w:v"ri "y - -4 ". ' j-J RV.i ..if".::. : r ' '.i.e.. i ; - - PAGE FOITR DAILY EAST ORfcCOKtAN, PKNDtETOK. 6ftEtt6N. TODAY, AUGUST $0, lfllft. 4 fa . Ten pagj' fQre&onign) 'J AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. rnbllshed Dallr and Seml-Waekljr. at r-vnairton, firesron, by tha BAST OKKQON1AN 1'UBL.ISHlNO CO. SUBSCRIPTION RATES (IN ADVANCE) C Entered at tba poatorflc at Pendla- ". uracea. aa eeoaa-fliaa baiter. Dalljr. aaa year, br Daily, sis. montha by mall Talapaon Dally, three month by mml) i.n rally, one month by mall .10 ON I SALE IN OTHER CITIES. Imperial Hotel New Stand. Portland Bowman New Co.. Portland. OrefOB ON F1LB AT Chlcaffo Bureau, sot Security Build In. Washington. D. C, Bureau 101 four teenth Street. N. W. 1 uany. on year ay carrier aa Dally, alx months by orrler. 1.76 Dr.lly. three months by oarrler J K5 vmny, vno monui, oy car rler .66 Semi-Weekly, one year, by mall 1.60 '""'-Weekly, alx months, by mall .78 Semi-Weekly, (our mouths by mail .ft JbQl2)iuJ . League, the senators are free 8HOT.X1. IX)VK CONK MCK. ,a ' ? - no VUG p-XCOlUCIlt is con Should love come back, and humbly pardon crave For all the tears aiid Borrows that ha gave, Could I foritlva and smile his face to see, , Could I take his hand and greet hint merrily Forget that he was but a truant knave? And, were he wounded, would I sJadly slave, Hi bruised w intra from harm or war to save? a Ah, well, who knom-a what ten- d em ess might be. Should love coma back. But, If he strove his penitence to brav With mirth and Jest, and sang- a careless stave; , Or, if he brought no penitence ! as plea, Still would I grant him of my sympathy? Ah, heart, what need of ques- tion light or grave, Should lore come back! Charlotte Becker in People's Home Journal. NOW FOR RATIFICATION. rV RESIDENT WILSON met ft the virtual challenge of If the senatorial opponents of the peace treaty and the League of Nations by the freest and fullest presentation of the conditions and considerations which dictated the engagement that are now awaiting ratifica tion by the senate. For three and a half hours the president answered tne questions pro pounded to him by members of the foreign relations commit tee. With patience, painstak ing and the utmost frankness he responded to their request for information. This conference was with out precedent in American his tory, but it amply fulfilled the president's promise made i months ago that he would j take the senate and the coun try into his confidence in re spect to the treaty and the League. It was the fault of the senate committee that this complete exposition and ex planation of the treaty and the covenant was not sooner forth coming. The president upon his return from France express ed his willingness and at the conference showed hi3 prepar edness to clarify and justify every act of the Paris peace council. From the lips of the man who was one of the authors of the treaty and of the League who knows every inch of the ground between their inception and their consu mation the foreign rela tions committee has learned that Article X of the covenant is subject to our own judgment and to the authority of con gress; that the Monroe Doc trine is beyond the purview of the League; that questions of purely domestic policy and government, like immigration and the tariff, are equally out side its jurisdiction. If the sen ators who llave opposed the treaty and the League contin ue their obstruction it will not be for want of understanding and reassurances. Their op-j position henceforth will be sus . pected as of a different origin. The president made it quite plain to the members of the foreign relations committee that, if they choose to regard their country's obligations lightly, they may adopt inter pretations that do not alter the text or impair the force of the treaty. If such "interpreta tions" in a separate resolution will salve their pride without at the same time jeopardizing the advantages which the Unit ed States derives from the trea ty and the security which all the world obtains through tfcej cerned, to take that course Whatever the action of the recalcitrant senators may be, the people's attitude will be unmistakable. They know the president has had a greater opportunity and a better right to judge of the need and mean ing and value of the treaty and of the League than the senato rial critics of his work have had. If neither is perfect the people are not dissatisfied They will not tolerate the sen ate's attempt to give them less because they have not ob tained more. They want the treaty ratified and the cove nant accepted without furfher delay, ROOM FOR.THE FLEET. isujsiixsii the coming of the new fleet to the Pacific and what it means to the western coast, the Astoria Evening Budget says: The Astoria harbor Is considered the strategic base for the defease of tuo mortli Pacific- coast tiy both the army and navy, la all their practice work. . it lias a . barbor entrance which carriea a depth of over 43 foot at mean low tide, the greatest depth at the entrance of any bar harbor in Uh world. On top of this there Is a tide of approximately ciKht feet twice each day. giving a, maximum of 50 feet, amply Fuffideni to .accommo date the largest battleship afloat. This harbor is vast enough and deep enough to afford safe anchorage, for lie entire Pacific fleet and we have Inre the most suitable site In the Xorthwest for the cstabilsiunent of a monster naval station. . i The fact that water on the bar and in the Astoria harbor is of sufficient depth to admit the largest battleship afloat and that there is room in the mouth of the river for the en tire Pacific fleet will be a source of pride not merely to Astorians, but to- the people of the entire state. With a great fleet perman ently located on the Pacific steps must be taken for accom modation of the ships in har bors. The people of Oregon should unite in seeing that our advantages are not overlooked by the naval department. ' The will of Andrew Carne gie shows that he had given away nirie-tenths of his wealth and thus in a measure fulfilled his claim that a man should not die rich. His will desig nates that Mrs. Carnegie should have the task of provid ing for their daughter, holding that mother love will pojnt the way. Did he mean this or was that a case of passing the buck? . ; n mm Mm S Months to Make. 7 Reels Cost, $264,000 Mmlm EM "Doug" thought out a lot of new si mils during those six months. For instance:' lie leaves the window of a fljlnjr train, ellmlM over the ear's side to the roof, runs ulong the. roof to tlie inau-coiu-li, is swung from llmt car to the station by the mail conveyor like a sack of rourth-claas muU, dropping onto the back of a horxe that gnlloiw madly off. That's only one of lilt stunts! Thai's only one of the laughs! You can't afford to miss all tliw rest. . 1 1 . . num. lamim J MhVatiiif .rtniim inin rtl laamnni u-; inmiwl 'tf f ,j " ' ,! t )OUGLAS FAIRBANTkiq iThe kjuckerbocker Buckaioov Aa ACTOJAFT Refarr i tion as tonsorlal artist in J. F. Robin son's barber shop. The Pendleton Academy opens for the term Tuesday, September 1. The following corps of teachers has been employed; Professor H. L. Talkins ton, Mrs. John Vert, MJss Ida Boyd, Miss Gwynne and Miss E. CJuyer. Nolin Barnes was kicked by a horse and badly bruised yesterday. Mr. Barnes says the horse Is a good kick er and he will back It against a gov ernment mule. ABOUT THE STARS i but wti assured that all would be well, and with some misgivings they st out at runset on their journey of of description, 60 miles across the trackless desert. He spiel they rode as straight as a crow could fly and nearly as swiftly. His small .companion explained to him by the stars, the month of the year, the !;.' cf the month, and, as time sped on the hours of the night be sides muny other Interesting things. At unrit-e they arrived safely at his destination, having gained more l.nouledue cf astronomy in one night than lie hart ever known before. Blouses entirely of net. without lac FOINDEXTKH WAXTS ACTION. Some claim that, bolshevism means the rule of the majority. It does not. It means rule by a tyrannical minority that gets and holds its power by force. The American government is founded on majority rule and can be made to answer every DUiuose desired by those who honestly wish a government of the people, by the people, ior the people. ...... . It looks' like an additional story may be needed for the Round-Up grandstand. Montenegro can have a reso lution from one end of the country to the other and still not have much. IJbra. (The Scales.) Libra is the first autumnal constel lation in the Zodiac and the only one of Egyptian origin, and also the only one that represents an Inanimate ob ject. It is unlawful, according to Arabian custom, to depict the human form. This constellation being on the meridian at the time of the Autumnal equinox, it is supposed that the Scales or balance was adopted to Bhow the equality In length of time between div ar.d night. Serviss think there are indication In the valley of the Erpbratcs that the constellation or iginally stood for the "Tower of Ba bel.' 'But the Chinese and Hindus and also the' early Hebrews all re garded it as a balance, while the early Christian identified it with the bal ance in which Belshazzar was weigh ed and found wanting;. Some ascribed it as the "Twelve Tribes of Israel" as cribing it to the tribe of Asher. AU the constellations of the Zodiac Duvetyne suits, it Is said, will oa the first choice of smart women. "BAYER CROSS" ON ASPIRIN but trimmed with tiny bhs of rihbon bows are Tefresh--' ingly dainty and interestingly ne'w. ' ' WASHINGTON', Aug. 2". Senator Polndexter demanded on the flour of the senate, that congress take imme diate action oil lii resolution culling for a conference of capital and labor. .mar-- Watch the Little Pimples; They are Nature's Warning Unsightly and Disfiguring dig itals of Bad Blood. the face and other Always Ask for Genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" Only Aspirn Tablets with the safety Bayer Cross" on the mare genuine Bayer Tablets of Aspirn," owned and made by. Americans and proved safe were in general use by the Ancients j by millions of people. Unknown quan- pernetual almanac as well as time piece, and in Arabic even to the present day they are in use. Tne late Homer Davenport relat ed that .when he was in Arabia some years ago he wished to make a Jour ney across the desert for the purpose titles of fradulent Aspirn Tablet were old recently by a Brooklyn dealer which proved to be composed mostly of Talcum Powder. "Bayer Tablet of Aspirn" ehould always be asked for. Then look for the safety "Bayer Cross" on the pack or purchasing an Arabian stallion. He age and on each tablet. Accept noth-lu-pe.iltd to the Sheik of a tribe for a ing else! Proper directions and dosage ruttie ad was greatly surprised when in each Bayer package.- the nulp'o appeared in the person of Aspirn Is the trade mark or uaycr a lau I twelve years, air. uaven- luanuraciure oi aunoacuuwtuiucoirr o. port demurred at so youthful a pilot, Sallcylicacid. Some one agitated that Cal ifornia strike; who was it? 28 YEARS AGO (From the Daily Bant Oregonian August 2. 1B1.) W. M. Turner Is down from . fhe. Greenhorn mining district. V, W, Taylor has resigned hi posi- K.!mii'.M-f" ""-' 1111 " 1 Bank Service While Traveling VriHERE you're known, your checkbook is the sign of U J vour credit at the bank. Where you're unknown, AMEFUCAN EXPRESS TRAVELERS CHEQUES establish for you a similar credit. 'wherever you go at home or abroad they are as good as gold. You sign them at our bank when you buy them; you countersign them when you spend them. The signatures identify you; ; The value of lost or stolen uncountersigned Cheques in refunded to you, upon filling out certain protective forms. Pimnles on farts of the body are warnings rom Nature that your blood is sluggish and impoverished. Some times they foretell eczema, boils, Misters, and other skin disorders that burn like names of fire. They mean that your Mood needs S. S. S. to cleanse it of these im ' pure accumulations that tan cause unlimited trouble. This remedy is one of the greatest vegetable compound known, and contains no minerals or chemicals to injure the most delicate skin. , Go fo your drug store, and get a bottle of S. S. S. today, tet rid of those unsightly, disfiguring pim ples, and other skin irritations. It will cleanse your blood thorough ly. For special medical advice free, address Medical Director, 41 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, G. Crescent Lunch 517 Main Street. llUTTEIt Mff.K HOT CAKKS Good Corh-c. KEGl'LAIt IHWKKS " 6hort Orders at all Times.- Home Made Pastry K. If. Somcrvlllp, Prop. CECIL COSPER PCllLIO ACCOUNTANT INCOMB TAX AJVI(Ca Smith-Crawford Bid;. Opposlta Pendleton Uotai Phon 1010 Met Order Your Suit for Round-Up Now We urgently request all those who want to appear in their new fall suits Round-Up week to place their orders now. You know you will want it then and there isn't very much time left. .... ' ' A Comprehensive Collection ' of Fall Woolens I am now showing a great collection of new fall woolens that will make a selection easy. They include everything that is new this year and are of the best material and colorings. - See Them Today and Make a Selection. THE FIRST PENDLETON Capital and.SurpIus $650,000.00 Hotel Pendleton Bldg. Phone 1008 m NMV UWi