I I ? PAGE twelve iaa nrnmkp vou real : DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OlTEGm : SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, 1919, TWELVE PAGES service and real groceries , That means delivering your purchases to your jwn back door. , . , It means that you can order things by tele phone if you want them in a hurry or if the weather is stormy and you don't feel like ven turing out. It means that you can have a charge lecount and pay your bills by check. It means that you will have all the advan tages of our expert knowledge of the grocery business without it costing you a cent We know the good brands, we know the reli ible manufacturers and we offer you only those products which we know will please you and bring you back for more. One of these products is RYZON Baking Pow ier. We recommend this baking powder to you because we know it is one of the best brands on the market today. It is pure, it will do any Jhing that any baking powder claims to do. It fe fairly priced, 40 cents per pound tin and. rour money back if you don't think it the best rou ever used. Try our groceries and our service. We wel :ome the test GRAY BROS. CROC "QUALITY" ERY CO. Two Phones 23 823 Main St 1 A Score and Ten Years The advantages of transacting your fi nancial business thru a banking institution , established here for thirty years are many. Moreover this bank is in a position to meet your legitimate demands at all times. The officers of this pioneer bank will at all times welcome your inquiries on mat ters of business. THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK PENDLETON, OREGON The Stronet Bank In Eastern Orfcon" 44 OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE YOU tuiuv- HAWS To step JMsne j NOT U.-OCOT TO USf ON THC PCATfOK M r fOUiM I J WANT TO MAkB A 5P6CTCH ! I'M OUT T& SIDSTE? THS. ROTTEN SANTDS IN The. SMOkfCR. AKrt) THC NoseATiNS oxors or pirreeeNT pcrfumcry IN THC OTHeK. CARS ! Or6 OTMCR POINT AHV 1 An DONCi I NOTICS YOUR FRIS-MOS ARS NtveR MOCCSTCETS WHN-THey STAND OUT He Re am 2vs Yovj thc catsst Tjopcs on eveKfTHiNGIi I TUAMK YOU '!! 1 The Lexington has proven itself to be a car for Umatilla county and here to stay. It's priced right. Ask an owner. FRENTZEL-WA1LES MOTOR CO. Lexington and White Dealers of Umatilla County. Telephone 4 722 Cottonwood BC Pendleton Market News The following prices are the prices being paid to producers by Pendleton business houses. . Wherever retail prices the given the fact will be spe cifically mentioned. Eggs and Poultry. - Eggs. BOe. . : .4 . Hens, 20c Spring chickens, 25c a pound. Country Ham, EM. Ham best quality. 28c: ... Bacon best quality, 40c. Batter Fac and Itntter. Butter fat, B9o f. o. b. Pendleton. Butter, 11.10 a roll. - Potatoes. New potatoes, So a pound. Want Tleports on Price of Honr. ! r The United States Grain corpora tion is asking at the present time for a complet weekly report from all mills showing mill prices of flour to the trade ' throughout the United States. "In order that we may have this Information for this zone, it is ne cessary that all mills show on their weekly mill stock report, the average .selling, price of patent as well as clear flours, basts the bulk barrel," Max H. Houser, second vice president United State Grain corporation, explained. Harvest of Hops To Start Monday. With a greatly reduced acreage un der former years, hoppicking in Ma rion county will be started next week. Sixty cents a box. an advance of 10 cents over last yerJ, will be paid for picking. The yield and quality is said to be exceptionally good. , Ninety per cent of the crop has been contracted, the bulk of this going to England. Sell 15.000 Boxes Of Apples for 940,000. The top market price for Takima apples for the season is reported by Sanderson Bros., who sold 2500 boxes of extra fancy Delicious at the or chard for J3.25 a box. With this sale they clean up this year's crop on their 25 acre orchard, securing close to $40,- 000 for 15,000 boxes.. Grain Market v Very QiMet. Only 'one change was noted today in the coarse grain market. No. z bar ley being advanced from S6.1.S0 to $62. The other grades are quoted at 964 and 65 respectively. There Is no mill feed available and the price of $37 Is unchanged. Hay is quiet, with the baled article bid $30 f. o. b. cars. Mills Still Have No Sacks on Hand. ' Local millers have not yet received their lute sacks and as a result mill ing operations are being delayed. It was hoped to open up on Monday hut unless the sacks come, there will be little doing. Boy Wanted. Bright,, industrious boy over 16 years, wanted at this office to learn trade. Good chance for some boy who means busi ness. Wages paid while learn ing. See foreman at once. CECIL COSPER PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT INCOME TAX ADVISE Bmith-Crawford Bldg. Opposite Pendleton Hotel - ... Phone 1019 TKwints of Stock I Hog prices are uncnangea, win c- jtreme top being $21.50. . r..n.ra finir market range: Prime mixed . ... $21.00021. B0 Medium mixed 2O.O0WZi.wu Rough heavies 19.0019.20 T...1U- 21.61 Arrivals in the cattle alleys were also extremely light. Prices are un changed with a steady market. r:.nar!i) rattle market range: Best steers $11.00 11.60 Good to choice steers .. 10.00 10.50 n .rnswl irteera 9.0010.00 pir to eood steers'. 7.50 8.50 Common to fair steers ... 7.00 7.50 r-hnice cows and heifers 7.50 8.25 Good to choice cows and heifers J.C Penney Co., A Nationwide Institution. Medium to good cows and heifers Fair to medium cows and heifers . Canners .. Bulls Calves . 6.50 7.00 5.50 .B0 3.00 B.00 6.00 7.00 10.0015.00 oAAn mofirat continues to display 'its steady tone, although the trading was light. Arrivals were also very ! small In this line. I General sheep and lamb n Prime lamb. ,. $12 00 13.00 Fair to medium lambs .... 1-1 BO 12.00 Figure it Out for Yourself Mr. Stockman Is it good business to ship your stock to distant markets just because you have been in the habit of doing so, when you can get A more consistent market, Smaller freight bills, v Shorter haul and less shrinkage at the Siwkane Union Stockyards? Think it over. " Send for our booklet on Community Shipping and our Weekly Market Letter with Quotations. Spokane Union Stockyard Co. We Do Swell Laundry Work and you have only to try us once to realize that we are not over-estimating our ability. Uur charges are fair, and our laundry work is de livered promptly. . .; ; ; ; We maintain a strictly modern plant arid em ploy the best help obtainable,, therefore can as sure you of far superior service to the average concern. roy Laundry TELEPHONE 179 EVERY DAY PR ICES ' ft 3 Calces Palmolive Soap for 25c (We hold no sales.) Glycerine Soap, cake ......... Armour's Bath Tablets, 2 f or . Kose liatn soap, 4 ior .... "Sterne's" 01-O-Palm, 3 for "Sterne's ' reroxiae, d ior fSitimra Snnn fakp .. ... . 5c 15c 25c 25c 25c, 19c 19c Cashmere bouquet, cane Packer's Tar Soap, cake 19c WELL KNOWN TOILET PREPARA TIONS AND FACE CREAMS Colgate's Talcum Powder (all odors) . . 15c Palmolive Face Powder, box 21c La Blanche Face Powder, box 45c Palmolive Face Powder, box ... ; 4oc PalmnlivA Toilet Water (all odors) bot. 89c J ijtX is Palmolive Shampoo, bottle Palmolive Vanishing Cream, jar 45c 39c Palmolive Vanishing Cream, tube . 19c Palmolive Cold Cream, tube . . 19c Colgates Tooth Paste, large tube . t 19c Colgates Tooth Paste, small tube 8c Dr. Lyans Tooth Poyder, can. 19c Pebeco Tooth Paste ( known by its merit) 39c Palmolive Talcum Powder 21c SHAVING NECESSITIES William's Shaving Cake 6c Colgates Shaving Cake 6c Williams (Holder Top) Shaving Stick 23c Colgates Shaving Powder 23c Palmoline Shaving Cream.... 25c Colgates Talcum (all odors) . . 15c Palmolivet Cold Cream,' tube. . 19c Cushion Strop (puts the correct edge on) M9c SHOE POLISHES "Gilt Edge" Shoe Dressing ... 19c Shinola Shoe Polish 10c 2-in-l Shoe Polish 10c 2-in-l White Polish 10c Liberty Shoe Cleaner (for all . white leathers) 25c HAIR BRUSHES, COMBS, CURLERS, ETU Hair Brushes, each. . 25c, 49c, 69c Dressing Combs, each 15c, 19c, 25c, 49c. Celluloid Hair Pins, pkg. 8c, 19c, 23c. - 0 Wire Hair Pins, pkg 5c, 8c Kid Curlers, each 5c, 8c Electric Curlers, each 8c, 23c Curling Irons, each 5c, 8c, 23c Martha Washington Hair Nets, each 8c. Chamois Skins, each . . 8c, 15c Tooth Brushes, each. . 10c, 15c, 19c Pro-phy-lac-tic Tooth Brushes. 25c DRESS SHIELDS, ELASTIC, SANITARY ITEMS AND HOSE SUPPORTERS Sanitary Aprons, each 33c and 49c Sanitary Elastic Belts, each... 25c Sanitary Napkins (pkg. of six) 29c White Dress Shields, "OMO" pair, 29c, 33c, 39c. Ladies' Sew-on Hose Supporters, pair 19c Children's Pin-on Hose Supporters (black and white) pair. 12c, 19c Wilson Hose Supporters, pair. 33c Dr. Parker's Hose Supporters, pair 39c Stork or Rubber Sheeting, yard 79c, 89c. STORE NEWS Alterations are still going on, but we hope that before long, however, the work will be completed. Everything has been torn up and we wish to thank you for the spirit of interest, consideration and courtesy shown thru it all. Manythings are being added for your convenience and comfort so that we may serve you better. We invite you to come in at any time. .1 OPPOSITE! rENULKTOX HOTKL. r-t. o 3 9 J. C. Penney Co., A Nationwide Institution. Shippers Told to Load Cars to Capacity tc cuirv in. S3. The necessity of loading- cars to full capacity and prompt releasing; of cars In order to avoid a shortage of equipment during . - v tpa.BnnrtnMnn fldnjton is Call- IMO i . i. ....... ed to the attention of shippers, con sumers and tne rauroau mummi"-""-tion in a letter Issued by the Oregon public service commission today. i - i- ,mt mnvlnir and very shortly the maximum shipments may reasonably be expecieu, ... .i ...t i Kir trnnnnortaion of TP T, Ulliunru "J . . apples, potatoes and perishables, with - . i .tnM ..n i nrriDnT demand tor reinsemuin - Our lumber shipments must be ade quately cared for and this commission mindful of the past, requests that the . . .t.. rivA aiich attention to ainiiiiii"'""" ." Oreaon's needs as will prevent any re currences of adverse conditions hereto fore encountered' by our snippm. We suKgest again directing the at . .v.inra hnth hv circular land placard, to the necessity of load ing to full capacity, leasing cars, with such other advice ... . ,A naBia, In ennservlng the as win L.-j j n iv " - supply, nnd speeding up the move ment, we lurtner . T ... ....i.r moving traffle to destination by the most direct route available. . .. I .mlrnhlfl results WPT accomplished by a. sub-committee of . , . ii . nntinrml defense. Con ine i:uii:i - . sistlng of the local agents and jard masters of the carriers, with Kdward Lyons of the terminal company, act ing chairman, and In our opinion It would be well for the administration to establish a like committee at this 'i.... .h.iv mlizht then be Inept on arriving and departing cars. their free movement raciiiiaieu, uiu the responsibility for delays fixed. "That this commission may keep fullv advised, will you not furnish us from time to time with such 'data as will permit us to judge ot tne avau ablllt of our car supply, together with such observations as. are pertinent and will assist the commission In af fording full co-operation In such ef forts ss the administration may make." ; Pasco Boy Marooned . On Island When Boat Strands in Columbia PASCO, Wash.. Aug. 23. The six-year-old son of D. C. Dyer gave the people of this city a scare Tuesday evening when the row boat he was in with a lnrger boy on the Columbia river, got away from the latter after he had dived from It. The boat drift ed to an Island in the Columbia where the Dyer boy was marooned for sev eral hours. People from the Kenne- the police who went, out In a row boat and gut him utter another rescue party had made an unsuccessful attempt to get to him in a motor boat. Although the boy was badly fright ened, he was found to be none the worse for his adventure when he reached the shore. IX)NDON. For the first time In history four women reporters have been added to the house of commons staff which reports Hansard, the of ficial record of the debates. iIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!i WE WANT TO BUY YOUR Buick Light Sixes Bring in your car and take away the money. We are also in the market for . ; ; ;,,.. !" .'- Cadillac Eights of late model and in good condition. Oregon Motor Gar&ge I BUICK HUDSON CADILLAC I Distributors It, 131 West Court St. Pendleton, Oregon s fnimiiiiiiiiMiiiiimiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii?