East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 20, 1919, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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If you would knowrthe value of true economy we certainly would advise you to pay this 'event a visit ISO W,dv before it finally comes to a close. It has a savin? story to unfold to you on every 1
rlicle.on naif .in every department. Some of these articles we list here; hundreds of others you will find here in "bur store. Don'j(; delay too long, come and buy before someone else' takes what would
-Dresses :
; ; 1 ; ' '
And when. me say "filial' we mean that the
j.rirr we Hav named sr lo enough to suar
e jinlt-e a fw)pletv4iKp(Wiii. There are nheer
niiiiy 'rriie audi pnuMksill every summer
style that had a vogue thta season; a tew silk
are s.w included! there's a host of model to
ohonse from in almost any -vol or effect you may
doMre. 'i -
. ne special rack fff dresses. Including Taffe
tnn, tJeoretf. Sntina and Khaki KooU
Values up to JI.VOO. '
August Clean Vp prlosr ' ' ' "
Wash Dresses
A very choice lot Including Organdies. Lawns.
Voiles and Ginghams good assortment of col
ors) re closing these all out at
One-Half Price
5.00 Valuer. Anruxt -Clean tp pWoc. f 2.7.1
Value, August Clean t p prlne M.2S
ft.(K Value. Aliimst CTn t'p Vrtoe ..... l.0
SHMM) Va-V Aiorust t lean tp price $5.0
f IS 5 Value, August Clean t p price $8. 25
I5.no Value. Aiwrnst Clean lp price t7.R0
Sin. no Values, Augm t'lena.l'p prtiio $10.00
i5.M Values, A mm- Clean I p price .-. tlS.50
We have a good stock of sateen
petticoats in navy, black and Kel
ly green, values up to $1.75, Au
gust Clean-Up Price . . 08c
Wash j
v ...
$40.00 Values, August
- Price .". i . . .'. '.V.'
$450 Values. August
Price ............
$15.00 Values, August
Price . :.v.
$47.50 Values, August
Price . .......
$55.00 Values, August
$65.00 Values, August
Price .
...... $32.50
..... $38.23
..... $41.50
..... $47.23
ron ax rr
Th nrettifH o( these charming summer tub
frocks must be sacrificed with the plainest.
What yo uget depends aloitther.(n. how souo
you come to make a selection. A good choice
of styles ana s(sea at these final Clean Up
prices. .
Dresses of Organdie. Voll and pingham In
many pretty styles All reduced as follows:
of the better grades are greatly reduced. every
one Is this seasons styles and materials.
$4.75 Values, August Clean-Up
Price. ..52.40
$6.50 Values, August Clean-Up-
Price .., $3.23
.$7.50 Values, August Clean-Up
Pride $3.75
$8.50 Values, August Clean-Up -
Price ,.$45
$10.00 Values, August Clean-Up
Price .. .. . ... ..... $5.00
$12.50 Valued Augusrcfean-Up
Price . $6.25
$15.00 Values, August Clean-Up
Price ...... .7 ....... $7.50
$18.50 Values, August Clean-Up
Price .................. $9.25
$20.00, Values," August Clean-Up
Price $10.00
: $22.50 Values, August Clean-Up
Price . . ; . , $11.25
$25.00 Value's,' August Clean-Up
. .Price, . , . . . . , ....... . . . $12.50
Wo have n small assortment of bnthlUK suits loft in tho
new tlusirnble styles nnd colura Kxtra goud values -Reduced
as follows. . . ...
$2.00 Bathing Suits, August Clean-Up
. Price . $1.39
$5.00 Bathing Suits,-August Clean-Up
Price . ' $3.98
$8.75 Bathing Suits. August Clean-Uo
Children's Wash
Finest Blouses
Tho best blouse buying nprtuntty of jnany wcaka in
this salo of the aeasou'a bent tiuitlelH. There Is almost an
unlimited choice too, o that women rau easily find more
than-One model to satisfy .theii4 Ile:is of bjouso values ,
Those motleta are more carefully tailored and mado In
distinctive styles from tub silks and wash fabrics an well nn
Georgette Crepe and other well Known sllkn. Indeed, you
will wonder how such protty wnistH can be unit for 'such
moderate prices. It's clearance time hero and that's rea
son enough for these attractive prices. ( ,
$5.75 Values, August Clean-Up Price $4.98
.Georgette and Tub Silks.
High or loy npckr, plain tailored or emhroiderod styles
Flesh, iluize or White.
18.75 Values, August Clan T'p Solo .". -f..A8
8.75 Vahies, Auttust Cltan ITp price ...'..'...J...::.....' ".H
IS.J5 Values, AuKUst Clean Up price $9.9.1
Many styles some plain, sopie more fanciful nil pretty
nnd dainty; all last colors.. Not yno of them that wouldn't
look beautiful on nay little miss. Come nnd s' this Hue.
All nre well made. Mhiu' hire nnd emhroltlerv doHlirns
ammiK them; Just the thing for thut .fluffy littlo .party
dress. ' ' .
' Many occasions demand these enticing little garments
for Kirls. Here is un excellent opportunity for. you to
economically replenish their wardrobe to meet nil demands.
AH are finely finished and attractively priced,
;i;ii am dhi.ssk.s
Values, AuKtist Clean lp Prtcw II.S7
$2.2.1 Values, ' AiiKiist Clean V'p l'rleo H.ttl
JJ.r.u Values, AuKust Clean Up Trice - HuMMI
$2.!t8 Values, AuKiiat' Clean , Up Prion 1.2t
H.2.ri Values, Ausust Clean l'i 1'rlce 3.ll
t'i.50 Values, AUKust' Clean C) Pried $!.!
0.7S Values. Almost Clean Up Price : S.VIt
( i ivt.ritu; inr;Nsi:s
12.25 Values, AUKust Clean Up Price tl.KIl
I3.GU Values, Auust Clean V'p l'rleo S3.KII
I4.9S Values, Sugust Clean Up Prico S3.20
J5.98 Values, Aunust Clean Up Trico l.7
$6.7.1 Values, AUKust Clean Up Price - 115. 10
17.00 Values. August Clean Up Prli-8 .-. $0.10
Women's and, Misses'
Summer Apparel
This is the summer, sale of sea
sonable apparel thatj women , and
misses have been waiting for ana
iwe are glad we are able to offer
such splendid styles, such worthy
qualities at such tempting reduce
tions. Every garment included in
these specially priced groups is an !
aristocrat and was 'made to sell
far higher than we are asking at
present. 1 " , ' " " ,; ' .'' , '
Women seeking extra value will
surely find it here, and the way
market conditions are now, thrifty?
women will buy for future as well
as present needs, - t Just notice
these price groups.. . ' ; ': '
At Sale Prices.
5 Values, AuKUBt Clean I'p Price . $7.49
I Values,. A uKust Clean .Up Price .0
r,0 Values, AURiist Clean Up I'rliie ail.ua
50 Values, Ausust Clean Up Trico : ll.3
75 Values. August Clean Vp Price . $11.79
75 Values, August Clean Up Price Sia.AO
0 Vnlues, August Clean Up Price l:t.if
r.O Values August Clean Up Prion $11.89
B0 Values, August Clean Up l'rleo . $15.79
60 Values, August Clean Up l'rice - $19.30
All coiwtH nro roilucod for our Ah
B'Mt;l v'':tw-1 -Win; w hftvc'S-rntnfd
to rcdiiow tho pricv of very Ortt
t t tur ' stock, which include the cele
brated front lacinK CosrtardH, Hon
'Tons, nnd Itoyal "Worcester.
$3.00 Corsets.' Aug. Clean-Up $2.10
$3.50 Corsets, Aug. Clean-Up $3.15
$4.U() Corsets, Aug.
$4.50 Corsets, Aug.
$5.00 Corsets, Aug.
$fi.50 Corsets, Aug.
$7.50 Coi-sets, Aug.
$10.00 Corsets, Aug. Clean-Up
Price ..j..;....... $9.00
$12.50 Corsets, Aug. Clean-Up
Price $11.25
Clean-Up $3.60
Clean-Up $4.05
Cltan-Un $4.05
Clean-Up $3.85
C!ean-Up $6.75
Come to Out August Clean-Up Sale.
I 7 : Vl-
Wliat'T. P. W. Sales are, don't miss
this one, it's one of the best.
- . i - ; it ,l : ttbssc ii wm A V 7i mm' im"i -.T-r ..r.tmn " "" 11 11 ' v 'I I
JMuton Jrrune friees l 1UA1 uuuu ut i iuiiuiri r j
msx: OREmm an SPECIAL y v
Hunters From Adams -
Bring in 17 Grouse
i Gurdane Fire Destroya
- Man s Blacksmith Shop
;m (East Oreiconiaa Special)
' ADAMS, Au.Spi G. iff Morrlsoi.
John Winn. John . Hales and ' Rollanc
Morrison, were up at the mountains
Inst week and." together, they shot 17
grouse. r. '. 1 ; i
i Mr. and Mrs. Clark and son Robert
will soon leave for Montana for a few
months outlay.
Mrs. William Baker, a former resi
dent of Adams, and now of California,
is visiting with Mr. and -Airs, M-- A.
Katicr. K - , ' ,j - ",
SIl and Mrs, Ralph Wallan were tn
town Saturday, from thir ranch.
lid win Putts was In Adm. Monday
afternoon. .-, . ( 1
Mr. and Mrs. C M. Morrison .were
Pendleton visitors this week.
Mr. and Mrs. I A. Lleonllen wer th
ftueats of til, and Mrs. Otis Llauallea
for a few days.
, Mr. and Mr. Kd Wallan and children
were In town. Tuesday froia their ranch
near A d s ma.
Clarenee Tubbs who was operated on
last week for tonailiU. returned, to his
farm ca the reservation. .
Mr. ad Mrs. Frank Krebs and Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Christian and daushter
f.eone spent Sunday at Thorn Hollow,
Those who were, at Uinjfham Sprinera
for the week-end were: Mr. and Mrs.
C. t Woodward and children. Mr. and
Mrs. David Stone and son. Miss Mazlne
Elliot and Joe Elliot.' " ''
f Mr, and Mrs. John Winn left Sunday
for Corvallia, where they will spend a
few weeks. '. ' " ' ' "" '
Mrs. p.ruester of Pendleton was the
truest of Mrs. M. Mclntyre last week. ,
, MiKB Birdie Hoylen of Pilot Rock ts
the tuest of Miss Owendolyn Melnu re.
' 'Mr. and lira. erl MuConnell and
children were In Athena Aunday to aev
the picture show.
Ivan Blake was a visitor In Athens
Sunday. , " '. "-.
Mr. and Mrs. Revella Ueualien were
In Adam Monday afternoon. : -
Mr. and Mrs. Hit I Taylor and son i
Burl of Athena wr visitera in Ad-:
ama Usturday. "
Mr. and Mrs, L. I. Ulull.n sod oiiil-f
dr. n Doris and Xena tnutori'd to P. n- :
dletlt Saturday.
Fred Parr was 'a buslneai visitor In
Pendleton Ksturdsy.
t.lnyd lnmsn was a viaitr ' at the
county seat. Bstorday.
Ma, and Mrs. Al iioylm aad children
were BVK-sts of Mr. and Mra. M. Mcln
tyre for a few clays.
Miss Pearl Pamea returned to her
home Monday after spending a few
days In Weston.
Mr. au4 Mrs. Elmer Hslea and son
and Mr. and Mrs. ldwyn Speneer
mature tn l'edteton Hundsy evenins.
Misses Pearl ,nd (Jenasia Dames
Were Pendleton visitor Monday..
' (P.""' pregonjan SpeflaV)
' GURDANE5, Aue. OClMil fcl anrj
family motored to Pendleton Wednesday-,
where Mrs. Ely and two chife
dren Hnse! and Charles left for Taki
ma for a short visit with her sister.
Mr. Ely returned home. . t. , . .
' Ed Chapman" who has been visiting
a short time around Gurda,nei left last
week for' Pilot Rock whero he will
visit with Frank .Tones and family:
A fir at Arba Harringtons ranch
shout throe, miles from Gurdane Sun'.
day dim rayed hia blacksmith - shop
with considerable damage to the tools.
Chas. He welt went to Uklab Thurs
day to make final proof on hia home
stead near Gurdane. .Roy Mont
gomery, Ceorge Taylor were witnesses.
Frank Glllilland came out from the
high mountains Wednesday going; on
to Pendleton wit h, his. son - Francis
where he underwent an operation for
the remavul of hist tonsils and adenoids-
Francis la doing nicely and Mr.
Gillilland . returned ,. to Pilot , Rock
ThurndaK .where he made final proof
on his homestead near this place.. Mr.
Oillilsnrt k'ft for sheep' earapr anain
rVhiay morn lolt. JH saya teed la dry
In the . 'mountains .and getting scarce.
,-Chaa. McDevltt made. a trip to Pen
dleton Wednesday taking Mra. Hoi Ha
ter and Xra Daugbtery down. Mra.
Holltster- went to have dental ' work
dont.-. . '. 'i', -' v . . . " "
' Ahout 30 people gathered at' the
home of Frank Chapman on Butter
Creek Sunday aad' all enjoyed a boun
tiful dinner given In honor of Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Kapp of Nye, whose wedding
ncoUred in Pendleton, -a , short time
. Mrs. Kapp II a niece, of Mr. Chap
man and was raised in this neignnor-
After the dinner a watermelon feed
waa enjoyed on the lown In the after
noon. ' '
Ceorsro ' Taylor went to Pendleton
Milton Prune Priees
' Forced Down to '$60
(Bast' Oregonfan .Special.)
bif't wek where he had' some dental
work done.
Mrs.'; Jeff Troxel has been visiting
her son Willie Troxel of Mutter Creek
rolnr , i n to the Sprinits where she
visited with, Evm Troxel who Is herd
In. near there for M V. Chapman.
Guy French, wife and children
via 'ted with Mrs. French's mother.
Mra. n L N'ortheys last week. Mr.
Freaah going on to the mountains
after wood.
MILTON. Aug. 20.-rUpcal .. prune
prices have experienced a, "collapse"
of huge proportions within the past
48 hours, the market declining from
1105 per ton on Saturday to $60 on
Monday with practically no sales be
ing made. Buyers attribute the slump
In prices to the dumpins of too many
green prunes on the eastern markets.
jfut well informed growers are skepti
cal of this. , ... . .
''They say that not ' until Tuesday
Had 'any prunes been marketed in the
jesst'due to the fact that the earliest
shipped have been in transit until yes
terday and could not have reached
their destination before that time.
They attribute the shaved prices to
manipulation of buyers, made possl
bio by the federal investigation of the
high cost of living and to the fact that
southern Idaho prunes, which are the
chief competitors of this valley, are
eaifier than usual this year and are
Just no wcommencing to be shipped.
Just now commencing to be shipped
per. cent of the valley output of prunes
will be affected by the drop, which Is
equivalent to 40 per ton at least and
Mil per . ton was considered a good
price for prunes until three years ago.
unless .the market stiff ena which
good many anticipate, the loss to this
yalley will be at least $75,000.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Armstrong and
family who recently sold a large wheat
far mnear Waitsburg and moved; to
Milton, have gone to Nanton, Alberta,
where they will engage in wheat farm-
in.. . ...,- ...... ;.
H. S. McCurley, ' returned Sunday
afternoon' from Pullman where he
has been visiting since Friday with
Mrs. C. T. Goodwin and daughter,
Miss . Barbara, accompanied by Miss
Eleanor Frazlcr, left Tuesday after
noon for Mrs. Goodwin s borne In Ba
ker after visiting for two weeks with
relatives 1n Milton. . ' ',.
Mr. and Mrs. T." C Reese of Orofino,
Idaho, are the parents of twin boys,
horn here Sunday. ' Mrs. " Reese was
formerly Mtss Ixtg Shangle and she
and Mr: 'Reese are well known In Mil
ton where they resided, for a number
of years.
Rrnofit FrennnTui of TCellncs?. Idaho.
fion been here for the past week buy
inn considerable alfalfa hay through
out the valley. Nearly BOO . tons
have been contracted for by this buy
er who ban been payinr $24 to $25
per ton baled f. o. b cant Milton. Al
though he hajt bought heavily here
Mr. Frepoonn says he believes the top
of the market has been reached and
thut there la a probable slight drop
in stent due to the fact that the en
tire United States has a bis; hay crop
and tbat Montana, Northern Idaho and
I a linMa ' i
nMl'" .
rmte''a not
I H GOrHMA. GET Ort.6.
SlEORtC U-l -UH-
4'se 8eei
CvKtlht' 'en all
VWOTI OOi yo think '
31 IT
1 A ,' I SPOILT rWJr.
I Vi-es -.7 w- o . - ii i
lc l: 1 '
waQef - "ft
Come see ft Try foi yourself its exclusive Auto
Front arid otjier McDoudall feature's.';. Your kitchen
is incomplete without a McDougwll. it takes the heat
out of summer days in the kitchen. t
Birthday Surprise 'Party '
: Monday Event at Echo
: ' ' ,' . , '. .'"
(Kast Dre?ooian Kpeclfil.)
Fancaon Mettle end sisters Mossie i Allerta, whieh are counted on largely
and Aaaes came nut from I'kiah to at jfor a market for local hay, have ex
tend toe dinner Sunday at the Chap- - pariencrd heavy rains lately which
man home. t-w ill start the grass nd furnish much
. '- jl:ta pasture.
ECTIf, Aug. 21. Mrs. "Asa B. Thom
son entertained at a dellKhtful birth
day surprise parly, at her home on
Dupont street. Monday evening, hon
oring her daughter. Miss Blna Thom
son. The evening was spent In play
ing games and cards. Dainty refresh
ments were served, after which the
guests departed, wishing the honoree
many happy returns of the day. The
Spike, Maxlne Stanfield. Lillian Wat- , h "ear ltn
tenburger. Emma Oelsler, Meda G. , Mr. and Mrs. Joe Foly of Pendletoh.
lette and the Messrs. Jack Stanfield, Miss Ina Wattenburgcr left Wed
Bryan Branstetter, Vernon Davis, Karl ,nesday for Oahland, Cnl., whore she
her son, J. C. Wattenburgcr.
t, Clifford Essolstyn, who has been
with the 11th marines In France, re
turned to hia home In Echo Wednes
day morning. .
Mrs. It. T. Brown and son Jim aro
visiting in Walla Walla at the home
of Mr. Brown's mother.
Ed Neill returned home from
Haines, Oregon, Tuesday. Mr. Nelll
shipped several carloads of sheep to
Miss Esther Barnctt returned to the
home of her sister, Mrs. Dan Bowman
Ksselstyn, tUfford Ksselstyn, Roy
Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Thomson.
Mr. Carl, of Walla Walla, and Mr.
Holmes of Ixlngton, were in Bcho
Monday looking after the Interests of
the Tum-a-Lum Lumber Co.
Mrs. Mary Wattenburger went to
Portland -Wednesday Morning to visit Keho Monday.
will teach home economics in tho
hlsh school there. Miss Wattcnburjter
will visit a short time io Portland with.
Miss Thelma Dykes, a l'l Beta, 1'hl
tiorority sister.
7. E. Davis of Hermiston, was in
,u . r W lAi
This -Garage is1 the Garage for Service.
From oil,; gas, air arirl water ta . :
Make this YOUR Garage for CAR- SER
VICE complete.
Western Aiuto Co.
Agents for Cole, Reo and Dort
Cor. Water and Cottonwood 'Sts. -McKay
& West, Props.
Garage Thone 530 Paint Shop Phone 633,