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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1919)
$LYg;pAPES A Tcvi L.l Notices, Business Oportunitijes, Locals, Xost, Found, For Rent, Efcrcrassifie'd for Easy Reference raw TODAY. Bach new advertisement will run under "! Testy" tor IB first Insertion only. During subsequent. Insertions of the ad It will appaa undsr Its proper classification. 1 frOIi SALE LOUT Friday evening, bunch of keys Finder ifMM phnne 1 030. NEW TODAY the wIko ones wlio know whero good shooting In, are Retting iiut their Id'ilnnlonH thlii wee If. ItXI'ERlHNCKD . man and woman wunout cniidren , w(sn work on ranch. Address "A" this office. FOIl BALK tFlve pom In.' $.10U0. roam residence, Phone 87. FOR BAL,B-iA beautiful plnno. High clans, practically new and In splen did condition. 901 Jackson street Phone 6DS-M. ' . Miscellaneous FOUND Bunch of keys. Owner may hare same by paying for tbls notice. i u ' . !f Vrand Contuiried Hoy WANTED for delivering and wnitlt about "tore, preferably pne with bicycle and not attending school. Koeppen Drug Store. , HEMSTITCHING at the Singer shop. Mall ordors promptly attended to. , . for'balr- Prlce $2100. 5 room furnished house. Enquire 124 Thompson DRKSSMAKINO-Mrs. Petty. 'Pttont lit. 702 B. Alts. INDEPENDENT Call 6G8W. . CITT Scavenger. FOR Sloan, SALK 2 houses, apply 11S. Beauregard St. . H. M. WANTKD Woman hour. I'hono 848-R. to work tjy the WANTED Position as rnremnn or general ranch hnnd Kxperlenced and reference. Wife and child ot school age. T. M. Daniel CSnlclen Rule Il.Uel. MAW AND WIFK, i rhililren want work on stork or sheep ranch, wo niaA cook. Address IL A. this office. FOR SALE n. i. Red pullets. Early March hatched. I'hone 10F5. FOR KA Lr-2 Fou r dwellings, $4000. - One block went 'of MjUn St., In quire 509 College. , FOR PALOUSB WHEAT FARMS and Farm Leases, write Garfield Land Co., Garfield. Wash.- ... WANTED Young women to learn telephone operating, a permanent position assured, salary paid while learning. Apply to chief operator at Telephone Office.- . . ,. WANTED FurnlBhed or unfurnished . apartment or home, 3 or t rooms. Nione 8 14-J. - , ractor P. O. SELL TREES FOR US First class stock, complete line, liberal terms. Write for contract today, Salem Nursery Company, Salem, Oregon. fa'ANTED-To rent 1-4S H- P. ,- Inquire W. C. Co., phone 24S, Box 127. 'ANTED Man and wife for ax man and cook in surveyor's camp. About haNdy' business directory OF PENDLBtON AND VICINITY this directory is eepccUUly Land for the out-of-town reader who may wni the mm and suMmw of ro. sponsible business mete who represent tiie following various lines. All mre reliable, responsible basinet con cern who stand ready to glim you prompt and efficient semoe. OW Mmmfmm - - Auto Tops IB" TOO NEED a New Top or Cur tains for your car. Sea Gadwa, 101 E. Court. AUTO TOPS and shoe repairing, 121 West Alta street. Auto Tire Service FOR RALE-iComplete new bedroom I . set William and Marry pattern, ln "OMlre Pendleton Drug Co. FOR SALE A 4 5 Holt Combine en- , glne In first elass condition.. Inquire ames Hill, 10 N. Main or fjhona 72. FOR SALE I Chevrolet. I2S5.00; 1 Apperson. 82K0.00: 1 Overland 9(0.000; 1 Rmplre, 1 1150 00; i pord I lOp. 00 722 Cottonwood street. Motor fun-Oarage. WANTED fllrl to do general house. work, Call 752. fM MEDIATE SALE 7 room house and full lot, 817 "College street,' oc cupied by O. F. Colesworthy. Pos session September first. Terms If re quired. Apply Vert, 607 College t FOUND Hunch' of keys on Tustln street, finder may have same by culling nt this office and paying fori tills- ad, ' FOR SALE Seven room house with one and one-half lot. North Side. Snap If taken at once. P. O. Box 177, City. ..:!.. , . .. . PSYCHOMETIUST from India gives readings dally 1 to g p. m. Circles Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 7:4 p. m. Lecture Sunday evening 7:20 402 B. Alta, upstairs. , . . New Hemstitching Machine Mrs. J. M. Hlestand has purchased Mrs. Chlldreths new machine and Is how ready for orders at Mrs.' H- E Bickers, over Bowman Studio. - Auto Tires FOR BALE- Fred nnrn. IUile.l alfalfa hay, Alta FOR SALft Modern eight room hntiaoj hot ..water hest, four Jots, garage, inn Jano St. I'endleton. Ad dres H. S. Distler, Spokane. 1113 W. Indiana Ave.- IJST Itetween Pendleton ond Combs Cany6n mnns coat and hoys over, cone Finder please leave at this of-flcej FOR SALE ALL kinds of Insurance, J. IL Elites, 614 Main St., Phone 804. ST. ANTiroNY'S HOSPlTAU An ac credited Training School for Nurses, Pendleton, Oregon. Young women between the ages of 18 and Ss 'who can be credited with one or two years high school or equivalent of same-will bo received as pupil nurses; For fur ther Information, address. Sister Su perior, .i , " I PENNSYLVANIA vertown Cords. Vacuum Cup, Wallace Bros. 611- t months workInquire Indian School Twhen IN TROUBLE call our Service Phono F2. . car. We go anywhere, any time. ' " '' " '' ' . - I - 'Simpson Tire Service Co., Phone 861. wTwe,e,ew t . . . - ; TIM") CARD. . Weston-Pendleton Auto Stage. Leaves Weston for Pendleton at 7:30 a. m. and 12 45 p. m. - Leaves Athena for Pendleton at 8:00 a. n. and 1:00 p. m. Leave Adams tor Pendleton at 8:20 a. m. and 1:20 p. m. Leaves Pendleton (Allen-Knight . . Co, Store) tor Weston at 10:00 a. m. and - T. m. . O. IE McPHERRIN. Prop. ! Bicycle RepaWhg AUTO Tires vulcanized, bicycles and supplies. Savage tires, key fitting. Pendleton Cycle Co. 228 "E. COurt.' Blacksmithing Legral Blanks THE BOWMAN SHOP, Elacksmlth ing, Horseshoeing our Specialty, Re pair auto springs, wheels, all sixes. Architect FIRST CLASS Blacksmtthlhg of every description. You can do better here. A. P. Burgin, 807-8 Clay St. Batteries LEOAL BLANKS of ever description. Blank, Deeds, leases. Writs, Bill ot sales. Contracts, Subpoenas, Affidavits. Complaints, Summons, etc., for sale at East Oregonian Of floe. - Monuments L. MONTERASTELLL Marble and Oranlt works; write or arrange for interview for prices, styles, ete. BATTERIES repaired or recharged. new and rental batteries. JUeetric Service Station. Cor Garden and Court RAYMOND W HATCH Architect Phone 788, Rooms and (. De- spain Bldg. NOTICES E R. WRIGHT. ARCHITECT Telephone 604; 614 Main St., Pen dleton, Oregon. Guaranteed for 18 months, - W. E. Chase Co., 220 E. Court. Tele-, phone 269, Pendleton. Piano Tuning: MCDONALD MUSIC STUDIO, (14) W. Webb St. Fall term opens Sept. IS. 1818. Latest approved method Iplano, violin and harmony author ised teacher of Qodowsky Progressive Series of Piano Lessons. - Phone (46W. Chiropractor BIDSWfli.BB RECEIVED up to . and Including Aug, 29, 1919 eor fur nishing and Installing -of -warm air furfibce In echool house at Rleth. Ore. District No. 8. . E. 3. Anthony, clerk. FOR SALE Few household goods In. ' rinding stove, table, chairs, bed-t, etc 2114 -Perkins or phono 209-W. LOST Retween I.ehman snrinffn nnd Pendleton, ladles tan mixed coat, I finder kindly notify Mrs. Paul Bobbins Pilot nock Ore. FOR SALE Good safe cheap, in quire, at Sturgis and Storle, corner Court and Thompson streets. FOR SALE Wicker baby buggy. In OiHre 604 W. Bluff or phone 1173-W. Lost LOHT A plain gold -band ring with name Inside, Glh Brown. Return to "14 Calvin St. for reward. LEARN AUTO, tractor and . truck mechanics, we teach steom, gas and electrical ergineering, machine shop practice, ory-acetylerie welding. Personal Instruction on actual work In the best 'equipped school on the Paciflo coast. Day or night esnlons and you can start any time. .Write for Free Catalogue, Seattle Engi neering and Auto School, Seattle, Wash. NOTICE! Wanted WANTED Woman to do house work on ranch. Phone 16F21. FOR SALE New seven Tabm house on north side, Pr:ce 2J,00 with furnt- WA?TED 5ook on ranch. Phone tu're. Call 60S1 Grant St. i 0F3 or 643J. Having closedout my entire busi ness to the Umatilla Flour and Grain Co, I would be pleased to have all per- sons knowing themnelves to be endebf- ed to me, to call at the old stand and make settlement, for after a -reasonable time all unpaid accounts will be handed to my attorney with Instruc tions to collect. So please be prompt and oblige. The Umatilla Flonr and Grain Co. will In the futtlre carrya full lne of poultry and stock tonics and accessories and to them I would refer my former trade. . - - -. C. F. COLESWORTHY, 126 East Alta Street. Auto Transfer FOR QUICK SERVICE, see Bud Cornfield, Phone' 62, Crescent cigar store. DR. LENA A. BOONE. ChiroDractor. office over Cash Market, 808 B. Court; phone 164. . Painting & Paper Hanging PAINTS, Wall sVaper, Picture Fran, ins. L. J. MoAtee. .the Practical Paint Man. Lows Bros.. Paints. DR. LOR ETTA IL ST ARB A 6-10 Peebler Bldg. to U a. jh.; 1:30 to 6 p. m.: other hours by id. polntment; phones Of. 683, Res. 1169. Auto Washing LOST Two pigs about 100 lbs. each 1 one white, one black. Reward pay. ed for their recovery.! Phone 703, City Meat Market " " " 1 WANTED Second n-rt nnri,rj incrmiti in desk. Phone 476, corraiiion. xsesi .ourgnin in uwu. Alta llouse. , . , hand roll . top Appryj.Apt 1, FOR SALE1 Reo 4, 1916 model. I VANTED Good clean rags East Oregonian office. at The good 'condition In every way. Rea sonable offer takes Jt , Phone 167. itlMOTHY.HAY. alfalfa hay, all kinds ot hog feed, cow feed and chicken LOST White rnt terrier dog' wlthifewl. Umatilla Flour ft Grain Co. black and brown spots en head and 1200 W. Alta, 220 E. Court Phone WANTED-Mlddlo aged woman for general houwwork. I'hone 673. WANTED Woman for general house work. Small family. Phone 2S2-R. Black spot On hip. Tinder will re eelvd reward by t.ottfylijg R. 3. Camp bell. Phone 1BF28 I,OflT on , West Court Street between . Circus grounds and Round-Up park one gold and green enameled clover leaf pin, set with pearls. , Please re turn to 637 Johnson street, reward. 1014 and 361. For Rent APTS. AND ROOMS ALTA APTS. FURNISHED APT. Hamilton Court HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, BOi Clay. It Is easier to mend a broken heart ipOR RENT IArge front '-sleeping than a broken head. S'evr Tram Service. Takes effect Sunday, August Ird No. 1 departs 8:10 a. m. No. 18 arrives 4.48 p. m.j departs 6 00 t). m. . .. . , No. 2 arrives 4:18 p. m., departs 1 10 p. m. No. 8 departs 7:5 a. m. . No. 6 departs 6:06 a. m. No. 41 dep rts 8.24 a. m. No. 62 depart 10:16. ' 'o. 41 departs 8:20. Adv. room with bath. street evenings. Inquire 718 Ann Beauty Shop BE BEAUTIFIED at Miss Robb'S shop. Judd Bldg. Phone 1060. WANTED Girl for general house work. Phone Mrs. Jan. Sturgis, 1002 CARS. WASHED I call for and de liver. Especially equipped to han dle work right Automoble Laundry Phone 88, opposite court house. Auto Repairing Contractors & Builders J. W. JACKSON,- General Contractor, Painting, paperin and kalaomlnlna done quick, neat and cheap. 616 Cal- Ivin. Phone 1034. PARKER A BANFIELD, Designing, Engineering, Constructing: 10 veara experience in concrete and brick con struction; Columbia bldg. Portland Or Tinting, THE HOUSE PAINTER WENDT Paper ITanelng WANTED-OIrl work. Apply 618. J. for general house 413 Bush or. Phono WANTED Man and wife on -ranch, must be experienced and without children Address "A" this office; WANTED--Experlenced . woman to cook on ranch. . Address P. O. Box 375. Notion of payment of Elks Bonds. Notice Is hereby given that all Bonds Issued by PenHleton Lodire No. 2S8 B. P. O. B. Elks of Pendleton, Oregon bearing date of 81st day of December 1909 are hereby called for Payment, and will be paid upon pre sentation at the American National Bank 6f Pendleton, at Pendleton, Oregon, nil Interest ceases from this date. This notice is glvch by order of the Board of Trustees of said Pendle ton Lodge No. 288 B. p. O. Elks and is dated this 21st day of Auintxt 1919. THOS FITZ GERALD, Secretary. MILLER 8b BEMENT All kinds of automobile repairing. Chevrolet and Voile Service station. Our work absolutely guaranteed.' : 4)30 Cotton wood. Phone 203. Auto Wrecking USED PARTS every description. We buy your car, condition no object Auto Clearing House, Garden A Alta. Phone 765. --.; B. M. ACKER MAN. CONTRACTOR. Excavating. 1209 East Court Phone 286M. Dentist DR. THOMAS Oil MART, Taylor Hardwarde Bldg., Pendleton. Ore.. Phone 8307. Estimate Fnrnlshed Phono 1114 Shop lift Cottonwood 1-1-?-"jfey. Supplies .t. CHICK FOOD, Sciitch food, tonics, bone, shell, grit corn, oats, rolled barley, C. F. Colesworthy, 129 E. Alta. Plumbing and Heating ' t Draymen Auto Painting BY MEN WITH YEARS of experi ence. Shop at Wallace Bros., -812 Johnson. Ward A. Hoagland, Prop. Auctioneer "GIDDAP," AND THE PLUG GOT GOING Pilot RocK-Pen4leton Anto Stage. Leaves Pilot Rock at 8. a. m. Leaves Pendleton at 10:30 a. m. . -Leaves Pilot Rock at 1. p. m. Leaves Pendleton at 4 p. m. FANCHO STUBBLEFIELD, Prop. WANTED-Second hand flat desk, IriQUIre this office.. top WANTED Woman for general . housework on ranch. Phone 10F1 WANTED Dress making. Reason-. able. Call 805 'Cosbie St. Mrs. Liur derman, . WANTED Boy with bicycle. "PreTer ' ably one who does not expect to at tend school. The Pendleton Drug Co. DOINGS OF THE DUFFS t - r . . Uncle Jim knows the history of all his neighbors. BY ALLMAN COL. W. F. YOHNKA, Auctioneer, makes a specialty of farmers stock and machinery sales. "The man that gets you the money." Leave orders at East Oregonian Office - - . CALL PEN LAND Bros. Transfer van : to move your household goods. We also pack or store goods. We do coun try hauling. Telephone 339. HEA,TINO plants,, sheet metal work. pipe fitting, general plumbing aup plies I. D. Phelpn. 317 EL Court Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat D. N. REBER, M. D-, Specialist Belts Bldg., Room 9, 10, 11. Phone 838. Optical department Repair work. You make your own selection of any style of mounting or frame, shape, size and curve of lens. Engraved Cards Auto Electric Work AUTO Electrio Work? of all kinds: Magneto, starter, ignition, etc. El ectrio Service Station. Main & water. WE REPAIR anything electrical on an automobile. W. B. Chase Co. Long after the outlines of the last boat filled with "Yanks' drops below 'the horizon, the peaceful valleys of i France will yield musical echoes lr, the old American tongue, 'Wlllynllly, the butchers and bakers and cognac makers of "sunny" France will contin ue to -talk United States. It's ail on account of the members of the A.E. F. who are destined to stay behind. Almost every province of France has a mule from Missouri or a horse from Idaho which severed its CARTER SMYTHB, Attorneys at Attorneys GEORGE: W. COUTTS, Attorney at Law, Room 17, Schmidt block. VISITING CARDS Wedding An nouncements, Invitations, many de signs and styles to seleot from. For sale at East Oregonian Office. Florist POTTED PLANTS, cut flowers, palms and ferns; funeral wreaths, designs. Geo. Hooker, Florist, 623 Main St Farm Loans Radiator Repairing VLTA AUTO RADIATOR WORKS 701 East Alta street All makes of radiators repaired. Work guaranteed. Edw. A. Porter, Prop. IAVB your Radiator repaired by onr expert Thorough satisfaction gnar-r anteed. J. D. PheJpa, 817 E. Court. ... - Real Estate UMATILLA County wheat or alfalfa. ' lands, Pendleton property, stock ranches, grazing lands. W. H. Morrison : Restaurant -j THE -QUELLE. A good place to eat Rugs NEW and attractive rugs made from your pld Ingrain and Brossel ear- pets by the Walla Walla Fluff Run; Co.. 1332 Walla Walla Ave- Wall alia. Wash, phone 1677. SNOW ft LAYTON. 117 East Court St Real Estate, Fire Insurance, Farm 1 Loans. See us .bout a loan. Suits to Measure connection with the A. E. In on of the mnhy sales conducted by the re mount service. Out at Vouvray, which besides being as good a wine as they make In Franco, is also a suburb of Tours, there Is one madariie who Is fast getting acquainted with her -new chevnl. ' ' But it looked bad at first A back from a Tours barracks came upon the itpeclacfe of a patient but motionless horse hitched to a eart and a much worried old madame circling cart and horse lh a Vain effort to get a little action. "How goes It, madame?" r ' "Ah. monsieur! He Is a bnn che- val. But he understands not the French. How Is it you : sny Alle!' monsieur?" "Voila, madame!" v The buck took the reins and assum ed a position of vantage, A single "Kiddspl" 4nd the horse got Into ac tion. Madame was amaxed and de lighted. ' "Ah, rriercl. monsieur! Ah, rnerel!" And it madame ,tcn years from now. remembers no more than a "gld- aap!" well, that's something. Stars and Stripes. law. Office in rear of American National Bank Biulding. - FEE ft FEE, Attorneys at Law. flees In Despaln Building. . Of- HAVB the old tires half -soled: 8500 miles guaranteed; have proven 'worth. G. W. Bradley, 639 Cotton Wd. R. L KBATOR, Attorney at Law. Room 24, Smith-Crawford Biulding. iftiA vm&IhQ. JSweefcX girls VlHjrf VoO SAW OM ,vn Hcscoci -TUtS IS THRte OF EM MO AIL - O.UMCLE d& I ft The SVOeerV.S HAD A UAcf TIME. IUei FIUauM DECitD 0lWEU.J5i TMf NM0 THE eCCOWO JCN ' AMO TUB LAST on 84.,- ptrum - naw-ham-tmmi . . 3. A. fcowell,. attorney and counsel lor ait law. Office In Despaln Bldg. Gates Half-Soles Jeweler and Optician WILLIAM HANSCOM Jewelers-Opticians ,. Pendleton, Oregon. S. Ai NEWBERRY, Attorney at Law. Smith-Crawford. Biulding. PETERSON, BISHOP & CLARK, at torneys at Law. Rooms X and Smith-Crawford building. JAMBS B. PERRY, Attorney at Law, Office over Taylor. Hardware Com pany. . ...... RALET ft . RALEY, Attorneys at Law. Office ein American National Bank Building. ; Job Printing LETTER HEADS, Envelopes, Bill Heads, I oose Leaf Bills, Commer cial Forms, Dodgers, Placards, eta printed to your order. East Cmtrotp. tan Office. Laundry COUNT MIN0TT0 WILL" REMAIN IN AMERICA WOOD PULP IN U. S. NEW YORK, Aug. 27. Instead of sailing yesterday for Copenhagen, as reported. Count James Minotto, sdn-ln- Inw of Louis P. Swift. Chicago' packer, who was detained for a brief period during the war on a technical charge because of his birth In Germany, In tends not only to remain In the United Htates, but nlso to renounce, his Ital ian citizenship and becrtme nh Ameri can. 'Mr. Jnmes Minotto," as he prefers to be called, will apply for his final ciHltenshlp papers within a shbrt time Rnd drop his title. . His friends say officials .who were concerned In his case now stand ready to indorse him.. It was Count D. Minotto and Countess Mmotto, his parents,' who sailed yes terday en route for Italy. The son came here with his wife and child to see his parents off, and returned to day to Chicago. Dr. Karl Muck, leader of the Boston Symphony Archestra, who . was In terned during the war as an enemy alien, sailed from her yesterday for Copenhagen on the Scandinavian Am erican liner Frederick VIII. j ... . Asserting that he was an American and not a German, but that he sailed FRED E. SCHMIDT. Attorney at Law. Room 24, Smith-Crawford Bldg. EVERY article Laundered . perfectly. There's an agent In your town. Troy Laundry, 608 Garden St Lubricating Oils EMIL BECK, the tailor. Hotel Pin- dleton, Bldg, Phone 1101 Second Hand Dealers V. STROBLE9, dealer in new and sec ond hand goods. Cash paid for second hand goods. Cheapest place. to buy, household goods.. 210 J3. Court. Phone 271W. Sheet Metal Works PENDLETON SHEET METAL works. chimney tops, gutters, skylights. troughs, auto bodies, 728 Cottonwood, - Taxi Service WHEN YOU NEED a taxi or touring , ear, call Goedecke. We go any where, anytime; all new taxis; phone 464; stand 611 Main St Tailors LINDGREN ft RANSHKN. tailor alterations; 736 Main St Used Cars MONOGRAM Oils and Greases, all dealers. Eastern Oregon Warehouse iUS-BD CARS at genuine bargain brloo R. M. TURNER, Attorney at Low. Matleck and Alta Sis. F. O. Sullivan I at the Pendleton Motor Sales Co., Rooms 7, 8, 9, Despain building. Eastirn Oregon Representative. Cottonwood ft Water Sts.. Phone 536. - Take home a Delta rancy brick of for-Denmnrk "a man without a f lag j jce r-ream.. They are put up In card- or country," Dr. Muck arrived at fcoord cartons and wl!l keep for one Pier with his wife only a short time before tho hour of departure. Homesick Collie Dog Goes 800 Miles to : 1 Locate His Master hour. Few dog stories would ba so well worth hearing, if the dog could tell it, as that of Simp, a collie that be- onged, and that we hope still belongs, to a family that lives on me upper Scioto river In Ohio. The family moved to the headwaters of smokv Hill river, in Kansas. They went by train to' Kansas City and the rest of the way by wagon. Alter a year they moved back sgaln to their old home In Ohio, but left Shep with a neighbor in Kansas. Eight weeks later the dog, "as thin as a roil" ana somcwnai loomun?, walked lnto.the house on the Scioto. He had traveled S00 milos. Youth's 'Companion. . Sour stomach, clogged up bowels. headaches, foul breath, are evils of constipation. HoUfster's Rocky Moun tain Tea pu-.tles the stomach snl - lieves constipation a medicine the whole family should lake, J 6c, A Pprat torv of COMPOUND COPAIBA and CUBEB3 AT YOUR DRUGGIST 1 AV (fcr SV NAM C WLT noM SufcatftutMlil tfOISON OAK . IU' Wuh with weak solu- . 4 ' f . tion of blue stons or' sV Hint water, drr thor-' ooghly. follow with light sppli- l.ij rtV cation, of Vlv VICKS VAP0RU1 "YOUR BODYGUARD" -30.6Q1I.3 Wilms M . nl . ( w - WANT AO IOLIM1 AJIO Count! or atx ordtnur word t thm tin nd chrsed br th tloa. CLASSIFIED UIRECTORT Want, ftda mad 1ocuh Hates Per Ub. first Insertion, per lln 1 Eaot. add. luaertloo, per lln tW On wefk taix lnsrtoaa, ech Insertion, per line . tm 1 tK each Insertion per line. 4m month contract eacti nr- nuu. isr 1 1 it j Id 13-month contrect, cl ertion, pr lin No da taken fur leas 1 lines. Minfrnum ctiarg-s w. Ads taken oTtr the teUpfaoss only from Bast Oresoelan sub soribrs and tnoa Ustad la Telvyhone Directory. ?opr b fa ear offlea not later ta l:lt o'clock day of publloatioa. - ... , i