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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1919)
BAIL? KASygfttidbKUti. frfeMblfcT dtt, oWtOn, yuEsruY, auoust 2v HONORS CRACK BATTALION" reAonian) AN INDEPENDENT NRWsiPAPER. Publishes Putty and Bcml.WklT,' at lndlMn, Oreson, by the BANT OI1KUON1AN MillUiWJUM CO. sunscRirxioit rates tm ADVANCE) - V . 1 Dally, on rear, by nm .. ., Dally, aix montha by tnall Dally, three months by mail Dally. onn mnnth h. .ti Kntrod at tha Bestofflce at Pendle ton, Orrfoa, as second-class mall maltr. 16.00 X.K , 1.11 Talcpbona ONI 8AI.J5 IN OTHER CITtEN. bally, ona year by carrier" Imperial Hotel New lnd. Portland nailv .1. .... .Z IrTr .(. , 1.60 1.7S ) 95 .7 rK-rT ' V-r noatna oy earner Chicago Bureau, Sot Security Build Inr. Washlnrton, D. C, Bureaa tOl four' townth Nlret. N. W. .66 1.(0 Heml-Weekly, four mon.'ha by mall .7 . 7 ,frri ak ''H.rW-l'wT I . .-. -' , ;, . v., r mwm it is nivsi-xr Kindness, And asain kindness, Mlnore and without self-seekinff With no thought of return That la llfe'a heft rule. That la divine. nut thin lii a hard saying .To the nverbearina. The aelf-ns'serting- . And the unstable. Yet never shall thou approach. thy brother, And win his spirit's citadel, ltut by becoming him In sympathy and love. When thou canst say, It la not 1. It is thyself Who seeks to enter. He will let thee In. H. W. WILIAMS American pork has found J such great favor in Europe and south America that in 1918 it represented more than two- thirds of the exports of meat from the United States. The Department of Agriculture is actively undertaking the con servation of present herds and is conducting a campaign of education to stimulate larger and better production. i I! The start Arl CRIME AND THE MICRO- fiCOPE. - . opposition senators claiming that the league cove- nant did not protect American J immigration rights and the , I Monroe doctrine ; they now base their case on the claim the treaty is unfair to China. ft I 'TIT.'ll. t ... HE claim is made by a Uni-' . " ne juney ser- versity of California pro-!? ner' "naieton m the fessor that the day wiU . M?"ul "ea"- nunc JCL US till WISH gOOd 1UCK come when a microanalysist one who analyzes by use of a", microscope will be used by every progressive police de- partment. He has much morej to say about the use of so-! called scientific methods in criminal detection. to the firm that is going to build the road from Eieth to Echo and get it in shape for travel before next summer. 1 B IHIiTT !BJH Tf ' a, I -n"-t t ST. JOHN The Prince of Wales touk tjio llrst opportunity, on nis viait to Canada, to present a stand of .colors to the crack 26th New Brunswick Battalion, which he once inspected and r Viewed in France, : . ' . , 1 t : ; s ' i il 3i VP a i?c Ann . II ,, , Convent Flirtation Ends When Doughboy . Takes Nun as Bride - EJast - -Oregronian, 1891.) , August Coal miners in some eastern i states are asking for a six hour With all due respect for the idav nd a five, day week.. That professor let us cherish the ! would De a bum way to avoid a hope that the police will not lay ,f u6 shortage next winter. aside the time honored methods of criminal capture until the new method is fully, tried and proven. The microscope may) be eood but a jury will always: desire direct evidence. Science I """" wniorVif Tnn! tVia moral . horse! t vkl J- I Gulliford is in the city from I unci uui ii u iiu tiuiic w iioiuui Yjni, ft' desire. The Of fence' Consists j Mrs. S. febesp'ain and family have . , . . -.returned from Cftmp Meacham. in commission and the task of, Mlsses Anna MarshaH and Mis9 the sheriff is to bag the man ' Elsie Matlock leave soon for Portland . . , , !to attend St. Helens Hall. who really took the mule or 51rs. Beam mothcr of j Bea robbed thei Safe, as the casedeputy county clerk, has been 111 for may be. There is a story told of a man who was robbed of his watch and the criminal was caught in the act. A police man was called but. h refused to judge by apeparances. He Was of a scientific turn and proceeded to feel the bumps on j the head of the suspect. Hej found no evidence of a criminal ' nature. He then examined the j cranium of the complaining , witness and found bumps that aroused suspicion. If the microanalysist should act in such fashion there woul4 be a great field for his endeavor but law enforcement, it may be feared,' would suffer. Convent Luxem Mister Marie into solitary confine ment, but he told the soldier: "If on the tenth day you happen to bo here and the bell In the tower tolls at this hour, come for your Marie, for the church will have lost. If the bell is silent, go away, and God bless you.-' The bell tolled at the appointed hour and Private Ktnatdi and Sister Marie were married by Chaplain Anderson of the 5tb Division. ' - Before enterintr the service Rinaldi was a miner and lived with his mother Mrs. Ahgelinia Rinaldi at Old Forge. He is 2 5 years old. ; . FIVE FROfJI POISONING some time. J. B. Hay and family and Joe Tall man returned this evening from Teel springs. Sheriff and Mrs. W. J. Furnish re- tllfrail Tiloarlnv avanlnir f rnm thoir" it if tu aaiiuiuiuit anu iuiuiui The J. M. Bently residence proper ty on Willow street purchased by Carl Men r bach, is undergoing a transfor mation. Mr. Mehrbach is making many improvements and will soon have a cozy, pretty home. AMERICAN HOGS. ABOUT THE STAFs NEW YORK. Aufr. 26. Private Joseph Rinaldi of the Fifth division and bride, having passed through this city, are on their way to. his home in Old Forge. Pa. Before Mrs. Rinaldi met her husband she was Sister Mftrie lor eignteen years in the Rchole Menagerie at Ksch burg. After the 6th Division had partici tne Mihiel. the Argonne .ni. MCO PAIIC-C nCATU and Meuse river offensives and the lUUIVto OAUot UtAIH armistice was signed the troops were billeted In the town of Esch. : Near the divisional quarters rose the tall gray walls of Ecole Menagerie, housing in Its many buildings hun dreds of orphans. The sisters could be seen marching in pairs, to their cells. Then one day one of their num ber was missing. Several days later reports from the convent told the soldiers that the nun taken from the line was Sister Marie, who had entered the nunnery at 15 and WnS thtll 3.1 S'latar Mnria hH been glancing at Rinaldi from her cell window and the mother superior had taken her to another and more inac-J cessible convent in the city of Luxem-1 t, burg. After this, almost niehtly, Private ' Rinaldi took the lorry for Luxemburg. Finally he' sought the mother super ior and confessed his love for the sis ter. And the nun had no difficulty in telling the mother superior that she reciprocated the soldier's affection. The mother superior consulted the bishop, who sided with her and sent ALLIAXCE, .O., Aug. 2G. rtomaine poisoning, it is believ- ed, resulted in the death here to- day of Colonel O. C. Weybrecht, world war veteran, his wife, two family friends, and a waiter. It is thought that olives served at a private dinner party last Friday were the caia-e. The chef who prepared th dinner wn also ' stricken and- ifl believed dying. i Nw-Xi.JW" ft .. I ''iiiiiaiahiiiii i MMnwii mummukLmmmmmmww33bk 'l. .-n.,. nrn nnnannimmri in i II ii (I 4:oruflilil Hurt.' Hud cornfirll. who went ' hroiffih several year of ri-y - rvlcj un AoatluMl. has a tmUly hrulxmlf' nttil ' I rt1 Jurpid rm tirltiy, mvRil by haekllr from hi ,utomnbil w.hflo fotnflcld wan cranking liu. inachtno, Tho arm is aore and th muMelen sprained, but tlie injured member it not broken. Mrs. J. A. Witters lm here from Moa chaifi today. V. R. Fox Is here frpm St. I-ouis on business. K. AV, GrlMWold of Los AiiKeles, is reg istered nt Hotel Pendleton. fl. H. Tlckner in here from Portland. GIRLS! USE LEMONS FOR SUNBURN, TAN Try It! Make this lemon lotion to whiten your tanned or freckled akin. Squezze the juice of two lemons Into bottle containing three ounces Of Orchard White,' shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle sunburn, and tan lotion, and complex ion whitener, at very, very small cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any dru? store or toilet counter will sup ply three ounces of Orchard White for few cents'. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, t arms and hands and see how quickly j the freckles, sunburn, wimlburn and ! tan disappear and how clear .soft and j white tho skin becomes. Yes! It la harmless. ' - ( Orescent Lunch - Ami 7-s ' wmkf v 'Mm BanK Service While Traveling INHERE you're 'jnou.M, your checkbook is h eigrj p w vl your cretlit at the bsnk. Where you're unknown. AMERICAN EXPRESS TRAVELERS CHEQUES establish for you a similar credit. .... Wherever you go at home cr abroad they aro C3 good a3 gold. You sign them at our bank when ycu buy them; you countersign ttiem when you spend them. The signatures identify you. The, value of lost or stolen uncountersigned Cheques ij l refunded to you, upon filling, out certain protective tot-mo. THE FIRST NATIONAL PENDLETON ' , Capital and Surplus $650,000.00 "FAKE" ASPIRIN ' ' WAS TALCUM 5(7 lul Street. Jll'TTrK .MILK JIOT C.lvi:S, ( , iiotui corivo, r .-, T f i i!Kj:rjiit iixi:it 1 . 1 Short Onlfrs at" nil 'Time ' ; Home Made Pastry . K. ir. Somcnlllo, Prop. FIGHT ACTORS' STRIKE ECENT investigations by the Department of Agri culture disclose that the United States has relatively larger reserves of livestock than any other country in the world. In respect to swine, this country is easily first, but holds second place in the number of sheep and of cattle. It Is estimated that there are approximately 180, 0 0 0 , 0 0 0! at-- ij re t J BWine in me wunu. ui mc considerably more than a third are in thi3 country. There are probably 47,000,000 head of cattle and about 500,000,000 head of sheep in all Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, North and South America and the is lands of the seas. Although swine are less nu merous than cattle or sheep in the world at large they ' are more plentiful than either the other cases of livestock in the United States. There are more hogs in this country than; in all its ten nearest competi tors combined. the world in the number of i rsheep, and India takes place in point of cattle, .. , , Cancet' (The Crab.) The first summer . constellation in the Zodlas la Cancer,, very- incon spfclcus, but universally knovm by the Ancients from Babylon to Peru. This is another indication that there may have been a migration to the western world in prehistoric times. Cancer, represented as a crab, a crayfish or a lobster, btit always a slow moving creature is supposed to Indicate the aparent slow motion of the sun whil In that constellation. It is chieftly noted for the great naked eye cluster Presepe sometimes called "The Man- grer" In which ChriHt was born. In English astronomy it is more often called the "Bee Hive." Galileo was the firHt to observe this clustre scientifi cally, who with his little telescope made cut forty minute stars. Modprt. telescopes reveal three hundred and sixty three. It was near this cluster that HaJley'a comet was first discover. ed in 1581. HOUSEHOLD ItorSKKEEPTXG HIVTS . It huckleberries are tough skinned they should be cooked before eating1. wA paint bruhjfi excellent in re mo v. inur dUHt from carvinff on furniture. Canned cherriejj and Btrawborriea are Uite ok Rood for pie as the fresh fruit. Tour melted lard between th frame and casing- of a window that fitick. A garment may be much improed if worn buttonholes are worked over neatly. Salad should he on the table at least off Whenever powtible lettuee nhould he drenned with lemon ' instead of vine gar. The Ice cream freezer which does not require churning Is a boon to the Minull family. A rKr Btoie In an entirely unnecei- v, 1 1 ft f"-y Vj' - therefore Insist Upon Gen : uine "Bayer Tablets of Aspiria" CECIL COSPER FBT,TO ACCOUNTANT ' "INCOME TAX ADVIBKR Bmlth-Crawford Bldg-. Opposite Pendleton HoMI ' Phone 1030 ' NEW YORK. The most bitter opponents of the striking actors are Jake and Lee Shubert, pro-' oncers and owners of a string .of theaters throughout the csuntry.' They have begun suits for $500,- 000 against some 01 me sinmnB staire stars, and have tried to stop walkouts by injunctions. Millions of fraudulent Aspirn Tab lets were sold by a Brooklyn manufac turer which Inter proved to be compos ed mainly of Talcum Powder. "Bayer Tablet of Asnlm" the true, genuine Ameriein .made a d: American ownt.l Tablets are marked with, the satoty Bayer CruM." - ! Ask f o and then insist upon "Bay er Tabids of Afpirn" and alwayj them in th ciiv'.nal Bayer pa.:karo which ci'i taiiiK i roper directions nnd dosage. , ' ' ' ' Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Mortoaceticacidi'Hler of Salicylic-acid.- NOTICE I am now located In L. T.u.t.l ..k Y, 1. 1 1.1 ill IT M'fii vcr the Working- DALE ROTHWELL Optomctiist and (iptlclon. t - Pandletoq, Ore. I Dr. David Bennett Hill DENTISTRY X-ray Diagnosis. . Pendleton Oregon DR. J. EDWIN SHARP Pental X-Ray by Appointment , . Rysl Articulated 'Dentures."" , '' . InlunU Kmplre Ilank lildjf. Office Phene .330. Home Phope.734 Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee Chronic and Nervous Diseases and Diseases of Women. X-Ray Kleo- tro Therapeutics. Temple. Bid-., Room 12, PuoM-slt OSBORNE TAXI SERVICE 6am OslKirne,- Prop. DAY A M;ilT to any part of the city. Stand at Cny Dill lard Parlor 1 TKLKl'UONK. 40S The Children Will Want It Huiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliis: 1 1 ANSCO CAM E RAS Australia leads rv evil hen using' stale cake In desserts freshen R by placing" io the oven. firsti The brown spots on an earthenware j pudding dish can be removed by rub . lins- with salt, . A GOOD MEDICINE i FCR LOSS OF appetite; Orneral 1ibility and ' that tired i feeling is Hood's Karsaparilla. Tbis liiplily eoncentrnted, economical medicine is a (rrpnt favorite in tbou- js Bands of Iiomcs. It is jx'culiarly sue- jS eessful in jmrifyinir nnd revitalizing H the h'ooil, iromotitif? digeMion, re- , S Htorjnif uniinaluin, and building, up tho wliole s.'vifnm. tJet ibid dependable medicine to day and begin lakiug it nt once. Jf yon need n laxative tah Hood Pil!, you will urcly Jilio tUcjii, '-."' ..''ard" , ,' .; Speedex Films Dor t le( another summer go by wfthout an Anaco. It will add moro to the pleasure of your outings than anything else H winter and long afterwards yoi can Jive over again with pt jree thone jood sum mer'dny. Iet us show you the Ansco line. 1 Tallman & Co. I Teadliir DrugglsM. Bring Your Car to Us 't , ,i -. We can furnish prompt-, ly any size . ... ; ' Wind Shield Glass We have an experienced man who will set the glass while you wait- B.1 Inc. Corner Webb and . Col lege Sts. ' uixuiiimiuiiiuiiiHiuimuHiiuiiiiiiuJi.- I A PRESENT TREE - tO EAClf GIRL'ORBOY ;, T 1 1 Who brings or sends to the East Oregonlan office one new Daily subscriber by carrier for 1 month or longer; or one new Dairy subscriber by Mail for 3 months oV longer; or one new Semi-Weekly subscrib er by mail for 1 year; or any subscriber renewing their Daily subscription for three m:r.lha or longer or gemi-Weekly for one year.- v . ' FOIt Yfel'll CHNVEXIEXCE INK.THIS COI'POif ' .. - ..'.;....'; - East Oresonlan Tub. Co,,' , Gentlemen: I'Jcase send me "T'ncle Billy's" Circus and send the la'llv) or (S;iiil-WerMly) Knni nrnKouinn by (carrmr) or tmull), for which find enclnwd f. .......... to the following aildrcKS Bend the mper tor...,..,..,.. monthn ynr. ' Name Town ; 8trent and No My Name is My Address -is si'iisntiiTiov n TR9 v' Dally by currier B5e per month. Daily by Mall $5. no pnr year. Dally by Mall $2.50 six months. Dally by Mall $1.25 three months. ' Hemi-Weekly $1,(0 per year. ip cincrs is to ijk rent by mauj send so ron postaob.