TEN TACES PAGE TEN DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY. AUGUST 22, 1919. OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE J. ( Penney Co., A Nationwide Institution. Canning Peaches 1 Canning Bartlctt Pears $2.13 Green Peppers, pound . 23c Watermelons, pound S'Jc Cantaloupes, 3 for 23c Casabas. pound 7c Persian Melons, pound 7c Santa Claus Melons 7c Ice Cream Melons 7c Old Fashion Musk Melons 8c - GRAY BROS. GROCERY CO. Two Phones 28 "QUALITY" 823 Main Si A Score and Ten Years The advantages of transacting your fi nancial business thru a banking institution established here for thirty years are many. Moreover this bank is in a position to meet your legitimate demands at all times. The officers of this pioneer bank will at all times welcome your inquiries on mat ters of business. THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK PENDLETON, OREGON "Tlie Strongest IlanU In Kastern Oregon" ST Pendleton He t News 5&r"SS MINUTE) MAN 51X Sp The Lexington has proven itself to be a car for Umatilla county and here to stay. It's priced right. Ask an owner. FRENTZEL-WAILES MOTOR CO. Lexington and White Dealers of Umatilla County. Telcliliouo 46 723 Cottonwood Bt. The following prices are the prices being paid to producers by TendlotOTi business houses. Wherever rotail prices the given the fact will be spe cifically mentioned. Kggs and Poultry. Esgs. 50c. Hens, 20c. Spring chickens, 25c a, pound. Country Ilam. Eta. Ham best quality. 28c. Bacon best quality, 40c. Butter Fat and Mutter. Putter fat, 59c t. o. b. Pendleton. Cutter, $1.10 a roll. Potutoea. New' potatoes, 3c a pound. Little lliaiuto Noted In Course Grains. Fractional changes were noted in the coarse Erain markets today. The No. 2 grade of barley advanced 25 cents to $61.50, standard feed was unchcanged at J64 and the No. 3 blue barley went up 50 cents to $63. Hay and mill feed, at 30 and 37 re spectively, are unchanged and dull. ! Yuklma. Iji nibs so 1 to Chicago Market. i Yakima lambs and wethers continue i to roll to Chicago markets at the rate i of two trainloids each week. Wed nesday's train consisted of 33 cars. 1 Kllis Rangan sent 12 cars wethers and j is cars lambs and the Yakima Sheep ; company sent eight cars lambs. On i August 25 a trainload will be marie tip i from consignments from the Desert Sheep company and the bliockley ! Sheep company. ! ' 4 lloiiscr Corrects ! Wrong Jinresslon. I The wrong impression h-s been Kiven out to farmers concerning the : "hoarrUns" of wheat, accordion to a j letter issued todny to all newspaper by Mux M. Houser. second vice presi dent of the United States grain cor- ' poration. . "The sole object of the United States Grain corporation is to see, that the guaranteed price on wheat a main. talned. and that no farmer shall get less than that amount." Mr. Houser stated. Mr. Houser expressed dis pleasure over the reports tha farmers would be held us profiteers -who kepi their grain in storage for a short time. The misunderstanding1 is said to have arisen out of the fallowing state ment in General Bulletin No. 7. re cently issued by the grain corporation. "'No storage premiums would be added to basic prices at the present time, nor until there accumulates in the grain corporation's hands a suf ficlent reserve of wheat to Insure i measure of protection for future hums requirements." ;kmI iKMiiatid Tor Unas: Slierp up 50r. Rood demand for hogs was display ed In the early morning trading at the North Porthuind yards, several sales bringing top prices. General hog market range: Prime mixed $2 1 .00 fi 2 1 .50 Medium mixed 20.00 'n 2 1.00 Rough heavies . . 19.0019.20 Bulk 21-5" Ijamhs advanced 50c all along the line during the day In the. North Portland alleys. Eastern Oregon stuff- merlins' the market at 1 2.00 'ii 1 3.00 Valley lambs also jumped to $11.50 (a 12.00. The entire mutton market displayed a steady tone. General sheen and lamb range: Prime lambs 1 2.00 W 1 3.00 Kcir to medium lambs 1I.50W12.00 Yearlings 1.00 m 8.50 Wethers 7.00(79 7.50 Kwes 5.00 ifi 7.50 l'il'ty Against Two. Tt Is not rea sonable to expect two weeks of outing to overcome the effect of fifty weeks of confinement. Take Hood's Sarsa parilla along with you. It refreshens the blood. Improves tho appetite, makes sleep eusv and restful. Take home a Oelta fancy brick of Tee Cream. They are put up In card board cartons and will keep for on hour. No changes were noted In the cattle market for the day. Tho market is quoted as steady. General cattle market ran Pest steers Good to choice steers . . Medium to good steers Fair to good steers Common to fair steers.. Choice cows and heifers Good to choice cows and heifers Medium to good cows and heifers Fair to medium cows and heifers Canners Pulls Calves $1 l.no W 1 1 10. HOW 10.50 ).onB in. oo 7.501 8.50 7.00 Ii) 7. 7.7 5'jil 8. 7.00 tv 7.50 O.uOrrt 7.00 5.50 m 6.50 n.ooiff 5.oo 6.00 fi) 7.00 io.ooa 13.00 1- Kss Plant Sells for VI 1-3 Cents a Pound. Ken plants are selling at cents a pound in the local markets. This vegetable Is extremely plentiful during the prese.it season. REPUBLIC TRUCKS In a Republic Truck you get more value for -very dollar you spend than in any other truck on the market. Almost sixty thousand users back up this statement. ' The "Yellow Chassis" Trucks ' ; TV " that serve so wclL ' !" Pendleton Auto Co. Established 1907 "jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiniiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiniiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij I TWO GOOD THINGS! lease oo (MM acres, with over :t)0 acres samnirr- '"''"'hend of Rood himra, combine, all mm-lilnerr and rqulpmenl. liou-liold bihiiIk, automobile and fT Iblnir ready to . rlKht on. . This i one of our snaps. Price $8,500.00 arm alfalfa mneh. with potatoes, onlonm. ear tots Klrawlierrlrn and fral. All aloek InrlndlnK a Vine' learn of horxen, three BOOd mllrh roi, nulomo lille, Kod machinery and a fine home and other '"'r'hl "IhT'a fine n'nee for iIk". w and fhlekens and a dandy place o rale a family. ou cun't find a bet ter proposition for the money. Price $6500.00 BUY NOW! I Snow & Dayton I I "We Sell Land" 1 Phone 1072. 117 East Court Street. Real Estate Farm Loans Insurance ftittttiiittiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiittiitiiiiiifxiiiiiiujJuniiiii'iun'JJi'J'iiA11 5 e 2 ' 13 ' 6 y I 41 S c 0 Shoes for Immediate and Fall Wear New Fashion able Inexpensive WOMEN'S NEW BLACK KID BUTTON SHOES Long vamp, turn sole and Cuban heel. A very dressy shoe and easy, comfortable fitting. Price the pair $9.90 NEW TAUPE GREY KID LACE SHOES Plain toe. litrht sole with high leather heel. You will find this number to be very pleasing in style and comfort. "Ask to be fitted." Price $9.90 DARK IIAVANNA BROWN KID LACE SHOE Welt sole, imitation wing tip, and Cu ban heel. For your more general service, this shoe will please. All widths includ ing triple A's. "Just ask to be fitted." Price the pair $8.90 NEW BEAVER BROWN KID LACE SHOE Plain toe, light sole, with high Louie heel. Let us fit you to a pair of these beautiful shoes, your size is here. The pair $9.90 HIGH SCHOOL OR COLLEGE MISS FOOTWEAR White Over Patent Leather, plain toe, welt sole, price $5.50 All Black Kid, imitatipn tip, -welt sole, price $6.50 Brown or Tan Calf, tip, welt sole, price : $4.98 White Over Black Kid, welt sole, imitation tip, price $5.50 All Brown Kid, welt sole, plain toe, price $6.90 Black Glaze Kid, welt sole, cap toe, price $5.90 White Over Patent Leather, plain toe, light sole, price $3.49 All sizes and widths, "Just ask to be Fitted." 4 -A Ml O s fend I n FOOTWEAR FOR CHILDREN Our Children's Department is brimful of the nobbiest and daintiest footwear possible. You will appreciate our effort in selecting this foot wear, after seeing this large assortment. Bring your children and let us fit them, the prices are right. SCHOOL SHOES For shoe economy it will pay you to first see out line of school shoes for either boys or girls. Each and every pair carries a J. C. Penney Co. guarantee. Girls' Gun Metal Lace Shoe, size 81- to 11 $2.89; size 111;, to 2 ; $3-2j Girls' Patent Leather Button Shoe, size 8'- to 11. price $2.49 "Space does not permit us to quote you a list of prices, therefore we ask you to come in and let us show you our spienaitt assoruuem. DR. SCHOLL'S FOOT COMFORT SERVICE FREE. Incorporated J orrosiTU i-ksblkto nun O 3 3 J. C. Penney Co., A Nationwide Institution. million Watermelons Arc I'lno Quality. Milton watei'inoloiiH now on Hi" miirketx are of tra fine locality and are xtrionoly largo. Tlicy rrtiill "t 3 l-2c a pound. Kwort INitalm'S Arc ;t iioiiihI for 50t Swept potatoes sn-' now tlii'ee immiilH for r.n cents. The potatoes arc nliipped here from California. 30E30E 301 I l Is ClKMIH'r Vow '11 ii Formerly. Yesterday saw a drop in the price of flour. It is now $3 (15 a saek In stead of ;l.lo, mid there Is a differ enee of 2"c on tho liarrell. There to a drop of 30c In the wholesalo (nice, per liarrell. McCORMICK'S NOVELTY JAZZ BAND DANCE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS EAGLE-WOODMAN HALL DANCING FROM 9 TO 9:30 FREE. WE WANT YOU TO HEAR OUR MUSIC Admission Ten Cents Everybody. Hop To It! ioi . locaoc D o i'iii'lii'H mill Tomatoes An- rheniH'r. Allierta and Crawford peaches are eheaner now than formerly. AMiettaaj whieh were retalllns at M.5 are now 11. 2S while Crawford and Wallers pea elms have dropped from from $1.35 to i u iwx Tonirtoea, formerly re tailed at J1.25 are now $1. ;raln t'onmi-atlfill tut. I otm KarrHs The I'nlted States C.rain eol poral ion s Ki'tnonnees from New York that its j weekly purchase of flour throiiKhont , the I'nlted States amounted to 13S,- nun i.nrrnlH. rani; nir in Price irom $9.45 to $10.30 per barrel. ISItlTAI.Y OFI'FISS TAltf'R PltlZKS FOIl AinPT-AXKS .IllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHi Auto Parts and Accessories We not only sell AUTOS, but alb accessor- ies essential to the fitting out of AUT0M0- BILES. ,4 GOODRICH AND GOODYEAR TIRES ' 1 MONOGRAM OIL AN D GREASES . We have a department devoted entirely to making repairs under the direction of expert mechanics. ..... . . .. UjXIiOM, A115. 22. Tlie Tlrlllsh Koverninent will offer prizes aniount- Inif to 64,000 pound (atiotit :)Z,wui for airplane competition in order to S develop safer types of machines, Ma- 3 Jor C.en. J. K. B. Seely of the air ntln- s istry. annoynced in the house of com-'s mons today. The prizes would be dls- s Iributed among small airplanes laree i'lrplanes and seaplanes. Details will I be announced In a few days. Oregon Motor Gar&ge BUICK HUDSON CADILLAC FndleioD, Oregon HUDSON Distributors 1, 121 West Court SU , j i i 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 in iiiiiiuiiiiii iiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimii.i