r . TEN PAGES .' - - DAILY EAST OREGONTAN. PENDLETON. OREGON, TUtrK'SDAY. "ATTflUST 14, 1010. PAGE THREE I HEWS NOTES OF PEMDLETOM Awn. mi tt"lJ Trip. ' Fred Wennlon, county audit, la In Milton today on a field trip In the In terests of county apent work, ile will return tomorrow. ' jMIwi Kfcuiiaii Iim New IVmlllon. Miss Kvolyn Klnmun, fur tho pnat 10 yenra employed ut Alexander's tie purtment atoro, will In future bo em ployed as a saleswoman In The Htylo Shop, owned by the Carrier Millinery, Ijyinuu Itloo to I'urtlanil. Lyman Hlce, of the Flint Nutlonul bunk, left thfe momlnjr for Hood Klver. Mm. Hire and Utile inn, Ly man Junior have been attending- the Hummer In Hood Hlver ut the home of Mrs. ltice'a parenta. Not A BlemST the erf eet. . i-wuara nj of hcrMftU, plcxion. Permanent mnri remnorarv akin troubles are effectively natural rnln. and corrects aau .Line 1 1 1 a n! anlivntif . used wilh beneficial rcsulti at a curative anent lor 70 years. Hero for Kxuiiiliintion. Charles Iovulitco, ,of Athena, la In the city to undergo examination by a locul physician In Temird to clalina for diHabllity caused by lnjurlea re ceived during army service, ,laiwrenoe (ireen 'of llermlBlon, '. underwent a Hlmllur cxnmlnatKm yesterday. Three I'orinlta OrantiMl. Upon recommendutioh of the . fire committee of the city council laat nlKht, permits wore isHUed today to the Baste Woodmen lodge, the l'en dlitton Hulldlnir Association und the odd Fellows lodge for building repair within the fire Ilnilta. The first nam. ed will make alteration to coat $300. the second alterations to cost 400 and the third the remodeling of a etore iirafn Man llufToiirtllltlx. 'luy H. Johnaon, munuger of the Trl Ktate Terminal c'o. In 1'ondleton, l confined to hi home today with tohsllllls. Will Teach Near Milton. Mr. Anna Coghill has contracted to teuoh the school in litrlct No. , near Milton, for the coming year be ginning next month. Mra." Coghill re aide at Freewater. StiM Men l'wl at Canteen Two hundred and fifty-eight men. as 'faKual Company 1002, passed : through I'endleton yesterday at ( p. m a nil wvrn ffil nt the Red t'rOSS canteen. The men were all overseas veterana of the :d and 4th Divisions. Army of Occupation, and were from (Oregon sncl Washington. .They are going to Cnnip Lewis from Camp Mer. rltt. Lieutenant O. A. Sherrell. ot South Caroline, waa In charge. Other officer Include! Ueuteant Neele, field artillery. Lieutenant Whyke, aunltary corps, md Captain Luak, per manent army officer. The men expect to be discharged Immediately. Kl 101 lOl 101 101 101 101 101 101 101- I -t lo r 4 I -I o -t I -4 -a I -t. o -4 I -4 4 I -4 O I -4 I -4 -4 I -4 Pu re Sweet Apple Cider OLYMPIA BRAND. . Made by the famous new process from highly flavored northwest apples in the world's largest apple juic6 plant. . , - The natural flavor, is retained in "Olympia." Packed in pint, quart and gallon bottles, 30c, 50c and $1.50. We have.contracted for some extra fine Bart--let Pears for canning. Place your order now. "Waste less buy the Best" T Pendleton Cash Market, Inc. Fine Groceries and Meats Phones 101. (Private exchange connecting both departments.) Mlirurlos Honor Ctornoglo The county library In Pendleton and tho libraries In Herniiston and Milton are cloned today because of the fun oral of Andrew Carnegie, who gave, gift to the three Institutions. Fluga are at half maat. . Louis Andei-Hon Is Here. ' Jxniis Anderson, well known for mer Umatilla county farmer who ha interests here yet though he lives In the Wlllamettet valley, 1 In I'endleton on a visit. Merle Ferrell Here Merle Ferrcll, former employe of the American National Dank, stopped off in the city from train No. 17 today en route to hi home at Bacramento ' from a trip to Chicago. Mr. Ferrell 1 with the Bui-rough adding machine company, having charge of the Saora meirto field. HI wife was formerly Mias Blanche lladdley of this city. Hank Hcpatrner Here.' Ol -TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT l. T. Aigne, of Portland, designer j of the Interior" of the Inland Empire' Hank, arrived thl morning from) I'ortland to supervise the installation' of a aeriea of new check desk lights. He la Installing new fixtures In a bank , at Freewater and will go to the east j ena ima ariernoon, proceeamg xrom there to Tacoma Saturday. Cajit. "Arciile" Is necoverlnjr. CHICAGO. Aug. 14. Capt "Archie" Roosevelt, at Presbyterian hospital ' with trench fecer symptoms, passed a 1 good night and hi early recovery 1 : looged for. Physicians said that he would probably be able to leave In a ' few day. Captain Roosevelt arrived ' In Chicago Sunday from Oyster Baj to begin his new work with the Sinclair Keflning company. I I'll lull Hanger I Here. I Walter Allison, Vkiah .forest rang 'er. who Is In the city today to confer 'with W. W. Cryder. Umatilla forewt supervisor, says that the fire in the. Big Creek region, Whitman forest, Is ! j well under control, although for a j i tima It menaced the Umatilla forest, j I The fire is 20 miles from l.'kiah and j three men are In charge aa fire fight- j i era. Mr. Allison reports that the i I range is unusually dry but that sheep : jand cattle are not suffering . 1 "INSURANCE Is the Best Policy' I am buying grain this year for Kerr Gifford & Co., Inc., and would be glad to have the farmers give me a chance to submit a price on their grain before selling. JOI: KEKLEY - . Buoeeasnr to Chas. K. Heard, Ins, , "See Me Before the Fire insurance Loans Real Estate 111 Mala , j Pendleton, Oregon Will Relocate In County. ' j Se Wtlllama, who waa a prominent I'endleton high school student 12 or. 1.1 years ago, arrived this morning' from Alberta where he has been farm- , ing. Mr. Williams sold two. of - his . ranches in Alberta and Is planning ; to rent out two more he has there. He ia -looking for a house In I'endleton and plans to secure some Umatilla county farming land. "''"""iiiiMiiniiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: I One Ton - Denby Truck j f A BARGAIN 1 We have to offer at a bargain a one ton Denby Truck just overhauled and all worn parts re- 1 placed.' " .43!I?:S1S3S; 1 This truck is worth twice the money we ask , - for it, and it will be well worth your time to in- 5 vnsl iivnfp if vnn npprl a priori truck. 5 Itttlro Il kwidi Wlierc It 18 UuU jteuben Beckwith, Pendleton boy now on the vaudeville atage. Is In Richmond, Va., at present. A letter to hi father nnd mother, Mr. and Mrs. T. 8, Beck with. nays. He declares that it Is Reveral degrees hotter there than Pendleton ever thought of getting. He hiis engagements In the south until Sept. 1, after which he will goto New York. He has a contract to play at (he Hippodrome, New York City, be ginning this full. 5 Grocery Phone 526 Use the Phones SERVICE PENDLETON'S LEADING STORE Come' to This Great Store for All Your Needs Everything to cat and wear. Where you get the Highest Quality goods, the widest variety to select from. Everything priced at about what you want to pay and, too, excellent service. . AGAIN WE CALL ATTENTION ; September Designers are here. Patrons hav ing subscription cards, please call and get yours. Black satin $1.50 to $3.73 By all means" have at least one black dress in your ward robe this fall. Black Satin will be a very stylish fabric for dresses. We offer a most complete assort ment of qualities and they are of the best. We'll be glad to show you and help plan your dress. $ A?& PIQUE 50c to $1.00 Pique is one of the most popular wash fabrics, for skirts, coats and dresses. We are showing Pique in several sized welts and in 27 in. and 36 in. You'll find it to be of excellent quality. ' COLORED LINENS 73c to $1.50 We were truly lucky to procure these fine linens, as you know linens are so scarce. These are of excel-, lent quality, 36 to 40 in. wide. Specially desirable for dresses and blouses. Have a look at them. Col ors of tan, brown, rose, blue and pink. ' LYK LINEN 40c, 65c YD. A most desirable wash fabric of a fine sheer weave, specially good for baby dresses, women's, waists and dresses, also collars and cuffs. Comes in white only, and several widths. COLORED BATH TOWELS 50c to $1.23 A big shipment of Bath Towels just came in; some are checks, some are stripes and some have colored ends. Offered in pink and blue. Of best quality double knit Turkish cloth. Very absorbant. Buy several now and crochet edges for gifts and your own use. . - ' i : M i If w- ...If DAMASK 0 $1.23 to $1.30 Finest quality Dam ask in mercerized and linen. A showing of most beautiful patterns and designs. Come down and see thein, prepare now for the Pound-Up, get your linens ready now. NAPKINS $2.50 SET to $10.00 SET - Napkins to match most any pattern. Put up in 6 napkins to the set. Some are all cotton, some uni on and some are all linen. Beautiful patterns to se lect -from. Have a look at them and buy now. WHITE WAISTINGS 25c to $1.25 A showing of finest quality sheer white goods for waists and blouses. They come in self -tone plaids and stripes, and novelty weaves, 27 to 36 in. wide, Make up several for use rest of the summer. - CRETONNES 25c to $1.50 ... Use Cretonne for draperies ; and the like offered in a most beautiful-, assortment of pat- terns. They come 27 in. and 36 in. wide. Be sure to see the new linenized cretonnes. We'll be glad to show you. . SATEENS. , Figured sateens of most desirable patterns of . floral effects and beautiful colorings. Suitable for bed room draperies, covers and linings. mm GROCERIES Pears, first this year, pound';'.'. . . . .'. . . . . .' Nice Bleached Celery, bunch . .... . . Lettuce, large heads, each . . . Local and California Watermelons, pound. Mission Bell Cantaloupes, 2 for . . . j ...... . . . . 25c Crawford Peaches, crate ........... .... $1.25 Other ? Department d 78. 5 Use the S Thonf i -t : 2 . . 10c .'. 20c .. 10c 3 l-2c I1li Artltdcs of Incorporaflod. " Walter G. Royce. W. E. Saylor and Stephen A. Lowell are Incorporators of the Ideal Propulsion Co.. articles for which were filed with the coun ty clerk today. They plan, to do a general biiHinesft dealing with motors nnd biotor vehicles with the home of fice here. The capitalization ia $-0,-000. Ot-i'inniifp lHie Not stand. "The ordinance regulating limits for the gala of gasoline from filling eta tlons. passed by the council last night on the deciding vote of Mayor Vau ghn. does not atand. according to an opinion from City Attorney James A. Fee today. The charter requires that where a tie vote reeults the mayor' deciding vote nlioll only be cast after a poll of all theacouncilmen has been taken. Inasmuch Councilmen Kalph Folsnm end Manual Friedly were absent last night, the ordinance must come tip for vote again next Wednesday. ! rtcwrvo Tloartl (Jrniilx IVrmit. The federal reserve board haa no tified W. T. Thompson, president of tho American National Bank, of the granting of his request to be allowed to serve as president of the local bank., and also as vice president and direc tor of tho I'"ir.t National Bank of Portland. Under' the terms of the Kern amendment to the Clayton act no person may serve as officer anfl director In more than one bank hav. ing total assets of jr,,00fl.000 or more, without special permission of the federal reserve board. The granting of this permit allows him to continue in hie official position with both banks after Sept. 1. Deer Sea-son Sclav 1. The deer season throughout Ore gon will open September 1st this year and will continue opened until Octo ber 31st, according to an announce ment made by Carl D. Shoemaker, State game warden, today. The only exception ia in TUnion and -. Wallowa counties where the season will open ,on September 10th and close on Xo Ivember 10th. Heretofore, the season has opened on August 15th in District No. 1, which consists of all counties 1 west of the summit of the Cascade ' mountains. The season this year ia uniform in both districts except in the ' two counties heretofore mentioned. The bag limit is two deer with horns which is the same as last year. i building to cost $250. Karl N'cwquist On Melville. I Earl Newquist, who will be reniem bered as one of the Round-Up riders, 'has -been stationed aboard the I". S. ; S. Melville and since the recent ex j plosion of the boiler of the ship I which caused the death of 17 men, anxiety as to the fate of Newquist is '.felt by his sister, Mrs. J. H. Esgers, of this city. Airs. Eggers has not heard tfrom her brother since the accident. The Melville was on its way home aft ' er a trip and Newquist expected to get , his discharge soon after reaching the j United States. Mrs. Bggers has a sis i ter in 'Washington. D. O., who is at tempting to get news or the Melville through the Red Cross. - At Western Auto Co. Cottonwood & Water St Phone 530 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. Will Toadi in Alaska. Miss Arlle Rouanxoln. who has been employed as a teacher in the Pendleton schools, will leave on Sat urday for Alaska, where she will teach In the grammar school at Thane a mining town near Juneau. Miss Itouantoln has been at Milton visiting her parents, and arrived In Pendleton today to remain until Saturday. She will sail on the Canadian liner Prin cess Alice. Miss Rnuanxoln's brother, Frank Rouanxoin, la employed in the mines at Thane, which is tne location for the Alaska Clastineau gold mines. The Thane school employs two teach era and Miss Roanxoin will have charge of the lower grades. "1 V " '"l,r-r """"' it 1 A pure 1 j SALAD MAKES) or The HQF'feci' oil for cooking and safadc THE most discriminating epicure canaot say whether it is Mazola or imported olive oil ia mayonnaise or French dressing served him. Italians who know real olive oil are entimsfc astic about Mazola. - , Yow" grocer sells Mazola. at about one-taK Its price, of the best live oiL Make This Delicions Mayonnaise Dressing Today 2 Ems, Volka only 1 Pint of Mazola t teupooa of Mustard t dub ot Pepper 1 teupooa of Salt 4 tablespoons of Vinegar HAVE all Itiftredlentt and mixing utrasils coM. Mis dry ingredient.. Add fRg yolkt and when well mixed, add j teupooo of vinegar. Add Maaola drop by drop until the mUture beeina to thicken, beating slowly. Aa aooa) aa the mixture thickens, add the remainder of the vinegar a little at a time. Now beat in the remainder of the Maxola gradually until all ia used. The mayonnaise should be thick enough to hold its shape. Put in a glass jar and cover close. Place in the ice box to be used when needed. It will keep for weeks. Do not sir it whets you open it take out as much aa you need with a tablespoon, and dose the jar. 17017I7 Cooking made simple and economical when tou -w. II I i-.i e0 r n i . . liTe fflustrations, A book yon will keep. Free write nt toity for it CORN PRODUCTS REFINING COMPANY P. 0. Box 11 New York