PACK TWO SEMl-WEEKLY EAST OREflO MIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 1019. EIGHT PAGES SEVERAL NEW FACES jCABBAGE Hill WORK HIGHWAY CONTRACTS ON U. OF 0. FACULTY - BEING VISITED TODAY! , EXCEED 16 MILLION ' ' U 5 . , f.' i ' ' ' i " I Four Instructors Added tO 1 . P'ofeonll trmlg from, Oub- ! IWnifmprtr RiMMirr TlirlllflA , nago ii ill cast an.) the- survey between , J r7Z ' - . r l.,,.n. . .i.. , - --......., uiui tin.. i lira mil nrf commissioners iud road engineers. The party consisting of Judge C. H. Marsh, t'nmralw oner (1. i Punning, KI'fiKXH, Aui. :. President P. I.. ! ""wmnnw 11. Campbell of the I'nivcuity iif Otfg,on i wn Kngineer It. H. linldnck loft (.his All Post and .Forest Pro jects and 170 Mi. Pairing. School of Commerce;-' As sistant French Teacher 1 b,'m nilnM today hy the county Named. I, Aug. i.--sint htelreay Ii. I'hclps nt mRh. I wrW under ronliact In Oregon Aug.. . H. linMoek iii n,iils. Including all post and forest pro- llu n mioiiliceil lie sclccliotb of k num. I mourn In Mr. rhelns car for thcM0'"- trttnled f 11,SOj.s 1.08, b r or nw instructors for the r,iculty ! lour. j "ng to a report completed today by the ibis year to Till live vacant-lea left Ina'i j A few rights or will hnv- Id beia,ato highway dui.nruncnt. cr. Fin.r nf tin' new teachers wi;ihdlusted between IViulleion find thai ,Tnero nr9 '"eluded " contracts he added 10 ti m.ii.wl of commerce, 'hill as the resu't of the new surv.V ! "Proximately 370 miles of paving. . Al In n Hopkins, x liirnier tnsirtii ior and the commissioners will-ce lh-ie 198 miles of. macadam and G23 n.;ies fit the uuUcrsliy, and hu recently re- on these matters ns. well. .Jiiila!or goading, where in- snw Bcr- ,Ti-.rh has not mail 'lO the hill slnoe the rwent w.ii'fc ivaa contingencies ! started . i ;ainl 10 per rent for riiRinrerinK totals 1 4, a a I The lniproements Include the Co- every effort to preserve the iioft oon tour of their fluures. The atylea Ren eenlly show a Hlluht fullneiyi on the hiim In the form of soft pnnniem, wltlt pleats and aeoordinn pleats. , pollara are hiifh In many cages. Wool embroUterita. flat paillette and mrtnllla ribbons of a Innther-llUe tax mre form the trinininmu (or afternoon frocks, th majority of which are made with eosa to quitch. All materials are soft. Velveteen, oft seme, vulour d liilne, chiffon and plnah arn.usi'd witl great elfectivumtHB In Kowns and costume. Coats, with, afternoon coatumrs come Just below the hips nnd follow Dick Turpin lines, by means of a Klrdlo or R-iuiKiPB. Skirts are narrower at the feet. Ktlvinir a pcr- top susfKcstlon. Fur collars fearlt t,o tile eyes. American buyers ytiy tViey are bav ins almot a liKttle with l'arislnn Ircsfl inn Iter over the backless evening iKowns offered, which the ' Amerlcnns tlirniHl Inim V'rnnc 1 . ; - with the !Mii diviitiin as n captain, will condiii-t chisgca in buinc..s mimt suement arid oruiiuixM tion and snlus lll;111Shll, . . , t ii. ii. eiuior ol a textbook, j 4, -SlntiatlcHl U-tliiMls.'.' .which has been ( LleTn ln!Per.loutl Te percent additional allowed for '-' "avlna; filled In with he nt wot . 'contln-inoir, amounts to $1.4ft8.M.4 ."'" "nU R. .". KVfK,-KKl OI T HI SI..XI) Itimhla lliver hiwhway, at a cost of lined at tiie iMilveritj- Cor sevenil ai. will conduct a clas in etatintK-s.1 Kina Im conwidereil one of th foremost men In his line 1.1 the country. Arthur II. l.oma.x, at present, with the shipping bould in rovtianil, will eonduct clns.seM in lornian trale, Oraiv lord T. -;, a arailuate tf "th.. I niversity of W if.olisin, who lias hen" in the or.liiHnce department since 1117, j will conduct classes In the commcrc department. I'nlln V. Dyment has been, selected at. executive secretary of the Portland ex IciiKiun divisinn. He will spend two ilays at the university, where he Vill cuiduct classes in journalism. John H. Clark, a Rrnduste of Wash ington State college, will assist In sec ny and economies.. Miss Jennie, Kuy nld. a French jrirl who came to the t;i.lti;d Stale' at the aire of 11 and is a lifadliat of the 1 1. 1 vers.t V of Califor nia, will be asaisTant tin French. t'.l'SKJ Wll'K ixi FAINT I a'''"i-l: l'-oiflc liluhway. ! ih, . iu.i went -able Pacif c highway. 1-OS ANOKLKS. Auir. Si). When Steve Dalton knocked out Eddis McClarney In the fourth round at 'Vernon last ninht Kd die's. w.ife hurried thi-oiiph the ropes looked at her prostrated husband and fainted. Kddio and Airs. McClarney. recovered short ly. . . , Vell Anyway, She Wont Have to Stand - For Mother In Law . j 1.. II 4, .: 40'; Si.ileni-Dalliis highway. I J320.742.50; Tamhlll-Nestueca hishi. way, 42.6S2.U; Coast hlishway, $601 0S4; llalles-California hiKhwoy. $48..' lis. 70; tlrove-JIc- ' 41 1 Minnville hlKhivay, 17. 602.50; Ash. 4. I laml-Klttmnth Falls. $177,057.50; era-: 4. ter iJike hiKlnvny $240,000; John Bay j 4, 1 niKhway :i a u, 1 3.t r: La tiiamte-isn-4 j toppi-ise hlMhw iA. $42,370; McKonzIa I Itlver hiffhway, $ 130 145; Old OreRon Trail, $4 r5.SH6.97 : Oreuom-WnshiiKt' ton hiithway. sri.1ii.07!.2(i: Haker- Cornucopia hishwy . $178,4:11.75;! and cinnamon aro the prevailiniT' tones ; lor evcnlnir .frowns, : Hats for fall and winter are bot Ii j larise nnd small, but In .ill cases will i rianie the face. Velvet Is tho most j popular fabric for hats, and triinnilnKa! wiij no or ostrich fei-tliers, ospre; jind monkey fur. Hearings on Salary 1 of Postal Employes Will Be Begun Soon " ' i ' M'ASHI.VGTON', Auft. 20. Hearings on salarlea oC .postal employes w'ill be I hold In a number of cities in Septem-! her nnd October- by -the joint consres- ' .sional commission on postal salnries. 1 The commission will sit at Chlcaco, Flora-Knterprlso hlKhwoy, $73,560; ISrpt. 16 to 18 for Illinois, Mioliljran I Mount Hood Loop hlshway, $227,667.- land Iowa; St. Paul, Sept. 19 and S9. j 60; Oranls Pass-Crescent City high-l'or Minnesota, North Dakota, South! Md., Aug. 20. Youth's way. $02,985.35; Btirns-Lawen highway j Dakota and slates west to the Puciflc ! coast; Memphis, Oct. 1 nnd 2, for Ten- ! nessee, Arkansas, Ixiulsi.ina and Mis- i ' ''Ill W ' : ' ' ' . . . . ' - mm jmW-Mi 1 111 it!'' ii il ' u v iHKlhf'iiii1 ft'Viiii'm. 1 "'Lir, ''''"iM r.pyi itjlil lilt '.' '1 obui i'u Cu. V TO use arguing about it, or making chin j, minor keyJ If you've got the jimmy-pipe my - v j i ,., IT : : . KALTiMortrc, dauntlessncss hod another nemonstra- ) $197,067. lion, .and, an Impressive one, too. In f noriheftst naltimore4 this 'nltornnon ! when a trlrl .of sixteen automatically j assumed stcpmnrpftKhip in triple degree ind at the same-tim.i stcngranduiaship J 4. of nine Infanta I These additions to j 4 her .rela,tlonship,' accrued through the' common law riuht fif , marital posses- j 4- district, Itabblts have, iiicreas sion because of her iisarriage to a man j ed to a degree that I seriously more than four time her nee. i threatens crops. , - J'olsoiu and The kr)de w(as Suiss, Klsic VlH r. be' ipt.lujr methods luvo no hen um eneaici is.- v imam 14. . ltoscnnerffol. j 4. Vo secret was made of the fsxt that hisj clilldren were not. at all crasy about j4 the marriage, and it wajj remarked: ! r.VR,DisK von stijay DOGS in viikki.(:k CO. SPOKAXK, Wash., Aug. 20.-r-A paradiso for stray .dogs has been located in tho - Wheeler sisslppi, and Kansas City, Oct. 3 nnd 4, for Missouri, .Nebraska, Kansas, Okla homa, Texas, Colorado and states west ' ind southwest to the Pacific coast. j George M. Cohen, who is a star of the stage nd a manager as all. baa resigned from the PriarsJ f of which he was one ol the round ers, and from the )atnltaclub and says he ll run ad elevator before, f hw'll giva In to Qtf atrikexa,.- POSTM ASTERiCti5t ' ', i REPORTED QUITE ILL l'ostmaster T. J. Tweedy, who went to Portland .Monday, is Quite seriously il! 1her;-coendiie tw-word ron ifai. Tiremlr'.t.Mlfty.. ?, A fiecialiat.' pan- bean culled in to diagnose ..his ailment and decUle ii-hat shall b dbn,e for him, 1 rt Tweedy has, beeii In. poor health (or si'vefal dajs and a change of, lpcar tion was deemed best for. him.', ' , ; Although K was . planned to. tajie j him. to he seacoast where it- is cool it is not certain now whether ne -can go on from Portland. An operation may be found necessary, it is thought "You bet none of them will be at the ceremony." , . AH details of the wedding w era ar ranged by the hrido. Just before,-the wedding the bridegroom said:-: "I'm sixty-seven years old, but many a person tells me I don't look a day over f orty.' Rosenberger has two sons, one a "lrgyman in West Virginian, the other In politics in Pennsylvania. This ;uv Is Hani to Kallsry. I We would hate to bo a rich woman-1 and have, to wear switches, corsets..) tight shoes,' poodle dogs, orchids and ' pleasant smiles ull tho time. Wei cossfnl- in mitigating the -poht. j would also linto to be a poor woman, i Kdgar. Fry of Vvheeler, wrote to lout in tho back yard hanging up the SpokaoiO: Chamber of Com- Jdnmp clothes on on uncertain line, I merce stating that any Hind (if a, wish our ripo- and dewy mouth wrap dog that i swift enough to n-or- ;ped around a basswood clothes-pin, ry a rabbit will be .welcomed by land a half dozen pocket editions of our the- farmers of Whoeler section. lO'.vn sweet self yolling for more bread 4 4 4 4- 4t 4. 4. 41 "d jam.-. Richmond News. I . Japan Open to New Ideas. TOKYO, Aug. 20. Japan is oil. in readiness to welcome teh new ideals of the world developed 'by the war. Japanese opposition to Introduction of the ideas that changed world condi- i tions have created would take the country back Into feudal'. 'days, .ac cording to. M. . alia bash i,. (sinister of eduction.' i.'. ''!,, .. ' .''Th . propagation-;, o fdemOcratiu Ideals which- the wax. has brought in ,,,M.K, train hag given, aj. impetus to. the j i u-e ok new nrwrto 111 jHimn, nwo freedom cf thought has long been suojeot to' regulations. - This- is a, sa,t isfactory sign of the times. """It" hujst he remembered, however. that bad-well as good ideas are apt IQ fjpi. tbeiE wiy.bere.3, A.ihe.. con stitutional ideas of the people are atiU undeveloped, there , is danger of their becoming- contaminated with-' radical ; Ideas. .. , . Ma -my opinion the so-called new Teachers' Show "go Cause. - The Hee si's. some, women are m&H--ir.g from $7 to $10 a day cutting peaches in. the Sacramento canneries. Does anybody need to wonder long why there is a shortage of teachers? Stockton Record- , . You Know Why, Don't You? . , Remember , the Schley-Sampson controversy? Thank heaven, there is no petty row like that mussing up the creditable record of American com manders In this war. Marysville Ap-real. rette makin's notion cornered in your smokeappetite, slip it a few liberal loads of Prince Albert! Boiled down to regular'old between-us-man-talk, Prince Albert kicks the "pip" right out of a pipe! Puts pipe pleasure into the 24-hours-a-day joy'us class! Makes cigarette rolling the toppiest of sports! , P, A. is so fragrant, so fascinating in flavor, so refreshing! Prince Albert can't bite your tongue or parch your! throat! You go as far as you like according to your smoke spirit! Our exclusive patented process cuts out bite and parch! ; Toppy red bags, tidy rmd tint, handsome pound and half-pound tin T humidoit and that ciumiy, practicalpoitndcryatal glasm humidor with sponge moiitener top that hemp the tobacco in auch perfect condition. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C. - L -music in a !'fj,v or riiru. mWW&Xmg&lWK -'.-" Hi.,, 4 jmm-i liiii! km- Ti 1.5. 'ftfi 5$ GERMANY FEARS LONG RANGE GUN List of Text Books For Use in Grades Is Anhounced Today ' County School Superintendent : W. W. Green today announced the list of texts which will be used' in the grades -throughout Oregon and which may now. be purchased, with a few ex ceptions noted elsewhere in today's is mie, from Irrasier'a. -Bookstore. -' The texts -&re-as follows: Agriculture Davis: Productive Farming, 8th grade. - , Arithmetit! Hamilton Essentials of Arithmetic, 1st book, 3rd to 6th grades. . . , -,.. ... , Hamilton- Essentials of Arithmetic, 2nd book, 7th and. ith grades. Civil Oovrniment Hughesj Com munity Civics, 8th grade. Horse Frightened by Auto Walks in Hotel; Floor is Damaged $25 ST. LOUIS. Aug. 20. Milton HacJt ney, negro, of 1U -South, Kwing ave nue, employed at the national stoclt.- .,,.'.. Ill, ill ... Xrfl-.ll.JT. 1WUIC . rrwMT yards horse home from work yester day because of the Kast Slide street car strike. The horse seemingly was Pot accustomed to seeing automobiles, but Ilnckney managed to get him a j controversy over reservations and- in Drawing books for all grades In- ideas are prevalent only i na.restrioted dustrial and Applied Art Books. section of aociiaty- and are .not so dan- I - Geography Tarr & McMurray; no gerous as some fear.,. If influx of all jchnnge from old books. . foreign ideas is to Jie prohibited, ow- History Gordy: Stories of Ameri' Ing to their possible baneful, nature, con History, 5th grade. that wil lmean reversion to, the feudal i Gordy: American Beginnings in days when Japan was isolated from Europe, 6th grade. . foreign intercourse and' tho import of-; Mace: School history 1919 edition, all foreign ideas was zealously guard-J 7th a-nd- 8th Rrades. ed." .... Spelling New Word Speller: 1st -book, 3rd grade.- I'lTTM OFFERS BKSOHTUIV New Word Speller: 2nd book 4th th be- far as Jefferson and Lawton avenues. where the animal shied at an auto mobile and began pranc)ng about. He pranced righu up.' im , the side walk in front of the Douglas Hotel, 2645 Lawton avenue, and into the open door, Haciiney staying on nis back. It was a minute or more after the horse was in the hotel before he was (juietad. The proprietor said the floor covering had been damaged. $25 by t be horse's hoofa. Hackney walked to work this morn ing and Jed the . , ... SI I'l-OIITIXOi THE PRESIDENT 'to 6th. grades, WASHINGTON. Aug. 20. Senator New Word Speller: 3rd book, Pittmap today offered a resolution ! to 8th grades. isrrvlng out President Wilson's idea j Writing Palmer systems as oi. interpretation oi , ine peace treaty. ; fore' separate iron the resolution of ratil'i- : language Potter Jeschke & Oil cation, l'ittman Is a Ddemocratie mem- !j ic tt : Oral and Written Epglish, book bcr-of the foreign relations comrutteo--j j 4th to 6th grade. and a strong treaty supporter. He said ' Potter Jeschke & Oillett: Oral nnd he did tola to sfettle Immediately Uie JWritt"n English, book 2, 7lh and 8th Leviathan Leaves on Last Transport Trip From U. S. to Europe NEW Y'OTtK. Aug. 21. Sailing on her last, voyage as ft transport, tho Leviathan left Hoboken yesterday fpr Brest. She ia expected to bring Gen. Pershing and part of tho First Divi sion home and arrive here September . Then she will bo placed in dry dock and refitted for passenger and com mercial service. . ; . While no announcement has been made by the government as to her disposition, it is understood that the shipping board will operate her be tween here and two European porfs. one in England and one in France. These may be Southampton and Cher bourg. Tho Tmperator will sail in September ntl'hir last voyage as a transport. She may be turned over to tho British government under the loss of tonnage pact. The Hamburg American line still owns her and the governmetn had paid for her charter In food sent to Germany, the German government in turn reimbursing her owners. IT MAY CLOUD "UP AJN V IlllIN VTtis BERLIN'. Ail?. 20. CiiHrr.ition of various clauses men, up to 35 years of afff, will be "(jWrWl soon, ueeonllns to information j'iVtn tho onnesjum dent today. Authority in Uii.s din'c- t on, ir ;h pxfttl, will be Kiven the government by the nation; I iiss-embly soon, and it is nudur.stnuil that (iustuve Xosko, mentioned for the ,mst of na tional defense. .v il adopt measure;, to i reestablish the army, f Recruiting of volunteers has fniled 1 Tho eontemplatid emergency netlon has been hastened by the Inrreasln? . menace of PoLind and more urgent need for foienta lllapr an expected bol shevik invasion. Th present haos in f Jormany'a jnlLtury organisation, due to demob ilization and d'sor-janzation of all authority and discipline, vvhieh is be in (leeentnalerl by the domineei'n'-: rule of the revolut ionary soldiers' council., has brought the nation t ) a, point, it was stated, where it is now incapnl)!e of hastily mrddlizinfr an equipped force of even- the modest dimensions required for such hu a p rnrently small task as defending the Gi-rma n Tollsh front ier. I Tho bolsbevil-i n re now near enough, to the German frontier to be aide to bombard I-yck, Kydtkuhnen. Tilsit, lenel, a no other points with average long rane qnns. In addition iu the military activi ties, of the Iol -s. who are reported to be becoming bolder every day. OerrriM n v :i ls-n bt fnn'r-il to rprkei r 4 41 4 4. ' ...... ... , ' SHOWS ITS KFFECTS 1" "J-iim oho man Lur.- 4 tor-v LOXnOX. Ansr 21. War i work and life in the trenches ; Canned Spellbinding GEE-VCOUUO Z't CRAZY Aeotj-T r THeae.'?, mot f 1IC, -tvii-i'. terpreti tipns. Possibilities of Dam Foundation at Pasco Under Investigation . Tri7c Saddle Exhibited. Hajnley & Co-, are today exhibiting the fin-t prize saddle, for broncho busting which was recently completed In their shup and is given by them to the, world's. champion bronk rider at of Heading, primer and first reader, tllio .,A..'u Timing T'n n,1,1l- I I . . . ' 1st grade. grades. Music Progressive music series, books 1 to 4. Physiology and Hygiene Winslow: Healthy Living, hook 1, Gth grade. Winslow: ',' Health Living, book 2, Cfh grade. Reading Fassett: Beacon Method this ye.Lr's Hound-Up. The saddle Is a masterpiece in tan and black leather apd silver and uniqtto as to design,. It la vajueij at 1100. , Man of 25 Suits and $ , Room Is Accused Of $300,000 Swindle Natural Method Trimer. 1st grade. Natural Method, 1st and 2nd read ers. 2nd grade. . Natural MethKl. 3rd. 4th. and 0th reader,. 3rd, 4th and r.Lh. grades. Baker & Thorndike: Everday Classics, 6th, 7th and 8th readers. 6th. 7th and 8th grades. -CHICAGO, Aug, 20.-WVil the aid of 125 suits of clothes, a chauffeur and a touring car, and a '"convincing! way" jM.-ei I1I1.M-, nun .Jin.,.-., ai a .-ii.i-, itnu .with business men. Hrmai J. Blumson ims joined the slate engineering cretf, ! president of the Star Cereal and Mill imier E.1 M.-Ch - ndler. which is now ! ing. Co., and president of the Jewish making boring ir the' lied of the Snake Kducational Alliance, is accutfrd of liver at r.-Mile i-n.ids to investigate joeirauaini uvcoi ma iiixr nunm in the jwissibiiittes cf a dam fi-nidif om ' This federal em?ttte r will cheel: up I -n. more man ja,uew, accoraing 10 fn the state work aiol thereby secure wvf iwuiuwn, f a dam f-M;idjf ln. j Chicago and Milwaukee at ;i00,(tO0, valuable data for the f-r-ral ree!ama t4n fwrviM for ut-e when the orojec't efinies up lMdue coiiKress for an 8p propi iaU4in. Hik jtresenee for th 3 jmrposo was secured thrfiuh Con ressjiian John AAV Summers, while west recently. j Brown Is In Marked Favor For Fall Says Paris Style Display PARIS. Aug. 20. Paris' first real display of style si nee the war be-rTan is beins- attnndod by about 300 American buyers, who, however,' : are: ahowin? themsMvi-s to be more indt-pt-ndent of the dictates of French dressmakers than ever before. Iirown, according to the new models. Is apain In marked fn vor. Soft ma terials are used generally, and flounc es, panniers and the design of the new The police believe he haa fled to Eu rope or South Africa. At the time Blunjaon owned the un usual number of suits lie lived In a $5-a-week room, the laodfady - of hfs : rooming1 house said. Blumson came j'vere recently from South .Africa, and models tend toward the strictly femi-w-,u(j-ht and romplcted a mill coet-I nine apearance. Th-re Is not the ( "f " " , ; iitH: $100,000 with no securities except I slitrhtst suKg-estlon of the masculine, lalHrd Man I lies over Sierra. abiIUy to (.nnvjncc business men tailor-made t ffrtn of the past. RCN'o, Nrv. Auk. -0TnJ, f irHt .n" j that he "had a number of govprmnent J I'aris is rlininR- to skirts hansing lined n an to fly over the Sierra Ne- , rpillractJ(t it is allf j?ed. L.ater he built sevr-n to eipht inches from tbe ground. vua.-ii is rereani j. j. uucKiey. hp have left marked eiiects upon many women and men now in civilian life, declare physicians and other acuta observers, while (statisticians nay these results have Increased the.cost of living. Kxuert dressmakers suv manv women profited by the war, be- cause their figures were greatly- improved and their curves were rounded by much exercise in the open air. lint shoemakers de- dare tlv feet of these war-cul- tured Venuses, especially of those who were employed on land, increased In size, because Ihey wore much roomier shoes than those to which they had been accustomed. Thousands of fighting - men have acquired the habit of smoking not fewer than fifty ei- garettes a day, and this now adds nearly $5 to a man's weekly ex- penses, even if lie puffs cheap cigarettes. Steel helmets are considered responsible for the epidemic of baldness. MtTttTTtTTT Will Be Used in the Campaign This Fall M. Canned or- f Ii w In n Curtis JN-a-M from Sacra mento, (ill., to Calneva. a distance of l!f. miles, in 108 minutes, and from iilneva to lleno, six,ty-fice hiles, yin fortv-eight minutes. The altitude l-a-Ning over the mountains was 14,IQ4 GET KEYS OF LONDON IN U. S. OFFICERS KIT ROSTOV, Aug. 21. Two ancient kes to the Ird Mayor's mansions in London, found at Camp Devens in the baggage of nn American army offi cer, are In the possession of the army intelligence department here. Kaeh is about 10 inches long, and they were found in the officer's bedding roll. The officer has not been at Camp De vens and it is thought his baggage was sent there by mistake. Ifow the keys came into his posses sion was not made known hero. Ar my officials at the northeastern de partment declined to comment fin a SKW YORK, Aug. atory. That's what the Democrats nnd Re publicans are going to use in this fall's primary and election campaigns. An nouncement came from Washington yesterday. It said the. phonographic Marathon would begin Sept. 1 tifh At torney Ooneral Palmer leading for tho Democrats nnd Uniied States Sen ator IjOdge lor the Republicans. "The plan embraces," read the Washington announcement, "a pro gram which will permit, the residents or" small towns and remote hamlets to hoar speeches o eminent orators at the same time that t he records are released In tho large cities." Sew records a re to be disl rbntcd j monthly. It is est i mated that they' will furnish political monologues for 2. 000. 000 phonographs. Entered In the wind-jamming content are the follow ing: Democrats President Wilson. Sec retary of War Raker. Secretary of the Xavy Daniels, former Secretary of the Treasury McAiloo and William .T. Bry an. Republicans1. Kormer President. Taft Major (Ion. Wood, Rlih.ii Root, Chaun- cey M. Depew and United Slates Sen-; ators Johnson and Rorah. J M GONNA. GET S0fte rl-L (HlOW-r CASiN 'EM ali. rA won oo Vo think .. AM f CO wet n . . FOK. Orsceeic adopted yesterday wherever they riiay lead us. Tf Vhe Demoi'ratic part, state and nat.ionl, comes to these principles, then wo aro with the Democratic par ty, if not, as I say, we will follow these principles wherever they may lead us," A Texas convention 'of the new par ty will bo called by the executive com mittee at a date not yet decided upon. turned (W: thasiate treasureivwho Wares R to tha-eiedlt of the. -toad fund of the tate for general road con--trjjetion ami improvement. Gasoline Tax Source Increased Kevenue , W oH.I W ar Most' Sunguimirv ! . ANHINGTOX, Aug. 21.Analy mis of th,. final casualty report receiv ed firom the Central Records' office ji.n franco shows that tho Kuropean war was ho most sanguinary in history. An oil ier of Uie Mjsterles, One of tho mysteries or life is how a boor if h nmn can keep right oo ob wrvlnjr the ways of gentlemen ajid never acnulr any of them himself. i. new mill at a cost of about ?275. j American bycrs, the dressmakers say, ! 1 l"!i ne Keys nan ween nanuea Jyt't. : . " are ridiculing the shortness of the (to Clen. I'ershing on his visit to Ron- According to pubUshed reports of hi gowng, althoiinh frankly admitting jdon as a symbol of the graining of the .'eii itb-s. J'.lumxon receivtri lotf-rs of j American skirts have foen too long, i freedom of the city, and were missing thanks from Mayor Thompson and ; It is sfd to bo likely American women 'when the time came for returning Kobert M. Sweit7.;r, the Mayor's oppo- Vili be offered h compromise In them, t tho Iord Mayor. n'nt at the lt election. Hweitzer lengths. One prominent American buy-- - er laughed at a drsHniH kers' nutrjrns-j I'iier Xewloti l'xpected Homo. tion that Americans want long skirts Mr. and Mrs. Newt Newton are ex- because American women do not have pecting their Fon, lener Newton pretty ankb-s. iirown, the buj'ers say, Is shown In scores of shades. Scores of beautiful niodelfj do not wear corsets and make Texas Democrats Are Not Far Apart the , Politicians Declare wrote Rlumson that "if he had had as loyal support from all as he did from Hlumson, he would bo Mayor of Chi cago now. Jn hirf letter Mayor Thomp son said to Rlumson: "Permit me to thank you for your loyal support in the lnt clciction," FORT WORTH, Tex., Aug. 21. Plans for nationalizing tho "American Party," organized here yesterday by a group of dissatisfied. Texas Demo crats, will be put. into effect upon ap pointment of :l special committee for that purpose, it was stated today. Men n while t he other, faction of Democrats, pledired to a plan of re construction within tho party, went ahead with plans for a lin of attack tinder the lendership of former Sena- i tor Joseph W. Railey. j Political observers declare tho fac- tojtlons simply are divided as to the. Rattle deaths nmonK American en listed n?Mtl nVf'T:. l-iwl ..lulii . General Road Funditno,,sn,Hl: among emergency officers, . ill a thousand, and among rcuular nr. SAT.KM. Aug. 21. Under tho la w j my V'1''1''", H enacted at the last session of the atate (M GVOrV 100 officers landed in legislature nnd which became effec- j T r" m' 10 wrn killed or wounded, live K-bruary 21, l'MU, imposing a,ill!l,,l(' diths wem 27 a thousand for tax of 1 cent a gallon on gasoline and j K,-;uluates of West Point against 18 1-2 cent, on disl.illato sold In Oregon j for hnnjit-aduates. by dealers In motor behicle fuel, there! . has been paid to t he stale by these i WHOOPI Vc. -foM p vendors to July i l'Ji'.i, a tolnl of! Wlh tbe intention of maintaining $105. 420. IS.. I'endh'toi) h reputation of Whoopln' e TJiis amount represents a total of '"I"1' 'vo ,,f he town's most prominent ir,,.'ill,011 gallons of gasolino and a.i'iizens gathered at tho Renson yes 4fi2,00:i gallons of distillate sold In terdny, Jn the phrty w-ro Frca Oregon between February 26 and July Rfmpliin, manager of the Kast Ore :M. jgoniun, Carl Cooley, mnuager of Alex-. At the end of February, 1 01 fl, thee ander's department store; U. jj, Crom wero G4,21(i licensed automobiles nnd 'nielin, manager of the flour mill: W. at the end of July the number of II-jU Thompson, Pendleton banker, an censed cars had increased to 75.041. iH. .1. fiurUe.nno ,f the lienvy woo. This tax. Immediately upon lis re- producers of Umatilla county, Ore eeipt by the secretary of state, Js goninn. YOU NEED NOT SUFFER FROM CATARRH But You. Must Drive It Out of arrive in 1'endleton today after serv- means to allaln a common end and ice overseas us a member of the plant I find significance in tho following ut- construction engineers corps. He hnsjterances of Mr. Uailey: been overseas for the past two years. I "We Intend to follow tho principles Your Blood. Catarrh is annoying tmunh when it chokes up your nostrils and air passages, causing difficult Iireathing and other discomforts. Keal danger comes when it reaches down into your Iuiirs. Tin? is why you should at once realize the importance ol the prop er treatment, ard h;sc no lime ex periuK'ntiiii; vviili yvurtl'lciis rejue- dies which touch only the surface. To be rid of Catarrh, yon must drive the disease germs out of your; blood, ' Splcndi'l results have been re ported from the use of S. S. S., which arts on the catarrh germ in the blood. If you wish medical advice as t. ihe Ircalmcnt of your own indi vidual Cisc, write t j t hief Mcdicil Adviser. 4! Swift Snccilic, Co., At i lwita, . .. j, . .