PAGE TEN DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1910. TWELVE PAGES Commissioners' Report Jch ? Th following In Ht of the County Warrant drawn by the County Court of the mate of Oregon for I'mattHs eautity at the Aua-nat. 1M. term of cot it, except tliom allowed by statute. M'tMtwl Iltntt. fl. I. Kcator, investigating ,- liquor violations 61 . R. T. Brown, circuit court ex. Parker Taxi Co., Investigating liauor violations . C Randall, electrical service SO. 00 MI UMfch. rlo 4-n" I.niu tove. ki: olr court !" VIr. Al.ble huri. do " ! 2, .lar N. do j Mra. 'ri.k r-'ai-u. do 1" . t J linvi'ard. !. ...... 1.70' f'ip. aiav.iard. ,-' ' Ann ra'i'ri, ' j Jou ,Clmonf, do .. S.lOi 4. I, -Miller. 3. P.. State of Ore. i 1 v rhii Collins -'" i J. JJ. West, Con., do W. .11. Crary. Bu"e Ore- vs. John McKlroy S.45 F. N. Lltsey, Con., do . C. A. Gilbert, auto hire, do .u0 TV. II. Crary. J. P. Mate of Ore. va, F, D. Stanford 7.05 F. i. Wtaex. con., do S.50 Jae .Correa. witness, do .... 10 Frank Correa, an 1.&0 Vnunk Ward, do , l.fiv V. S. Ulaey. Con., transport ing: prisoner to Pendleton . . J. t JiiUar. 4. .. State of Ore. va. Creorge Tounc 1.S5 J. U filler! . IV Plate of Ore va, Leonard Qoodrich J. H. West, Con., do ........ Joe H. Pat kes, J. -..- State of : ote. w art -Dafimir . .-r. r:" 8 Jo it. l'artw. J. P.. tate of - I vn. I E. Kleiner , . , CoM-nr..-witness do... ,Mr t h.-.B. H. Collins. witness fin tt- of Ore.- vs. U K. Kelser lr. liny K. Hoydeji, do .. M ra. I K. . KviNcr do WnV f'ottrtlor. do V.'iii. tliMybeal, . do ........... .Jo H. I'urke. J. P., State of Ore. v. Homer I. Watts . . . Joe II. J'crkes, J. P. State of Ore. vs. Jas. A.' Gray and - - " ' - 14.R0 The Dean Tatom Co., cothoap 1.70 J. 1 Vaughan, do , West Rnd Oroc. Co., do. 1. 70 Taylor Taixlwure fo., poor farm 1.70 ITalliuan & Co., do 1.70 Olllandera & UurroitRhs, do .. 1.7 i Jerard & Tennile,' do 1.70 .Pendleton Roller Mills. Co hosp Walter llros;., lahor poor farm H.BS.fAmuel Adams, do is. A. Muherly, do I Peoples Warehouse. Co hop. Jas. .Mertln 1S.05 Pendleton Roller Mills, poor fm T. l rav'or. award sheriff of ' Pacific P. & U Co., do Monl. for J. B. McCook car 60.00 a- w- Hooker, Co. hospital... T. I. 11'sIot. Plate of Ore. vs. 1 i'ie Vlt mlna; Bros T. 1. Taylor, advertistna; for ea cied prisoners T. Ik. Taylor, exp and trans portion of prisoners 137.S2 T. IX. Taylor, do 12.68 Buahomr Co., sups clerk off l.3 A. A. Iockhad, do 13.25 J. E. . Beam, clerical service treasurer's office Burroughs Adding Machine Co Sam J. Jinklns, assessors offc ,1 J. Mclntj-re, do J. P. OildweJl, do . . .' (Alex tiudeon, do Beaaie MeCraw, do K. O. Houks. do Glass aV Prudhomme, sups do. . W. W. Green, school supt, as- , aistant and .expenses 101.40 Pearl K. Broxson, widow's pen 17. 50 Ida K. Stewart, do 32.50 Katie WUfht,. do 17.50 j Winnie Fox, do 25.00 Ietha J. Kinar. do c. 25.00 'Lottie M. Peeblor. do , 17.50 Alice Kearney, do - 10.00 00 10.00 17.50 40.00 0.00 10.00 .50 47.50 24.00 .73 64.00 SO. 00 14.00 1.50 135.00 37.20 62.10 3.15 155.46 13.00 1.16 .US 10.50 48.O0 M4 35.00 10.00 37.60 6.60 14.10 15.00 22. SO 156.10 3.00 15.00 35.60 5.00 110.50 5.00 6.00 B s5 1 Leila B. Taylor; da 10. $ iiyirena .awaras, ao ... ! Mrs. Jacob Kinnard, do -j Mary E. Wilson, do Rebecca A. Fuson. do Kthel Jenkins, do . Bey Are Always Grateful Iw CDhciiraSoap licaos it means kin comfort and akin teaJto. J'orchaving.batli ki and shampooing h is wonderful. Ua pore-cleansing, sterilizing prop erties anil prove a revelation to tbtaje who use it for the 6rst time. Assisted by touches of Cuticura Ointment, it does much to clear the skin of pimples, rashes, eczemas aruf irritations and the scalp of dandruff and itching. CaticaTa Tilet Trio "B are fodKBsable adjuncts f tbadailrtot. let is maintaining skin onritr and skin beatth. By bnnains these delicatelr medi cated emolhents in freotiAt contact wtrh for skhi as m vse for all toilet porposea. ran keep the akin, sralp, hair and hands dear, sweet and healthy. The Soap. Oinl- at aaa Talcum zjc. eaca everywnere. ? lEtta. E. Scott, do . . . 40.00 Mary J. Carstena, do 40.00 (tSlisabeth Isley. do . 25.00 iJJiu-ia, C. Bolin. do. 25.00 Mrs. James Bannon. do 40.00 Ktta Cambridge1, do 40.00 'Peoplea Warehouse, court hse .4 0 Pendleton Mater Works, do.. 43.30 Pacific P. & !. Co., do 40.00 W. i. Clark, do 33.75 J. Ll. Vaughan. do 3.50 Independent City Scavenger, do 2.00 C. & Williams, vdo . 2.50 Or. S. F. Sharp, for Mrs. Car den 22.00 A. A. Roberts, poor farm 13.50 J. A. Schmidt Merc Co., for Mrs. R. -C. Boyes 17.71 J. R. McMasters, for C A. -Fredericks ...t 45.00 Economy- Cash Groc, for Mrs. .Jane Carden 8.80 Alan IV Hart, M. D., for Henry Lewis 28.00 Athena Prug Co., for H. E. Lewis- 2.65 The 3orge & Miller Co., for K. H. Vaughn 11.50 H. M. Cock burn for Mrs. Bar bara Pf tester 61.15 T. C. Elliott Co., for G. E. Put- i nam -. H.1S Mrs. W. Hi. Musselman, for Mrsv Helversen- 35.00 "Boys' 4k Girls' Aid Society 10.00 Economy Drug Co., Co. hosp.. 16.45 Hamley & Co., do 3.20 El L. Pow,er, do 14.10 St. Anthony's Hospital, for A. A. Zumwalt. et al 231.00 Umatilla Flour & Grain Co., , Co. Jbospital ... 150.85 Woodard, Clark & Co., do .... 4.72 D. V. Phelps, do .-. 80 45.00 70.21 5.00 50.00 258.80 65.35 Alexanders, Jail T. I. Taylor, board of pris. . . . Or. John I. McKetroy. at Oil pris Alexanders, jail J. T. Brown, coroner, innulrtna; into death of Claude M. Wal Inoe, Taylor Marklln and Wm. Butler Dr. W. 'H. Richardson, exam, body of Claude M. Wallace. Alfred Hintt, dep watermstr. . Aubrey E. Perr watermaster 184.73 J. B. Bilton, watermaster dept 5.00 Iva B. Matloek, election ...... Weston Transfer Co., do James C. Bell, do Chus. H. Marsh, Judge, library 420. S. P. Hutclainson, for Indigent soldiers J. A. Yeasjer, sealer of weights and measures Chus. H. Carter, refund filtnar fees on Chas. H. Eames, Eet H. B. LiOmrley, Speed Cop The A. I-iPUe Co., mlscel Pacific Tel A Tel Co.,- all of A. C. Koeppen t Bros, puor - and Jail . . -. 23.05 Pendleton Tribune, Com. Adv warrants seml-annuiil report East Oregoninn, do . K. T. Brown, postage all offis. 135.00 National Sales & Service Co., supplies all oftices Western Union Tel. Co., all of. 1a G, Fruzier. supplies all of. B. I Burroughs, surveyor and clerk L. J. McAtee. painting Co. farm . buildings 2100.45 Sturgis V eUorte, poor farm. ... 8.85 8. H. Forshaw, Court house.. 89.90 U. U Dunning. Co. Com. 20 days sal. . . : 110.00 A. C. Fund. Dep. Sheriff. Sal.. . 150.00 J. C. Marin, -do 130.00 J. A. Blakley. da ....... .!; .... . 130.00 Jas. B. Welch. Dep. Clerk. Sal. 135.00 Joyce Hays, Steno. do 95.00 B. S. Burroughs, Dep Ren., do 133.00 D. J. McFalil. Health Officer 24.60 Guy Cook, 100.00 E. M. Mortlmore. 100.00 Rod Fund and Road JloiHling Fund P. R Gibbons, labor on road lUHoi!Hiciubi rhainlHM'lalu's Coiurh Itntncdy. Mrs. II. E. Tlmberlade, Indiana, Pa, had pneumonia ft few years ago and It left her throat and lungs In a weak condition and -thnt she has since suf fered a greut deal from bronchitlo. Bhe writes "I learned of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy through a neighbor who had used It with good results. I purchased a bottle, of It and was glad to find that it relieved my cough at once." llra.-o Up.' Stomach troublo often makes one despondent. It hits a man where he lives, sups his strength and energy and makes him feel like giving up. Give him a few doses of Chamberlain's Tablets to Improve his digestion and loosen un his bowels and in most cases recovery is prompt and ho 1b soon feel ing well and happy. ChniulKM-lnln' Tablets Chamberlain's Tablets are Intended especially for stomach trouble, bilious ness and constipation. If you have any trouble of that sort give them a trial and realise for yourself what a V.vjJMU&2 Ka,nVaMI, i ; .anwyjiaaaiiiaiii wgaFwy'"'!' 3.00 1 flrrt class medicine will do for you. 87.5(1 They only cost a quarter. trlct 26 293.87 J. B. Baker, et nl, do, Dist. 27 183.00 Coney Lumber Co.. Supplies ..48.79 J. T. Thompson, et al, labor District 29 24.00 J. E. Kimball, et al, labor District 31 104.25 D. 4hee8man. do ' 88.35 WR, Ramey. supplies Dist. 35 17.95 E. L Jackson, et al. labor District 36 5'-?5 32.60 Tum-A-Lum Lbr. Co.. supplies 15.36 8.48 8.00 18.74 2.60 2.70 district 1 Lee W. Roberts, do dist. 3 . F. JB. Vanderaher do . . . . H. Paulson, do ...... ... . D McEaehron, -do ....... . C. .W. Avery, ct. aL do dist 6 Jones & Junes, supplies .... Will Hall, et al labor, dist 7 Watts & Rogers, supplies . . W. J. Wnttenberser, et at labor district 18 22.60 The George & Miller Co., sups. Tura-A-Lura Lbr. Co. supplies district 1 i . . . .... . Thomas Jaques, et al, labor district 22 J. H. Hasscall, supplies A. TJ. -Hileman, et al, labor District 24 C. Brasher Hon.. Co.- .sup Piles. District 24 J. T Huston, et al, labor, Dis- 50.00 85.92 31.30 168.23 .75 18.48 9.84 1.50 9.23 . 75.25 9.00 1.55 27,00 1.60 I 16.00 11.12 147.00 73.28 2.85 45.40 60.50 38.87 224.23 3.80 etter on the M 1 ires arket Try a Firestone Gray Sidewall MOTORISTS have gained a new conception of tire it satisfaction from the Gray Side wall Firestone Tires that are producing such remarkable mileage. If you have never tried one, do so. at once. Good dealers are handling these tires everywhere. TERES Most Miles per Dollar aaBBBasaaaaaaaaBBi aaaavaaaaaaavaaaasjaar mmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmm Inland Empire Lbr. Co., do Harry C. Rogers, et al, labor District 41 Home Builders Association, supplies Frank Waugamuu, et al, labor District 44 13.00 W. Gefeke, et al labor, brldses 92,4. 7.i Simpson Tire Servico Co., sups. 316.12 W. J. Clarke, do Oregon Motor Garage, do, . Liberty Market, do E. W. McComas 8nw Mill, do Independent Gafnge, do ... W. H. Bailey, do Freewater Garage, do W. L. Cummin, do 119 S8 Oregon Motor Garage, do 98.35 W. Gefeke. do Alexanders, do 11.55 Xolln Trading Co.. do . . . 114.5 J. P. Kononen. lphor and dray 11.25 B. Thorpe, et al. labor. Cabbage Hill, Bond 1413.15 E. W. Akerman. do Dry Creek Grade 1545.25 .1. C. Vanfield. do Cabbage Hill ,484.2s R. E. Phelps, et al. labor, bond, Miscel. 326.80 A, P. Burgln. supplies e o Alexanders, do 497.26 Newport Const. Co.. do ...... 398.39 Sturgis & Storie, do 296.33 Standard Oil Co., do 162.65 Gratton's Transfer 82.50 Casey Lumber Co.. supplies ... 678.62 Oregon Market do 78.45 Alta Feed Yard, do 36.60 Pettitt Feather & Bedding Co., supplies .'. 207.50 Inland Empire Lbr. Co., do . . . 78.25 ! Sam Wright, do El. 8" Weston Transfer. Co : . . '8.4'T i Hodson-Fenaughty Cn.. sup 71.60 j Oldfield & Peterson, do 133.76 1 Simpson Auto Co.. do 187.48 j Peoples Warehouse, do 6.15 Grace Gilliam, Treas, prepaid " Wf ' '""""'''fH f "sJ Do your- Jams and Jellies ever "Candy" ? t Many women have been so discouraged by this trouble " that they have almost stopped putting up fruit. ' Yet, there is an easy, simple way to avoid it. Use i Karo (Red Label) and i sugar in your preserving syrup, instead of sugar alone. , " , ' Karo is a fine, clear syrup, with a natural affinity for ' the juices of the fruit,. It blends the sugar with the fruit juice brings out all the "fruity" flavor. " v You, too, will obtain perfe.ct results this summer if you will use i Karo (Red Label) and i sugar instead of all eugar for preserving. ' You will find your jelly clear and firm your preserves rich with heavy syrup your jair.3 deliciously mellow and "fruity". Not a sign of "candying". For Cooking, Baking and Candy-Making Karo (Red Label) is used in millions of homes. In all, cookin-j and baking recipes use Karo instead cf sugar. It is sweet, of delicate flavor, and brir g3 out the natural flavor of the food. red urheL aaxcis2 susrar Makes perfect jams jsllies and preserves. ti TT A real cook book including recipes for ur results in preaervintj everybody appreciates. Sixty-eight pages handsomely itlus trulcd. Write us today. The book is free. CORN PRODUCTS REFINING CO. P. O. Box J6t VMf Yorh Citr iWWm mM HI whisky, however. Immediately on ob taining; It ha went into a room and drank it all. He was found in a se rious condition and required hospital .... . 1 n n freignt " I.. ,.r. hla nrn East Oregonian, supplies. K. E. i Phelps, road master 10. u Frank Neagle, Eupplies & re Pairs 12.25 22.80 6.50 4.05 136.90 J 287.45 23.85 13.20 80.10 3.25 10.40 4.50 70.00 34.56 1.40 48.45 West End Groe. Co.. supplies. . W M. C'helf, do W. I. Gadwa, do Geo. C. Baer & Co., do Warren Construction Co., sup rjlles : Mrs. C. I. Ferguson, do 61.45 Parr's Grocery, do 4.80 Inland Iferchantlle Co., do . . ij. G. Frazier, do H. E. Cowglll. do Kamley & Co., do Simpson Tire 8ervlce Co., do . W. J. Clarke, do McClinttock & Simpson, sups. Tum-A-Lum Co., do . Al Fair, do Cheshire Hdw. Co.. do ITn-on Oil Co., do 41.80 Jones-Scott Co.. do 17.05 a I. UDow, do -80 Chris Jensen, do R. E. Phelps, do 117.75 Howard-Cooper Corporation, 352.90 Oregon Hdw. & Imple. Co., do ini.iz Gray.Bros. Grocery Co., do ... 843.66 Taylor Hwd. Co., do ......... 649.88 W. J. Clarke, do " " Coast Culvert & Flume Co.. ao 4u.n H. W. Collins, do 1675.00 Walter McFeron, et al. labor 269.51) Trmntniu Flour ac Grain Co., do 91.65 r-hohlm Hull. CO.. do l.M.OU Wm. Woldman. Deed for Road rlirht of way o.u I H. Inman, do "" Nancy Kennedy Estate, do . . . 60.00 Victor Harris, do J. X. York, do 275.00 W. G. Bade. Estate, do 1000.00 H. B. Zacharlas. do 813.50 TT A Ansnaeh do ibjo.uu W A Barnes, do ' W. H. Hardee, do 216.00 Geary Klmbrell. labor Sllscel. . Matloek-Laats Inv. Co., ao . . . Pendleton Water Works, do . . The Dean Tatom Co. do T. D. Taylor, serving papers In connection with road work Allen-Knight Co.. Supplies . . . PenlanA Bros., drayage Aubrey E. Perry, Surveying roads W. i Perry, Viewing roads . . Joe Hopkins, do George Tonkin, Co Fred K. Schmidt, do Warren W. Roeder. w master iji.uu .doater(r3N...9C. .qP.w:5 .Happy is the region that, undisturb ed by greater cares, worries about a visitation of mosquitoes. Production Is the one certain rem edy for high prices. Tomorrow is the happiest day In a man's life. An Injury forgiven an injury revenged. Is better than Two weak partners are seldom' aide to make, a business firm. . . N: Berkeley Who quit Real Estate to manage the U. S: Employ ment office is Back in the Real Estate Business with several good bargains in Umatilla County Farms and Pendleton Residence and Business property. Office Up Stairs in Despain Block. 19.06 60.00 1.55 6.85 29.00 24.25 5. 25 6.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4. OH VALUABLE FOX SKINS TRADED IN FOR BOOZE 1J3XDOX Aug. 19. Three silver fox skins, for which J2500 has been refused in London, were obtained in Archangel for six bottles of whisky by British officer who has just re- urned from northern Kussia. Anoth er officer traded a case of cham pagne for a diamond necklace said to b eworth many thousands of dol lars. Returning soldiers say any pos session a native has may be obtained with intoxicants. - - The hunder who parted with his fox skins ha a little pleasure out o( - the i: 1 1 i - f I lll GAMEL cigarettes win smokers from the start because the expertly blended choice Turkish and choice Domestic to baccos make possible Camel's delightful mellow-mildness with that all-there "body." Camels meet your fondest cigarette fancies in so many ways. Their flavor is unusual and refreshing; and, they permit you to smoke as long as you will without any unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or unpleas ant cigaretty odor. They're simply a ciga rette delight 1 That's the way you'll put it ! You'll find Camels good all the, way" through. It is a fact, you'll prefer Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos to either kind of tobacco smoked straight! And, Camels may he smoked liberally without tiring your taste. To know Camels best compare them in every possible test with any cigarette in the world at any price I 18 cents a package Cammta am aatf mwrywhmr Ht cuten-' tificmliy ai pmckmgma, or imn pacsft (200 cigarmHmm) in m gtmmminm paprcovmrd cmrion. Wm mttungly neommmnd thin omrton tor thm ho mm r 4ffip muppJy or whmn rem tra r R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. WiMtiUi, N. C "VaT"" 5 'r