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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1919)
3 TWELVE PAGES flAlLV EAST OBECONtAM. PENDIETON, OflEGON SATURDAY, AUGUST lfl, IMS TACE nvn CASH GROCERY GET THE CASir HABIT AND YOUR , GROCERIES WILL COST YOU LESS V ATCONROY'SJ ; Large Cantaloupes, Special Saturday, 4 for 25c Extra Large Lemons, doz 45c Gold Dust, large package 30c Bob White and Crystal White Soap, i 4 for 25c Krinkle Corn Flakes, 2 for .......... . 25c String Beans, extra fine, 2 lbs. . . ..... 25c Guittard's Ground Chocolate. . . . . 1 lb. 35c 3 pounds . $1.00 Van Camps Pork and Beans, No 2 tins, 51.00 $1.00 lotv Blanchard Milk, 7 cans . . , T WIFE'S ;iDEHIHCilTIOI Js FREES ROY, E. TAYLOR ' Mm. Roy E. Taylor, thought to have ooen the woman mysteriously mur dorcd near. Olymida, In June and .be-l cuuse of whose disappearance her hus band was detained lust week, has Identified herself to the police at Sao. ramento, thus leaving the mystery where it stood before. Taylor was re. leased a few days ago when- friend satlHfied the Olympla police that Mrs. Taylor Is alive. The Taylors formerly lived In Pen. dleton and since leaving here separat ed. Mrs. Taylor declared that she was treated cruelly by Taylor and her dls. appearance, coupled with the close tally of the teeth of the dead woman with hers, led to Taylor's arrest at South Bend two weeks ago. She made herself known at. Bacmmtiito, sh said, In order to save her children from disgrace ,of their father's pas sible criminal conviction. ed to a Salem hospital, but In Is be- nved their Injuries are not serious, 'utterson, who was the most serious ly hurt, suffered a number of bruises as the result of bain- struck by tailing limbers, r . IMPORTANT HAUL OF; STILLS MADE IN GRANT 25 SCHOOLS CLAIM RIGHT TO SOLDIERS nrevsfisaKWSKajs &m AUTHORIZED FACTORY REPAIRS, PARTS AND SERVICE. This is the service that your FORD in service. keeps Safest Cheapest Best All the latest Ford factory machinery to Jo your work right and prompt.- . Simpson Auto Co. KAI.EM. Ore., A UK. 16. A total of 25 private educational institutions In Ore son have pent to Sam Koser, assistant secretary of state, evidence of their be Ina; Institutions of learning; under the provlHlons ttt tne soldiers', sailors' and marines' educational financial aid law passed at the last session of the leg-is- ( laiuro. R I These institutions Include! ' 8m ; Willamette university, Salem: Cap ital Business college, Salem; Philomath eolleg-e, riillomath; Eugene Business Zk college, Eugene. Kehnke-Walker Busl guess college, Porttand; , Paclflo uni K uversity,, Forest Ureve: Adeor Auto and RiOas Engine schoor, Portland;. North R Pacific college, Portland;' Northwest 4 ern College of Ldtw, Portland; Colum 9,01a university. Portland; Red college, j.i'ort land; Albany college. Albanj). Young Men's . Christian . association. K Portland;. Laurelwood academy.. Gas R'ton:, DeKeyser Institute of. Optometry, 0 Portland; JUnk's Business college, Port-; McMinnvllle college, McMinn fgvllle; Holmes Business college, Port. B land:, Astoria Business college, Ast K toria; Bursell Private Business school, R I.Portland,, and Mount Angel college. Bt. gjpenedlct., ; CANYON CIT Y,, Aug. The lar gest raid on illicit stills that ever took place In Grant county was made Mon day nlghfa when Sheriff W. W. Howell and Htate Agent J. P. Snyder visited I'ralrle City and arrested ban Daly, Arthur Hankenkrat, "Scotty" Ross and .John .Phlpps. Three stills were seised and brought to this city, togeth er with several hundred dollars' worth of raisins and a quantity of beer of high alcoholic percentage. The still alleged to have been oper ated by Rohs was found skillfully hid den behind a partition built In the rear of- the kitchen' stove In the house of his mother-in-law. It was made of copper and was of several gallons ca pacity. It Is claimed that Ross was in partnership with Hankenkrat. Htate Agent Bnyder aiso trounit tha proprietor of the hotel at Granite, j George by name, and Joe Burton 'to j Canyon City last Saturday, They are held on a charge of moonshinlng, A considerable amount of liquor was re. ported found under George's hotel and a still was found in the possession of Burton. The prosecution of these cases may be delayed because of - the absence from the city of Phil Ashford, district attorney, who left last . Sunday for Omr.ha, Neb., with a shipment of sheep. , The Hunting Season, is ; Open 8 Water & Johnson Bts. s Phone 408 : 4 oravkij siain: . iti'itTs two & , SALEM, Or, Aug. 16. While evca ?i Vatlng for the plant of the Oregon BjI'ulp & Paper company now In pro IJ press of construction here. ,B. O- Pat R person and J. J. Bodies, laborers, this R morning were partially burled la a R ravej slide. Both men were rejppY- Oosed Season On Pheasants Urged by Albany Sportsmen ' ALBANY, Aug. 16. There will be no i shooting of China, pheasants In L,inn i county this year, if the state game and fish commission heeds the recommen dation of the Santiam, Game and Fish association. At a meeting held "Mon day night, the 'oral association unani mously decided to recommend to the state officers that a closed season be declared as the birds are1 becoming very scarce. ' The association also recommends that the small streams tributary to Clear and Fish lakes be closed to fishermen. Forest . Super visor C. C. Hall reports that the streams are the spawning (grounds for the lake fish and that game hogs are hauling the fish from the streams by, the basketful with grab hooks and nets. A request has been made for a third car of trout, fry, for. liberation In the North Santlam f)verv1 , , . Bob Obeys Paraite. But " HAMMOND. ; Ind Aug. 16. Bob Boyer, 13, son o Mr. and , Mrs. K. O. LMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUlllllllllll!!lillllllllHIUIllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIla. I" We- Deliver, to, Any Home One of our fine pianos or player pianos free of charge. A small ' payment down puts a fine, new instrument in the , home. Write or : phone for cata logue and terms. Ualdwin, Emer son, Ho ward,': Hamilton, $150.00 and up. Knabe pianos from Victor, Edison and Columbia Machines, new Sheet Music and Records. Piano tuning and re pairing. Warren's Music House Pendleton, Oregon. Phone 524. 820 Main St. .(MlllllinilllllllinUIIIIMIIIIIHIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIinillllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIHIIIHIIIUItUlllj ' ' 1 A BAD EYE.HAS SPOILED MAN Y A GOOD MANi: : A blurred. vision,. watery spote in j the eyes', will not cure themselves,' ' ! When, you notice the slightest symptom, of a V warning you will be doing yourself a -, tremn-. dous-favor by having your eyes examined at once, -even ,tha the trouble may at first seem small. And don't neglect the headaches.' They of-1 ten rise and fall through some. , little! derange ment in the eyes. ROSS WIMER. ' . OPTOMKTIUST AD OPTICIAJf .. ll Srhsefrr Jewelry Store. 7M Mala St- Pfceae aafi-J They, Get The Birds Auto.. Supplies and Sporting Goods Call Otir. Service Gar - , Phone 400 MM B'o Boyer. was forbidden by his parents to walk acrpss the railroad bridge and trestle over the river here. He scrupulously obeyed the injunction Yesterday an airplane lande'd on the other side of the bridge. The only way to reach it was to cross., the bridge. Bob debated with his con science, finally took off his clothes, tied them around tus neck, swam over and returned in the same manner. He had obeyed the parental edict. I HIGH COST ningherid Jol I BERKELEY. Aug. Is. Mrs. Emilie Koenlg Surphlis. wife of Charles Sur phlls, a sign painter, 35 years old, is dead today, the victim of her own hand. She, killed herself in their apartment, 2214 Dwight Way, by ; shootings herself with a sa wed-off shot I jgun because she was despondent over the failure of her husband to secure to the police, A. C. Shar key, a chauffeur, who lives in an ad joining apartment,' met Mrs. Surhlis in the hall and the woman asked him if he had seen her husband. Sharkey Raid he. had not and walked towards the front door. As he reached it he heard a shot and rushed back. Mrs. Surphlis was lying on the floor with a terrible wound in her breist. i'ne woman was moved to the Roosevelt Hospital, but died upon arrival. Surphlis, the husband, left two days ago, tha police say, to seen employ ment. , COAL PRICE TO JUMP IF MEN GET INCREASE IN PAY, DEALERS SAY. Miners Contemplate Making Demand In AusrnKt; Higlier Prices Slay ltcsult. 17. S. Ships Xot Bargains. WASHIXGTOM. Aug. 16. Ships held by the United States shipping board will not be sold at bargain price. John. Barton Payne .newly appointed chairman of the board, said today, adding that no efforts were . being made to force their disposal. Smaller vessels will be disposed of first. Mr. Payne said, and the estab lishment and operation of : shipping lines in interests of commerce would be the first consideration. - Ready for Delivery. Also one light Chevrolet delivery or farm car. Look this one over its good. i y " Eastern Oregon Motor Go. 61G Garden , Phone 1027 There is blame enough for alL No one profiteer or set of profiteers should ba permitted to monopolize it. Put the profiteer at hard labor. Thus would production be the hair of the dog that bit the consumer. MAX AMONG SWISS TV i t READING. Pa July t. If the miners win higher wages by the de ' mania which they are contemplating ' to make in August, higher prices will lie Inevitable, was the statement given to the public at th convention of tha Pennsylvania Retail Coal Dealers' .As . sociation here today. Wellington Ber tolet, the secretary of the organization, made the remark in his opening ad dress and the coal dealers all nodded their heads in assent. '"There is no likelihood that coal prices will come down,' said Mr. Ber tolet. "Coal is moving upward. There will likely be a coal shortage before ;ong and if the small buyer does not sit his supply now he may suffer later on. "One of the things the coal dealers have learned is that they are working -on too close a margin and there must , be an increase in the price of coal to give the coal dealers a bigger margin ! . of profit." , ; . . r'' There is no Coal like PEACOCK Phone 178 SMYTHE-LOIIERGAFr CO; Quality, Quantity . Service. COOl SU IAEZS ILOW r, at th. r) ' Clatsop Beaches i North'Beach c. Km. .ha .ih f ih MMMt Rir TillaBxmk Beaches I Ml ftrUt. IS OtMM CMU ' Max of Baden,' woo tried nnsuccessfully to steer tb German ship of state artcr the kaiser threw up the job. has arrived hurriedly with -his family In Swltierlsnd exllo slate for kings and here he Is wllH bis UU (laughter, . . Of the Great Pacific Northwest Are Made Specially Attrac tire This Somner by tho Reduced Excursion Fares- Offered by the . United States Railroad . Administration Plan your vacation to visit one or more of them, where the days are cheerful and the nichu brine refreshing sleep. Olfl OfPOn 18 ummer-time delight: Its , V . , mvijrorating mlUade. au- nd the splash of its surf temper your" nerves, redden your blood, whet your appetite, restore your wasted energy, bring new vim and health. Up in the Mountains T eii Imau tkia 1 nmiM r a Mae Um ri-Btu MM tat, w ir taw utw Th. ntjrr mMSm m4 bastrns. Nml M SIM mr. J s4 us rmn m. I -fcta.- ms ff; f M Hmw s4 IskM, nt tarn. Uck. Imc hi fmt kaasutk. M, mm4 fartM U ar ana. Swrt m Inukai Ua nnm mir. aSM aamac TlUn, SUM tlllllMI M tmd tmmt aaSs ail m mw. Can You Resist Such a Challenge! Ask ttv tmft tkfc arwrt f tl plmn T' trtfx fU ft u -Hat tk far as. and r yJ MW Wi(fvl ftMMa. ll a :m f tits UaiUd Stat ftatiraaet Astmtawtratiaa t snis-M rtry aaas-.-a aid ta snalun vati tw -"fcst asi attslfuss; U UM putt. Th NatMsutl Ft- aa all toaa f rUy lmpw4 anJ wort saaaJlasr aa Ussry ara mw. .VaaUfaily ttlaaoasji-l kMaaltrta .( iafarmattaa ml Uuu Wt4rtia mo4 astr tkav Wera Imm t Adauawtratioa aal ara fat ir fJUtrtkatsask Ak fwv- tswal rf. for any mf Newport tie i taxi t ha is I msaattaaa, ttsSm. (jstel all Beesassry iimat ts sisk a e- T ym aatlaa aeinrhtfttl. Crater Lake , ft trsl w.suf.r af tha -saria. A 1 1 f h I MSMiataia assfhir tm th. throat of an aaarlr m mils ana a Hair . hlah. Rail la M.ararSk Or. aaia sta Orcrtm CavM ML Rainier Te aattsHts .t M--rw atoaarr. sniI) lb tea mttesj hltrk Hat) Askfora. l Tacssvak, tfcaaxe - ! tt , al - BJsms aStsM BssaajsejaaaB) Stjse si tssa 0 Ciliia wMesp. ) -ts4 re arvvekli iSMsaSsw m !! s.a aaeaa Ask the agent for beautifully illustrated folder sivaa com. plete information of Beach and Mountain Resorts of the Pacific , Northwest. .