East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 15, 1919, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Now for a most wonderful Clean Up Sale of Shoe in the Women' Section of our High Claw Shoe Department.
I.re is a sale wherein we offer you $35,000.00 worth of the finest shoes that money can possibly buy. Shoes at Clean Up Prices far below the pres
ent wholesale prices. Shoes that are made up of the newest materials that science and expert constructors can possibly bring forth. Too often during a
Big Clean Up Sale of this nature stores hold back the very finest, but during this big T. W. W. Clean Up Sale you will see the very cream of our Btock
brought to the front. The special lots are not complete in all sizes and widths but you will find that in such an enormous, big sacrificed stock pf shoes
something that will be your exact fit Buy liberally for the tendency of the shoe market is upward.
Clean Up Sale of Shoes
Lot 440 X, All White Shoe
Pretty styled shoes with white kid
vainp and white silk top. Come in
button with high French heels. Reg
ular sell in price 8.50. Clean UP
Price, .VS.
Make your selection by lot number.
Clean l"p Sale of Shoes
Lot 451 1-2, All White Kid
We 'are offering in this lot a great
number of s-lnch white kid lace
boots, with the popular military heel,
and the tasty imitation wing, top.
White leather soles and heels. Good
range of sizes and widths. Regular
selling price, 8.9. (Iran Vp Price,
- Make your selection by lot number.
Clean I'p Sale of Shoes
Lot 441 X, Ivory Kid and Silk
Cloth Top Boot
A matched combination of Ivory
kid vamp and silk cloth top with the
stylish covered French heel. These
boots come in button. Regular sell
ing prloe, 18. Clean Vp Sale Price,
Make your selection by lot number.
Clean tTp Sale of Shoes
Lot 420X, Snowy White Buck
Here is a clean up offering In ex
tremely neat footwear for women.
White lace boots with white leather
soles and heels, imitation wing tip and
military heels. Good range of sizes
and widths. Regular selling price,
tS.OO. Clean Vp Sale Price, $0.85
-Make your selection by lot number.
Clean Up Sale of Shoes
486X, Street Service Shoes
A neat shoe for every day service.
Dressy, tasty and chick. Brown calf
lace with leather Cuban heel on Louis
lines. Imitation tip. 3-4 foxed short
vamp. Regular selling price, 17.60.
Clean I'p Sale Price, $3.93.
Make your selection by lot number.
Clean Up Sale of Shoes
496X, Women's Gray Top
To Out of Town Patrons
Make your selections
by lot number. Indicate
your size and width. Make
a second and third choice.
All mail orders promptly
and carefully filled. Or
der early before the lots
are more broken.
Here's a serviceable dress shoe.
Black bright kid with Just the right
shade of "Wear Well" gray cloth top.
Easy welt soles and Imitation tip. The
pretty Louis Cuban heel, A good lot
or sixes and widths. Regular selling
price. 17.50. Cleaan Cp Sale Price,
Make your selection by lot number.
Slean Up Sale of Shoes
468 1-3, Another Lot of White
. Top Shoes
of All selected leather, a soft, fine
piece of footwear, pretty In Its lines
and finished fine in its make-up. Soft
snowy white kid tops and fine black
kid vamps. Leather Louis Cuban heel
and easy, pliable welt sole. Regular
selling price, $7.60. Clean Up Halo
Price, $3.93.
Make your selection by lot number.
Clean Up Sale of Shoes
476X, Enameled Kid Vamp
With Dull Kid Top.
Here's the pretty shoe In all black,
combined In an enameled kid vamp
with the soft dulled kid topi French
heels built up in leather, and a S-inch
lace top. . This Is real value. Regular
selling price, 17.60. Clean Up Sale
Price. $5.95.
Make your selection by lot number.
Clean Up Sale of Shoes
486 1-2, 1919's Most Popular
This Is the boot that has proven so
popular during the past season and
the one that still holds the attention
of the good dresser. S-inch dark
brown kid lace bootf with leather
French heel and Goodyear welt soles.
A big lot to choose from. Many sizes,
all widths. Regular selling price,
J9.S0. Clean I'p Sale Prloe, S.95.
Make your selection by lot number.
Clean Up Sale of Shoes
. 447X, Make An Early Selection
in These Shoes
For this is another lot of this sea
son's most popular shoes. Women's
Cocoa brown kid with a 9-lnch lace
top. Light McKay sewed sole. 1ml-
tntion tip and a leather built French
heel. There are not a great many
shoes in this lot so its bent to hurry.
Rceular soiling price. 89.00 Clean Up
Sale Price, $7.93.
Make your selection by lot number.
- Clean Vp Sale of Shoes
499 1-2, Dark Brown Shoes
With a Cuban Heel
Here's the popular shoe of the West
and a most appropriate shoe for most
occasions. Dark brown calf with s
Jnch lace top, Cuban heel, with Imi
tation wing tip, easy, pliable welt sole
and built throughout to wear. Regu
lar selling price, 18.60. Clean Up Sale
price, S6.95.
Make your selection by lot number.'
Clean Up Sale of Shoes
599, Another Soft, Bright,
Brown Kid Boot
With a service able, neat cloth top
to match. These are neat "shoes with
their pretty, shapely leather French
heels and high lace tops. Most likely
your sine is here as also your width.
Select early. Regular selling price,
17.60. Clean Up Sale Price, $3.95
Make your selection by lot number.
- Clean Up Sale of Shoes
411 1-4, Women' 9-inch Kid
Here is a short vamp shoe that
many women are very much attached
to.. It is i,ii,de up of a verv pretty soft
brown kid with French heel and me
Hum too. The lot conti'nt m.-iin
sin.s and widths. Reg.iljr selling
IT're, ;.Gl'. Clean Up ss-ilj 14 km,
Make your selection by lot number.
Clean Up Sale of Shoes
447 1-4, Beautiful Pearl Cray
Made up with the pret !es'. of soft
I'reiuh Mil vamp with the most serw
ic.Nthlo and neatest matoUtJ cli-lh
.. '.'Ir i Inr foxed anil covered
French heel. Just the shoe for earlv
fall near. A good lot of slie.i and
widths. Regular selling price, tlO.vO.
Clratii I'p le Price, $7.95.
Make your selection by lot number.
. Clean Up Sale of Shoes
413 1-4, Cruiser Gray Kid
Here hi the dressy footwear, and In
tl.e lot we offer you many good sixv
and widths from which to choose. The
lints 'nno in gray kid vamps, with
cloth top to match. Covered Cuja.i
heel und i:yled throughout for both
lr.vs himI wear. Regular selling
pi ice. 19.00. Clean I'p Sale l'rm,
Muke your selection by lot number.
Clean Up Sale of Shoes
426 1-4, Women's Field Mouse
' Brown Boot
A fair sized lot of the prettiest of
all brown boots. With soft gray fab
ric top, welt sole, full height lace top
and covered French heel. These are
the "boots that go first so make your
selection early. Regular selling
price, 811.00. Clean Up Sale Price,
$7.95. . i .
Make your selection bj lot number.
Clean Up Sale of Shoes
454 1-4, Another Field. Mouse
Brown Boot
We are saoriflcting another very
popular boot just because some of the
sizes are missing. It Is a broken lot
of the very prettiest of this class of
footwear. Brown vamp, with fabric
top to match, covered French heel, 9
Inch lace top. Attend the very firW
day of this sale'. Regular selling price
$9.60. Clean Up Sale Price, $7.95.
Make your selection by, lot number.
Clean Up Sale of Shoes
458 1-2, And These Are
' Regular Fall Shoes
Tou will see boots practically ex
actly in this same, style displayed for
fall. They are a most appropriate
boot for your dress wear. It'a good
Judgment to. buy them for this fall's
wear. Patent, enameled kid vamps
with light gray, full height tops. Turn
ed sole and. colored . covered .heels.
Regular selling price, 112. Clean Up
Bale Price, 10.95.
Make your selection .by lot number.
Clean Up Sale of Shoes
455X, Beautiful Cray Shoe
On Sale. .
Seldom do you see an advertised
cut in tha nr-lfM nt a fri u. thl. I
They represent solid values both in
quality and adaptability to the sea
son's styles. They are built with gray
buck vamps with the soft, bright gray
kid tops. Flexible welt soles, covered
French heels. A liberal lot of sizes
and widths from which to choose.
Regular selling price, 812.60. Clean
I'p Sale Price, $7.95.
Make your selection by lot number.
Clean Up Sale of Shoes
485 1-2, Be Sure to Note. This
Number. '
For this Is an Important Item in
mis sale of women's high grade boots.
185 1-2 means that we are offering
you one of the most stylish of all the
women's footwear offered this season.
They are light gray kid boots with
the regular -lnch lace top, turn sole
and covered French heel. Some of
the sizes are 'missing ' as also the
w.uina. jteguiar selling price, 812.60
Clean Up Sale Price, 9.5.
your selection by lot number,
. Clean Up Sale of Shoes
441 1-4, Offered Less Than
Present Wholesale Price
Here Is an astonishing, actual fact
this lot of shoes could not be re
placed at this sale price, yet, just be
cause there are a few sizes missing we
are sacrificing them. They are dark '
gray boots with kid turned sole, 9
Inch lace top and covered French
heel. They are most beautiful boots.
Regular selling price, tit. Clean Up
Sole I Vine, $.995.
Make your selection by lot number.
Clean Up Sale or Shoes
41 IX, Dark Gray Fine Kid
Here Is another wonderful value-
one of the best we have In our entire
big stock of high class shoes.
They are dark gray. tan. soft kid
boots with Inch top, covered French
heel. Liberal lot of sizes and widths.
Regular selling price, 112.00. Clean
I'p Sale Price, S9.95.
Make ur selection by lot number.
Clean Up Sale of Shoes
452 1-4, Another Popular
Dark Gray Boot
These wonderful values can be
found only In such stores as (Pendle
ton's Greatest Department Store,
Where It Pays to Trade) beautlfullv
styled gray kid boots with covered
French heel, light McKay sewed soles,
8-4 foxed and 9-lnch top.
Tou will find many sizes In this lot. '
Also several widths. Regular selling
price, 810.09. Clean Up Kale Price,
Make jour selection by lot number.
We Fit All Sale Shoes
During this sale we will care
fully fit in turn all shoes se
lected. There will be plenty of
good, experienced fitters and
(as always typical with T. P. W.)
you will be carefully waited on.
mmmmm anazegBSr
l3 ? a most imPortent Bale for the particular woman, for the woman who is particular both in the selection nf w . T". "
ing oi ine nara earnea aonars; ior in tnis "Clean Up" Sale she will find that the watchword is "The hiehprt Vlnaa T , faculr in the sav-
v nic very lease
money. - v.u.,ut toium lur me very least
Your? to here. fr'' whi,e there are thous anda of dolIars worth of this ftwe' Ped on sale .yet "the best values and sizes and widths go first
August Ctean-Up Sale Bps Saturday Morning, Aug: 1 6tfi-Be bare when it starts
August Clean-up
Sale of Groceries
In Our Basement Pure Food Shop
SUGAR, 100 pounds ........ $10.25
Cascade Milk . . 7 cans $1.00
Standard Tomatoes 3 cans 50c
Standard Corn can 15c
Standard Peas 3 cans 50c
Sliced Dill Pickles : . . . . . . . . 3 cans 55c.
Extra Good Ripe Olives .... 3 cans 40c
Best Canned Shrimp 3 for 55c.
Libby's Tomato Soup 4 cans 45c
Imported Olive Oil pint bottle 80c.
Pancake Syrup ...... 5 pound can 55c
Ivory Soap Flakes 3 packages 35c
Palm Olive Soap .3 bars 23c
Mm Porter's Fig Pudding. . 3 cans 65c
Del Monte Catsup 2 bottles 45c
Extra Good Coffee; pound .... ." . . 40c
Libby's Apple Butter, 1 lb cans 2 for 45c
Preferred Stock Pork and Beans, small
sized cans 4 for 45c, medium sized
. cans 4 for 75c, and large .sized cans
4 or $1.15.
We nr fnlrinor orlvant aire! urban th. n.iijfi A u V: j. r . . , '- -
hundreds of dollars worth of odds and ends at extra reduced Yrkes. Yes we' take i&giZ&l
we'll give you all the benefit of the Clean-Up-Sale. The price shall be the last consideratfon tL llinolfl
being to rid the Basement of remaining: broken lots and odds and ends
We Offer at the Clean-Un Sale
Men's Calf Dress Shoes.
Come In black, on good lasts, soft calf
and every pair aeal $4.70 value.
. Xtra Special dean I'P, $3.49 -
We Offer at the Clean-Up Sale
Good Apron Gingham.
Hundreds of yards of perfect short
lengths, all checks and plaids and , every
, yard a real bargain.
Extra Special Clean Up, 15o
We Offer at the Clean-Up Sale
' ' Quilting Challies Sacrificed
We offer a big lot of 30c challies that
will mean real savings during this sale.
Kxtra Special Clean Up, 19o -
We Offer at the Clean-Up Sale
" Big Girls' School Shoes. .
Dark Brown English sport shoes, made
of a good substantial leather. A good look- .
ing shoe worth $5.00.
Extra. Special Clean Vp, $2.98
We Offer at the Clean-Up Eale
The Prettiest Silk Dresses.
One lot of 25 dresses , $ 9.87
One' lot of 15 dresses j. , H.I
One lot of 10 dresses 17.89
. Every dress a bargain.
. We Offer at the Clean-Up Sale
Good Serviceable Percale.
Here's a real sale of 4600 yards of real
value. You will pay elsewhere 29c for every '
Extra Special Clean-Vp, $17o ' '
We Offer at the CleanrUp Sale
Embroidery Remnants.
We'll unload a great big table plied
full of edgings and insertions Every yard
sacrificed In price. , .
. Extra Special Clean Vp,. 1-4 Price
We Offer, at the Clean-Up Sale '
Women's Dress Shoes
Here's a real , bargain patent enamel
vamps with white reinskin tops. French,
heel, lace. All sizes.
Xtra Special Clean tip, $3.59 . . ,
We Offer at the Clean-Up Sale
$1.35 Voiles, Mulls, Organdies, Etc.
A cleanup of the season's ends.. -There
are some Very pretty prieces In this lot sell
Ing regularly for 86a to 11.35.
Extra Special Clean Up, 47c-
We Offer at the Clean-Up Sale
One Lot Wool Dresses.
Here's the big surprise of the entire big
sale. 25 wool serge one piece dresses to of
fer ' .
We Offer at the Clean-Up Sale
Women's Tuff Black Hose
2300 pairs of 25o hose and you'll save on
every pair. All sizes, all perfect, no seconds.
Exra Special Clean Up, loo
We Offer at the' Clean-Up Sale
Men's $1.50 Blue Shirts. ''.'
One lot of tuff work shirts to clean up.'
Some of the sizes are missing. . .All. bar
gains. Extra Special dean Up, 8o
We Offer at the Clean-Up' Sale ' '
New Lot of Remnants.
Including muslins, percales, silks, ging
hams, longoloth, toweling, damasks, etc
Xtra Specially Reduced
We Offer at the Clean-Up Sale
Men's $1.50 Union Suits
Here's the real underwear sale, . A big
sale. A big broken lot of good suits that
will wear.
l-2tr Special Clean Up, 98a ....
We Offer at the Clean-Up Sale
All Our Silk Waists
Every one of these pretty silk waists will
be piled out upon our sale tables and sacrificed.
AU On Special Sale
On Special Sole,. 814. 69
We Will Offer You During the Clean Up Sale In the Kitchen Hardware Section of the Bargain Basement some of
tno very Best Money savers to be round in Pendleton .
Another' Humdinger Sale .
Just like that popular tub sale we held a few weeks ago.
A Big Enamelware Assortment
Consisting of 365 pieces of the most useful of all kitchen uten
sils. Every piece Is white enameled over a good heavy steel, strong
and sanitary. And the moot Important feature of this sale Is the
price. :,
Xtra Special Clean Up, 1-9 Price
Big Galvanized Buckets
The kind that costs you 75c. 246 buckets of the lot.
I to one family.
Xtra Special Clean Vp, 3Bo
Not over
Dish Pans, Double Cookers, Lunch Kits Baking: Dishes, Pie Pans, Cake Tins, Wash Boilers, Strainers and hun
dreds of other good household articles. All at Clean Up Prices that will astonish you.
It is the empty barrel that makes the
most noise; its the worst wheel on the
cart makes the loudest squeak. There
is no blare of trumpets ror beating of
drums about this announcement but
there is business in it. '
We have never found it necessary to
be sensationally "loud" in our adver
tising or to use big letters and high
sounding words, for the simple reason
that our values will always , speak
loudly enough for themselves. Truth
needs no brass band, to 'demonstrate its
power for good. Figures do- not lie.
But, big words often do. cover little
values. - .
I 1 . TAT 1
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