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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1919)
EIGHT PAGES From Tuesday's Daily Prvrwatrr Muii In Town. Samuel Lynd, a Froowatcr resi dent, la In the oily toduy on official business with tho county treasurer. ( utile Mini In Town, J. T. JohnHun, of Range, 'was In Pondlolon this morning on hln way home from Portland. ' Mr. Johnson raises und ships cuttle unci hag Just disposed of a shipment In the Portland vurrlu Young Couple Issued License. Murk B. Cooper, aged 19, and Miss .., ,,... Charlotte Cnmptim, aged 18, both of Paul v. Marls, state leader of county I'ondloton, wore Issued a .niarrlaRe li- ,. , , ,h rt f,,, Port. cense late Monday afternoon by Coun- ,nn() ' Hfl w,u ,enve tomrrow Ior JSEMt-WEEKLY EAST bfrflQO NIAN, PENDLETOK, OflEGONFhlD'XV: AUGUST 22, 1910. PAGE local post has applied for charter In the national organization. Portland." The "Pageant of Port land'" wag written by Adah Ish Rose, fori .erly of this city, and deals with tho history -of Portland rom the tlroe- 3 ffu1 KnJolniua Order it wa a part of tho .virgin forest nrU An order enjoining Andrew Plereon o tne present time wnon Liberty I uotnndnnt In a divorce suit started by temple s the center of many home coming parties for returning victorious) warriors. ty Clerk Iirown. Assessment IiIhIh Going Out. Lists of personal taxable property list last year who have been missed are being sent out to persons on the by the assessor this year to bo filled out and returned. There are several persons throughout the county who have been missed and, an attempt will be made by letter to locate those persons. Modford, where. l:e will attend a con. fcronre of county agents of Southern Oregon. Jl Tonsils Out. The son of J under Tcrjeson Is in Hi. Anthony's hospital whore he had his tonsils removed this morning.- JVniiwraturo 99 Today. Today's temperature is 99, with the prospect that the mercury will go .higher as the day advances. Yesterday the temperature rose to -03. The weather Is clalr and no clouds mar the brightness of the heavens. Kill Darby Coming Homo. Bill Darby, who was With the Cen tral Meat Market before his enlist ment In the Canadian army, is leav ing Montereal tonight with Pendleton at his destination. He has been In the service for the past five years. It is expected that he will arrive here Mon day or Tuesday. China Pheasants In Town. China pheasants are becoming so plentiful that the outskirts of the city are horboring them, says C. K. Cran ston, who reports five S'oung birds hav ing been disporting in his back yard yesterday. Two more were seen near by. Mr. and Mrs. Cranston live on tho north side and have often seen China roosters In the nearby field. The young ones seen yesterday were quite tame and when frightened by a passing auto flew across the street Into tho Sturgis yard where they again ato with avidity and no evident fear. Weather loi'oouft Arrives "Tonight und Wednesday fair; coo ler tonight. Ea.Ucrn Oregon warmer Wednesday except near coast. Con. tinned warm In the Interior; Thurs. day, gentle winds mostly westerly." So says the weather forecast which arrived today at the office of W. W. Cryder, forest supervisor. Mrs. Alexander In Vaudeville. Mrs. Verna Alexander, formerly of this city, appeared last ween at the Pantages theater In Portland, as a dancer In a vaudeville act featuring Joan Hardcastle. Mrs. Alexander ap peared under the stake name of Sheila Valcra. Five peoplo appear In the act. WoHlonlte Keo Commissioner. E. M. Smith. J. H. Price and Dr. P. D Watts, of Weston, were in Pendle ton today to confer with Highway Commissioner W. L. Thompson. Bn ginccr M. O. Bennett and County Judge C. H.' Marsh. These gentlemen ure still hoping to have the highway through Weston take the Main street route Instead of Water Street'and are attempting to get their own citizens to agree on the Main street proposition.. The commission is waiting on tbem ' and Mr. Thompson granted the gen tlemen another week in which to bring In a proposition satisfactory to 1 all the Weston people and to the com mission for the change of route. , , . Mrs. Anna plerson, from molestln her or ner minor children or otherwise Interfering with them was signed by County Judge C. II. Marsh yesterday, noting In the absence of Circuit Judge O. VV. Phelps, Notice was served on Mr. P-lorson yesterday. ? -.. "tiny SoU CKIk Herd. Jlaiion Jack, of this city member of tho Htate Fish and Game Comimsslon, (inn carl D. Khoeniakcr, stats game warden, le't last night for Wallowa -to 'consler the sale of elk on the Mea- wow's farm. The farm was leased ferine time ago and has been used for Tirupagatlon purposes. The herd has been taken care of for six years and there are now 140 elk on the farm. It Is proposed to release the elk as with the present cost of feed, tho expense of wlntrlng is too great. Orphan Addresses Letter oddly. A letter from a French orphan, adopted by the domestic science class at the high school last year, lies un opened In the office of City Superin tendent F. P. Austin.; The address on the envelope Is novel, reading as fol lows: Mi;:tcr Domestic Science Class, High School. Pendleton, Oregon. From Wednesday's Daily; Ijcavcs for Pendleton. Miss Opal Illce, a former La Grande girl who has been visiting: the past few days in La Grande as the guest of Miss Enid Stansficld and "Mrn. Fred Hcnnlng, left this momJiT tor Pendleton. La Grande Observer. Wesley Evans Injures Hand. ' Wesley Evans, an employe f the lioesch Bottling Works, has a. badly cut hand as the result of an accident which .-happened yesterday. Evans was carrying some glass jars when he fell, breaking the glass, and cut ling himself severely. San Francisco Hanker Here. George A. Van Smith, assistant cashier of the Anglo-London and Paris National Bank of San Francisco, one of the coast's largest financial in stitutions, is in Pendleton today on a business trip. Mr. Van Smith is a traveling representative of his Institution. Is (K'rated l'Min. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Ilrosman is convalescing in St. An thony's ' where she underwent an op eration for tonsils today. lawyer Goes to Portlund. W. C. K. Pruitt, attorney, left for Portland on a business trip toduy and will return Thursday. ItoturiiH from Service. George Flotcher, colored, who has been overseas with the Pioneer Infan try, returned today after receiving an honorable discharge at Camp Lewis. Fletcher will be remembered in Pen dleton as one of the Round-Up riders. Moving Into New House. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bloom and family have returned from an outing at Lehman Springs and aro moving; to Mrs. Failing Owner of llano Here, Lyle McCroskey, who owns a thlra Interest In a Curtiss plans, Is a Pen dleton visitor who is making tenta tive arrangements for flights here. It is probable that the plane will fly-here before the Itound-Up and during the show. Lieutenant Cook, cx-army av iator. Is tho flyer. If the plane comes to Pendleton,' passengers will be charged 10 for 10 minute flights. Ir. Croup to Hnv New Offices Dr. Floyd Croup, Pendleton dentist, will have offices in the American National Bank building when the im provements and repairs are completed From all Indications, the offices will be ready for occupancy by tho middje of September. Happy Canyon Renovations Happy Canyon Is preparing for the big days in September and Sam Wright, official decorator. Is painting the new scenery which will be In evi dence during Round lp. Several noticeable Innovations are being added to the scenery. Fir trees which will add the finishing touch to the dec orative scheme have been ordered and will be here In time for tho opening of the popular how which shares honors with the Round Up Itself. .Mr. .Meviiuder In Portland. It. Alexander, whose whiskers are always ns mctioulosly kempt and cared for a's are his natty habiliments, tarried at tho Imperial yesteiday while on his way homo to Pendleton. The pioneer merchant of Eastern Ore gon asserts that he'll acquaint the uni verse with the fact that the Elks had some time at their recent conclave in Klumath Falls. Oregonlan. Ne.v -Vork nBnkcr Here. Jay D. Rising, an assistant cashier of the National Park Bank o- New York City, is In Pendleton today ac companied by Mrs. Rising. They have been in attendance at the Washington State Bankers' Convention at Mt. Rainier national park and are on their way home. Mr. Rising is looking In to banking conditions along tne route. The bank he represents has deposits of tnoro than J205.O00.0O0. Coiincliiiiun Feeling Hotter. Councilman James H. Estes expects Funeral of .Mrs. Gillette Held. The funeral of the late Mrs. Ella Gillette, wife of M. IT. Gillette, for- merly a farmer of Pendleton, was held 5'esterday in Portland at the Chambers parlors, with the Rev. W. T. Kerr officiating. Final services were at the Portland crematorium. Mrs. Gillette was killed near lone Sunday when a train ran into the automobile In which she and her husband were driving from their farm to town. Mr. Gillette was seriously Injured and Is still in the hospital at Heppner. Mrs. Sulil In Portland. The gingham dress and the old gray bonnett with the blue ribbon on It, are no longer tho vogue among those fortunate young American women who choose their bridegrooms from among the landed gentry. Quite to the country, attired in the latest of modish tailoring, with absolutely the last exclamation In hats and coiffeurs. they come to the city on week-end shopping tours and theater parties, bearing their own checkbooks. Mrs. Herman Suhl, wife of one of the weal to return home by Saturday, he said tv,jest ranchers in the Pendleton dis- a loi'.cr from Portland today. had his tonsils removed there Monday and is improving rapidly. He on Kohlx-r Hetiirns Checks. An unknown maa railed . day at the residence of Mrs. Jcssso ing on Main street and upon his departure took with him a check for $500 and one for J25, both made out but not endorsed. into their new residence at 130 South After Main street. a search today Mrs. Failing Business Trip to Portland. 8. D. Hattery, of Cellna, Ohio, who has been In Pendleton for the past two months, left this morning on a busi ness trip to Portland.. He Is a cousin of Dr. H. H. Hattery of this city. they had evidently been thrown when tho burglar discovered they were not endorsed. ' Fred Hennloii to Hcrmii-tmi. Fred Bennlon, Umatilla county agent. Is In Hermlston today to con fer with L. A. Hunt, 'Morrow County agent, regarding tho rabbit drive whleh will bo held in both counties next fall. Morrow and Umatilla will co-operate In an effort to exterminate the pests. Mr, Bennlon is also malum arrangements" for aiding In tho Her mlston Hog und Dairy show. Will investigate, tiro. W. W. Cryder Umatilla forest su pervisor left today for Knmela where he will investigate the firo on Spring Creek, near tho Umatilla National Forest. Deiiioiistratins for I'arker. Dr. J. Greer of Twin Falls, Idaho, Is In Pendleton on a dcmonstartlng mission for the E. I. Parker dental system. Ir. Greer Is accompanied by Ray Stumbo, who acts as ,his chauf feur and mechanic. IUatt Sued for Divorce. Max II. Blutt, McKay creek far mer, la charged with gross crflelties In a complaint for divorce filed today hy his wife, Mrs. Erna Hay Blati. They were married In September, 1915 and have had three children two of whom are now living. Mr. Blatt asks to be given custody of the two children, for $250 attorney's fees, $50 a month for the support of herself and children and $1000 as her share In his real property. She is represent ed by Raley, Raley & Steiwer and H. J. Warner. Mrs. Mf-Conib In City. Mrs. J. D. McComb, state leader of county demonstration agents .is in the city today to confer with Miss Ella May Harmon, agent for this county. She will leave tomorrow for Portland. trict, registered at the Perkins yes terday. Mrs. Suhl is confident that tho eastern Oregon crops, at least In the vicinity of Pendleton, never had a bet ter start toward bulging the most ca pacious granaries. Oregonlan. IiKlexinK Bulletins.. Bulletins on hand at the office of Fred Bennlon, Umatilla count agent, are being Indexed. The work Is be on his property i.n West Raley street, bulletins are on matters of farm inter est und nr given to anyone who calls e.t the office in the federal building. lave No Connection. Tne Pendleton Trading Co., in which half interest has been pur chased by F. H. Hughes, has no con nection with the Pendleton Meat Co., Mr. Hi;gh!s announced today. The fact that ho was with the meat com pany before entering the new business means no'.hing, ho says, as he has ser arated his connection with the former. Mr. Huirhcs will be associated with Horn) Carney in the retail business bnt the wholesale meat business is distitxet and apart from the uptown tore. O. W. Specinl Agent Here. Ed Woods, special agent for the O.. W. R. & N. Co., is in Pendleton to day on business. Orio Hanovun Burned. ! Orie Hanovan, who Is employed al j Fell's Cleaning Works, was slightly burned during the fire at the Fell I Plant yesterday. Some of the men's , suits at the cleaners' were burned ' during the fire but the women s clothe's escaped. Are On Vacation. - Miss Grace Hatton and Miss Anna Howard, employes of the Peoples Warehouse, are spending a two weeks' vacation. They are at Wallowa Lake. II. 3. Waciicr to Portland. H. J. Warner, lawyer of this city, will leave tonight to spend a short va cation in Portland. Dentist Out or Army. Dr. Carroll Dutro, an officer in the dental corps of the army with 18 months In France, is In Pendleton for a short visit. Dr. Dutro was with tho E. P. I'arker system before going Into tho army and will be stationed In tho new Spokane office when it .t opened. . Hunters Get Limit Bags. Thirty grouse were broiiBht to town last night by Frank Sullivan, Earl Coutts and John 'Ham ley us a result of two days' hunting near Meacham. Each man had his limit of 10 birds, all grouse. Hunting was excellc members of the party said, and the usual difficulties were not experi enced. The birds seemed plentiful to this party, although some hunters have declared thorn scarce. Mr. Carter ioes to Portland. Charles Carter, Pendleton lawyer, left this morning for l'ortlnnd on a business trip. Arcade Being Improved. The Arcade theater is having a now flooring' of battleship linoleum laid today to replace that which has been In use for many months. Stroblo & Son are doing tho work for Matlock & Greullch, owners of tho show house. uctil M H. E. Worth, insurunce underwrit er .Is driving a new Lexington six touring car purchased this week from the Frentxel-Wallcs Co., local agents. C. A., Swanson also chose a Lexington, his car being, howovcr, of tho toura bout type. Husband Makes Accusations Mrs. Anna E. Pierson has been mar ried to Andrew Plerson nearly 27 years and has born him seven chil dren, three of whom are m:nors, m' even those ties will not hold her against his repeated uecusations of In fidelity, . her complaint for divorce filed today Indicates. Mrs. rierson al leges that he has repeatedly been cruel to her and accused her of asso ciating with other men. she asks $100 for attorney's foes, $50 as wit ness fees, $75 a month support money, the custody of their three children und an order restraining him from molesting her or the minor children. She Is represented by Haley, Raley & Stuiwer and II. J. Warner. Is Driving Case. Martin Kupers Is driving a new Case automobile, purchased from the Kimble Motor Co. of this city. Vlll F-rcet Oarage. Pale Kothwel! was Issued a permit today to erect a garage to cost $100 o nhis l roperty on West Itulcy street. Many New Students nt College. Mrs. 'Herman Suhl returned this morning from Berkeley, where her daughter, Miss Alvena Suhl, entered college. Mrs. Suhl says that over 3, 000 new etudeuts entered Berkeley and that a very crowded condition has re sulted. Miss Suhl graduated with the 1918 class of St. Joseph's academy. Army Fund Bulletins Here. The Pendleton Commercial ' Asso elation has received bulletins listing the urmy food whlc his now being placed on sale throughout the coun try. Prices look as though there had been no wur and many staple articles of food are listed nt amazingly low prices. Will Tnlv'e U New Duties. W. L. Thompson, president of the American National Bank, will assume his new duties as a vico prosldont of the First National Bank of Portland tomorrow. Mr. Thompson was slated r jeqiuojdas uo oSuttu.3 eqt o?ittui ot but was called in tn days early be cause- of tho departure of President A. L. Mills to a meeting at Washington. Mr. Thompson will go to Portland to night and probably return to Pendle ton Saturday morning. Write-up oV Major Moorliouse. Yesterday's Evening Telegram con tained a picture and write-up of Ma jor Lee Moorhouso of this city, who will nssist tho war camp community service in producing the "Pageant of or marines is Invited to attend Sheriff's Relatives Here. David Tuylor, father and W. R. Taylor, brother, of Sheriff T. D. Tay lor, are In the city from Athena today. Alexanders Suo for Account. Alexanders today bought suit agulnst C. A. Fenn to collect $204.05, alleged delinquent on a bill of goods delivered between Juno 4 and July 4. Likes Brother's Ranch. Frank Geist of Minneaolis, who came west on an auto tour several weeks ago, is spending the harvest sea son on the ranch belonging to his brother, E. E. Gelst, near Holdman Mr. Gelst likes tho Umatilla county farm life and may decide to forsake Minnesota. Harvest will be complet cd on the Geist place about Friday. J. f Penney Co., A Nationwide Institution, r C 0 it e ' o v ns is c o a! r m - . r- T-r V J III Woolnap Blankets A special weaving process and .the use of high grade cotton makes Woolnap Blankets tnree to six umes as strong a uiuinii.y cotton blankets. They have a deep soft finish that gives them lots of warmth and v very handsome appearance. Note es 'jecially the remarkably low prices we quote on these blankets. . r " a "'" 1 i A I a rex-m oQlnap liianKeLs, wnne, lan ana JJ Grays . .......... $4.98 f ancy naid n ooinap uianiteis. . . ... vo.vv COTTON BED BLANKETS FOR ROUND-UP NEEDS Thoroughly reliable quality, well made and nicely finished. You will Tjnd our prices unusually low. White, tan and greys, For Three-Quarter Size Beds, pair. ..... Size 64x76, Pair I . i . . ' . vi : : . . . Size 72x80, Pair . . . . . ..... $1.69 $2.98 $3.98 Wonderful Wearing Comfort-' ers Ideal for outdoor or rough wear; good weight. Size 62x74 inches $1.98 Comforters in Challies, filled with good quality cotton. Will give very good wear; size 72x78, each $3.19 Comforters covered With' fancy silkoline on both sides, in attractive floral patterns. Filled with good quality cotton. Size 72x78, each . . , . . $3.98 , - A Very Beautiful Comforter, silkoline on both sides and sateen border to match. One of our most attractive comforters; size 72x78. Each $4.98 Emmerich "All New Down" Pillows Perfect feathers clean, odorless, hygienic, elastic. Per fect ticking, close woven, soft, beautiful patterns. Made ex pressly, for the J. C. Penney Co. Feather Pillows, size 17-24, . each V : . . . . . j . 98c Feather Pillows,'; size 20x26,:" V each-!. (fc ... , ...... . $1.49 Down Pillows,;.sLze 21x27, . . 'v - each . . -.rvifijiu -i . kfi'H i- $2.49 Down Pillows (extra fine down) size 22x28, each $4.98 SHEETS AND PILLOW CASES . ....... . Good cotton sheeting and pillow cases of just the right weight, light enough for.easy washing and heavy enough to stand the test of wear. Sup- ply your needs now. ; , . Plain Hemmed Sheets (seamed) 72x90 . $1.23 Plain Hemmed Sheets (seamless) 81x90 $1.79 Pillow Cases. ,42x36. each . .; i ..: ........ 33c ,Pillow Cases (hemstitched) 42x36, each ........... .. ...... 49c "X'equpt" Jnllow Cases (hemstitched) 4oxdb, eacn . ..... . . 5Uc 9 3 to 3 4 . OPPOSITE I'l'.Xm.TO.V HOTEL. J. C. Penney Co., A Nationwide Institution. From Thursday's Daily J. I.. Cox In Seattle. J. L. Cox of Gray's grocery store, Is in Seattle on a business trip. Back from Portland. O. E. Holdman, who is about to en ter the auto business here, returned from Portland this morning whence he went on business late last week. Jtniik Mukcs Improvement. New awnings are being hung today for the First National Bank by Ham ley & Co., men. The awnings ore of a blue and grey stripe. I.lltlo Daughter Horn. A little daughter was born this morning to Mr. and Mrs. J. L. AVhit ninn at St. Anthony's hospital. Mrs. Whitman was formerly Miss Florence Morton. Is Convalescing. .lohnny Mclaughlin, 15 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. James McLaughlin of Kcho, is convalescing at St. Anthony's hospital after breaking his leg. lie was working in the harvest field when a derrick crushed his limb. M.m Iiniircs About Movies. Among inquiries received by the Pcndieton Commercial Association was one pertaining to the possibility of opening a motion picture theater here. The information was desired by a Portland man. Giinrilian Appointed. Daniel F. Brown was today appoint ed guardian of the estute of Frank Gilbert Hull, a minor, residing at Mil ton. J. M. Small. r. S. Welch and George Edwards were appointed to appraise the estate. Called by Wife's Illness. E. O. Draper left last night for Ka- mela, where he was called by the. ill ness of Mrs. Draper, who has been visiting there. He will .return to Pen dleton with Mrs. Draper as soon as she is able to travel. V. .if O. Students to Meet. Alumni and active students of the University of Oregon will meet tonight at 7:30 o'clock In the library to for mulate plans for the lecture Septem ber 2 which will be frivei iy I.icnten a.nt Lamnr Tooko for the benefit of the V. of O. women's btuldlrig. All university peoplo are a-sked to attend. Ilcpalr Permit Granted. 'summer on their farm near Rocky The city council last night voted to ford. Alta. Canndi, and w.ll not return grant a permit to John Selbert fr r- to Pendelton this fill. They report pairs to the blulding on Main street that the crops in their section are very occupied by the Hut. The work Is to good and thai, they are also good in cost $300 and includes a change of the north, but that south of Calgary show windows and interior alterations there is little or nothing in the way to convert the place from a pool hall of crops this year. into a confectionery and soft drink j establishment. . I . L. S. y orton Bobo Is Director. " S. Norton Bobo, formerly editor of lu'iurus from Sound. , the Stanfield Standard, .has been ap City Attorney Junes A. Fee return- pointed by the Northwestern Division ed last evening from a short business of the Red Cross as Director of Mo- trip to Seattle and Tacoma. He also tor Corps and Canteen Service. His spent a short time, in Pasco on busi- 1 headquarters will be in Seattle and he ness. ... succeeds John A. Farwell, who reslgn- . i , . . ed the position July 31. Bobo went ! overseas and was deoorated for dls- raj on uia l ines. itinguished service while with the Red Ed Young and John Cottrell, youths Cross in France. arrested early in July on charges of ( . .. , . disorderly conduct, paid $10-, and $t 1 , respectively ou their fines today, j News of JEjuest lullcr. They served part "f their time in jail The unxiety of Mrs. Xouis Muller, and were released on promise to make :',f this city, concerning her son. Er- soud the remainder. Hirst Muller. whose whereabouts she 'has been unable to ascertain since his v . (arrival, from overseas, was allayed to .Inhii llruthmnii at Empire City. ' day when a soldier at the Red Cross John Heathman, city street superlu- eanteen said that Muller was at Camp tendent, has gone to Empire City, jMorritt and would no doubt be home near Cmis Bay. to v sit with a daush- soon. Muller served with the Army of tor living there. Mr. lleathman has Occupation, as a member of Veteri- bten in poor health for several weeks nary Corps 9-2, Section No, 8. and a change of locution is expected j . . to benefit his condition. I ;IWck from Eong Trip. Break Into Natatoi'Uiui. ! Mr- aml MS L- McBee, of $13 Ra About Jl in small change was stol- ley street, returned to Pendleton last en from the city natatorium last night "ler "penning- au aays on an l,v snmenno who hrnko in the door nt eienacu emo ,np as iar SOUth OS tilS the office and got into tho till. There Mexican border. They drove all were no other things listed missing to- , vucboii ana uantornia, visit- day. It is thought the job is tho work ins everv P"rk and resort of conse- of a youngster. Hiking After Interests Here. J. A. Bagwell, who formerly oper ated a largo wheat ranch in the coun ty and two years ago moved to South ern California to reside, arrived in Pendleton today to spend a week look ing after his business interests. .Tnpancso lnys Fine. Frank Hushimon. Japanese charged with beating his married duughtei. appeared in polico court today tt. plead guilty to the charge, lie wat. fined $25, which he paid. Tcnicmiure 01 Today. The mercury says 94 today but Pen dleton people are unanimous in the verdict that is seems hotter. Yester day the temperature reached 100. The minimum was C5. American Legion Tonlglit. The second meeting of Pendleton veterans who have organized a post of the American eglon, will be held tonight at 7:30 o'clock in the Com mercial Club rooms. Anyone who wore tho uniform of tho army, navy The tioliig on the Farm. John Schvvinden "Farmer Burns" of Echo, Is in town today to get his discharge papers recdrded and theu will go to the country to work for Travis Hoskins on his farm near Echo. ieitis, was lack at the fire station to day but will not resume his duties with the department for some time. He is improving in strength rapidly. K. Marsliul Here. Deputy V. S. Marshal S. V Pace is ; in Pendleton today sef ving"subpoenaes on witnesses for the federal grand wliieh convenes in Portland nevl ! quence in both states. They were ac companied by their three children mid Mr. McBce's fiMher Charles Mc-bce. tate .of r A. , Esteb, deceased, tod; f led a petition for the increase of th.i bond of the administratrix from $5'i to J250O.. Mr. Taylor avers he Is owe ! about 1 2000 by lie estate and asks tli v higher bond as a protection. . Th hearing on the petition is set for Sat urday, Aug. 23. , . School Word List Issued. Simplifying the work of Oreg"n teachers. J. A. Churchill, state super intendent of public instruction, hu.4 published a so-called word list, cover ing the first and second readers of th natural series. The words are g Tour ed into lessons and stand out before new teachers a the work of thctr grades progressess. Mr, Churchill thinks the pamrhtet will prove help ful to teacher pies of the worl list are buing mu..ed. to county sup r- . iutcudents 'n -ill parts of the utate anil Inter w'!' ' distributed among t- various ' teacher. Housing Sltuatiou Strious. -. Suffering Pendleton people there is no answer to all cn-Trossiri c question. "Where shall we live?' tv the house shortage in this city gTOW'i daily more acute. A local family which is leaving the city received trr offer of board and room at the hot-t if they would vacate their house for the benefit ef the would-be renter wh' would pay the hotel bill In addition ' ' rent. Another case which shows th? serious house shortage, Is that of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Turner.- who have re turned to Pendleton to make tlvlr home and who find it impossible to secure a residence or housekeep'r.c ooins. Ahulnd Men YVu.-h Windows. jury which convenes In Portland next ' msiorj, uc- month. From here he will go to En-;1"1"" " J- '. wmoows In the terprise and Baker for some moon-j c!:' office Were given a good shiners held ill custody for tho fed-1 Wilshing touny. The job resultci. oral court. j from the lies re c f the police officers ' . . to get a little work out of George Wolf Evidence of Comliur Change . i i aml K- u Johnston, two men who A new mahogany desk and chair, .were found guilty of being drunk on to be used by the vice president to be i .denatured alcoh.d last night and sen added to the American National Bank j 'meed to five days in jail today.. Tht Sept. 1. was put in place today. J. B. h"'n were unable to pay fines of $10 McCook, who is to fill the chair and eat'h assessed against them. They occupy the desk, will try It out for ! mixed their alcohol with a lemon ex ilic first time tomorrow, although his tract, sugar and water mixture which appointment will not take effect until ias contained in a separate bottle. September 1. On that date L. C. 1 Scharpf of Pilot Rock, will occupy : inromv .dmns Here. .Mr. McCook's old place as cashier. ! Clarence Adnnis, son of Wilter 'Adams of this city, is here today after Will t.Vt Pressure Cooker. having charge ot the Elk's Ronnp-l'p A pressure cooker, guaranteed to . at Twin Falls, htaho. He will be in make the toughest meat palatable uft- charge of the Bore City Park Boun.l- ircmnn Is Convalescent. era half hour's cooking, will be dem- l'p in Portland n Labor Day und uf- l' loyd Heathman, fireman, who re- ionstrated in the near future by Miss ter that will En to Burley. Idaho. Mr. eently was oper-ited on for append- iEUa May Harmon, county demonstra- : Adams owns twenty-five horses In- tie-n agent. The cooker is coming eluding relay Mriiur and bucking from O. A. C and Miss Harmon will hi nKs. He is fucertam whether he lend it for trial to anyone interested. ill lie at the Pendleton Kound-l'p It can bo used on gas, wood, coal or in September. He attended every electric stoves. jUouiul l"p here except last year's, aiul trode in the first local show. Jazz Banco Friday and Saturday. McCormick'a Jazz Orehastra of p .r land, featuring Earl lleadrirks. U1 Slvo a dance in the Eagle-Woodmu't hall Friday and Saturday evenings. Funeral of Miss Oark, Tho funeral of tho late Miss Am' Clark, aged 17. will be held tuiiiom afternoon ot 2 o'clock from tho fcro'in chapel, with the Rev. R. E. Oorn ill officiating. Relatives of Mis Clirt. are expocted to arrive today front Tbn- Dulles to attend the funeral. Adams tk-liool Director lu. II. O. Bothrock, clerk of the school district at Adams is in tho city todav on business:. Hendersons to iciiiiilu In Canada. Dr. and Mrs. T. M. Henderson plan Asks IKuul lucreawd. to spend the winter as well as the Moses Taylor, a creditor of the e- Expoct Courses of study. The new state course of study le lets are expected here about the Is of this month and as soon as rscclvpn will be mailed to all teachers In I'. county. They will not be given r. it the county school superintendent'! of fit but will be sent out when it. mpply comes. Return from Motor Trip. The condition of the Csllfor roads and the bad condition of I'm Oregon roads are the two things wl.i most Impressed the Rev. R. K. Unrn'i'l after a motor trip to Portland. deiia, Long Beach ami other i'ulH- r nla points. Tho Rev. Mr. Oornall t .-.l Mrs. Our null and twe daughter i Mrs. K. A. Comall of Knvkaoe. rlto ii. er of the local minister, returnod I nignt rrom the trip. Iiev. Mr. Uort , .ti says that California waa never nt' o beautiful than at present.