an FOURTEEN,. PAGES DAILY BAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON; OREGON,' FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1010, pact: nvn AUGUST CLEAN-UP SAL Our Annual August Glean-Up Sale Opens Sat. Morning, Aug. 16 . CHILDREN'S SCHOOL RIBBONS Fancy dresden designs, in pink, light blue, lavender and many novelty designs, 4 to 5 1-2 inches wide, worth more. Aug ust Clean-Up Price, the yard. . 29c and 39c PLAIN TAFFETA RIBBONS All colors, in widths from 1-2 to 3 inches, put in this August Clean-Up Sale at 1-2 Price. It's the greatest economy event since the war began. Every department of our great store offers wonderful bargains. Groceries, Shoes, Women's Ready to Wear Garments, Men's Clothing, Men's and Women's Furnishings, Dry Goods, Kitchen Ware, etc. THE GREATEST ' AUGUST SALE EVER HELD IN PENDLETON, and it's right in the face of the most rapidly rising market we've ever known. DON'T WAITYOU'LL BE THE LOSER IF YOU DO. Every item in this sale will cost you much more later on. Don't hesitate, Buy! Buy! Buy! BUY ENOUGH TO LAST YOU A WHOLE YEAR, IT'LL BE THE BEST INVESTMENT YOU EVER MADE. DONT OVERLOOK THESE NOTION ITEMS 15 Fancy Wash Cloths for 12 l-2c 15c Celluliad Hairpins, box 10c Folding Suit or Garment Hangers 15c Slipper trees, 25c grade for 19c 10c Wire Hairpin Cabinets for .... 8c Cuitcura Soap at . . ., 21c Pears Soap at .12c August Clean-Up in bilk Section Lining Satins, just four pieces of them, light col- . ors in bright patterns, $2.00 to $2.25 regular, August Clean-Up Price ; . $1.39 Taffeta Silks in Evening Shades, full 36 inches wide, very soft chiffon finish, for dresses, drops, slips, etc., colors of pink, yellow, rose changeable, lavender, light blue and white. Regular prices $2.00 to $2.25. August Clean-Up Price $1.49 Bclding's Lining Satins in colors of pink, flesh, light blue and light green, only, present price $2.25, August Clean-Up Price $1.49 Silk Remnants on Sale Over 100 Remnants in . various length sfrom 1-2 to 3 1-2 yards, silks of all kinds, plain or fancy, all marked from 1-3 to 1-2 less than regular price. Tafeta Silk in all the staple shades of navy, brown, green, black, gray, purple, red, etc., worth on to day's market $2.75. August Clean-Up Price $1.95 ;' Chiffon Cloth, all silk, full 40 inches wide in every wanted color, just the thing for making up with evening dresses as linings, slips, etc. In this sale at less than the wholesale price and less than cotton . goods. August Clean-Up Price 59c SAMPLE LINE OF Bed Comfortables IN THIS SALE. ' Coverings are silkoline, satins and silks, full sizes. In this lot are real down, wool filled and fine cotton. All are priced on the basis of the purchase price which called for a very liberal discount. You will save fully 1-3 to 1-2 on these bed comfortables. . August Clean-Up Prices range from $2.45 to $22.95 PENDLETON CRIB BLANKETS ' Single and double, slightly soiled, blue and white, all market at a very liberal discount to close out. COTTON BATTS A big 2 1-2 lb. batt, good cotton, full size for com fortable. August Clean-Up Price 98c SOFT BED PILLOWS . Filled with clean sanitary feathers, covered with a good ticking and regularly priced at $3.00. August Clean-Up Price, per pair $2.43 Bed Comforters for sleeping porches, outings and ordinary use. Regular $2.75. August Clean-Up Price $2.19 A Few Pair of Soiled Wool Blankets that are re duced in proportion as they are soiled. , They're bar gains. mi.', GRASS RUGS In the smaller sizes, so cool looking for porches or bedrooms, easily cleaned: $1.50 Quality, August Clean-Up Price 98c $3.25 Quality, August Clean-Up Price $2.15 RAG RUGS - Your opportunity to buy these serviceable pretty rag rugs, small sizes, to medium. August Clean-Up Discounted 15 Per Cent. - . AN AUGUST CLEAN-UP OF WOMEN'S NECK WEAR. Collars and neck f ixin's of all descriptions. Made of organdy, Georgette, etc. A good selection of up to-date styles that for quick disposal are marked at 1-2 Former Price. Silk Tassels for dress trimmings at 1-2 Price. MESS GOODS JARCANS For the children's dresses, these are timely offerings, coming as it does when everything is higher than ever before. , Batiste, Wool, color navy only, 36 inches wide. August Clean-Up Pr. 79c Black and White Check, clear, clean looking check, for women's or chil dren's wear. August Clean-Up Price 9Sc Wool Check in finer grade, black and white, August Clean-Up Price $1.29 One Lot of Dress Goods, not so many of them, but good values, mostly novelties in medium and heavy weights ; August Clean-Up 1-2 Price Women's Or Muse' Umbrella For every day use, color black, wood handles. "Buy them for school children. During August Cleanup. Price each $1.39 Slipover Veils. Black only, with embroidered design. A 35c veil. August Clean Up Price, 24c Your Opportunity. " Strap purses of real leather in a varied assortment of styles and leathers. August Clean Up Price, 98c. Strap Purses A better grade in all leather, worth more. August Cleanup Price, $1.39. All Other Purses I And handbags, strap purses or canteen' bags at 25 per cent off. Val Laces. In August Clean Ud Saale. One secial lot of edges and insertions at 8c. One special lot of Val Laces, extra val ues, at the yard, 4c. One Lot of Dress Trimmings. - ----- Fllouncings, braids, etc., at just 1-2 Pr. Embroideries, ....Insertions, ..Bandings, Edgings, Flouncings, and all qualities and grades, at 25 per cent less during August Clearance Sale. 4 Mercerized Table Damask For-your everyday needs. Purchases made last March when there was a decided drop in the market enables us to make these offerings. Patterns are very pretty. $1.00 Damask, August Clean Up $ .73 $1.25 Damask, August Clean Up ...... .98 $1.35 Damask, August Clean Up 1.15 Scotch Linen Napkins And pure linen, too. A $7.00 napkin, in August Clean Up Sale at $5.49 a dozen. Mercerized Table Cloths For luncheon or breakfast cloths, fully 54 inches square, worth $2.00. August Clean Up, $1.69. Cotton Challies for comfort coverings, a 36 inch width in a fine grade. August Clean Up Price, 23c Cotton Poplins, all staple shades of na vy, brown, plum, red, black, etc., 27 inches wide. Regular 50c. August Clean Up Price, 39c . Pillow Cases, size 42x36, a soft finish quality, splendid for everyday use, sleeping porches, etc. August Clean Up Price, 39c. Linene and Cotton Suitings in colors of tan, blue, pink, lavender, etc., for children's dresses, house dresses, etc. 35c quality August Clean Up Price .1..27c 50c quality, August Clean Up Price 35c 60c quality, August Clean Up Price 39c 85c quality, August Clean Up Price ......59c . Here's Good News, Entire Stock of SUMMER WASH GOODS AT 1-2 PRICE This means every piece of novelty wash goods such as voiles, flaxons, etc., 1-2 Price . Face Towels, a good huck towel, medi um size and splendid weight. Supply your needs for the Round-Up time. August Clean Up Price, 23c Bath Towels, bleached turkish towels, good size and weight, at about present wholesale cost. August Clean Up Price, each 39c. ' Bleached Cotton Flannel, a very fine heavy grade, actually worth 40c. In this August Clean Up Sale at per yard 29c . White Outing Flannel, 27 inches wide, good weight and finish. August Clean Up Price, 23c Black Sateen for children's bloomers, aprons, men's shirts Just a limited amount of this worth 65c. August Clean Up Price, 45c. ' Toweling and Crashes. Extra good values in part linen, bleached and un bleached at August Clean Up Price 19c and 23c. Here's good News from Our II DEPARTMENT1 UriNHfri Saaaple. no two fea.rmntM alike In womrn'H and children" tin (on suit in Mil the varioun styles, vents and pan LA. In fanta' wool vent, etc. Tim lot comprise wool, cot ton and linle tn all the winter weights. The en tire lot goci to the fifHt comer at 1-3 tm 1-2 the regal r selling arrtee. i chiijiki;v I.MOK I 81 ITS Wcrlh One Third Mre. Second of a famous make, containing slight flaw that you oan int'uiy detect, hfch ik, lonr sleeves, ankle length. wf-l and cotton in bplnclM winter weight; Ages 2 and 4 yrs at .A sea 6, 5 ana iu yvm Affrs 12. 14. IK fm. I.7I WOMKVS AMI MI.Ht9 KMT Flesh color and whit Just the thins; for earl; fall wear, a limited am ount of thee to sell at th special price of 5 HtMNKR CAIXB VEST In a splendid quality lis) thread, regular sizes, Au , gust Clean-Up Price. . 9 Large size Gauxe Vest white. Aueust Clean-U, Price . 33c' LA r'M arr TME ART Department bpcc-ials for August Clean Up. Curtain KoH each lie Comforter Covering), heavier than Silkoline, neat, suitable designs, 36 inches wide. August Clean Up Price, SOo. , Curtain Scrim with drawn work border, for bedrooms, a 25c quaJily, in August Clean Up at, the yard, 19c. . Curtain Edges and Lace on sale at about 1-2 Price. One lot of Stamped Package GootU, mostly women's waists that are good styles. August Clean Up Price, 98c. Travellers Samples of Women's and Children's Hosiery. Comprising silk in nearly all colors, children's in black, wom en's wool hose, infants' hose. etc. A big lot of them, no two pair alike, in this August Clean-l'p Sale at 1-S ta 1- Price. . See these real bnrpalna. Waaaea's Murk l-lle Hear, a fine lisle quality, extra goKl black, al sizes, worth .',c, Au gust Clean-Up I'ricc, pair.. 3Sc Bargains in Handkerchiefs For this sale we offer a pure linen, sheer and fine handker chiefs, plain hemstitched, some thing decidedly scarce at any price. August Clean Up Price.. 23c A pure Linen Handkerchief, embroidered designs in corner, worth every cent of 60c each. August Clean Up Price, each. 3.-. Women's or Children's plain white or rolled edge handker chiefs tn colored edge. August Clean Up Price, each, 4c . Women's Leather. ; : Gloves for fall wear. This AugUKt Clear-Up Sale Rives you the op portunity to purchase a street glove at a considerable savins;. These gloves on sale not guarau teed. Brown Maefca silk lined, nixes fi 1-2. 1-4. Aticuxt flan-rp ITice gi.s -Mark. Cape lr whits stitching, a heavy street glove. J.'.Sii value, August Clean-tn IT lee ... .4ft Whit Klsl ilee two and onn claMp, with blark stitching on hack, real values In real kid. Special August Oleun-fp Irie the pair 9I.M4 At S4I.OO, M'Mti'i Tmm a Clove, similar to Dents, in nearly all sises. August Cln Up IT ice. the pair 1x99 Please feel that our store is your store a cool, pleasant place to spend an hour or more, whether you purchase anj'thing at the time or not We are always pleased to see you and to show you whatever wemay have that will interest you, so kindly accept this writing as still another cordial invitation to ac cept the courtesies of our store-people at your con venience any time you are down town. UNMATCHABLE VALUES Are being offered in this sale to affect a speedy close out. GmLAIESTDEPARTAENnriSTORR UfiePebples ferehouse, Vl.L IWHFRE IT PAYS TO TRADE 1 U'! " 'Ll Buy a whole year's supply now and share in our August Clean-Up savings.