PAGE THREE DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 1010. TEN PAGES NEWS NOTES OE PENDLETON Hero from Wulla Wnllu. Hinllh llt'iiilurhon. a well known Wall Walla, contractor, spent Thurs duy here on bualnosH, .MIlMin IliUdor Visit I'.'url Williams or Milton was In I'i-m-(llnton Thursday on IiiihIiiohh. Mi. Wllllumg la a contractor and bulkier. I 'IiiIhIk'h I 'air llui-vcst. Harvest on the K. K. Oolst place near llolrimiin wan r i n 1 1 !' I Ihki night with a fair yield. Mr. Hoist HHld he expected nllghly nioro than he cnt, fnmt having affected tho yield Homewhat. Tho wheat In that Bcrtioi. la free from smut, however, he said. HllVH i'UHO Aiilo. Clarence Tulilr. reHervatlon farmer, today purchased u Cuso 6 tourlntf cur from rtie JCIiublu Auto C'u., local u Ken Is. Vulloy Ranker Horn. O. N, llickok, formerly cashier and iiiuuugur of tho Aurora Klalo Hank, at Aurora, is visiting In Pendleton. ;unio Wardi'n lit Town. W. il. Albue, Kaino wariJen for Uma tilla, county, la In tho city today from Ilollx. rnilrricorN OiierHllwn. Mm. Kriihk l.a Fhvu of Athena was operated on today at St. Anthony' hospital. lihlaj.' Hill I'rotrnwNimt Well. The highway work on Cabbage Hill la progressing very satisfactorily uieniberH of tho county commission ro ported today. They said that thrco big rrews are at work from Dead Man's hilt to the summit and are mak ing rapid strides. rilut IH'k Min to Tour. O. W. Itunyon, of I'llot nock, will start this week-end on a trip to Ta eomn. Heat lie and tho Dritish Colum bia cities by auto. Ho will go by way of Wulla Wulla, and ho uccompained by hla family. Inuichtir la Horn. .Mr. and Mrs. (.'Iirulc Illlilmrd of l'l lot Hock are the purents or a 7 1-2 pound daughter burn yesterday in this elty. ItcliiriiM to I'Virnier .fob. t'ush Powell, formerly yarditiastor at ninth, returned today to his old po sition, having given It up to enter the service several months ngn. Mr. I'owell served In France f:r u Ions time, just having been discharged a few days ago. Ho will ho stationed at ltlcth for tho present. I'l iiillittoii "ilara" at ihIoii. Fletcher's "Juz." Orchestra, Includ ing "Old Man Jazz Himself," will leave Haturday morning for Condon where they will furnish real "Jazz" music for tho Cilllum County citizens who are to give a blK llurvest Hull guturduy . Al ic f Mr. Tweedy 0s raleil I'xin, Word was received here this morn ing that T. .1. Tweedy, Pendleton post, master und highly esteemed local resident, was operated on In a Port land hospital yesterday. Mr. Tweedy has been suffering frm a severe trou ble but Is reported as In a hopeful con dition this morning. He is at the tlood Kumurltun Hospital. in ioi loi loi loi loi loi loi loi ioi Extra Fancy ELBERTA and CRAWFORD PEACHES IN APPLE BOXES $2.25 BOX When we sav thev are pood thev are. BARTLETT PEARS $2.40 and $2.75 BOX FANCY LARGE ITALIAN PRUNES $3.65 PER APPLE BOX. CRAWFORD AND MALTA PEACHES $1.00 BOX. "Waste Less Buy the Best" ... i Pendleton Cash Market, Inc. Fine Groceries and Meals Phones 101. (Private exchange connecting both departments.) Looking .ru-r tiiuln liilcresCH. .V. J. lllydoiiiiteln, mamiKor of the I'mutilla Flour & Urain Co., went to Kcho today on a business trip. Mayor llusy Near Helix. J. 1 Vatighnu is spending the day at the Itufus Campbell pluco ncai Helix, Installing some new electrical equipment. l-fc'hii Kllhar SUmjim Hero. Clifford Ksseistyn, of Kcho, rocent ly back froln France where he was a members of the A. K. F. stopped ove. in Pendleton today on his way home. Ixuvlng on Auto Trip, Walter Planting, Adams farmer. Is leaving tomorrow on a motor trip to the western part of the state. He will be accompanied by Mrs. Planting. MarrUign License IsHUOd. slie Olsen, of I.a Grande, a mu sician, and Miss Clora Smlih of Pen dleton, were issueda marriage license today and were married this afternoon by tho rt.ov. 11. B. Oormill. Will Porcupine. Col. J. H. Haley and a party of friends will go to the Kalcy farm at Granite Meadows today to practice up for the deer Beason. Tho colonel said he would shoot porcupines. Says Kuanon JJrlcrt Uvcr. John Peters, who farms 14 miles ! north of Pendleton, says it is drier thia summer than In his recollection. For the first time In history the well on his place has gone dry. Mr. Pe ters is lu town today on business. -101 TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT Moiioy lisjiiKiirs at Sat. Men bathers .ii the nalatorium who have neglected lu deposit their alii uhlcH ut the office huve Leon iouers In :i few instances reported of late. One bather yesterday reported the loss of $4 in change from his trousers. Th. offire was broken open niyht before Ii'st and about $1 taken. Bathers arc advised lo leave all valuables in the care of the office when entering the dressing rooms for a plunge In the INSURANCE Is the Best Policy I am buying grain this year for Kerr Gifford & Co., Inc., and would be glad to have the farmers give me a chance to submit a price on their grain before selling. x JO IS K1SKLEY : " " Kuoceasor to Chan. B. Heard, Ino. "See Me Before the Fire" Insurance Loans Real Estate .721 Main Pendleton, Oregon lo JUal Jhz 1 la ml Hero. Dance music with jazz to the core and running over on the sides is what the MeCormiek Jazz Band of Port land promises for its dances tonight and .Saturday at the Kagle-Woodmen hall. Tho boys from the Rose city play those tunes that make the naughty Bhimmie popular and thoy are here to introduce their brand to I 'end let on fool-shuff lers. Kveryone is welcome. Grocery Phone 526 Use the Phones iSJEItV73J9 PENDLETON'S LEADING STORE - . Other Departments 78 Use the Phone I - r iRTC i Blouses Will Plan for Utbor 1. A special meeting of the Central Iibor Council of J'cndleton was to day called for 8;30 this evening in the Moote hall, at which time considera tion of t he method of observing bor Iay In I'endleton 'will le taken All members of organized labor are asked to be present to plan for the na tional holiday which conies Sept. 1, one week from Monday. WhhIm Separation from Wire. ;ieim F. Ryan asks a divorce from his wife, AlrV Florence Ryan, in a complaint filed today. He alleges that she allowed other men to accom pany her to various places of amuse ment so frequently that tho neighbors talked about it and that when he re monstrated she declared that she did no want to live with him longer. Once ho pays, she promised to forego the company of others but drifted back into the old ways. He is represented bv Haley, Haley & Hteiwer and H. J. Warner. 2 2 WOOL TRICOTINE Select your dress or suit of tricot-' ine now while our assortment is com plete. Tricotine is the most popular fabric this fall. Of all wool, soft fin ish and specially adopted to the new fall modes. Be sure to see this fab ric. BROADCLOTH One of the fashionable wool fab rics for the coming season, offered in the most wanted shades. Broadcloth will make up to a good advantage in the prevailing styles. Of the finest quality short nap, permanent finish. BLACK AND WHITE CHECKS $1.25 to $3.00 Yd. Makes up into most practical dresses for street or school wear. Of fered in several size checks, 36 to 54 inches wide. DRESS GINGHAMS 25c to 75c Yd. Make your selections here from our fine dress ginghams. Offered in plaid, checks and stripes of all kinds and many desirable color combina tions. Also big line of plain shades. LOVELY BOUDOIR CAPS 75c to $3.00 A big showing of BOUDOIR CAPS. Every one a hand made cap. Well made, neatly trimmed of dainty laces and ribbons. You can't help but like them when you see them. We'll be glad to show you. NEW ART ANTIQUE LACES The lace beautiful, of finest work and designs. Offered in lace edges and insertions. Suitable for all kinds of fancy work and specially good for trimming of dresses and lingerie. PEAR BUTTONS Just the right style and sjzes for wash dresses, skirts, rompers. Some 2 eye, some 4 eye sew thru, and some fish eye. Come here for your pearl buttons 20c doz. to 25c each UMBRELLAS Rain or Shine $5.00 to $15.00 Colored Umbrellas to be used rain or shine. Made of best quality silk on real paragon frame, with handle and trimmings to match. Select one of these now while we have the shade you want. BELTS 25c to $1.00 Belts of all kinds in the narrow width they'e wearing so much now with blouses and sweaters. Wear one with yours. We have the size. WINDSOR TIES AND MIDDY TIES An assortment of all colors. You can surely pick one or two from Plain shades, plaids and figured. Middy ties in square and three-cornered. Ties, Windsor 35c to $1.00 Ties, Middy $1.00 to $2.50 GROCERIES Bartlett Pears in Apple Box, per box $2.50 Early Peaches in Apple box, per box $2.50 Good Cooking Apples, per box $2.00 Fresh Tomatoes, per crate $1.00 Egg Plant, pound 20c Sweet Potatoes, lb 16c Large Cantaloupes, 3 for 25c Local Watermelons, pound 3'2C Casabas, per lb 6c ft !! with ih mtmlkty of Alr arrm thmt tnnurrn arvlreiil1llty th "Hit Irrrn loach thnl aiakrn IhrM mt lrlr priced. I he arMy f mnrirln who It l Iom lor Ihe rat runercuf holre. Kl pretty Mod el in th new tarn trlntmlniCNi lMt whh the new vfntev fronln. Inin I y nrw mod el f Uorirette. trimmed with filet and hitnd em- nrolrfery, T Hly priced. TO TEACH U. S. HOW as '" u-llanti,-v al1 prolvaWy quality as' AUMY P.IWKIlTIS TO ""- ,, .. .. Ki'le of .surplus a'niy blr-nkets, winch is scheduled to brjh. to-morrow, no individual will bo permitted to pur- TO GOVERN BLACKS It is fur this reason that the Depart ment lias bosun a campaign with a sb'Han, "Head the label un all contain ers."' Incidentally attention is called glltllfllllfflflff Ifllllllllf Hllllllllllf lllllllf Iflllllljfllllllf 1 I ReoRoustabout 8 Water Supply In lino shax Failure of tho heavens to open up and Klve thia seetion rain has had no effect on the Pendleton water supply, according to Kncineer Frank Hays. I With the new Chirplish snrinfis suo- ply now in full use. the reservoir over flows each night and there is plenty of water every hour of the 24 each di:y. The local water mipply Is In bet ter phape this summer than for years, deppite the loner drought. LONDON', Aur. 22. In the house of commons today Walter E. Guinness, unionist member for Suffolk, asked Andrew Bonar iLaw. the government leader, to give tho day's .discussion ov er to the present position of the black races, but his request was refused, (iriiinuess then asked whether it would not b a irrHcefnl net nf reeinrocitv In place at the disposal of tho I nited 1 ,h P-'lage. The actual weiaht Is states the genefit of British experi- to a recent device for making a little i chase more than one bale, consisting bit of pepper ook like a whole lot. It is a. six ounce tin container with a shaker top, whl'-'h cannot be removed without destroying the package. This prt vents the purchaser from observing thai there are only two ounces or less Sales by tho b:le will be nt a unit price of 60 cents below tho price for wool blankets and 25 cents below the price for 'cotton blankets. In New York the blankets can be purchased nt No. 461 Eighth. Avenue. We have today a Four Cylinder Reo Rousta hout, just overhauled and painted. The motor is in pood condition and the car has a good sized strong hod that will stand lots of rough and heavy hauling. This rig is just the thing for the ranch, having plenty of power to go any place a team of mules will; and, REMEMBER! , The Price is Right, Too ! 1 Cottonwood & Water Phone 530 7ililiiiiiiiiiiilliliiilllililililiiiliillllliiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiKiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit! TOAtliimk Lists I tend, v. Lists of textbooks to be used by stn- joenrs in mo local schools are now ready for distribution at Frazier's jbookstore, Superintendent F. V. Alls (tin announced today. Those lists are ifor tho youngsters to check and bring jwhen they purchase their books. The ; list of books to bo used ill each grade ;was printed in yesterday's papers and It ho bookstore list also gives complete information. All but a few of the texts have arrived. ence in governing negroes in return for the discussion of Irish affairs in the United States senate. Capt. William Wedgewood llenn. Liberal, asked Mr. Honar Ixiw to do his best to prevent efforts to sow dis sension between America and Great Britain by alleged humorous questions. Mr. Honar Ijiw said tho govern ment, recognized the future peace of the world depends upon tho good re lations between the two countries. given on tlie unread label in very small t pe, as often also is the fact o?. packages and cans bearing attractive : pictures and devices that the excellent tilings inside are really substitutes, and 'not what the illustration represents llliem to be. In this way does the dis honest packer ht pe to deceive tho public and escape the penalty of the I law. of from twenty to twenty-five blan kets. This announcement was made today by tho War Department. The maximum sales epir-ntity of 10, DUO blankets to any individual has been revoked, except in the case of munlci P.lities. "It Is the desire of the War De partment to make the entire surplu. directly available to ultimate consu- i mers." said the Director of Sales. The army has about 2,000.000 siirpltit, j blankets. They will be sola direct to the people r.t th? following prices All I wool, new, ; reclaimed, $."; cotton land wool, new $5; reclaimed. $;)fj0; jail cotton, new. J3; reclaimed, Jl.l'S. Too Late to Classify WANTED Uldv to operate hem stitcher, permanent position. in quire Singer Sewing Machine Co. 22i E. Court. I PRESIDENT ASKED ! ABOUT RELIEF FUND Read the Label, Federal Advice FRECKLES ; AcvioVnt Ih'lavs KfUihts. t j A smlilen gust of wind caught a .winR of the Ace Aircraft Corporation's j piano ns it. was beinj? Hssctnbhnl es itertlav and damaged the streamline slightly, necessitating' repairs that will require until Sunday to make. The Uving- ts being; repaired in 0110 of Ten- 1 land's warehouses today. Uoth, pilot, expects to bo WASH I NtSTO.V. An 2 2. Presi dent. Wilson was asked in a resolution TO F(M)d Buyers , i""(ulucod by Chairman Good of tho appropriations committee, to report to the house what use was made of the $HM),noti.0Oi( fund congress appro priated for relief of tho destitute peo jlo nf Europe. The resolution speci fically requests tho following infor mal ion : "The quantities ami kinds of food stuffs and other urgent supplies pur tributed there under the countries In which purchased the and the prices rfe . , , , - i . ) Provement, some of the The quantities and kinds of food-., ... ... . , ,. , 'It's van shins entirelv. shuts Hiiu inner urseiiL supplies, ais tributed thereunder, the countries in which distributed and the amounts In enforcement of the pure food and drug act the Iepiitment of Agricul ture is aftain running across "fake" bottles the use of which, once common bad practically ct-asod since the enact ment of that law. These containers are of very thick glass with pannelled sides, and of sii-.'h proportions in width and length that they seem to contain twice or three times the weight of fluid they vim hld. The purchaser is su posed to bo protected by the state ment on the label of the exact quan tity in t he hot tie, which is stated in !Hmt M.tlv Tlioiii Willi a Veil; K I mine TImmii With Otliiue t ' This preparation for the rcniov a I of freckles is usually so successful in i removing freckles and giving a clear. I beautiful complexion that it ia shl ; under guarantee to refund the in-mey j if It fails. j Don't hide your freckles under a (veil; get, an ounce of Othine and re I move them. Even the first few nppli jcations should "-how a wonderful iin- ' yhier fret'U- a I most pvpi v e.isn hn t In Kin-h f i ne print that is escapes the attention of reeeived in payment therefor. i tie quaniuies ana Kinos or rood- Ue sure to ask the druggist for the double strength Othine; it is this that! in sold on the money-back guarantee. 1 There is only one place for that delicious CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM KOEPPEN'S The Drug 8tor That Serve You Bet. Archie all exceot verv ci'.rofnl mstiimprs. ivho 1 ready to are few In niiniher compared to the "tuffs and other ursent supplies for ; i make flights Sunday and will make lest flights before taking up passen gers. Several local people are already n.viiitlnjr on opportunity to ride through the air, Mr. l?olh said today. He will demonstrate that all is safe before taking up passengers, he said. fiMTS I.IFK lIIMISO IIKT I'KIAH. Calif., Aug. 22. Herman Knaesehe, a returned soldier who con fessed to murdering his bride of two4er case, and in the former she would weeks, was sentenced to life impris j not have preferred the goods of a dis onment. i honest packer who had deceived her careless. It is then that the eves of wl, n 110 reimmuseinent naa oeen or the latter me relied upon to deceive wMI b(' received and the countries in them. which distributed. In buying salad oil or any preserv- ""l"he quantities and kinds of food ed product a housewife who does not stuffs and other urgent suppliess pur read the labels In comparing such hot- 'chased or contracted for but not dis tles in a store would naturally buy tho 'tributed. and tho location of such larger at the same price or even pay a stocks. little more for it. thus letting her eyes 1 "The quantities and kinds of food cheat her bucket hook. If she had jstuffs and other urgent supplies con used them in reading the label she jtemplated to be purchased under the would have been saved loss In the lat- 'authority of said act aODOC aocaoc IOC aocao Yermm lavis. of t:cho. is in town tor the day. IOC McCORMICK'S NOVELTY JAZZ BAND DANCE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS E AG LE-WOODM A N HALL DANCING FROM 9 TO 9:30 FREE. WE WANT YOU TO HEAR OUR MUSIC Admission Ten Cents Everybody. Hop To It! r i m O a o i