f i. : i v.. ., f t. l-M. ' P3ILT EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON 6"rEGON. THURSDA yT'AUGUST 191ft 3 1 -HI 1 11M.... ii ii . i l f .i .f'i. i 1 PACT, TEN TEN PAGES OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE J. f Penney Co., A Nationwide Institution.' Beat us if you can for Style, Price or Quality The way these new fall coats, suits and dresses are moving out In the very evidence that they must be right. Our new READY-TO-WEAR j i hi .L.j-.jiii. i nn ii i if,; -..-"- 5 I n 114-- CWe TH6 REST Q IT TQ.THg NCXT Fancy Ripe Tomatoes JlOX $1.23 Water Melons, (he best of the season, lb. 3c Watch this space, we will tell you when to buy Canning Peaches. It will pay you to save your order for us. Large Jumbo Brazil Nuts, pound. .... 30c Minced Clams, 10 cans $1.00 Raked Beans, 10 cans $1.00 Ranch Eggs, all you want, dozen 50c Shredded Wheat Biscuit, Puffed Corn, Puffed Rice and Corn Puffs, pkg.. .. 15c CRAY BROS. GROCERY CO. f "QUALITY" Two Phones 28 823 Main St A Business Asset . A checking account In a strong, wrll-eslallislied Institution Is business asset which beomnes more Tal liable to the user as time goes on. Hie American National Bank, with a record of thirty years behind It, la a good place for jour ac ' count. i - lrT' ' I ii I I .... THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK PENDLETON, OREGON f "The Strongest Bank in Eastern Oregon" , (3",i-i MINUTE MAN SIX 5S SOLD OUT OF CARS but more will- arrive about f Saturday of this week. FREHTZEL MOTOR CO. T Lexington and White Dealers of Umatilla County. Telephone 4 722 Cottonwood St. Pendleton Met News The following prices are the prices The crop is excellent and packing is on being paid to producers by Pendleton business houses. Wherever ' retail prices are given the fact will be spe cifically mentioned. ' & Kggs and Poultry. Eggs 50c. . " Hens, 20c expound. " ' x - Spring chickens, 25c a pound. Country Ham, Etc . Ham best quality, 28c ' Bacon best quality, 40c. Butter Fat and Butter , " Butter fat, 59c f. o. b. Pendleton. Butter, $1.10 a roll. Potatoes. New potatoes, 3 c a pound. Old potatoes, 12.25 to $2.60 for 100 pounds. - Few Prune Culls ' At Milton This Year. There will be but few prune culls from Milton this year, says report. in full swing. Tomatoes are also being packed, while peaches will be the next. Green Corn Is Still too a Kxen. " ' Green corn continues at 40c a do zen. It is raised locally and will be in season for some time to come. Tomatoes Take Slnnip In Pendleton Markets. Tomatoes have taken a slump in lo cal markets. They are retailing at $1.60 a crate, which is a decrease of 40c from the former price. The vege table is popular for canning. Ijoeal Bartlctt Pears (jelling in Markets Bartlett Pears, especially good for canning, are retailing in local markets at from $2.75 to 12.90 a box. They are raised locally. THE PAGE RANCH EARLY CRAWFORD PEACHES READY FOR SHIPMENT. FINK FOB, CAXXIJfO. STANFIKMJ, . OKKGON : Irrlgon Watermelons Are Now 4 He a Pound. Irrigon watermelons arrived In lo cal markets today and retail at 4 4c. The melons are considered especially good. Boy Wanted. Bright, Industrious boy over IS' years, wanted at this office to learn trade. Good 1 chance for some boy who means busl- nesB. Wages paid while learn- ing. See foreman at once. . Voluos Remain About as Before. There was a good steady tone noted in tne cattle alleys for the day but the class of stuff offered was by no mpnnR iisrsrpntlve of extreme nrlces. In general values remained about at j previously quoted. Oeneral cattle range: Good to choice steers $11.00 11. B0 Fair to choice steers 9.0010.B0 Common to fair steers .... 7.00 7.60 Common steers 6.00 7.00 Good to choice cows and heifers .. . Medium to fair cows and heifers . 5.00 0.00 Oanners ... . 3.50 5:00 Bulls ........... ; i 3.00 7.60 Calves . - 9.0015.00 .. 8.00(3 8.50 Dr. David Bennett Hill 1 J . DENTISTRY ,' Diseases of Women. X-Ray Kleo- X-ray Diagnosis. tro Therapeutics. Pendleton Oregon Temple Bldg.t Room IS, Phone 4H ' 1 1, i k MMWJWHaMi We are showing for fall some very attractive models in fancy waist seam and blue serge suits for men and young men. Made of high grade all wool ma terials. - ' Young Men's Novelty Waist Seam Suits $24.75 to $34.50 Excellent values-in blue serge suits at $24.75 LADIES' NEW SILK UNDERWEAR NEW GEORGETTE WAISTS SEE OUR BIG WINDOW DISPLAY. Buy your ready made garments such as Suits, Coats, Skirt and Dresses now. Every indication points to higher prices as the season advances. OUR LADIES' FALL SUITS are priced at $29.50 to $69.00. I - LADIES' COATS in silk, plush and woolens $19.75 to $59.00. LADIES' DRESSES in all the latest materials $19.75 to $49.50. SKIRTS OF SILKS and fancy woolens in plain colors, stripes and plaids $4.98 to $21.50 Good Values in Men's Dress Shirts, each 98c Our New Fall Dress Hats for men are now in. Come in and get yours, the quality is A-l, guaranteed to hold their shape in all kinds of wea ther. Priced at , $3.98 and $4.50 Fx t ) 4 to e O S 133 a. re a Cl J. C. Penney Co., A Nationwide Institution. K TRUCKS MEANS SERVICE and we can give it ' Complete stock of parts. Republic-trained mechanics. Every service facility and a willing ness to serve. . And with' a real truck to start with" there's no way for a Republic owner to Jbe other than satis fied, happy and making money on his invest ment. . ; Pendleton Auto Co. GO LDEW WEST A Name to Look for on Butter Rather small run put In appearance in the swine alleys. There was no trading at the start of the day but the feeling in general was considered steady to former figures. General hog range: ; Prime mixed $20.00B20.50 Medium mixed .... 19.25 19.50 Rough heavies 18.00 18.60 Pigs ..i 18.00 20.00 With dnly a small run reported in the alleys over night, the general trend of the sheep trade was steady at North Portland for the day. Lombj were firmer with an advance of 25c over previous quotations. t General sheep and lamb range: Prime lambs U.6012.25 Fair to medium lambs.... 9.00ffl 10.00 Tearltngs 7.00 9.50 Wethers 0.00 7.50 Ewes 6.00 7.25 A LEADER IN QUALITY. No Activity In ' Coarse Oram Trade. Fractional changes In the prices of coarse grains again indicate little or no trading for the day, In barley the No. 2 grade was unchanged at $64.50 while standard feed barley went up a quarter, being at $67.25 today. Mill feed was quoted at $37 today but there Is "none on the market as yet and no sales are being made. Hay Is till being bid at about $30. t campus, he said. Ing forward to c The college is look big year this year. Stop Itching Skin There is one safe, dependable treat ment that relieves itching torture and skin irritation almost instantly and that cleanses and soothes the skin. Ask any druggist for a 35c or $1 bottle ofZemo and apply it asdirected. Soon you will find that irritations, pimples, blackheads, eczema,blotches, ringworm and similar skin troubles will disappear. A little Zemo, the penetrating, satis, fying liquid, is all that is needed, for it banishes most skin eruptions, make the skin soft, smooth and healthy. . The fi. W. Rose Co.. Cleveland, a OSBORNE TAXI SERVICE Sam Ot borne. Prop. , ' DAY AND NIGHT , to any part of the city. Stand at Cosy Billion! Parlor TEliEI'IrONE 463 DR. J. EDWIN SHARP . " " ' i Dental X-Ray by Appointment Gysl Articulated Dentures. Inland Kmntre Bank Bldg. ' Office Phone 330. Home Phone 794 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIII!II!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHH Home Made Flreless) Cookers t. Miss Klla May Harmon county de monstration agent has on display at her office In room 366, federal binld- Inr:. home made fireless cookers which will be shown to anyone who la Inter ested. Miss Harmon will also give as sistance In making the cookers, which can be made at nome ror a cook stove dryer, which will dry 50 pounds of-frult or vegetables, has been sent to Miss Harmon from O. A. t?. and will be loaned , for trial use to anyone who applies. The dryer can aleo be made at home. Returns from Corvallls. - Emll Selbert returned this morning from a short trip to Corvallts. While there he saiw a number of pieces of field artillery which will be used In connection with the extended military) training to be given at the O. A. C. this year. A new engineering build Ing Is alio nearly completed on the Auto Parts and Accessories : We not only sell AUTOS, but all accessor ies essential to the fitting out of AUTOMO BILES. . , " v , V- 1 GOODRICH AND GOODYEAR TIRES MONOGRAM OIL AN D. GREASES, , We have a department devoted entirely . to making repairs under the direction of expert mechanics. . , - . . Oregon Motor Garage BUICK HUDSON CADILLAC , Distributors . 19, 121 West Court St. Pendleton, Oregon rTiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiililiiiilliiiiiiilllililllllilllili