.. i I r rx: i 1 .-. PAGE TTTREE " WEWS NOTES OF PENDLETON i I'PAttYEAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OftgGON. THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1910. - J. F. Cox 111 Scuttle, J. L. C'ok of Oray'a grocery store, In Seattle on a business trip. Ilaek from Portland, O. E. Holdman, who is about to en ter the auto business hero, returned from Portland this morning whence ho wont on business Jute last week. lutnk Make Improvement. New awnings are being hung today for the Flriit National Hank by Ijam loy A Co., men. The awnings ore of a Hue and grey stripe. . Culled by Wife's Illness. B. O. Draper left last night for Ka melu, where he was called by tho Ill ness .of Mrs. .Draper, who has been visiting there. He will return to Pen dleton with Mrs. Draper as soon as she Is ablo to travel. ern California to reside, arrived In I'endleton today to spend a week looking- after his buxlness Interests. lupuneKO Pays Fine. Krnnk Hoshlinon, Japanese charged M'lurns from Sound, .Idurns Kiliool Director In. II. U. Kothrock, clerk of the school district bt Adams is in the city lodaV on bUMine&s, with beating' h i. ..married duiiRhtei, appeared In police court today u. plead guilty to the charge. He wu fined fit. which he paid. . fiolnff on tlio Farm. John Schwlndon "Farmer Hums" of Kcho, 4s In town today to get his discharge papers recorded and then will go to the country to work .for Travis Houkini on his farm near Echo. City Attornoy J in.es A. Foe return ed last evening from a short business trip to Seuttle and Tacoma. He also spent a short time In Pasco on busi ness. , . t". of O. Students to Meet. Alumni and active students of the University of Oregon will meet tonight st 7:30 o'clock In the library to for mulate plans for the locture Septem ber 2 which will be ulven fty Lieuten ant Lamar Tooie for the benefit of the U. of O. women's biulding. All university people are asked to attend. lkiiir Afti-r 'liferents Here. J. A. Bagwell, who formorly oper ated a large wheat ranch In the coun ty and two years ago moved to South- I'lrenian Is Convalescent. Floyd 'Heathman, fireman, who re cently was operated on for append icitis, was back at the fire station to day but will not resume his duties with the department for some time. . He is Improving In strength rapidly. .. Itcpiir IVrmtt Granted. The city council last night voted fa grant a permit to John Solbort for re pairs to the biulding on Main street occupied by the Hut. The work Is to cost 1500 nnd Includes a change of show windows and Interior alterations to convert the pldco from a pool hall into a confectionery and soft drink ; establishment. 101101101101101101101161161161- Fancy Crawford and Malta ' Peaches St. 00 per crate FINE LARGE TOMATOES, FIRM AND RED - $i.oo PER BOX. We guarantee our Fruits and Vegetables to please you. Place your canning orders with us. MEAT DEPARTMENT Fine Red Salmon and Steamer, Halibut. "Waste Less, Buy the Best." Pendleton Cash Market, Inc. Fine Groceries and Meats - - Phones 101. (Private exchange connecting both departments.)- luy on Old Finos. i;d Young and John Cottrell, youths arrested early In July on charges of disorderly conduct, paid $10 and $s respectively on tholr fines today. They served part of their time In jail and were released on promise to make good the remainder. - ' Joint Hralliman ut Empire City. John Heuthman, city street superin tendent, has gono to Empire City, near Coos Hay, to visit with a daugh ter living there. Mr. Heathman has bicn In poor health for several week and a change of location- is expe?teu to benefit his condition. Itreuk Into Natntortum. ... . About II in small change "was stol en from the city natatorlum' last night by someone who broke In the door of the office and got into the tllL There were no other things listed missing to day. It is thought the Job la the work of a youngster. t'. ft. Marshal Hero. Deputy U. 6. Marshal g. V. race is In Pendleton today serving subpoenaes on witnesses for the federal grand Jury which convenes In Portland next month. From here he will go to En torprlse and Baker for some moon shiners held In custody for the fed eral court. -TOT TOT TOT TOT IQT TOT TOT TOT TOI TOT Evklelioa of Coniliur Change. A new mahogany desk and chair. to be used by the vice president to be added to the American National Bank Sept. 1, was put in plaoe today, i. B. McCook, who is to fill the chair and occupy the desk, will try it out for the first time tomorrow, although his appointment will not take effect until September i. On that date I. C. Scharpf or Pilot Rock, will occupy Mr. McCook s old place as cashier. -INSURANCE Is the Best Policy I am buying grain this year for Kerr Gifford & Co., Inc., and would be glad to have the farmers give me a chance to submit a price on their grain before selling. JOE KERLEY Buooeasor to Chaa. IS. Heard, lne. ' "See Me Before the Fire" . Insurance Loans Real Estate Til Main Pendleton, Oregon Will Get Pressure Cooker. A pressure cooker, guaranteed to make the toughest meat palatable aft er a half hour's cooking, will be dem onstrated in the near future by Miss Ella May Harmon, county demonstra tion agent. The cooker is coming from O. A. C. and Miss Harmon will lend it for trial to anyone Interested, ft can be used on gas, wood, coal or electric stoves. Hendersons to H -moin In Canada. Dr. and Mrs. T. M. Henderson plan to spend the winter as well as the summer on their farm near Rocky- ford. Alia, Cannd-i, and will not return to Pendelton this fall. They report that the crops in their section are very good and that they are also good In the north, but that south of Calgary there Is little or nothing In tho way of crops this year. 5 I 8 Grocery Phone 526 Use the Phones" ? . r- TWELVE PACES 4 . "' . ."I". m.u . -. i. ... " a j .Mia ii. .' . f't&7'! rS Other -..s xr 3 2J r 7.,7 .v7.: Q .... r -V-. ; t w - p SERVICE PENDLETON'S LEADING STORE Department Useth. Phont icy- BHouse I Dresses or A very special lot made . of good quality zephyr ginghams and i percales, , stripes and checks; pink, blue, lavender, and black and white.' Limited quality, excellent values $1.69 to $4.50 excellent values $1.69 to $4.50 It will soon be school days and we have ready for girls of all sizes Paul Jones middies; some with white collars, others with the navy blue collars. REMEMBER SCHOOL .OPENS SEPTEMBER 2 Get the kiddies, boys and girls ready. Come ,to this store where you can get what you want. Every . thing to wear for the school child. - 4 , PLAIN COLORED GINGHAMS 33c to 75c , Many dresses are being made up of plain colored ginghams, also blouses. Our stock of plain shades is now complete. Come in and select a dress or two from our assortment. k ... NOTIONS ' ..... Notions of all kinds. You always need a lot of these little things around the house, speci ally just at dress mak ing time. Let us fill' J ,., ,1 4 4- vuur littuo, we tctu uu iu September Standard Patterns are here; 'just ' '" "came In yesterday ; of VELVETS $4.00 Ut $7.50 ' ' ; T ; Showing the new-fall shade's in velvets for dresses COSTUME and silk VELOUR. There isn't any other fabric that maintains the richness and lustre as velvet does. You won't be disappointed if you buy a length. A dress or suit tnade of our velvet al ways looks good and too, it wears well. Let us show you the goods, it's no trouble. u r ": ; ' ; v : ! .'.r &f" ' i & colored Satin And . s messaline $2.25 " " 4A really wonderful silk fabric for r-early . fall frocks; 36 in;; wide, and ; , ; comes In, all the leading - shades for street and eve ning wear. Be sure to see . (..these .silks. They're Ve'ryj practical., s ,.. - - AT YOUR SERVICE -' - 'The latest fashion' books on the 'Dress Goods counter. Come in and look them over. 5 .. 1 ,, 2 glllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll' ReoRoustabout We have today a Four Cylinder Rco Rousta bout, just overhauled and painted. The motor is in good condition and the car has a good sized strong bed that will stand lots of rough and heavy hauling. This rig is just the thing for the ranch, having plenty of power to go any place a team of mules will; and, . REMEMBER! The Price is Right, Too! . Cottonwood & Water Phone 530 1 S. Norton IKilm Is Director. 8. Norton Hobo, formerly editor of the Stanfield Standard, has been ap pointed by the Northwestern Division of the Hed Cross as Director of Mo tor Corps and Canteen Service. His headquarters will be in Seattle and he succeeds John A. Farwell, who resign ed the position July 81. Bobo went overseas and was decorated for dis- tinRuished service while with the Red Cross In France. News of iKrnest Muller. The anxiety of Mrs. Louis Muller, of this city, concerning her Bon, Er nest Muller, whose whereabouts she has been unable to ascertain since his arrival from overseas, was allayed to day when a soldier at the Red Cross canteen said that Muller was at Camp Mcrritt and would no doubt be home soon. Muller served with the Army of Occupation, as a member of Veteri nary Corps 822, Section No. t. Back from Ing Trip. Mr. and Mrs. I,. McBeo, of 15 Ra ley street, returned to I'endleton lost evening after spending 80 days on an extended auto trip as far south aa the Mexican border. They drove all through Oregon and California, visit- ng every purk and resort of conse quence in both states. They were ac companied by their three children and Mr. McBce'3 fr.ther Charles Mc- bee. Alenlinl Men Waf-li Windows. For the first time in history, oc- cordlng to J. K. Bean, windows in the city water office were given a good washing' today. - The Job resultet. from the' desire of the polled officers to get a'llttle work out of Geor.te Wolf and R. I Johnston, two men who were found guilty of being drunk on denatured alcohol last night and sen. tenced to five days in Jail today. Th men were vnablo to pay fines of $10 each assessed nealnst them. They mixed their alcohol with a lemon ex tract, sugar and water mixture whicn wag contained in a separate bottle. C inrenee Adams Here. , Clarence Adams, son of Walter Adams of this city, is here today after having charge of the Elk's Rounp-Up at Twin FhIIs. Idaho. He will be in charge of the Rose City.Park Round t'p in Portland on Iobor Day and af- Used for 70 Years Thru its use Grsndmothrra vouthful aooearance has remained until youth has . . become put a memory. The soft, refined, pearly i . J , white appearance It yp- T renders leaves the joy J or oeauiy wuiiyuiiMW;. , .i for imnyp' ." years. Sov ajiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiMii'Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinmiiiiiiitll ,'I'A I J?. I '"l-'JI M 1 if. ter that will go to Burley, Idaho. Mr. Adams owna twenty-five horses, In cluding relay string and bucking bronks. He is uncertain whether he will be at the Pendleton Round-TJp in September. He attended every Round Up here except last year's, and rodo in the first local show, i J a 7.z Danes iTiday and Saturday. Mccormick's Jazz Orohastra of Port land, featuring Earl Headricks, will give a dance In tne KagiB-wooaman hall Friday and Saturday evenings. The funeral of the late Miss Amy Clark, aged 17, will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'olock from the Brown chapel, with the Rev. R. E. Gornall offioiating. Relatives of Miss Clark are expected to arrive today from The Dalles to attend the funeral. Expert Courses of Study. The new state course of study leaf lets are expected here about the last of this month and as soon as received will be mailed to all teachers In the county. They will not be given out at the county school superintendent's office but will be sent out when the supply comes. Funenil or MJss Clark. Returns to Kulrm. I V. McCroskpy, representative of the Webfoot Aircraft Co., of Salem, left for his home last evening after spending the day here In the interest of his company. . ;entlc Zephyrs Wow. b . Oentle breezea.and a clear, blue sky are the features of tho weather today, with the mercury hovering around 94, Yesterday the termometer'a Indicator Went up to 96. The minimum Is 65. AMk Dond InrxeaMCd." Moses Taylor," a creditor of the es tate of U A. Estcb, .deceased, today filed a petition for the Increase of the bond of tho administratrix from $500 to $2500. Mr. Taylor avers he is owed about $2000 by "he estate and asks the higher bond as a protection. . The hearing on the petition Is set for Sat urday, Aug. 23. Return from Motor Trip. The good condition of the California roads and the bad condition of the Oregon roads are the two things which most Impressed the Rev. R. E. Gornall after a motor trip to Portland1. Pasa dena, Ixng Beach and other Califor nia points. The Rev. Mr. Gornall and Mrs. Gornall and two daughters, and Mrs. E. A. Gornall of Spokane, moth er of the local minister, returnod last night from the trip." Rev. Mr. Gornall says that- California was never more beautiful than at present. - School Word IJst Issued. Simplifying tho work of Oregon tcaj'hera. J. A. Churchill, state super intendent of public instruction, has published a so-called woiM list, cover ing the first and second readers of the natural series. The words are group ed into lessons and stand out before new teachers m tho work of thoir grades progressoss. Mr. Churohlll thinks the pamphlet Will pVove help ful to teachers. Copies of the word list ere being mailed to county super intendents in all parts of the state and Inter will be distributed among the various grade teachers. lousing Situation Serious. Suffering Pendleton people say there is no answer to all engrossing question. ."Where shall we live?" for the house shortage, in this city grows dally more acute. A local family which Is leaving the city received the offer of board and room at the hotel If they would vacate their house for the benefit of the would-be renter who would pay the hotel bill In addition to rent- Another case which shows the serious house shortage, is that of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Turner, who have re turned to Pendleton to make their home and who find it impossible to secure a residence or housekeeping rooms, . . Protecting Bonbons. 'Ever notice how quick flies are to Infest the dish, of sweeis on your ta ble. Well, prevent it In this lovely way: " Out of a silk wire fashion a little beehive with about seven rounded par allel pieces to give it its height and three perfect circles of It to go around them and hold them up. Then place! over this wire frame some fine white net. A few little designs in silk the ' color of your tea set would be charm. ing scattered about on its beehive ; area. On top there is a little ring which has been wound woond with colored ribbon and little Silk rose buds are fastened at the base of this dainty little handle. . . . ,:.-. - HE FLEES GERMANY" i 77 ,feiMW! r ( ftp XMT' 'h "if T'iS-, l'JM'iW:.l''" ' " I, ! I .l. -il.inMMMTrr. :'. a-efc."- a1- " - pgariiil tt.fiU x0tm!FZfs -vr . , . ... J I -"W -a: - -' . '. . ' - . ... &. ,s t ..FOR SS.LE. By Owner : ... . .. . . Eight room house, splendid location, 3 blocks from City Hall, for single family or two apart ments, comer lot, paved streets, concrete walks, shade trees, garage, 2 bath rooms,' : electricity, gas. '' - For terms and inspection apply to ' JOE ELL, INSURANCE -- 735 Main. "'' " Pendleton Ore? HHIIIIIMIIIIIfllHIMIimiltllllllinillllllllllllllllllllllllllllHlllllllllillinillinHllllllll . ...-. , . ri- .,'.,! , . I V .:. .....uj . .at 1 , ? - . i - r ? -S J t ICl-w-,. .t,,f. .. " . .r M " -. -J O'J'I" HCLU fiick Letszner Is a ery audacious small ' boy who tired of the poverty of b,!a famiij In Germany, smugg'H hlmclf aboard a steamer fair (Hull and; when found announced his In tea tion of making ht way to New (York and walking from theio to i 'FrlsevV which ha thought waa about a day's journey. He Is 11 'and has au uacla In San r raii cisco. . 1 Passenger Carrying' j Aeroplane Flights Take ivaatnae ml the priiUT n Jr -the TIKUI I ! tlM ( tke Mir. -lfh l,t. ArvMe r. Itnll. i ernrmm pllwl ia . A I IITIX J. M. I-I ARtIV I'LAU. g - AUGUST 22, 23, 24, 25. -,., S "TAKE OFF," BOB JONES' FIELD. Cwrtlss. Parte tea Plaawe !lli. S) . laauaetia Sts Karalled f niaa I . Ace Aircraft Corporation George E. Love, General Mgr., g 1109 Yeon Bldg., Portland, Ore. fiiiniiiiiiiniiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinitiiiiiiiiiiiiiMUii'V