however, rarely being greater than one per cent. , Yakima Forced to Send Fruit In Boxcars. Several Takima villeye shippers, on account of the shortages of refrigera tor cars, have inaugurated the hazar dous business of sending peaches to Coast cities In boxcars, as none other were available. H. A. Glen, Northern Pacific general agent, says the soft fruit shipments are already 609 ears ahead of the total number shipped by this time a year ago. Harvest Near Pullman . Three-Fourths Complete. Seventy-five per cent of the fall wheat in the vicinity of Pullman -is Hogs Trop Off l In Portland Market. , After staying way above the eastern markets for several days. North Port land hog market took a sudden down ward plunge of tl Friday. Indications were that the bulk of the sales would be made around $19. General hog Range. Prime mixed .20.50(S21.00 Medium Mixed 19.50 19.00 Rough heavies .., 18.50 19.00 Piga 17.50 18.00 Bulk 18.50 19.00 Xo early sales were made in the cat tle market. Tone of market cannot be definitely determined, but no changes in prices were quoted during the morning. General cattle market range: Best steers .$11.00 11.60 Good to choice streers.". 10.0010.50 Medium to good steers. A: 9.0010.00 Fair to good steers . 7.50 8.50 Common to fair steers .V 7.00 7.50 Choice cows and heifers. 7.75. 8.25 Good to choice cows and i . heifers 7,00 7. SO Medium to good cows and "PEACOCK 1 aa E 4) w 9 a P e e We Will Be All Day Monday, September 1st LABOR DAY See Monday's Ad It Will Interest You. IV hcorporatejd J OITOMTM IIOTKL -K.ULlr;TO. J. CTPenney Co., A Nationwidelnstiiution. FIRST, LAST AND ALWAYS ' You Never Will Get , - Heat, Satisfaction . Until You Burn the , CELEBRATED "PEACOCK" :. ' COAL. ''i' j. '' . 4 - - Phone 178 SMYTHE -LONERGAN CO. Quality Quantity Service heifers 6.50 7.00 Fair,to medium cows and heifers 6.50 (.50 Canners ( 3.00 5.00 Bulls :6.00 7.00 Calves 10.001S.00 Sheep market ,1s still able to main tain its steady top. Eastern Oregon lambs at firm at $13.25 and valley lambs firm at $12.60. - General sheep and lamb range: Eastern Oregon lambs . .$12.50 13.25 Valley lambs 11.5012.60 Yearlings 7.60 9.60 Wethers 7.00 7.50 Big Stock of Wheat Now in Elevators. ' - The fifteenth report of the grain corporation states that on August 15 there were 164,271,000 bushels of wheat In all elevators and mills in the country as against 125.292,000 bush els at a corresponding time last year. The previous week the total stock was 140,273,000 busheris showing a gain for the week of 23,998,000 bush els. Wheat receipts from farms dur ing the week were 42,349.000 bush els and 2,833,000 barrels of flour were produced during the week ending August 15. NEW WHEAT SCALE TO TAKE EFFECT TUESDAY - After two days consideration by wheat Director Barnes with the of. fleers of the United States Grain cor poration, of the problem raised In respect to this year's wheat crop suf fering from the effects of - adverse weather conditions during the grow ing and harvesting season, the Grain corporation has reframed Its. scale of discounts for the lower grades of wheat on a basis calculated to giva the producer the benefit of every doubt as to the value of -light weight wheat in order to protect as far as possible those producers in wide sections that have suffered unfavorable . crop- de velopments with the production of an unusual quality of low grade: wheat. This scale Is effective September 2, and alt dealers will be required to pay producers not less than the' proper country point reflection of the ter minal guaranteed price " for'. No." 1 wheat and with the relation for other grades as follows: . No. 2 wheat. We under No. 1 No. 3 wheat, 3c under "No., 2 No. 4 wheat. 4c under No. 3. No. 6 wheat, 4c un der No. 4. , For all wheat otherwise conforming to the specifications of No. 5 or better hut deficient in test weight, discount No. 5 price 3c for each one pound de ficiency oh test. Wheat grading below No.-6 for reason other than deficien cy test weight shall be bought on its relative merits, smutty wheat to be discounted from 2c for slightly smut ty, to larger discounts, according to degree of smut. Mixed wheat will he taken at discounts ranging from 2c to 5c according to quality. In the Judg ment of each vice president, mixed wheat and rye grading mixed grain will be discounted at follows: Estimate the average value of the wheat and rye separately at their pro. per value and In their proper propor tion figuring the rye at 60 pounds per bushel, make allowance for dockage or other Inseparable foreign material. and make such deduction a seem i Justified, but not less than 5o per bushel, as a penalty for the mixture, garlickly wheat to be discounted 2c The Portland office of the United States Gyaln corporation is amending its schedule of price to correspond with thels notice. - . CECIL COSPER PfliLIO ACCOUNTANT irhoMB TAX ADVISER Lnlth-Crawford Bid. O f posits Psodleton Hota PhonalOls We Want Your Laundry Bundle 52 Weeks in the Year 1 : If you send it here once and it Is not satisfactory you will not tentl it a second time, will you? , Wo want your bundle and do our work accord-, ingly, making your clothes pure, sweet and clean. Send your laundry work here once, we'll prove our assertion. Troy Laundry TELEPHONE 179 MiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii . .'. WE WANT TO BUY YOUR . 1 Buick Light Sixes I g' , J ' , ' . , , -. , ' 3 Bring in your car and take a,way the money. .We are also in the market for i Cadillac Eights of late model and in good condition. - I Oregon Motor Garage I 1 BUICK " HUDSON CADILLAC - Distributors 5 5 ' 19, 131 West Court St. Pendleton, Oregon s IllllllllillllllllllillllllllllllllltllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllS " !- 1""w-in;. t,- fr-