:;. v ; ?'', .yr-. TWELVE PAGES' H PAGE THREE DAILY EAST OREOONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, 1919 in ii . s 'J ' LIU, if I'l. J. -M- ' T- NEWS NOTES OF PENDIfTOM 1 Ijpuio oh Motor Trip. Hum Pahl and hla family loft toduy uy auto for an extended .trip to' tht coast. Mr. Phal bus Just completed tin harvest and disposed of hla crop. Would Htiirt sheet Mul Works. Two young men of 1'urtland are In quiring- about the opporuntly for mart In a aheot metul "Works In 1'ondleton. They addressed tholr communication to the rondlpton Commercial Assocla- tlon, requesting full dotalla. To ItulM lluiutnlow IHrclllnic. . Joel Hanscom toduy took out a per mit to erect a modern bungalow dwelling on hla property on . Mark slroet. in the Haley addition. It will cost I5O00 and be ready for occupancy by January 1, 1920. cl40nrelroffh,8pre-l Mr. Tweedy Hcwting Kasy, ' ' T. J. Tweedy, postmaslcr, Ik resting cany after hla operation In the Good Hamarltan hospital.. Portland, accord ing; to word received here today. He Is Htlll In a serious condition, but his recovery Is condlfontly predicted. He Is under the care of Dr. C. J. Smith, formerly of Pendleton, and Mr. A. IS Itockey. Includes also seven half lots. Mr. Ber govln will tuke possession of the house September 1 and will brlngr his family here to reside. The deal was hancllud through Llvermoro, Dickers & Frleilly. lioy Huh Tonsils Itomoved. , The sinull son of Charles Lecklider hud his tonsils removed at St. An thony's hospital today. tiv on Mill Crook. A dNtmintlv forest fire la rnulnir on o.th nni7uct.ro,,, - M crK?k east of Walla Walla, ae. l naries lMllas. Who IS an exlenSlVb corri'lii In itirr.rmutlon received at lh larmer norm or. moiin, nas local forestry office vuinpiuiea a successful Harvest ana disposed of his crop to the Cunha Llulo Daughter Horn. flouring Mills at Ktho. Mr. Dallas I Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sommerer, of wm nave a larger acreage in wneal i Hermiston, are parents of an 8 pound next year than this. 8kI(iiiio l'liyxlclan Hero. Dr. A. T, Clhlselen, of Spokane. physician for the Kiultable I-lfo As surance Co., in the pacific Northwest, is in Pendleton today, accompaincd by Mrs. chlselen. They are on a motor trip through the Inlr.nd Umpire and stopped here for a short visit with friends. . daughter born today at. fit Anthony's hospital . Itnrwi'ln Buys Hum, "Otto K. liergevin today purchased the Charles McBee home at 1616 W. said to have been 11600. The property Polulo Crop I'ulr. Regardless of the fact the Weston mountain potato growers have had no rain since they seeded last spring there will be a fair yield of potatoes. says County Agent Fred Bennlon, In the event of a good rain within the next month there will be a good crop, he believes. The potato acreage is light this year owing to the fact many farmers raised wheat instead Their wheat croup has been. poor. 1C1 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101- Hore is Something Extra Fine ' We have a large shipment of extra fancy El berta Peaches grown on the Columbia river due to arrive Monday morning. If these peaches are as represented by the pro ducer, which we think they are, we believe we are safe in saying they will be the finest, largest Peaches that ever came to Pendleton. They are packed in single layers in 3 1-4 inch boxes. , , r The price will be practically the same as other Elberta Peaches. Call at our market Monday A. M. or phone us ("101") and we will let you know how nearly they come up to their reputation. "Waste Less Buy the Best" Pendleton Cash Market. Inc. Fine Groceries and Meats Phones 101. (Private exchange connecting both departments.) Slnlo (iamo Warden Here, Curl F. Shoemaker, state game war den, is a vixitor In Pendleton. He hat been to the Wallowa Country looking after the elk heard there. m UK: Married Here Today. Clone L. Cherry, of Walla Walla, and Miss Jeane Anderson, of Milton were Issued a license here toduy to be mar. rled and the ceremony was perfnrni in .nis city today. Both .iii,0 peo. pie aro students. Guardian ad 1 J tern Named. W. c. B. Prultt was today named guardlun ad litem of Ernest. Emld, Harold, Vernon and Margaret Water man, minor children and heirs of the estate of Harley A. Waterman, doccas. ed. ' , -TOT TOT TOT IQT TOT TOT TOT TOI T0TT0T "INSURANCE Is the Best Policy" I am buying grain this year for Kerr Gifford & Co., Inc., and would be glad to have the farmers give me a chance to submit a price on their grain before Belling. J n-v t ' jjoE ' KERLEY" uaetasor to Chas. B. Heard, Ino. ' .JOSwMt Before the Firew . . , " Insurance -' Loans Real Estate ; 711 Main ' " Pendleton, Oregon lii,.OilHMII1Mln:!H!liir';lt,MH, :--.,i;,. ; s: l:lks Contractor in City, T. II. Banficld, one of the contrac tors for the .new Elks' lodge home here, is in Pendleton today on busi ness. He is junior member of the firm of Parker A Banfield, Mr. Ban field Is at the Pendleton. Will He Married Sunday. Ferndale, near Milton, will be the scene tomorrow of the wedding of Miss Helen S. Jensen, of that place, to Thomas R. Campbell, of Walla Walla. The license for the wedding was Issued here today. Mr. Campbell is a farmer. Probata Matters Ordered. Final reports in the estates of A. V. Eason and Fredericka A. Koeppen were accepted in probate court today and the estates ordered closed. An order ratifying the division of the es tate In the Donald Boss estate was also made. Colesworthys Move to Xorth Side. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Colpaworthy are moving their household effects today from their old home at 17 Colleg. street to the house recently purchas ed by Mr. Colesworthy at 413 Jackson They will make their future home on the north side. Iteroverliur from Operation. Mrs. Charles C. Vinior Is recorerin, nicely from an operation performed yesterday at Hot Lake, according to Mr. Ylnler. who c.-.me down todr.y on Xo. 17. Ho expects to return to th san!tsrium Monday, and as soon as Mrs. VInier is convalescent bring he, to Pendleton where they will again make thelahome. Yellow Jackets Predict Wlnler. Yellow jackets are reported to be unusually thick in the mountains this summer and likewise unusually vi cious In their behavior. This Is Indi cated as presaging a hard winter. It is recalled by men in the hills that on several occasions yellow jackets have been promiscious jufet before hard win ters and It is particularly recalled that they were abundant preceding the hard winter of 1915. gmiiiiiitiiifjiiiiimuim I ReoRoustabout 1 Holler Mills Has Xew Price TJst. A new price list from the Pendleton Roller Mills, showing a decline in the flour price, was "sent out today. The following prices are given In the new list: ' Blue Ribbon. 98's, J10.55 barrel nine Ribbon, 49's, JI0.70 barrel; Blue Ribbon,' 24 tt's. 111. OS 'barrel; Round- Pp, OS's, $10.35 barrel; Round-Up, 49-s. 110.50; Round-Up, 2414, $10.5 barrel. ' " lire Conditions Critical. Conditions are such as to require great precautions against fire during the next few days, says a' weather bureau wire to Supervisor Cryder to day. The forecast Is as follows "For1 Oregon and Southern Idaho ' tonight and Sunday, fair and continued warm; gentle north to east winds. Do not ex pect hot spoil of long duration hot conditions are such as to require great precaution during next few days." ' We1 have today a Four Cylinder Reo Rousta bout, just Overhauled and painted. The motor Is in good condition and the car has a good sized strong bed that will stand lots of rough and heavy hauling. . .. . This rig is just the thing for the ranch, having plenty of power to go any place a team of mules will; and, REMEMBER! The Price is Right, Too ! ..';.;.. -:,V'.V Gouis on Tone Trip. ' 1 "Uncle John" Bentley will leave Monday. September 1, on an extensive trip -that will take him to all four cor ners of the United States. He ex pects to be In the ' national capital when the treaty Is finally ratified and slsned and will then'go to Cleveland and Columbus, Ohio, Where the old soldiers will be in convention. Later he will go south, stop In Texas for a time and then go to Los Angeles to spend the winter. He will not return I to Pendleton until spring, according to -present plans. . ' " f WWW Cottonwood & Water Phone 530 1 5Mimilll!ll"llllllllllllllllllllllllirillIIIIMI!llllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIMIlllIIIII!lllll!MIIHIt. Caldwell Funeral Sunday. The funeral of Utile seven year ol Marlon Caldwell wlll be held at 11 o'clock Sunday mornirr.s from the Catholic church, the interment being In the Catholic cemetery. The boy was the son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Wesley W. Caldwell and asldfroro the father and mother Ms hi6ofned' by' a yfcar old sister, :.Dlros nd by ether relative end friends. SEARCH FOR AIRMEN FRUITLESS SO FAR SAN , ptEOO, Cal. Aug1. Anxtots over the fate of IJeutentmt's Waterhouse and Connelly, army av'la tors has Increased after- another day and nlrfht of fruitless search.. Th quest by airplane for tho De Haviland plane with which the young filers lefi Yuma Wednesday is being continued. Carl Cooley and Fred Lampkin re turned from Portland this morning after several day a pent there on bus iness, M1,. , , . rr rr a rTV Lovely Brand New Autumn fashions Are here earlier than usual, and they are very welcome." Because they give us so much to look forward to, and because you will have time to "cbfne in and Innlr urniinn - . . '. 1.. -M Vl V 1 . . MI THE NEW; FALL SUITS are most important because many will need them right away. Some of the suits are fur trim med and they come in the fol lowing materials: .Tinseltone, Silvertone, Tricotine, Duve--tyne, Duve de Laine, Evora and Peach Bloom. THE NEW FALL DRESSES have so many new things to show it is hard to know where to begin to tell about them. In the street frocks the most popular materials are Duve tyne, Velour, Tricotine and ' Poiret Twills. . - In afternoon gowns one finds both long and short sleeves, ostrich trim ming, crystal beads and such materials as kitten's ear crepe, charmeUse, crepe Elizabeth and satin. , THE NEW FALL COATS. Frost Glow, Verona, Cha melian cord, Tinseltone . are new materials. Such well ' proven fab . rics as Velour de Laine, Silvertone, Bolivia, Silver tip Bolivia and Evora are also used. : ' jwu yw. w.. -t-u.. j.-.l -r-yyrer -yVr -ew p' ""-T NEW COATINGS V- oranu new ioi . iresn ,,4 Fall CoatiAP?! inut ramp in. r Make vour selection now while you can get what you v ' warn, venerea in me new siest fabrics and fall shades. t-J Do Not Forget 1 hese Such fabrics as Velour,". Heather Mixture. Silver tone, Plush, etc. We will be glad to show, you. Have a look at them. . IlOSiery The silk de luxe for , fall ,j u r abases tor street and even- should go in ths bag for tho jng wear. A good heavy-, week end or fojf that trip, weight, firm texture and Their delicate sheen and smooth permanent finish; 40 inches ankle fit meet the most formal re- wide, and comes in black, quirements. For every occasion brown, Copen, Focfy.,JbIueJ we recommend Everwear Hosiery. ' navy, etc. , i . f "! 50c AN I)$1.00. PAIR '....;'-'. .... ..... Is i I n u f m it ! i