" V ' ' 1)4. !i V.1,".' - -' ' ' '" ' ' 1 V TWELVE VAGF3 DAILY EAST OUEGONIAN, PENDT-ETCyN, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, A UtjmiK. P 1AG13 SIX taW'. ,l,wt..l 1 1 SOCIAL ID PERSONALS l)r F. H Kmllh mid damthf-r. part In IVmlloton musloul activities. Vm Virginia Smith if Senle, are 'wninn during her two winters her tun! at the r-mne t.f Dr. Sum !. . pianist at the First 11-eabytorlan Mister tin. lt..e Campbell Mm '.chur.li. She 18 a graduate of the Ian Tatuin Mr A. C- Smith. IH-. , Lincoln high school of Portland and Umllh and Miss smith vlmled at lm- a former ft intent of the Oregon Nor luer recently arnl were also gucste ninl school. .. M the summer home of J..de and Mr. Kioharson is the on of Mr. and lira. J IU larkt. In Mrachaiu. 'Mrs. J. T. Kichardsnn of Pendleton. who wllh Mrs. V. C. K ITullt wore (!. W C K l'i xitt of t-cudlcton. ! among out of ,mvn fl,k l thV.wed 1h registered at the Svaurd iivgoii ding. Mr Richardson recently re Journal ! ceived his honorable discharge from (the army afier a year's service aa ser. Miaa Jean Olive Jacoln l"t even ing ecme the bride mf Harley II scant In the medical corps at Kelly Field. Texas. He la a native of I Grande where Mr. and Mrs. Rlchard- Itichardson. the prettily allolnted ; . ,K,- ,,.,,,- bcfnra com in crvice be:ng re.'d at the home of , n rpmiiptom and he la a prominent the bride'a par.-ita. Mr. and Mr"-!youn business man of that place, tlenrite Jacela n Tortland. at :S0, . ;t . clock by the Kev. O. I Clarit. j j,rJk H Haxen lias returned The bride ch(c a charming piarn 'from Seattle where she has spent the of white Georgette worn with a veil iast two Inonths. Mrs. Haaen attend snd ahe carried an arm bouquet of (J tlmim,r school' at the University w hite ameel peas, fashioned in a of Washington, ahower cluster. Her sister. Miss. Georitl. Jcl. was brideamaid and j Tannler Plan ScVkl' fitB: r x-r ssr w, peaa. Floyd Oardner attended , " f,. da, bu, hls best (nan and tne . - ,. iu.i. . the guest of friends. Mr. Richardeon hs wed ill UK muaio was played by Mary Bullock. Only relatives were present for the event and an informal reception at the Jacoha home followed the cere mony. After abort trip Xlr. and Mrs. Richardson will mane ineir . home In La Grande w here Mr. Rich- i ardaon la a member of the firm of Miss Hester Paker and Miss Anna ' Mr. -nd Mrs. K. J. Collins will leare on Friday for the north fork of mca ch.ani Creek, where they will spend two weeks. the W1 vert home Vrrtg Co. Morrison, of Pocatello. are in the city. Hie bride spent two years in Pen- Mr .and Mrs. William Franklin are dletoa and kae often visited here. She at the St. George from Boise. , taught in both the Washington and ' Ira Strong and Bill Riley are Boise Lincoln schools and took a prominent visitors to Pendleton. Twig Teel, Jr.. is up from llcrmia ton. S. Muck of Hoardnian, la at the St, George, . 5 N J. Plydenstehi and W. 5tchwartx senberg are in Sninilflold today on a businea strip. They left on No. 17. . Mrs. V. T. Holllster la In the city to day from Gurduiio. Asa B. Thompson, prominent Kcho farmer and formerly mayor of that city. Is a Pendleton visitor. Mr. Thompson is in the garage business at present. v M. IX Spencer Is in the city today from Portland. Mrs. Poseph Cunha and Mrs. Blaine Klnle.v are in the city today from Echo for a day's shopping. K. B. Hare of San Francisco Is regis tered at Hotel Pendleton. Walter Watson, is In the city from "Walla Walla today. ' , H. L. Copeland is a Pendleton visi tor from Walla Walla." . O. F. McGinn Is a local visitor from Seattle. 1 K. E. Smith Is In the city from Spo kane. i J., M. nevers la here tuduy from "Salem. " K. Coburn is a Pendleton, visitor from Spokane toda,y. W. H. Puttook Is in tho city today from Spokane. F. E. Earnheart. of Umatilla, was in the city yesterday.' ' Jean Kirkpatrick was here yester day from Pilot Rock. ' ' K. B. Casteel was in the city yester day from Pilot JRock. Mr. and Mrs. M. U. Steele are local visitors from Portland. e WHEH COOP FRIENDS GET TOGETHER FORD'S PARTY S fe w R m 0i i -I I . niant at Green Island. n r GKECTISIAN.TWTien HeniToraT.Suea " iL Of couTom Edison and John combined bnsines. with pleaaure ni.d , m. am in . IVU Ol course mM- mad(J Burronghs were In the party. A Cadillac JM nto j " 'Pt" t entlre party ,: H. 8. Fire- Henry Ford, CUauncey D. Uakea and Samuel Ott- The E. R. Pal-ker System in Dentistry What It Means to You DR. PARKER By DR. PARKER Founder end Executve Head of the E. R. Parker System pi IE E. R. Parker System means the use of evefy known A and proved method to give you good dentistry. It means better teeth for everybody, and this means oeuer pcu. It means a fair price for dental work done by specialists. It means that every effort is made to give entire satisfac tion to every patient "treated in a Parker System office. This System has succeeded because it believes in the Square Deal, and the Square Deal is the only thing that ever wins out. -rvnc n,,i;.r r.f niic.mo' nnfl sntisfvin? the people has been followed from the foundation of the business twenty-seven years ago. Dental offices similar to the one in this city have 15ee,v established I in. different parts of the country, and each branch is a credit to the community i;l which it is located. ' "lI,R. Parker System offices grow, and they grow faster as the public bc ' comes familiar with the dependable' services they render. The System stands for progress for what is newest and best. Under the 0. R. Parker System, Registered Dentists will do your work as well as dental work can be done, and do it at a price you can afford to pay. Do not neglect your teeth. Let Registered Dentists using the System ex amine them free and tell you in advance how little the price will be to rut them in good condition again. . Registered Dentists Using the E. R. PARKER SYSTEM CORNER COURT AND MAIN STREETS b-W.T kv . " ilMMlllinila'.i.M.- KIA11S, ILL. When a strike of traction MP'W".!. J TSito? which turnlshe. power to issue the Eluln Dally Courier. lUtStorS coupled to large dynamo pres. room. ARMY MARKS FORCE FOOD PRICES DOWN WASHINGTON. Aug. 13. Uedueed prices on 13 food products on s:ile by the army, were announced by the war department today. The reductions were caused by retailers wno tried to meet army prices. Further reductions will be mude if food prices again decrease. wi B ouses SMART STYLES BEST QUALITY , REASONABLY PRICED Dainty and cool are those smart new Blouses of voile, organdy, Georgette, crepe de chine and Pongee. ' ' . ; ' 7 Difercnt Better Cheaper $2.50 $15.00 ' COMPARISON INVITED a wwiiimii win iiiniH i gmm i ; , THREAT TliKATY WILIj 1K. (Continued from Page 1.) "that there Us srreat demand In the senate and country for action, askinsi when It mtlglit be expected. I said that unless some effort was made to expedite matters in the committee an effort would be made to brlnK about action on the senate floor. Senator Lrfidge, chairman of the committee. Raid he was In favor of expediting matters as much as. possible and did not believe there hud been any arti ficial delay so far. I told the com mittee they could put on as many amendments as they saw fit in the committee and we would promptly beat them in the senate." Hitchcock said Senator Fall hart o... bitter de bate, bordering fct time on the per. Bi.nnl. , Fall, commenting; on it, said he objected to Ilitrbcork's manner. Accuse rreslrtent. republicans awcrtcd that the pres ident's position npears to be that of withholding Instead of e'ng information. Cliarg-e German Hand. "WASHINOTO.V, Aug. 13. Charges that Republican?, are using money furnished by fierman interests to fight the league of nations in this country were made in the house today by Representative Hcflln. Democrat. He said opposition to the P-ague Is com ing largely from districts benefited by the manufacture .of munitions. NEWS NOTES OF, PENDLETON ,.l.,li.tn i.Va.lfrllt IkOltltl. The O.-W. K. & JN. uepoi on jnam street Is, being pulnted. Tho color Is ellow. with brown trimming, the standard color scheme used by the O. i W. K. & N. Co. for buildings. Kcturiis lVoul lliiydcn iJiko. VV. l Thompson, presiueni 01 i American National Bunk, returned this noon from Hayden ljike where J he spent the week end with Mrs Thompson. New tioiinrilimin to Serve. William Dunn, successor to Frank King as councilman ill iiu .. will bo seated with the council this evening. Mr. wunn s upiioini."' confirmed last weak. . t II S tOM'KKTK Al W1HK TiLiar- bkixti:i is Aiti tx)R fi:athuiu;i i:i-sts .SYSTEM, TELEPHONE 1000 Ur. Ja.J o'recr Dr. W. C iniflax. Dr. It. . Vliwon Dr. A. J. Howard Dr. V. A. Ki!rall VFT CHKSTBIl, Pa., Aug. 13. Dr. H. Harry Warren, for years state taxidermist and the dean of all bird lovers in this part of the state, Is having erected l'l'on hi lawn an Im itation tree made ;of concrete and wire dexiirncd ns a refuge for his bird friends. The "tree" is about 18 feet in height and tne concrete extenlor Imitates, the bark of an oak.. - If ore and there are openings, u un signed for flickers or other large birds, some for martins and small, cozy places, for wrens. It is a most enticing place for the birds. The concrete "tree" will be piacea on me lawn at the bungalow of Dr. Warren and at the base w:i1 be a large con crete basin designed as a bath for all bird callers. ' Already 33 martins have establish ed homes In a box erected for their use, and many other species are nest ing about the grounds. A NEW SHIPMENT OF KODAKS ,11 Ms'sl liV 1 if ifl 1 lasts just: received. We can supply your wants in double", lense Kodaks while this shipment Wc can sell you a Kodak from $2.73 up. LAD A. HOW DO YOU LIKE HER? j&&y' V&frmix&&,v- . J . gi - :,hitwf'''' "''" "ikk Vd Am; "( 'Sk :. . -. t', - . ,'.wwMWMf - , ' X yjtwj'i c ""W"?-.. " ... v.-:-'-V: v-. 'i Jv..- is t . JlHrsXi-J?rT4f ""m" 'is. : V . : Si I iF.-).x-.:rtv wtw-y tSaW W ' & ' ewwxwmvwwr?f www". ,A."-". ?:.'.::. S' 'X W&jxt. V. W kwwww" W .y i-.s K :'; V.vKimw"',f jestitw "Tfc v :: V'Wrt' W ' " 1 'soW M tcrtiwe -f . . 1 , .wtwrnwww wwfi: J ' '" x'- 1 vTWKK7W 's vir ' . : - - i " : : tn&mto&):e.KJf sbtsbhw 1 , 2 $ txMoc ' " - IHKWM , , . , . . . WW'.-vtv ..M ,X ... J ,.':-. i .'.(;: ;; 4 :. (. wwnftJ rwe , 4 I ( " Xjjjr(W fc. L : 4 : -SaVV 1 : : t , .-. 1 : t v t v t f ' ""iitriy j JS'."' The Pendleton Drug Co. ' llell.x OfnrJiil.i Stuily I'uvMiks. Mavor A. It. Cray and Council man W. H. Albee of Helix pent a couple of days in the Yakima1 v.ili"y last week and impeded the various 'nds of nnvlng in I'ne at Kunnv.!lue. Prosser, Yakima and Nache " the Advocate.. Concrete paving- aiems tc be the favorim with the res'dent.4 ot that region. l'uj of wearim; qualities' and low cost. At I'rosT Messrs. Alhee end Cray Imported .ight I'ocks of r. rote paving wh c'l had been in use for four years and; v.as Just aa smooth and intact as ltj was the day -It wa completed. Many miles -of this m-ide of paving are bej lug t'oiistruclt-d In the cities above named and at Nnchca five miles o( concrete highway are under coti Ktruetton. Tneiie gentlemen reported their finding to the epeclal meet ' lug of the Helix common council held Saturday night. . WIMi V7TO RI'KAIi Itllfi WASIUXCJTOy. Au. 13. 11 Is learned at the white Ihhiso today that lrciih-nt Wilson will veto tlie bill re-H-alliiK dayllgtit saving, wliicJl la now : before lilm. CKW VORK-'Xada " , It Isn't the key for the latest "-' urress but the name of the latest dancing success. She me into Hvlni " HnST." y the New York Sun. Llda U a pla.tlcian" in d l.lta-r of the phonetic art," If yo.,know what tha means. , If you don't, have a look. She ll visit the l acific coast u marctt, which judging b her costume l good sense. 5 '5' I 1U 'A M VlJ I i"t '111 i yyi'.r.x.OTa 1 -nwii EOALSALE THIS WEEK OF COPPER-CLAD KAINliUS For the rest of this week we' are offering: the famous COPPER-CLAD RANGE at a special price that will be of interest to you. This ranse needs no introduction to you, but we would be pleased to have you come call, in order that we may show you its many new features. For beautv, service and durability it can't be beat. IN ADDITION WE OFFER YOU THE GREAT COIL BED SPRINGS FOR ONLY $5.50. W. C. Crawford FURNITURE Formerly Crawford & Hedges 19