4 9,rrwiwiMf PAGE NINE DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1919. TWELVE TAGES EAST OREGONIAN SPECIAL NEWS OF UMATILLA CO. Pilot Rock Minister on . Vacation in California (Bunt Oregon Ian Special. PILOT ROCK, Aug 13. Word has en received here from the ItuV. J. T. Blokford ay'r(c tlint his return to Pilot Rock will be at least one week litter thHn he expected for the reason that Mm. Ilirktord mut undoriro un operation. The Itev. and Mm. Blnk ford are on their vacation in South ern California. ' Judne T. P. Cllltland left Pilot Rock Saturday for Portland, where ha and Mr. Ulllllund are temporarily rexld liilf. i i - Col. J. If. Raley passed' i through here Saturday en route to hie ranch In Oranlte Meadow. Mr. and Mr. A. J". Sclilanerbaum of Alhee, wore In the city on leijul bunlneaa Saturday, I Todd Ollltland and - family will In Portland with friend and rela tive. Owen Oirnea and family were am on the weekend vlBitur at Uliitmn bprliifc". Mr. H. 11. T.eHtor and daughter-, Mildred, pent the week-end with Mr. and Mr. John Unaner of West VVotib treet in I'endleton. ; Mi. Elory Michael who ha been 111 for the pant two week, I reported mtirh Improved. ! Mr. B. V HouhcI and lun Carl II. IfoiiHel, arrived here Friday from Idaho for a vlult with Mr. M. D. Orantre, dauKhter of Mr. Houscl. Mr. HouhoI hu Just returned from France and only a few day bko received hi discharge In 'Cheyenne. . Mian Hyacinth Done ha been a I guest at the Ifcrbort Boylon Br., home auring tun past week. Lon . Knott and family, Mr. tlcorae Mover, Kurle and, William Abbott, Kugeno Knottfl. Dudley Hnyd I ana Aiisse jivacinth Done, Manilla leave Friday for a two week visit i Wrijiht, Daphne Kinith, Grace Mch Is it Possible to Legislate life and Brains? . Swift & Company is primarily an organization of men, not a collection of brick, mortar, and machinery. Packing Plants, their equipment and useful ness are only outward symbols of the intelli gence, life - long experi ence, and right purpose of the men who compose the organization and of those who direct it Will not Government direc tion of the packing industry, now-contemplated by Congress, take over the empty husk of physical property and equipment and sacrifice the initiative, ex perience and devotion of these men, which is the life itself of ' the industry? - : " What legislation, what politi cal adroitness could replace such ' life and brains, once driven out? . Let us fend you Swift Dollar." It will interest you. Address Swift ft Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, 111. m Swift & Company, U. S. A. I Swift & Company, U.S. A. H lllj tdSsX ' . . ' ! i O f E AVERAGE OOUAR . I II 7C7 VsA I RECEIVED BY i i ftfjmmtiiamj&Ax swift &coMPANYrJ ' - .","-"2 LL . t " I ff FROM THC SAtf Of MEAT gfliZ'.j j ""I IT VV 'All n NOiYPoiucrs u Er! Ill III I II IIIIMli I j y AKf Wf IE ! CENT II PAID FOtt THE M fc Je - 1 f Qlm U L,v ANIMAL M i W ii'T g. VA D.l m It. M CENTS fOlt LAftOft B x Js Jw v a ixpcnscs and frciht S J S At 9tt9rtrr ( BE A LEADER "A wiu m4 t'f l'4t '" W' wimumty a my iijt r tnur mtoV Et Art immense problem in reconstruction confronts the present generation. I -Arc you doing your utmost to prepare to lead in its solution? 4 Oregon Agricultural College Trains for tdrhip in the induttrtet and profeBilon at follow i HOME ECONOMICS. AGRICULTURE. COMMERCE. FORESTRY, PHARMACY. MUSIC, VOCATIONAL EDUCATION, CIVIL ENGINEER I NO, ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, MECHANICAL ENGINEER INO. CHEMICAL ENQ I NICE RING. INDUSTRIAL ARTS. MINING ENGINEERING. LOGGING ENGINEERING, MILITARY SCIENCE. The Coll fe training includes count In Engltih, Economic. Art, Mathematics, Modern Language. Physical Education, Industrial JournalUm, Natural Sciences, and all essentia t of an education. Three regular terms Fall term begins September 22, 1919 TO It'.. rii i iut.li i -m '- S-'J For CnllTO Catalog. Illuatrated Booklrt and other information ad drew THE REGISTRAR. Oregon Agricultural College. Corvalli, rrarn ft.. . .3! j:vs. in i- i x " '"" """"" '""'y7i.MWt' ' 7'iM iwl -und HhwiI Holinei Inft rlHturtlu ultnrnoon fr a two wol on i Intr at tho ixipulur tnnuiiiiiln resflrt, lh man Hiring. A party Including Alex Snhafer, Arihle Itortil and Mlaup lildcn Kfhufer, Alta Hovlfti and Velum RnriltJi mnturrd to lAliinon HprlnK Butui day. returning Hunday fvenlnfr. A I TJuylrn hu purchaeil a now Hlndoliitkur Hlx from the liond Aut" Co. , A duliKlitfuf dltcrnoon wa Hpertt Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mr. R. T. Fannlnir when their duuKhter. Utile MIhh Muck-lone Fan nlnsr, entertained. The KueKt In eluded flretehen Hehwack, Sybil (I race Maeomber, Tlielma Jtankln, Iterbar Utter, IxiiH and Oooree Beharpf. The oeeanlon was the fourth birthday of the hoHte. , Al Boylen and family pent Sat urday In I'endleton. Mr. t 1. Ur.jcher write that ehe and ehildren are enJoyliiK their vln'1 to Kt'aMlde Immensely, thl belnrr their flrat trip to the beach alnce their ar rival from Iowa. In honor of h' brother in law. Carl Ifoueol. who has recently re turned from service In France, M. U. Oranse entertained a numlier of friend with an unique dinner In the Krove near Frank Duff home on Birch creek Sunday evenlnir The menu conalated of bear meat 1 and chicken with the tiKual trimming nd wa thoroiiHhly enjoyed by all. The guext were Hert Bchock, Geors M. Cnrne. Jodun I..M. Schannep, L.. 11. Hcharpf, W. N. Roycr. ticorge W. Done. (i. X. Johnton. LawrenM Wcharpf and th'j gueot of honor, Carl MoilHel. Wm. Conklln and W. CurtwrlBht aro ovemieelng the dairy of Alfred Hemphill while Mr. Hemphill and family are on an outing ut Ix-hmur. 8prln. W. T. Kldwell nnd family are no lnC to move Into Pilot Rock for the winter, having purchaed the Dave Wright realdcnce in the east part of town. Hardware Store at tFkiah Is Being Replaced by New (Kant Oreuonian Special.) fKIAH. Amr. 13. J. H. Wagner will begin at once to erect a new hard, ware tore on the corner where the hardware Btor burned down three year ago. The immune win oe z;x 70 feet. I'haen Mettle the contractor la now working on the cement foun dation. , , Cordon Mettle and Arthur Jone. who have been f t the Rig creek fire since July 3, came home Sunday evening and renort the - fire pretty well burned out, but a number of fire cuarri will be kept there for some time yet as the fire is still burning Inside of where they did the, backfiring. Mr. and Mr. Walter Boynton and Mr. and Mr, leroy Sullivan and daughter. of , llermiston, passed through town Monday en route to Hldaway springs for a few days' out ing after which they will return to Pklah to visit old time friends as Mr. and Mrs Boynton were among the early settlers of Camas Pralrl. Mr. and Mr. Jesse t.akley will leave Friday for Willamette valley lo remain permanently. Fayette Mettlo and -wife, left for Stnnfleld last week to assist Lou TIoksIo In jniltins up h: crop of al falfa. Waller Allison has purchased a New Ford runabout. A fire broke r.ut Saturday about noon in Ka Tnrasner pasture near Dale, about a mile from his house. Whi h destroyed conalduruble hay which wo In tho ljock. burning out fencing and also ftillo a lot of his glass. . A telephone nieBsage from Mi. Thrasher Monday. lut that they have the flro out now except a few burning loKV Tho origin of tho fire Is unknown, but I supposed to have been liirti-d from a cigar ette carelessly dropped by fishermen. Mr. Mary. Mangold of I'endleton. arrived In riilah Hnnduy, gulng on m Krldgi creek to Join her children who have been visiting with Mr. ana Mrs. Harldford Chllson since the C'rr.i- son funeral. Mr. and Mrs. Jink Howard of Al ba visited with Mr. and., Mr, rrca Vterfcm Monday. Miss Amies Mettle returned nonie aturdav from .'latter creek after vis iting for three v cek with ner imcr. Mr. Chapman. l .,r.n Nes who ha been visit Incr In PendleMn for the loaf montn with relat've returned home Fatur dnv. l-h-irlev Welch left for Pendleton Sunday on business. Mr. Wlll'am manager of the pen ,n..ln t-reamerv Co.. Dr. tv nneiuer snrl R.-rl'lev De Van I of Pilot nock werp In town a short t'lne Sunday. Frank Chapman and family or Hitl er creek were vislllnr at tljo J. i Me'tlo ranch over pontiay. The friends of Clvde Caldwell, jh,. at one time carried the mall ne- ween riilah and I.omr Creeic.. win I, a i.lused to earn of nis marr ae Miss Orace Hutchison of MI'rsn field at Wichita Falls some Percy Huirhes. Mrs. Hushes ana daughter. Anita, of Heppner. visneo .i ih. Mnd ranch last week with Mr. and Mr Charley Hynd. Dr. Kern and Flank Welch of pen rfi..ton t.assed iroun town nn thr.le return from Desjolatlon ... o. k where I hev hd b-cti ' om fishing trip. They visited for a short time In town with relative. MVm. J. H. Constants visited over ,.,!,. in CkL-th with ner nusoanu who Is running the arug store aoo pool hall. Mrs. Constants expect to r..nv. n town In the near future, Arthur Gilllland began driving atotro Mnndav morning Tklsh and Ixin.f creeks r rea l-eter. son having resigned to work for the government. Mr. and Mr. Howard i napman nri rtiiuehter of Walla wana, wno have been vlsltme; with relative in iTklsh for the last week, left for their home Tuesday morning. Florence Ncs left Tuesday for Pen dleton for a short visit. Mr. and . Mrs. H. C. Krelhblel and Ixitiia Mueller of 'Pendleton have been visiting for several days with Mr. and Mrs. O corse Vess. Baptismal services were held at the church Sunday and five children were taken Into the church., a fol-lt"-s: I .eta Peterson. Ford Peterson. Ulliaa Hynd. Virginia Lawrence and Mary Francis Chapman. time in General Pershing Holding Little Godson in His Arms El BABY'S HEAD Started h Pimples. Hair Fell Out Culicura Heals. When my little sister was six month old her head became affected with eczema. It started in pimple that spread all over her head and she irritated them by scratch fng. She was cross and fretful. Her hair all fell out. "We started to use Cu- ticura Soap and Ointment and used four cakes ot Soap and one fifty-cent box of Cint.nent to heal her." (Signed) Miss Anna Berger, R. 1, Box7,Spanaway,Wssh.,Sept.l7,'13. Cuticura For All Toilet Uses Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tal cum are all you need for your skin and all toilet uses. Bathe with Soap, soothe with Ointment, dust with Talcum. Unlike strongly medicated soaps, Cuticura Soap i ideal for the complexion because so delicate, o fragrrat and so creamy. Cuticura Talcumnnth.a mnii fnm eh Bkin and overcome, heavy perspiration. I' or .ample Sonp, Ointment and Talcum iMwaraK 'i-trnr. ir.pt It. neaiuau st jv if li , i t Ai ' ' ' ' i - ' -. M il t - l i ti .'. -W q j I .( f x ..T - v. - . I" f.i W i' KL I r News for the Housewife at Preserving Time Here is a recipe for preserving syrup that will give you finer jams, jellies and preserves and save you about one half your trouble. - Instead of all sugar use only one-half sugar and one-half Karo (Red Label)- You will find this means clear, firm jelly ; rich preserves with heavy syrup; and delicious jams, mellow and "fruity". Karo is a fine, clear syrup, with a natural affinity for the juices of the fruit. It blends the sugar with the fruit juice brings out all the "fruity" flavor. Furthermore, it prevents even the richest jam or jelly from "candying". . It does away with all the uncertainty of preserving, and just about cuts the work in half. For cooking:, Baking and Candy Making Karo (Red Label) is used in millions of homes. In all cooking and baking recipes use Karo instead of sugar. It is sweet, of delicate flavor, and brings out the natural flavor of the food. FREE A copy of the Corn Produots Cook Book is all ready to send to you as . . soon as we receive your name and address. It contains any number of helps to the woman . who expects to make preserves, jama or jellies. CORN PRODUCTS REFINING COMPANY r. O. B tat. . rw cit, V Use Karo (redlabeCy and1! sugar Makes perfe& jams jellies and preserves. There is only one place for that delicious CHOCOLATE tivneral Per-tun: f Bhts tieeause that is his profession. . Children are his hobby. It was no difficult task to induce htm to ut aside' his sword Ions; enough recently to act as spon sor at the christening of the Infant son of OiptRln and, Mrs. Sandvs pawes at Hernhlll.. Parish Church. near Faversham, Knprland.- He is seen here with the .baby in his arms. HOUSEHOLD tew 'iocey of chillctl watermelon in the bottom o a sherbet cup and then pile up with raspberry sherbet. At luncheon a pretty conceit is to pa, a bowl with crisp little sphcies of the melon In place of salad or any sort of '(id dish. Liver gravy ma' be flavored with lemon juice, onion or vinegar. When you have chicken giblets to use make a little pie of them. All breadcrumbs should be saved and dried to use in scalloped dishes. No carpet, with a canvas back should ever be broken over the line. Heavy Japanese crepe makes de lightful curtains for summer cottages. All medicine and drugs must be carefully kept out of the reach of i children. 1 If bread and butter forms the basis of a meal the rest of it must be savory. Outdoor luncheon seta made of un- blenched muslin are delightful to em broider. ' : A shelf devoted to newspapers and magazines alone is a distinct help to ward tidy housekeeping-. A in th Ilandkcrc-liiefs Colored linen handkerchiefs in the conventional shades of lavender, pink, yellow and blue show a drawn work band set in a little from the hemstitch ed hem. These handkerchiefs are es pecially dainty and any woman who likes colored handkerchiefs would bo sure to find them attractive. - Is Secretary, Miss D. H. Furman, recently elected assistant secretary of a Jrust company ln Npw Ynrlf litv i tho f i i--r to become an officer of any promlWnt ! banking institution in the metropolis. smoke' which blotted out the whole coast. It was necessary to save the valuable sh Ipand the valuable oil. With great difficulty she was towed ln- to shallower water, and then shots were fired into her until she sank and. " thus put out the fire. It was dangerous work, as tank lids and bits of iron were blowing up I all the time, and huge pools of blazing oil were floating on the sea for two days. ' A great deal of the oil was pumped, out successfully, and the tanker was patched up and towed into 1 dock for repair." " 1 j SALVAGE AX OIL SHIP One of the most extraordinary cases ot salvage was that of the 0 B. Jennings, an oil tanker from America, whose collision in the dark 1 with the AVar Knight was the sub ject of a law case the other day, says Manchester Guardian. he had many thousand tons of valuable oil on nythlng whatever that saves steps j "I,,;u "5 ? ' 4 "e . " r..,t, ia sparks caused by the collision set the A Wearisome It Hairy f "You never complain of the weath er' . . .. "Why complain? The best you can -do is to start somebody in an effort to show that he is a more accomplished . kicker than you are.-.-. - expense, but a necessity. The children can blow hubbies with an ordinary spool if it is first wet and then dfpped in strong soapsuds. FILL.EKS oil on fire and raised a column of rays $25,0(0 for Kareliorsp. . ' Z . lawrence- Waterbury. the famous polo player, bought Semmings Park from Col. Jefferson Livingston at Sara- ' toga for $25,0u0.: Semmings 1'srk"' was one of the best handicap horses in Z the south this. spring. . ffik I-" OKFOR "'" liSffifiL'jJ THE FED BALL KmtJ TRADE, MARK Tj? 'Modem" -1 Fiitailms f3 Ammunition Shooting RwOit I NfflSji '-Wetpropf- ' .J ICECREAM KOEPPEN'S rha Drue Stora That Serves , . Ton Bast. With Watermelon. j The usual way of servlna- ttater j melon ,1s quite a simple matter. The i melon Is cut In half, a half chilled In me iceuox. jt is then served on an enormous platter and everv one re ceives a sort of pie shaped piece. Some persons use a bit of salt, some others like sua-tir, and there ara those it is said, who like vinegar. Now, there" really are other good ways of itslnir this luscious melon. If you have a French potato ball cutter, maka little balls of the watermelon and drain these, and chill them Just Ixf ore served. Usually watermelon !; used as a dessert for dinner. Try It as nn appetiser. For this you should luive lather small nieces, and it would jbo nice terved in this way on a warm I day. Wninrinelon lentjs itself to sn!d 1 f.too. t'se lctluc-3 or r:her green leuves IfiT a foundation. Then add balls of: :n;o!m or firm pieces cut into cubes.: Ad-l :i Krcto-h di(?fc.m?. Parboiled) jKieo.i penpets thiit hsve been thot- lotiKhiy chilled arc r!co If cut up in j (Strives and rerved I cude the pieces .' j'-f nieii n tn a salsd hd, ' J i ' Vnterim lon -makes a nice founda tion tor a fresh fruit sherbit. Tut "1 Of the Great Pacific Northwest Are MadeEspeciallr Attractive This Summer by tho Reduced Excursion Fares . Offered br the United States Railroad Administration 1 Con Dung Low Louies riace Fine home-made FISH NOODLES Chili Con Came, Span ish style. Chop Suey, Chinese style. All kinds of Soup. - Short Order Meals. Good Steaks. Lunches, Coffee, etc. : China Tea for Sale UNDER STATE HOTEL Cor. Webb and Cotton-wood 8 to. Phone M7. Pendleton, Ore. coot SEA BREEZES' ILQW Clatsop Beschei North Beach Dnr 1K iK(k of ik TilUieook Beaches fm kiim farther NaA Ik ( ChH Newport AM i ML Rainier "Moft-. ri, ikre rnilr AhfrtL ( Timm, Um Plan your vacation to visit one or more of them, where the days are cheerful and the nijhu brinf refreshing sleep. OltJ OrpS n 13 tvmmer-time delight. Its 'r , Vr1 mviRoratinK wit-laden air and . the splash of its surf temper your nerves, redden ' your blood, whet your appetite, restore your wasted energy, bring new vim and health. Up in the Mountains itaaTM. tout a4 all in.Mirv aMat t am a vac. ita Mtiac -ilitifii. Crater Lake Yfc ral siisrs woaeH mt itn ft a a 1 1 r I an-aatal wile An4 lUtt ta Mt4l.il . Or, thaar aula ataaa Oreron Civm I f-. V D c i it a wWa-jt. i i uu ic9i; ouch a unaiienffei. A tKa lac, ttrkai Wi plmn yar lr. H anil U Ju what t fara m. tn4 ri mW Wiafvi li.ata. It t iIm m-m f Uu taii Slate KUr d A4attnwtrt u utMa rv pmmm to im makins vacatran twt wat u4 MUsfymf a Um Th Ntttaul "i Mt H Wm grtrntly lmpr4 md mmJim a Ky ara mw. aWMUtsiiy tJIatra( hwfcJat ftiaj min.t kfvnMKM ai Uwtr aMirl t4 tM.'t kv m4 by t(M A 4muuat rattan ajhi ara far lra MnMia Aft itw KtTfnt for nf 'rl'm Ask the agent for beautifully illuatrated folder givma; com. plete information of Beach and Mountain Retort of th Pacific Northwest, -... ' i i V. it. .