TEN PAGES DAILY EAST OllEGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREQON. THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 1919, TAGE THREE NEWS.-- NOTES OF PENDLETON Oruiulma Henderson Has HUoko Grandma Henderson, aged 72, suf fered a slight stroke of paralysis at her lui in at 777 ThomPHon street yester day. She la' recovering at present. 1 weaves for Portland. J. H. Hun ham, cnnlraotor, left for Portland this morning where ho will Join Mrs. Dunham and son who have been visiting there for the pant 10 day. They will return to I'oudleton Sunday. " . lrmuo Htulr permit. The fire committee of the city council last nlRht voted to grant a permit to Frank' Nengle to Install a new floor In his building on Wutor street, within the city fire limits. Tho work is to coat ISO0. Mlstukc Malo In Sulo Ail. In Wednesday's Pacific I'nwnr & Light Co., ad It was stated that their eloctrlo sule would close on Saturday. The company wishes to correct their statement to read that the sale will last for two more weeks. Huh Operation. John ilarrliiKton Is convalescing nt St, Anthony's hospital after an opera tion performed yesterday. Tho opera tion was for the purpose of removing a largo growth from Mr. Harrington's shoulder. To lent I 'or M ild West KIkiw. Uortha lilanchott, (ieorge Fletcher and Hoh Hall, Ityund-lTp stars, will rippear 1rt the wild west show to- be held In Portland Sunday and Monday. Is Ncnv lOinployo Miss Jtulh 1'roelistel of Weston Is a now employe art Warren's Music Htore. Her duties are thoxe of a clerk. Is Very III. '. Van Orsdul, Is seriously ill at his home on West Webb street as the re sult of a complication of ailment. (in liuslice Improving. Olenn Hushee, who has been 111 with tonsilllls at St. Anthony's hos- Clarence Adams, son of Walter Adams pital. Is convalescing and expects to of this city, l directing and niunaging the show. lluby (jlrl Ilorii Hero. An IK pound daughter was born this morning to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sparks, who reside at Birch creek. Tho little miss is tho third child in the Sparks' family. She was born at the home of Mrs. I. 11. Karl, 624 Spruce street. KHkan Man In Town. I'. D. Toll, owner of the Douglas Court apartments, which recently hud a small fire. Is in the city today from Spokane. Mr, Toll came here to supervise the repairs which are being made and will remain here for a short visit. Iteeonlcr t Take Vacation. I'ollce Judge Thomas Kits Onrald and Mrs. Pits Gerald will leave to morrow evening on a two week's vaca tlon trip to the Willamette valley to visit with relatives. They will go Jo Wood burn for a few days and on to Salem, possibly taking In other towns In the valley. On their return home they will spend a few days In Tort land. During Judge Fltz Gerald's ab. sense John 'l-Hailoy will act as recorder and police Judge. 1C1 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101- I o r o -I I o -i I -I -1 V O 1 I -I IF YOU WANT SOMETHING REAL FANCY IN Bartlett) Pears PLACE YOUR ORDER WITH US AT ONCE AS THESE WILL NOT LAST VERY LONG. THESE BARTLETTS ARE WRAPPED AND PACKED IN PEAR BOXES AND ARE FREE FROM SCALE AND WORMS. . - Price, $2.45 Per Box 1 of 42 pounds net We are sure you will agree with us that these are the nicett pear you have seen offered in Pendlton this year. "tASTE LESS BUY THE BEST" Pendleton Cash Market, Inc. Fine Gi-ocerics and Meats Phones 101. ( Private exchange connecting both departments!) -T0I TOX TOT TOT TOT TOT IQT TOI TOT TOT return to hla home by. Buturday. Will llo J-r For Show. Ming Anna Hurreit, who travels in thia section fur the Irwin Hottaon Co. 1m here 'today and hat made renerva tlon for the three daya of the Hound Up. Minis Barrett believes there will be a large attendance thU year. .lnil-iw fMnto at $1000. The entitle of the last M. T. Milur key in appraised at $4000 in an In ventory filed todujf by James Kwten, Joe Kll and K. J. Murphy, the up prulKers. The property was till In real estate. Iu reli ohc Corn writ Iropriy. 8. A. Newberry , today purchased from Edward Corn well the property on tho corner of Court and Lee streets, confuting of two lots and two resi den cea. Mr. and M rs. Newberry expect to move Into the larger of the two residences October 1. Son nd Htock Miirk. JImh. It. W. Shaw, cuttle raiser from Long, j Creek, Is in town today on hi, way home from a trip to Seattle where he ' marketed some cattle early this week. Mr. Hhaw reports the Seattle market in poor shape arid hla returns were not nearly as good as he expected. TaiU nM 11 hum llyititr , ' Home of the flaffs flyln? from Pen-! dleton business houses have reached ! such a state of decay that the resem- j blutice to the Stars and Stripes Is j scarcely discernable to the casual ob server. The majority of the flags which catch the breeze In this city are tattered and soiled. Harvest A! tout OmilHeUtl. fiarvear. in Lmauua cuniy is aiuui 99 per cent complete and all the far-; mers are now busy hauling their grain to the warehouses. In 10 days they j will have completed their hauling and i will have nothing to do then until; seeding tinie. Reports coming 111 from j the various warehouses indicate that about 4,500.000 bushels were raised , tin the county this year. Itetween 10; land 15 per cent of this amount Is be- j Ing shipped in hulk. j "INSURANCE Is the Best Policy I am buying grain this year for Kerr Gifford & Co., Inc., and would be "glad to have the farmers give me a chance to submit a price on their grain before selling. : r JOE KERLEY Successor to Chaa. Si. Heard, Ino. "See Me Before the Firen t Insurance v Loans Real Estate Sril Main Ptndleton, Orecoo Want I'niiitalits 1triairod. Complaint Is being made because some of the drinking fountains abmit the city are not in i;ood working or der. The fountain on Main street near the th W. R. & X. depot Is al moHt worthless and some of the other fountains are running such small 8 1 reams that they can scarcely, be used. With large crowds anticipated for the Round-Lp it is asserted all these fountains should be put Into first-class shapefor use. Weailier Heport Received. W. W. Cryder Umatilla forest sir- pervisor oday received the following i weather, report, "Tonight and Friday '' fair; except probably thunder storms! this afternoon or tonight in southwest portion; warmer Friday in eastern i section. Cooler Friday i n interior southwest portion; gentle winds most ly northerly. Cooler Saturday In In terior northwest portion.'' Hoard Moots IVIday Sight. The school board will meet Friday evening at 7:30 in the offices of Liver more, Bickers & Fried ly toact on" the 'ippoiiitmentH of new teachers for the- local schools. A number of contracts have been signed but the formality of the board's okeh must b made. There (s no other business In eight at this time. - - -, t ' v. - - Glvcft ItiicKaroo Work. Harry Delong, a Hucknroo, was icked up by the police last night on charge of begging and of beating some board and room bills around town. He was to have had a hearing In' police court this morning 'but Clarence Adams, who Is staging a wild wet fhow at T'ortland, promised 'to give, him A job with his outfit and lip on promise to stand good for his bills ho Wttf n oised to Adams. The man wan sent' to 1 otiatid on the train to- ! day. . iiffirffitfifiiitiiiifiiiiifiitiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiititiiitjf ReoRoustabout We have today a Four Cylinder Iieo Rousta bout, just overhauled and painted. Tlie motor is in good condition and the car has a good sized strong bed that will stand lots of rough and heavy hauling. This rig is just the thing for the ranch, having plenty of power to go any place a team of mules will; and, REM EMBER I The Price is Right, Too! Smt on Tarincis?iip Affiwim'iik 0v& , I?. W.- Bpoman today fitartod suit amlnst W. V Black, with whom he Hi was formerly In partnership, for four Ejsunis of money. $217.33, JS.S5, 7.!8 B I B-nrt $.l.H, alleged duo rs Black's share ()f the debts In the partnership. The s! first sum Is the amount alleged due on Sja promissory note, half of which Ej Black asreed tu pay. The other sums 5'are for taxes, etc. The plaintiff is represented by S. A. Newberry; AwnrdH I'ncl tXimracls. 4 .The county commission today awarded contracts for coal and wood S' for the county library and court house S for the coming year. The coal con S tract went to the Oreson '..umber Yaro E which will furnish the library with 30 E tons of coal at tit. 15 ton. The Van E felten Lumber Co.. will supply 90 E cords of wood to the court house for E JS.70 per cord. Cottonwood & Water Phone 530- WHBSe- .u. n.fl.( ) appearance of her com-1 fplexion. Permanent and temporary skin troubles are effectively ' concealed. Reduces un natural color and corrects Tsreasv skins. Highly antiseptic I used with beneficial results as la curative acnt lor u years ''illlllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMllllltllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllli. Grocery Phone 52 Use the Phones ' Q U-JLlsITlS' SERVICE PENDLETON'S LEADING STORE Other Depart mts 78 Use the Phones Exp ress Jail S New Garments By Every Lovely new things by every express in our Women's Wrear Dept. Our New York resident buyer is rushing our shipment for us, which means you get the best of styles. You get early prices which means a great saving on every garment. You get better materials now than later, and you get the use ol ine garments so much earlier. Come down and have a look at the new things at rendleton s most autnen tic Ready-to-Wear store. ;.i c New Models in Silk Petticoats ARE HERE Very effective and de signed in straight lines to meet the require ments of the Fall suits and gowns. Clinging jerseys with novelty col or combinations and pleatings. All colors and prices. R AS NEW AS THEY ARE CHARMING These dainty set of crepe de chine gowns, combinations and cami soles fashibned of crepe de chine or Georgette. Exclusive models in pink and white. BEAUTIFUL AND DISTINCTIVE SILK LINGERIE Where daintiness and economy meets. W7hen one hears the price, it is hard to believe that such beau tiful, such exquisite garments could be priced at such a reasonable figure. gowns. $4.95 to $15.00 ENVELOPE CHEMISE.... $2.95 to $10.00 CAMISOLES . ;.. $1.50 t0 $5.00 $2.50 One of the new things suiting for skirts, dress suitin gfor skirts, dress es, or suits, 56 in. wide, in tan and grey, of a firm texture that will give the service. :. SILK POPLIN $1.25 YD. Specially good for dresses that are to receive hard service. Offered in all the leading and most desir able shades ; 3G in. wide, and.it takes 5 yds. . to the dress length. Have a look at this splendid cloth. NEW ARRIVALS IN OUR SHOE DEPT. We have just received the following shoes this week for early Fall and Winter wear: i Champagne, high lace shoe, of Blomenthal's washable kid. This shoe carries the 17-8 high Pans Louie heel. Light weight, close edge welt, long slender vamp, plain toe, very dressy. Account of early buying we have priced, this shoe at pr. $16.50 Have you seen our Black Satin 'Shoe?, 'It is made for wear as well as looks.- It is made of a very heavy grade black satin and carries a 16-8 Paris Louie heel, with light weight close edge welt, long slender vamp, worked eyelets. This shoe, although we have just received, we have only few pairs left. We have put a price of $10.00 the pair on these shoes, which is an exceptional price. Come see them while we have your size. ; i 1 .v- ' We are now prepared to supply . you .,. in school shoes of all kinds. It will pay you to buy shoes early for in so doing you will save from $3 to $5 the pair. We pay special attention to the proper fitting of all shoes. " . - -,. . ." , - , ; ; SILK HOSIERY FOR WOMEN .Women': can select their hosiery here and find just what they want. Our stock is large and complete. We have all sizes and every shade that you will find in shoes and to match your dress or suit. We keep a fresh shipment of . silk hosiery in transit every month thereby insuring new goods monthly. - . - WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION- CC. and QCn TO SILK HOSIERY AT . . . . ' , . . i UJV 7JL Special attention to our $1.50 quality and from $1.85 to $3.75 the pair. Buy silk hosiery now ! 5 , 'r.v! 35c ' $1.00 , Have a look at these dainty little bags, made of satin of many shades, neatly trimmed; includes mir ,ror and puff. Comes in many "attractive shapes. .They are to be used, not to look, at. v . . . Auto Tsrty From Mlnncnitolla. . . Mr. and Mis. M. Christensea and daUKhters, Miss Knima Chrisjensen nd Miss Kdna Chrlstensen. and son, K. W. Christcnscn. are in the city , on their way from Minneapolis to California. Thy sre making the trip In a Winton Six and nport that the roads are fairly good. All are. pleased; with the west and with rendleton in particular. GOVERNOR SAYS HE HAS NOT CHANGED MIND ON SUFFRAGETTE REQUEST K,U.E.r. Auk. 28. Governor, olrutt upon liis return from the '. conference of governors at Salt lake City, emphatically denied that he had been one of nine governors who' had agreed to call a special ratification session of tho legislatures of their states this fall as was reported In press dispatches from the Utah capital. The governor declared there has been absolutely no change in his attitude toward the special session to suffragette leaders prior to his departure for the Salt Lake conference. The first knowledge he had of any reported change In this policy he said today, was contained in newspaper clippings and in telegrams from half a do sen women suffrage leaders con gratulating him upon his deci sion to call the special session, i WANTED Woman to work one day a week, i'hone i ibJ, -LOST Tan colored hand tag on re- fe... servation road leading to Pendleton, Tag attached with name 01 J. E. Dick son, -Stir's, Idaho. Finder return to this office. Reward. imr.SSKl.S. Auk. 2S. Kins Albert ami Queen l;li7ilclli. of IlclRtiini, will leave for the I'nilocl States Sep tember S3.. They jilun to spent! a month In America. Has Tonsil Removed. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nelson was operated on for tonsils and adenoids this morning at St. Anthony's hospital. Has Operation. ' The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil .liam Penland is a patient in St. An thony's hospital after having his ton sils and adenoids removed today. Too Late to Classify New Tork's Invest fad is to match their hair in the color of. their caps. iiorsKwoiiK is a urnDEX . Woman's lot Is a weary one at best, lint with backache and other distress ing kidney ills life indeed becomes .a burden. Doan's Kidney Tills have made life brighter for many' rendle ton women- Head what. Mrs. James B. Jacobs. 30fl K. Hluff St., Pendleton, says: "I couldn't speak too highly of Dunn's Kidney rills, for I have'never found anything their equal. When I take a hard void or overdue, it al ways seems to affect my back and kid neys. My back aches so badly I can hardly move. My kidneys also get out of order and I can hardly do my housework. After I have taken LDoan's Kidney Pills for a few days. my kidneya act regularly. That aw ful misery. in my back lets xip and In every way I feel as well and strong as ever." Price 60c at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Tills the same that Mrs. Jacobs had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N V. 1 Ch Idren Love Them Instinctively they crave this wheat food with its taste of salt. And indeed nothing eoiilll lio Vtter for thern than crisp, dainty Wnow Ha,lcs. Your grocer has them. Don't ask for Crackers say Snow Flake Jllllljlf r-KiKt-MW 1 ! ' f 'I i 1 : r 1 '